Chapter 22: t distribution

A sample from a normal distribution.

Motivating Scenarios:
We have a normally distributed sample, but only an estimate of its standard deviation—not the true population parameter. How can we estimate uncertainty and test hypotheses in this case? Alternatively, we may have a linear model and want to understand the commonly used test statistic, the t-statistic.

Learning Goals: By the end of this chapter, you should be able to:

The Dilemma and the Solution

The Dilemma

We previously explored samples drawn from a normal distribution. A key takeaway was the Z-transformation:

This transformation allows us to meaningfully express values as their distance, in standard deviations, from the population mean.

However, there’s a problem: We typically have a sample estimate of the standard deviation (s), not the true population parameter (σ). As a result, the standard normal distribution (or Z distribution) isn’t exactly correct—it doesn’t account for the uncertainty in our estimate of the standard deviation. While it’s close, it’s not perfect.

The Solution

The solution to this dilemma is to use a different sampling distribution which incorporates the uncertainty in our estimate of the standard deviation. This the distriubtion is known as the t-distribution. Unlike the standard normal distribution, there are many t-distributions, each associated with a certain number of degrees of freedom (which reflects the number of observations that can vary before all values are determined).

The t-distribution closely resembles the standard normal distribution, but its tails are “fatter” to account for the possibility of underestimating s. As our sample size (and degrees of freedom) increases, the t-distribution approaches the standard normal distribution (see Fig 1), because we gain more confidence in our estimate of the standard deviation.

A gif comparing the Z distribution and t distributions across different degrees of freedom. The x-axis is labeled 'value,' and the y-axis is labeled 'prob_density.' A red curve, representing the Z distribution, is centered at 0, with a peak at approximately 0.4. The plot shows a symmetric bell shape typical of the normal distribution, and the letter 'Z' is displayed near the center of the curve. The red line (indicating the t distirbuiton) gets closer to the black line (the Z-distribution) as the degrees of freedom increase.

Figure 1: Comparing the t (black) and standard normal (Z, red) distributions for different degrees of freedom.

t as a Common Test Statistic

Since most sampling distributions are normal, but we rarely know the true population standard deviation, t-values are frequently used in statistics. Each time we encounter a t-value, it tells us how many standard errors our estimate is away from the hypothesized parameter under the null hypothesis. You will see t-values in almost every linear model, so it’s essential to become familiar with them. Here, we introduce the t-statistic by considering a single sample.

Put simply t is the distance (in standard errors) between our estimate and its proposed value under the null (incorporating uncertainty in our estimate of the standard deviation)

Calculations for a t-Distribution

Calculating t

Similar to the Z-distribution for a sample mean, the t-value represents the number of standard errors between our sample mean and the population parameter. The calculation for a t-value is essentially the same as for a Z-value: we subtract the hypothesized population parameter, μ0, from our sample estimate, ¯x, and divide that difference by the sample standard error, s/n.


Calculating the Degrees of Freedom

The degrees of freedom indicate how many individual data points we need to know after constructing our model of interest, before we can determine all the data points.

For example, if you have a sample of size:

Thus, when estimating a sample mean ¯x, from a sample of size, n, the degrees of freedom equal the sample size minus one: dft=n1

Calculating a Confidence Interval

We use the t-distribution to calculate the 1α% confidence interval for the estimated mean of a sample from a normal distribution.

To estimate the upper (or lower) 1α confidence interval, we take our estimate and add (or subtract) the product of the sample standard error and the critical value, which separates the middle 1α of the distribution from the tails. This approach ensures the interval contains 95% of sample means estimated from a population.

(1α)% CI =¯x±tα/2×SEx=¯x±tα/2×sx/n

Here, tα/2 is the critical two-tailed t value for a specified α level. We can find tα/2 in R using the qt() function: qt(p = alpha/2, df = 9). Remember, we divide α by two to account for both sides of the sampling distribution. The figure below illustrates the critical value (two-tailed α=0.05) for a sample from the t-distribution with nine degrees of freedom.

For example, the lower bound of a 95% confidence interval for a sample of size 10 can be calculated as:

What is t.05/2,df=9? From 2, it appears to be slightly less than 2.5. Let’s determine the exact value!

A plot of the sampling distribution for t with 9 degrees of freedom. The x-axis represents the t-values, ranging from -5 to 5, and the y-axis represents probability density. The bell-shaped curve peaks around a t-value of 0, with 95 percent of the sample means lying between the two critical values, shown by red shaded areas in the tails. The critical values are indicated by red dashed vertical lines at approximately -2.5 and 2.5, corresponding to a two-tailed 𝛼 = 0.05. A label inside the middle of the curve reads *95 percent of sample means are here*.

Figure 2: The sampling distribution for t with nine degrees of freedom. The red area shows the middle 95% of the distribution.

Finding the Critical Value in R

If you’ve taken statistics courses before, you might remember using statistical tables to look up critical values. R simplifies this with the q_ (for quantile) family of functions. For example, with a sample of size 10:

This finds the t-value that separates the upper 97.5% of the distribution (because lower.tail = FALSE) from the rest. So, for a sample of size 10, a 95% confidence interval would be:

Figure 3 shows the critical t-values for two-tailed 95% and 99% confidence intervals across a range of degrees of freedom.

A plot showing critical t-values (points and dashed lines) for degrees of freedom ranging from 2 to 20, along with solid horizontal lines representing critical Z-values for 95 percent (red) and 99 percent (blue) confidence intervals. The x-axis represents the degrees of freedom, and the y-axis shows the critical t-values. Critical Z-values are labeled on the right side of the plot for alpha levels 0.05 and 0.01, with text annotations indicating the corresponding alpha and critical Z-values of 2.58and 1.96 for alpha = 0.01 and alpha = 0.05, respectively. As the degrees of freedon increase, the crtical t-value gets closer to the critical Z value.

Figure 3: The critical t (points and dashed lines) and Z (solid horizontal lines) values for 𝛼= 0.01 and 𝛼= 0.05 in blue and red, respectively.

Calculating a p-value

Remember, the p-value represents the probability that a random sample from the null distribution would have a test statistic as or more extreme than the one we observed.

For example, let’s say we have a sample size of 10 and calculate a t-value of -1.5. To find the corresponding p-value, we would determine where this test statistic falls on the sampling distribution for t with nine degrees of freedom and integrate the area from that point to . We then multiply this value by two to account for both tails of the distribution (i.e., the blue shaded region in Figure 4).

A plot showing the sampling distribution for t with 9 degrees of freedom. The x-axis represents the t-values ranging from -5 to 5, and the y-axis represents the probability density. The peak of the distribution occurs at t = 0, with red dashed lines at approximately -2.26 and 2.26 representing the critical values for alpha = 0.05. The blue shaded regions in the tails of the distribution represent values more extreme than the test statistic of -1.5. Annotations explain that 'Draws from the null that are less extreme than ours' lie between the critical values, while 'More extreme than the test stat of 1.5' corresponds to the blue shaded regions.

Figure 4: The sampling distribution for t with nine degrees of freedom. The area in blue represents values as or more extreme than the test statistic, -1.5. Red lines indicate the critical value.

While it is difficult to estimate the exact p-value by eye (I would guess the blue area integrates to about 0.2), this outcome suggests that p>α, so we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Calculating a p-value in R with pt()

We can use the pt() function to find the probability that a random sample from the t-distribution has a test statistic as extreme or more extreme than ours. Make sure to consider both tails of the distribution (that’s why we multiply by two)!

df         <- 9
observed_t <- 1.5
p_val      <- 2 * pt(q = observed_t, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)

The code above returns a p-value of 0.168, consistent with our visual estimate. Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Calculating the Effect Size

The t-statistic is useful for hypothesis testing and accounting for uncertainty in our estimates, but it does not measure the size of the effect. A common measure of effect size, known as Cohen’s d, indicates how many standard deviations our estimate is away from the null proposed by the mean (usually zero):

Cohen's d=¯xμ0sx


While exact values and importance depnds on the system and questions at stake, as a rough guidline we qualitvly categorize Cohen’s D as a small, medium, large or very large effect as follows:

Cohen’s d Value Effect Size
0.0 - 0.5 Small effect
0.5 - 0.8 Medium effect
0.8 - 1.2 Large effect
> 1.2 Very large effect

I recommend including Cohen’s D as a measure of effect size whenever it makes sense.

Assumptions of the t-Distribution

The t-distribution assumes that:

What to Do When We Violate Assumptions

As always, bias is very difficult to address and is best managed by designing a better study.
Non-independent data can be modeled, but such models are beyond the scope of this chapter.
Whether the mean is a meaningful summary is a biological question.

The normality assumption is the easiest to address. If this assumption is violated, we can:
- Ignore it (if the violation is minor) because the central limit theorem helps us. OR
- Transform the data to an appropriate scale. OR
- Use bootstrapping to estimate uncertainty and/or conduct a binomial test, treating values greater than μ0 as “successes” and less than μ0 as “failures” (covered in future chapters).
- As a non-parametric alternative to the paired t-tests, we can generate a null sampling distribution by permuting within a pair, and find a p-value as the proportion of the null sampling distribution that is as or more extreme than our observation.

One-Sample t-Test example.

Has Climate Change Moved Species Uphill?

A common use of the t-distribution is to test the null hypothesis that the mean takes a specific value. This is called a one-sample t-test.

For example, aimed to test the hypothesis that organisms are moving to higher elevations as the climate warms. They collected data from 31 species, plotted below (Fig 5).

This plot illustrates **elevational range shifts** (in meters) in response to climate change. The **y-axis** represents the elevational range shift, with values ranging from -100 to 120 meters. Each point on the plot corresponds to a data entry, with **teal-colored points** indicating shifts that are **uphill** (above 0 meters), and **red-colored points** representing shifts that are **downhill** (below 0 meters). The points have been jittered horizontally to improve visibility and reduce overlap. A **dashed horizontal line** at **y = 0 meters** serves as a reference point to separate uphill shifts from downhill shifts. Two labels are positioned next to the groups of points: a teal *uphill* label near the points above the zero line, and a red *downhill* label near the points below the zero line. The plot also includes a **vertical error bar** at x = 0, showing the mean and confidence interval for the elevational range shifts.

Figure 5: Change in the elevation of 31 species. Data from . code here


The first step is to summarize the data. Let’s calculate the mean, sample size, standard deviation, and Cohen’s D (assuming μ0=0).

mu_0 <- 0
range_shift_summary <- range_shift %>%
  summarise(n = n(),
            this_mean = mean(elevationalRangeShift),
            this_sd   = sd(elevationalRangeShift),
            cohens_d  = (this_mean - mu_0) / this_sd)
n this_mean this_sd cohens_d
31 39.33 30.66 1.28

So we see that species’ ranges have shifted upwards by about 39.3 meters, which is more than one standard deviation in the change in elevation across species.

Evaluating Assumptions

051015California USACzechFranceItalyMadagascarMalaysiaMarion IslandSpainSwitzerlandUKUSAVermont USAWest Europe
taxonaquatic bugsbirdsbutterfiesbutterfliesdragonflies and damselfliesfishgrasshoppers and alliesground beetlesharvestmenherptileslacewingslonghorn beetlesmammalsmillipedesmothsplantsspider beetles and alliesspiderswoodlicecountlocation

Figure 6: Taxa and locality information from . code here

The distribution of range shifts in the @Chen2011 data. [code here](

Figure 7: The distribution of range shifts in the data. code here

It looks like we’re ready to move on! However, we should keep non-independence in mind as a potential concern.


We can estimate the uncertainty in our range shift estimate either through bootstrapping or by using the formulae mentioned above.

Bootstrap-Based Estimates of Uncertainty

As before, we can simulate a sampling distribution by resampling from our data with replacement multiple times. The variability in this sampling distribution provides an estimate of uncertainty.

n_reps <- 5000
replicate(n = n_reps, simplify = FALSE,
          expr = range_shift %>%
            slice_sample(prop = 1, replace = TRUE) %>%
            summarise(mean_vals = mean(elevationalRangeShift))) %>%
  bind_rows() %>%
  summarise(se = sd(mean_vals),
            lower_95CI = quantile(mean_vals, prob = 0.025),
            upper_95CI = quantile(mean_vals, prob = 0.975))
# A tibble: 1 × 3
     se lower_95CI upper_95CI
  <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
1  5.41       28.9       50.0

t-Distribution-Based Estimates of Uncertainty

Alternatively, we can approximate the sampling distribution using the t-distribution. Recall that the standard error is given by sn:

alpha <- 0.05

range_shift_summary %>%
  mutate(se = this_sd / sqrt(n),
         lower_95CI = this_mean + se * qt(p = alpha/2, df = n-1, lower.tail = TRUE),
         upper_95CI = this_mean + se * qt(p = alpha/2, df = n-1, lower.tail = FALSE)) %>%
  dplyr::select(se, lower_95CI, upper_95CI)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
     se lower_95CI upper_95CI
  <dbl>      <dbl>      <dbl>
1  5.51       28.1       50.6

Reassuringly, these values are quite close to those we obtained via bootstrapping.

Hypothesis Testing

Let’s lay out the null and alternative hypotheses:

How do we test this null hypothesis? Honestly, it’s a bit tricky to think of a good permutation approach here, so let’s stick with the t-distribution method!

Calculations for Hypothesis Testing in R

First, let’s calculate the test statistic t=¯xμ0sex, and then use the pt() function to look up the p-value, remembering to multiply by two to account for both tails of the distribution.

mu_0 <- 0 # Null hypothesis: zero change

range_shift_summary %>%
  mutate(df = n - 1,                                      # Degrees of freedom
         se = this_sd / sqrt(n),                          # Standard error
         t  = (this_mean - mu_0) / se,                    # t-statistic
         p_val = 2 * pt(q = abs(t), df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)) %>%  # Two-tailed p-value
  dplyr::select(df, t, p_val)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
     df     t        p_val
  <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl>
1    30  7.14 0.0000000606

We find a very small p-value, suggesting that it is highly unlikely the null hypothesis would generate such extreme data. Since the p-value is smaller than the traditional α threshold, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that species ranges have shifted upward.

It’s important to remember, though, that rejecting the null doesn’t mean it’s wrong—it just means we’re proceeding as if it’s not true.

Functions for t-Testing in R

Alternatively, we could use the t.test() function in R, setting μ to the value proposed by the null hypothesis.

mu_0 <- 0 # Null hypothesis: zero change
t.test(x = pull(range_shift, elevationalRangeShift), mu = mu_0)

    One Sample t-test

data:  pull(range_shift, elevationalRangeShift)
t = 7.1413, df = 30, p-value = 6.057e-08
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 28.08171 50.57635
sample estimates:
mean of x 

Reassuringly, we get the same result from t.test() as we did from our manual calculations! We still reject the null hypothesis. As a bonus, the t.test() function also returns the confidence intervals, which again match our calculations.

To clean up the model output and make it easier to interpret, we can use the tidy() function from the broom package. To further illustrate this while advancing our analysis, let’s run the same test again, but this time exclude samples from the UK to minimize the influence of an overrepresented country.

range_shift_noUK <- range_shift %>%
  filter(str_detect(taxonAndLocation, "UK", negate = TRUE)) # Remove observations from the UK

t.test(x = pull(range_shift_noUK, elevationalRangeShift), mu = mu_0) %>%
# A tibble: 1 × 8
  estimate statistic  p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method     
     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>      
1     48.6      4.95 0.000215        14     27.5      69.7 One Sample…
# ℹ 1 more variable: alternative <chr>


After doing our stats, we must write about them sensibly. This should be a narrative and not a boring list of numbers. Here’s an example:

On average, species have shifted their range to higher elevations, with a mean shift of 39.3 meters, a standard error of 2.21 meters, and a 95% confidence interval between 28.1 and 50.6 meters. Although there is some variability among species (sd = 30.7), this variability is overshadowed by the overall trend toward higher elevations (Cohen’s d = 1.28). Such a large shift is highly unlikely under the null hypothesis (t = 7.14, df = 30, p = 6.06×108). This result is not driven by the UK samples, which make up half of the dataset—we observe a similar result (mean = 48.6 meters, 95% confidence interval between 27.5 and 69.7 meters) after excluding them.

Paired t-Test

A common use of the paired t-test is to compare groups when there are natural pairs in each group. These pairs should be similar in every way, except for the difference we are investigating.

We cannot just pair random individuals and call it a paired t-test.

For example, suppose we wanted to test the idea that more money leads to more problems. We give some people $100,000 and others $1 and then measure their problems using a quantitative, normally distributed scale.

  • If we randomly gave twenty people $100,000 and twenty people $1, we could not just randomly form 20 pairs and conduct a paired t-test.
  • However, we could pair people by background (e.g., find a pair of waiters at similar restaurants, give one $100k and the other $1, then do the same for a pair of professors, a pair of hairdressers, a pair of doctors, and a pair of programmers, etc., until we had twenty such pairs). In that case, we could conduct a paired t-test.

Paired t-test Example:

tested the existence of “generalized reciprocity” in the Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus. They investigated whether a rat that had just been helped by a second rat would be more likely to help a third rat compared to if it had not been helped. Female focal rats were trained to pull a stick attached to a tray that provided food for their partners but not for themselves. Each focal rat was then subjected to two treatments: in one, the rat was helped by three unfamiliar rats (who pulled the stick), and in the other, the focal rat received no help from three unfamiliar rats (who did not pull the stick). The order of treatments was randomized. Afterward, the focal rat’s tendency to pull for an unfamiliar partner rat was measured by the number of pulls per minute. The data, showing the number of pulls by 19 focal female rats after both treatments, is available here and is plotted below.

Plot showing the change in helpfulness scores for individuals based on whether they received help (Yes or No). The x-axis represents *Received help* (Yes or No), and the y-axis represents *Helpfulness score* ranging from 0 to 1.5. Each individual is represented by a line connecting their helpfulness score between the two conditions (No and Yes). The color of the lines indicates whether the score increased (green, positive sign), decreased (red, negative sign), or stayed the same (blue, neutral sign). Most lines show an increase in helpfulness scores when individuals received help.

Figure 8: Evidence for generalized reciprocity? Lines connect how helpful individual rats were to others (measured as the number of pulls to give another rat food) when the focal rat did or did not receive help themselves. Data from . code here. data here.

We can perform a paired t-test by running a one-sample t-test on the difference between paired observations of individual rats with a null difference of zero, as follows:

t.test(pull(rat_dat, help_minus_nohelp), mu = 0) %>% 
# A tibble: 1 × 8
  estimate statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method      
     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>       
1    0.219      2.42  0.0264        18   0.0287     0.409 One Sample …
# ℹ 1 more variable: alternative <chr>

Or by telling R to run a paired t-test directly, as follows:

t.test(pull(rat_dat, AfterHelp), pull(rat_dat, AfterNoHelp), paired = TRUE) %>% tidy()
# A tibble: 1 × 8
  estimate statistic p.value parameter conf.low conf.high method      
     <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>       
1    0.219      2.42  0.0264        18   0.0287     0.409 Paired t-te…
# ℹ 1 more variable: alternative <chr>

Either way, we get the same result: we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that rats who received help are more likely to help others (though we must remember the possibility of a false positive).


Figure 9: Quiz on the t here

Extra Material for the Advanced / Bored / Curious


Showing that t is like z with an unknown standard deviation

n_reps      <- 5000
sample_size <- 10
mu_0        <- 50
pop_sd      <- 20

bind_rows(tibble(vals = rnorm(n = n_reps * sample_size, mean = mu_0, sd = pop_sd),
                 replicate = rep(1:n_reps, each = sample_size)) %>%
            group_by(replicate) %>%
            summarise(t = (mean(vals) - mu_0) / (sd(vals) / sqrt(n()))) %>%
            mutate(simulation = "normal n = 10"),
          tibble(t = rt(n = n_reps, df = 9),
                 simulation = "t. df = 9")) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = t, fill = simulation)) +
  geom_density(alpha = .2) + 
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  labs(title = "Showing that the t-distribution works",
       subtitle = "Comparing rt(n = n_reps, df = 9) to the means of ")

A Sign Test for Data that Don’t Meet Normality Assumptions

In our range example, the data clearly meet the assumptions of normality. But what if they didn’t? A common solution is to conduct a sign test. This involves counting the number of observations greater than the null expectation and conducting a binomial test against the null hypothesis that the numbers greater than and less than the null are equally likely (this is called a sign test).

NOTE: We haven’t covered this test yet, but we will later in the term. For now, think of it as a test of the null hypothesis that the difference is equally likely to be positive or negative.

p_0 <- 0.5
range_sign <- range_shift %>%
  mutate(sign = sign(elevationalRangeShift - mu_0)) %>%
  filter(sign != 0) %>% # remove zeros
  summarise(n = n(),
            up = sum(sign == 1))

binom.test(x = pull(range_sign, up), n = pull(range_sign, n), p = p_0)

    Exact binomial test

data:  pull(range_sign, up) and pull(range_sign, n)
number of successes = 12, number of trials = 31, p-value =
alternative hypothesis: true probability of success is not equal to 0.5
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.2184996 0.5781304
sample estimates:
probability of success 

Likelihood-Based Inference for a Sample from the Normal Distribution

We calculate likelihoods and perform likelihood-based inference for samples from a normal distribution in exactly the same way as we did previously. This process assumes we are using population parameters. Therefore, we calculate the standard deviation as the distance of each data point from the proposed mean, divided by n rather than n-1.

The big benefits of likelihood-based inference are:

  1. Flexibility: We’re using it here for a simple t-test, which can be done without likelihoods. However, likelihood-based inference can be applied to any model you can write down, making it very useful when your data violate assumptions or when there is no standard test.

  2. Use in Bayesian inference: Likelihoods are integral to Bayesian approaches.

Example: Are species moving uphill?

Calculating Log-Likelihoods for Each Model

First, we’ll grab our observations and propose a range of means—let’s say from -100 to 200 in increments of 0.01.

observations   <- pull(range_shift, elevationalRangeShift)
proposed_means <- seq(-100, 200, 0.01)
  1. Copy the data as many times as we have parameter guesses.
  2. Calculate the population variance for each proposed parameter value.
  3. Calculate the log-likelihood of each observation for each proposed parameter value.
lnLik_uphill_calc <- tibble(
  obs = rep(observations, each = length(proposed_means)), # Copy observations multiple times
  mu  = rep(proposed_means, times = length(observations)), # Copy parameter guesses multiple times
  sqr_dev = (obs - mu)^2
) %>%
  group_by(mu) %>%
    var = sum((obs - mu)^2) / n(), # Calculate the population variance for each proposed parameter value
    lnLik = dnorm(x = obs, mean = mu, sd = sqrt(var), log = TRUE) # Calculate log-likelihood for each observation

Figure 10: Log-likelihoods of each data point for 100 proposed means (a subset of those investigated above).

Next, find the likelihood of each proposed mean by summing the log-likelihoods (i.e., multiplying on a linear scale, since the data points are independent) for all observations given the proposed parameter value.

lnLik_uphill <- lnLik_uphill_calc %>%
  summarise(lnLik = sum(lnLik))

ggplot(lnLik_uphill, aes(x = mu, y = lnLik)) +
Likelihood profile for proposed mean elevational shift in species examined by data from @Chen2011.

Figure 11: Likelihood profile for proposed mean elevational shift in species examined by data from .

Maximum Likelihood Estimation / Confidence Intervals / Hypothesis Testing

Using the likelihood profile (Fig 11), we can perform standard analyses such as:

First, let’s find our best guess—the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE).

MLE <- lnLik_uphill %>%
  filter(lnLik == max(lnLik))

# A tibble: 1 × 2
     mu lnLik
  <dbl> <dbl>
1  39.3 -150.

Reassuringly, this MLE matches the simple calculation of the mean: mean(observations) = 39.33.

Uncertainty: To use the likelihood profile to estimate uncertainty, we need one more trick. Log-likelihoods are approximately χ2-distributed with degrees of freedom equal to the number of parameters we’re inferring (in this case, just one: the mean). Therefore, the 95% confidence interval is everything within qchisq(p = 0.95, df = 1) / 2 = 1.92 log-likelihood units of the MLE.

CI <- lnLik_uphill %>%
  mutate(dist_from_MLE = max(lnLik) - lnLik) %>%
  filter(dist_from_MLE < qchisq(p = 0.95, df = 1) / 2) %>%
  summarise(lower_95CI = min(mu), upper_95CI = max(mu))

# A tibble: 1 × 2
  lower_95CI upper_95CI
       <dbl>      <dbl>
1       28.4       50.3

Hypothesis Testing by the Likelihood Ratio Test

We can find a p-value and test the null hypothesis by comparing the likelihood of our MLE (logL(MLE|D)) to the likelihood of the null model (logL(H0|D)). This is called a likelihood ratio test. In logs, we subtract instead of dividing.

We then calculate D, which is simply twice the difference in log-likelihoods. We calculate a p-value by noting that D is χ2-distributed with one degree of freedom (since we’re inferring the mean).

D     <- 2 * (pull(MLE, lnLik) - lnLik_uphill %>% filter(mu == 0) %>% pull(lnLik))
p_val <- pchisq(q = D, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
tibble(D = D, p_val = p_val)
# A tibble: 1 × 2
      D        p_val
  <dbl>        <dbl>
1  30.8 0.0000000287

Bayesian Inference

Often, we care about how probable our model is given the data, not the reverse. We can use likelihoods to solve this! Remember Bayes’ theorem:


. Taking this apart

Today, we’ll arbitrarily pick a prior probability. This isn’t ideal, as Bayesian inferences are only meaningful to the extent that we can meaningfully interpret the posterior, which depends on a reasonable prior. But for this example, let’s assume our prior is normally distributed around 0 with a standard deviation of 30.

bayes_uphill <- lnLik_uphill %>%
    lik   = exp(lnLik),
    prior = dnorm(x = mu, mean = 0, sd = 30) / sum(dnorm(x = mu, mean = 0, sd = 30)),
    evidence  = sum(lik * prior),
    posterior = (lik * prior) / evidence

We can extract interesting information from the posterior distribution.

bayes_uphill %>%
  filter(posterior == max(posterior))
# A tibble: 1 × 6
     mu lnLik      lik     prior evidence posterior
  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1  38.1 -150. 1.05e-65 0.0000594 8.55e-67  0.000729

Note that this MAP estimate does not equal our MLE, as it is influenced by our prior.

bayes_uphill %>%
  mutate(cumProb = cumsum(posterior)) %>%
  filter(cumProb > 0.025 & cumProb < 0.975) %>%
  summarise(lower_95cred = min(mu), upper_95cred = max(mu))
# A tibble: 1 × 2
  lower_95cred upper_95cred
         <dbl>        <dbl>
1         26.8         48.9

Prior Sensitivity

In an ideal world, our priors are well-calibrated. In a better world, the evidence in the data is so strong that our priors don’t significantly influence the result.

A good practice is to compare posterior distributions across different prior models. The plot below shows that if our prior is very restrictive, it can be difficult to shift the posterior away from it. In other words, if your prior belief is strong, it will take a lot of evidence to change it.

MCMC / STAN / brms

For more complex models, we often can’t use the math above to solve Bayesian problems. Instead, we use computational techniques like Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to approximate the posterior distribution.

Programming this can be tedious, so there are programs like WINBUGS, JAGS, and STAN to simplify the computation. But even those can require a lot of work. Here, we use the R package brms, which runs STAN for us, to perform MCMC and Bayesian statistics. If you’re interested, I suggest looking into brms for starters, and learning STAN for more advanced analyses.$fit
# A tibble: 3 × 11
  term    mean se_mean    sd `2.5%`  `25%`  `50%`  `75%` `97.5%` n_eff
  <chr>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
1 b_In…   37.8    0.06  5.69   26.6   34.1   37.9   41.6    48.8  7863
2 sigma   31.7    0.05  4.25   24.8   28.7   31.2   34.2    41.3  6444
3 lp__  -157.     0.02  1.04 -159.  -157.  -156.  -156.   -156.   4340
# ℹ 1 more variable: Rhat <dbl>



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