B Developing R packages

This appendix collects various notes and resources on developing R packages.

B.1 Basics

Having created various R projects, an R user may be tempted to become an R developer by wrapping up an R project into an R package. The main idea behind R packages is to make collections of R code available to other users.

As with all things R, the process of writing R packages is mostly learned by doing and will always remain a continuous journey, rather than a destination. Embarking on this journey requires acquiring some new terminology and skills, but is supported by helpful instructions and tools.

B.1.1 What are R packages?

Using R implies relying on vast amounts of R code that is structured and provided in the form of R packages. Whenever we run R, a set of core R packages — including base, datasets, graphics, stats, and utils — is being loaded and provides a common collection of data objects and functions. When we use existing functions to create new data objects or functions, developing a new R package provide a great way of bundling and sharing code with other R users.

B.1.2 Contents and structure

R packages contain collections of R code (data and functions) and auxiliary files (e.g., documentation and images) in one directory. Standard files include

  • DESCRIPTION to define metadata and organize functions
  • NAMESPACE to list imported and exported objects

and the following subdirectories:

  • R/ for storing R scripts
  • data/ for storing data files
  • man/ for storing documentation files and images
  • vignettes/ for storing articles on package use
  • tests/ for storing code verification scripts

B.1.3 Rules and tools

R packages are governed by many rules and conventions (see CRAN’s guidelines on Writing R Extensions). For instance, any R object (e.g., all arguments of all functions) must be documented and the package must work without errors on various R systems.

Fortunately, other R developers have created many useful tools — mostly in the form of other R packages (e.g., devtools, roxygen2, usethis, etc.) — to facilitate R package development (see Resources below).

B.1.4 Private vs. published R packages

R packages come in many forms and dwell in many different locations.

Package habitats

R packages can be entirely private: Many users maintain collections of useful functions in the form of an R package that is only stored on their personal system. On the other end of the spectrum, The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) currently hosts over 22,000 published R packages on a network of servers around the world. The collection of packages hosted on CRAN (and the related Bioconductor site) comprise the official canon of the currently available R packages.

An intermediary option consists in creating an R package that is hosted on another server and hence can be downloaded and installed by those R users who have access to this server. Popular web platforms for hosting such semi-public packages are R-Forge and GitHub.com.


Publishing a package on CRAN involves considerable effort, regular monitoring and occasional updates by a person identifying as the package’s maintainer. For instance, the package must run without errors or warnings on multiple R versions and software platforms (including Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, and various Unix systems). The main benefit of hosting a package on CRAN is that the package is easily made available to R users worldwide.

B.1.5 Authors and other roles

The author(s) of an R package are usually denoted as aut in the package DESCRIPTION, and referred to as its designer(s) or developer(s). Other common roles include the package creator/maintainer cre, contributor ctb, thesis advisor ths, or translator trl (see Hornik et al., 2012, for details).

B.2 Resources

This section collects links to various resources for R package development.

B.2.1 Instructions

Many manuals and books provide comprehensive instructions on developing R packages:

Cheatsheet on R package development from Posit cheatsheets.

Figure B.1: Cheatsheet on R package development from Posit cheatsheets.

B.2.2 Tools

Tools for package development include the following R packages:

B.2.3 Miscellaneous resources

Other useful resources on R package development include:

  • All R packages available on CRAN

  • The source code of many R packages is hosted on GitHub.com

  • R-Forge is another platform for developing of R packages and R-related software projects