A.7 Solutions (07)
Here are the solutions of the exercises on detecting and creating tidy data of Chapter 7 (Section 7.4).
A.7.1 Exercise 1
Four messes and one tidy table
This exercise asks you to inspect some tables and turn some messy ones into tidy data.
The four tables t_1
to t_4
are available in the ds4psy package (Neth, 2023).
Alternatively, you can load csv-versions of these files from the following links:
For each of these files:
Describe the data (i.e., its dimensions, observations, variables, DVs and IVs).
Transform any non-tidy table one into a tidy one.
Verify the equality of the resulting tidy tables.
Get data files:
1. t_1
t_1 <- ds4psy::t_1 # from ds4psy package
# t_1 <- readr::read_csv(t_1_path) # online path
dim(t_1) # 8 x 9
#> [1] 8 9
knitr::kable(t_1, caption = "Table t_1.")
name | gender | age | task_1 | task_2 | color | color_time | shape | shape_time |
Ann | f | 31 | color | shape | red | 73 | circle | 64 |
Bea | f | 18 | shape | color | blue | 18 | circle | 42 |
Cat | f | 42 | color | shape | red | 31 | square | 41 |
Deb | f | 18 | shape | color | blue | 35 | square | 51 |
Ed | m | 21 | color | shape | red | 71 | circle | 44 |
Fred | m | 63 | shape | color | blue | 56 | circle | 63 |
Gary | m | 22 | color | shape | red | 60 | square | 98 |
Hans | m | 31 | shape | color | blue | 40 | square | 41 |
Analysis/Description of t_1
is an 8 x 9 table, containing the data from 8 people (rows). Each person is described by her/hisname
, andage
.The 2
columns indicate the order in which the person performed 2 tasks (color
).Both tasks exist in 2 versions (
).The 2 dependent variables appear to be the times (in seconds or minutes?) the person spent on each of those tasks.
column is redundant, astask_1
would suffice to specify the order of both tasks (or vice versa).A tidy dataset would feature only 1 DV of
and an additional key variable that specifies thetask_type
Tidying t_1
t_1_tidy <- t_1 %>%
gather(key = "key", value = "time", color_time, shape_time) %>%
separate(key, c("type", "rest"), sep = "_") %>%
select(name:task_1, color:type, time) %>%
#> # A tibble: 16 × 8
#> name gender age task_1 color shape type time
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Ann f 31 color red circle color 73
#> 2 Ann f 31 color red circle shape 64
#> 3 Bea f 18 shape blue circle color 18
#> 4 Bea f 18 shape blue circle shape 42
#> 5 Cat f 42 color red square color 31
#> 6 Cat f 42 color red square shape 41
#> 7 Deb f 18 shape blue square color 35
#> 8 Deb f 18 shape blue square shape 51
#> 9 Ed m 21 color red circle color 71
#> 10 Ed m 21 color red circle shape 44
#> 11 Fred m 63 shape blue circle color 56
#> 12 Fred m 63 shape blue circle shape 63
#> 13 Gary m 22 color red square color 60
#> 14 Gary m 22 color red square shape 98
#> 15 Hans m 31 shape blue square color 40
#> 16 Hans m 31 shape blue square shape 41
2. t_2
t_2 <- ds4psy::t_2 # from ds4psy package
# t_2 <- readr::read_csv(t_2_path) # online path
dim(t_2) # 8 x 5
#> [1] 8 5
knitr::kable(t_2, caption = "Table t_2.")
name | details | task_1 | color_time | shape_time |
Ann | f:31 | color | red = 73 | circle = 64 |
Bea | f:18 | shape | blue = 18 | circle = 42 |
Cat | f:42 | color | red = 31 | square = 41 |
Deb | f:18 | shape | blue = 35 | square = 51 |
Ed | m:21 | color | red = 71 | circle = 44 |
Fred | m:63 | shape | blue = 56 | circle = 63 |
Gary | m:22 | color | red = 60 | square = 98 |
Hans | m:31 | shape | blue = 40 | square = 41 |
Analysis/Description of t_2
is an 8 x 5 table, and essentially are more compact version oft_1
(with fewer columns).The variables
each contain 2 variables and corresponding values.The order of tasks is specified by
only (i.e., the 2nd task is implied as the other one).
Tidying t_2
t_2_1 <- t_2 %>%
separate(details, c("gender", "age"), sep = ":") %>%
separate(color_time, c("color", "c_time"), sep = " = ") %>%
separate(shape_time, c("shape", "s_time"), sep = " = ")
# t_2_1
t_2_tidy <- t_2_1 %>%
gather(key = "key", value = "time", c_time, s_time) %>%
separate(key, c("type", "rest"), sep = "_") %>%
select(name:task_1, color:type, time) %>%
#> # A tibble: 16 × 8
#> name gender age task_1 color shape type time
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Ann f 31 color red circle c 73
#> 2 Ann f 31 color red circle s 64
#> 3 Bea f 18 shape blue circle c 18
#> 4 Bea f 18 shape blue circle s 42
#> 5 Cat f 42 color red square c 31
#> 6 Cat f 42 color red square s 41
#> 7 Deb f 18 shape blue square c 35
#> 8 Deb f 18 shape blue square s 51
#> 9 Ed m 21 color red circle c 71
#> 10 Ed m 21 color red circle s 44
#> 11 Fred m 63 shape blue circle c 56
#> 12 Fred m 63 shape blue circle s 63
#> 13 Gary m 22 color red square c 60
#> 14 Gary m 22 color red square s 98
#> 15 Hans m 31 shape blue square c 40
#> 16 Hans m 31 shape blue square s 41
Verify the equality of tidy tables:
Let’s make sure that t_1_tidy
and t_2_tidy
really are equal…
## Check equality:
# t_1_tidy
# t_2_tidy
all.equal(t_1_tidy, t_2_tidy) # => different variable types
#> [1] "Component \"age\": Modes: numeric, character"
#> [2] "Component \"age\": target is numeric, current is character"
#> [3] "Component \"type\": 16 string mismatches"
#> [4] "Component \"time\": Modes: numeric, character"
#> [5] "Component \"time\": target is numeric, current is character"
# Create equality:
# (a) Change variable types in t_2_tidy:
t_2_tidy$gender <- as.character(t_2_tidy$gender)
t_2_tidy$age <- as.numeric(t_2_tidy$age)
t_2_tidy$color <- as.character(t_2_tidy$color)
t_2_tidy$shape <- as.character(t_2_tidy$shape)
t_2_tidy$time <- as.numeric(t_2_tidy$time)
# (b) Rename values of type:
t_2_tidy$type[t_2_tidy$type == "c"] <- "color"
t_2_tidy$type[t_2_tidy$type == "s"] <- "shape"
# t_2_tidy
## Check equality:
# t_1_tidy
# t_2_tidy
all.equal(t_1_tidy, t_2_tidy) # => TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
3. t_3
t_3 <- ds4psy::t_3 # from ds4psy package
# t_3 <- readr::read_csv(t_3_path) # online path
dim(t_3) # 16 x 6
#> [1] 16 6
knitr::kable(t_3, caption = "Table t_3.")
name | gender | age | position | task | time |
Ann | f | 31 | 1 | red | 73 |
Ann | f | 31 | 2 | circle | 64 |
Bea | f | 18 | 1 | circle | 42 |
Bea | f | 18 | 2 | blue | 18 |
Cat | f | 42 | 1 | red | 31 |
Cat | f | 42 | 2 | square | 41 |
Deb | f | 18 | 1 | square | 51 |
Deb | f | 18 | 2 | blue | 35 |
Ed | m | 21 | 1 | red | 71 |
Ed | m | 21 | 2 | circle | 44 |
Fred | m | 63 | 1 | circle | 63 |
Fred | m | 63 | 2 | blue | 56 |
Gary | m | 22 | 1 | red | 60 |
Gary | m | 22 | 2 | square | 98 |
Hans | m | 31 | 1 | square | 41 |
Hans | m | 31 | 2 | blue | 40 |
Analysis/Description of t_3
is a 16 x 6 table.Each person appears twice, and task
type, and tasktime
are described by 3 variables.The
variable contains implicit information on task type:- values of “red” and “blue” are of type “color”,
- values of “circle” and “square” are of type “shape”.
- values of “red” and “blue” are of type “color”,
Tidying t_3
To tidy t_3
, we need to flesh out the task
variable into multiple columns that denote the type
, color
and shape
of each task.
# t_3
# Create a new variable task type:
t_3$type <- NA # initialize variable
t_3$type[t_3$task == "red" | t_3$task == "blue"] <- "color"
t_3$type[t_3$task == "circle" | t_3$task == "square"] <- "shape"
# Create 2 new variables color and shape:
t_3$color <- NA # initialize variable
t_3$shape <- NA # initialize variable
t_3$color[t_3$task == "red" | t_3$task == "blue"] <- t_3$task[t_3$task == "red" | t_3$task == "blue"]
t_3$shape[t_3$task == "circle" | t_3$task == "square"] <- t_3$task[t_3$task == "circle" | t_3$task == "square"]
t_3_tidy <- t_3 %>%
select(name:position, type:shape, time) # sort columns and drop task variable
#> # A tibble: 16 × 8
#> name gender age position type color shape time
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Ann f 31 1 color red <NA> 73
#> 2 Ann f 31 2 shape <NA> circle 64
#> 3 Bea f 18 1 shape <NA> circle 42
#> 4 Bea f 18 2 color blue <NA> 18
#> 5 Cat f 42 1 color red <NA> 31
#> 6 Cat f 42 2 shape <NA> square 41
#> 7 Deb f 18 1 shape <NA> square 51
#> 8 Deb f 18 2 color blue <NA> 35
#> 9 Ed m 21 1 color red <NA> 71
#> 10 Ed m 21 2 shape <NA> circle 44
#> 11 Fred m 63 1 shape <NA> circle 63
#> 12 Fred m 63 2 color blue <NA> 56
#> 13 Gary m 22 1 color red <NA> 60
#> 14 Gary m 22 2 shape <NA> square 98
#> 15 Hans m 31 1 shape <NA> square 41
#> 16 Hans m 31 2 color blue <NA> 40
4. t_4
t_4 <- ds4psy::t_4 # from ds4psy package
# t_4 <- readr::read_csv(t_4_path) # online path
dim(t_4) # 16 x 8
#> [1] 16 8
knitr::kable(t_4, caption = "Table t_4.")
name | gender | age | position | blue | red | circle | square |
Ann | f | 31 | 1 | NA | 73 | NA | NA |
Ann | f | 31 | 2 | NA | NA | 64 | NA |
Bea | f | 18 | 1 | NA | NA | 42 | NA |
Bea | f | 18 | 2 | 18 | NA | NA | NA |
Cat | f | 42 | 1 | NA | 31 | NA | NA |
Cat | f | 42 | 2 | NA | NA | NA | 41 |
Deb | f | 18 | 1 | NA | NA | NA | 51 |
Deb | f | 18 | 2 | 35 | NA | NA | NA |
Ed | m | 21 | 1 | NA | 71 | NA | NA |
Ed | m | 21 | 2 | NA | NA | 44 | NA |
Fred | m | 63 | 1 | NA | NA | 63 | NA |
Fred | m | 63 | 2 | 56 | NA | NA | NA |
Gary | m | 22 | 1 | NA | 60 | NA | NA |
Gary | m | 22 | 2 | NA | NA | NA | 98 |
Hans | m | 31 | 1 | NA | NA | NA | 41 |
Hans | m | 31 | 2 | 40 | NA | NA | NA |
Analysis/Description of t_4
is a 16 x 8 table.Each person appears twice, and the task
is encoded by a variable.The task
information is distributed across 4 columns (blue
, andsquare
), which also encode tasktype
Tidying t_4
Here are 2 different solutions for tidying t_4
#> # A tibble: 16 × 8
#> name gender age position blue red circle square
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Ann f 31 1 NA 73 NA NA
#> 2 Ann f 31 2 NA NA 64 NA
#> 3 Bea f 18 1 NA NA 42 NA
#> 4 Bea f 18 2 18 NA NA NA
#> 5 Cat f 42 1 NA 31 NA NA
#> 6 Cat f 42 2 NA NA NA 41
#> 7 Deb f 18 1 NA NA NA 51
#> 8 Deb f 18 2 35 NA NA NA
#> 9 Ed m 21 1 NA 71 NA NA
#> 10 Ed m 21 2 NA NA 44 NA
#> 11 Fred m 63 1 NA NA 63 NA
#> 12 Fred m 63 2 56 NA NA NA
#> 13 Gary m 22 1 NA 60 NA NA
#> 14 Gary m 22 2 NA NA NA 98
#> 15 Hans m 31 1 NA NA NA 41
#> 16 Hans m 31 2 40 NA NA NA
# Solution 1: Gather 4 time variables + filter out non-NA cases: --------
t_4_mod <- t_4 %>%
gather(key = "task", value = "time", blue:square) %>%
filter(!is.na(time)) %>%
arrange(name, position)
#> # A tibble: 16 × 6
#> name gender age position task time
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Ann f 31 1 red 73
#> 2 Ann f 31 2 circle 64
#> 3 Bea f 18 1 circle 42
#> 4 Bea f 18 2 blue 18
#> 5 Cat f 42 1 red 31
#> 6 Cat f 42 2 square 41
#> 7 Deb f 18 1 square 51
#> 8 Deb f 18 2 blue 35
#> 9 Ed m 21 1 red 71
#> 10 Ed m 21 2 circle 44
#> 11 Fred m 63 1 circle 63
#> 12 Fred m 63 2 blue 56
#> 13 Gary m 22 1 red 60
#> 14 Gary m 22 2 square 98
#> 15 Hans m 31 1 square 41
#> 16 Hans m 31 2 blue 40
# Verify that t_4_mod is equal to t_3 (from above):
all.equal(t_3, t_4_mod)
#> [1] "Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 2 components >"
#> [2] "Attributes: < Component \"class\": 3 string mismatches >"
#> [3] "Length mismatch: comparison on first 6 components"
# From here on, cleaning t_4_mod is equal to cleaning t_3 (see above).
# Solution 2: Fleshing out info in 4 time columns by hand (base R): --------
t_4[is.na(t_4)] <- 0 # replace NA values by values of 0
t_4$time <- t_4$blue + t_4$red + t_4$circle + t_4$square
# Create 2 new variables color and shape:
t_4$color <- NA # initialize variable
t_4$shape <- NA # initialize variable
t_4$color[t_4$blue > 0] <- "blue"
t_4$color[t_4$red > 0] <- "red"
t_4$shape[t_4$circle > 0] <- "circle"
t_4$shape[t_4$square > 0] <- "square"
# Create a new variable task type:
t_4$type <- NA # initialize variable
t_4$type[!is.na(t_4$color)] <- "color"
t_4$type[!is.na(t_4$shape)] <- "shape"
t_4_tidy <- t_4 %>%
select(name:position, type, color, shape, time)
#> # A tibble: 16 × 8
#> name gender age position type color shape time
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Ann f 31 1 color red <NA> 73
#> 2 Ann f 31 2 shape <NA> circle 64
#> 3 Bea f 18 1 shape <NA> circle 42
#> 4 Bea f 18 2 color blue <NA> 18
#> 5 Cat f 42 1 color red <NA> 31
#> 6 Cat f 42 2 shape <NA> square 41
#> 7 Deb f 18 1 shape <NA> square 51
#> 8 Deb f 18 2 color blue <NA> 35
#> 9 Ed m 21 1 color red <NA> 71
#> 10 Ed m 21 2 shape <NA> circle 44
#> 11 Fred m 63 1 shape <NA> circle 63
#> 12 Fred m 63 2 color blue <NA> 56
#> 13 Gary m 22 1 color red <NA> 60
#> 14 Gary m 22 2 shape <NA> square 98
#> 15 Hans m 31 1 shape <NA> square 41
#> 16 Hans m 31 2 color blue <NA> 40
Verify the equality of tidy tables:
Let’s make sure that t_3_tidy
and t_4_tidy
really are equal…
A.7.2 Exercise 2
Moving stocks from wide to long to wide
Let’s enter and transform some stock-related data.75
The following table shows the start and end price of three stocks on three days (d1
, d2
, d3
stock | d1_start | d1_end | d2_start | d2_end | d3_start | d3_end |
Amada | 2.5 | 3.6 | 3.5 | 4.2 | 4.4 | 2.8 |
Betix | 3.3 | 2.9 | 3.0 | 2.1 | 2.3 | 2.5 |
Cevis | 4.2 | 4.8 | 4.6 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.7 |
Create a tibble
that contains this data in this (wide) format.Transform
into a longer tablest_long
that contains 18 rows and only one numeric variable for all stock prices. Adjust this table so that theday
appear as 2 separate columns.Create a (line) graph that shows the three stocks’
prices (on the y-axis) over the three days (on the x-axis).Spread
into a wider table that containsstart
prices as two distinct variables (columns) for each stock and day.
# library(tidyverse)
# 1. Enter stock data (in wide format) as a tibble: ----
st <- tribble(
~stock, ~d1_start, ~d1_end, ~d2_start, ~d2_end, ~d3_start, ~d3_end,
"Amada", 2.5, 3.6, 3.5, 4.2, 4.4, 2.8,
"Betix", 3.3, 2.9, 3.0, 2.1, 2.3, 2.5,
"Cevis", 4.2, 4.8, 4.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.7
#> [1] 3 7
## Note data structure:
## 2 nested factors: day (1 to 3), type (start or end).
# 2. Change from wide to long format ----
# that contains the day (d1, d2, d3) and type (start vs. end) as separate columns:
st_long <- st %>%
gather(d1_start:d3_end, key = "key", value = "val") %>%
separate(key, into = c("day", "time")) %>%
arrange(stock, day, time) # optional: arrange rows
#> # A tibble: 18 × 4
#> stock day time val
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Amada d1 end 3.6
#> 2 Amada d1 start 2.5
#> 3 Amada d2 end 4.2
#> 4 Amada d2 start 3.5
#> 5 Amada d3 end 2.8
#> 6 Amada d3 start 4.4
#> 7 Betix d1 end 2.9
#> 8 Betix d1 start 3.3
#> 9 Betix d2 end 2.1
#> 10 Betix d2 start 3
#> 11 Betix d3 end 2.5
#> 12 Betix d3 start 2.3
#> 13 Cevis d1 end 4.8
#> 14 Cevis d1 start 4.2
#> 15 Cevis d2 end 3.1
#> 16 Cevis d2 start 4.6
#> 17 Cevis d3 end 3.7
#> 18 Cevis d3 start 3.2
# 3. Plot the end values (on the y-axis) of the 3 stocks over 3 days (x-axis): ----
st_long %>%
filter(time == "end") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = day, y = val, color = stock, shape = stock)) +
geom_point(size = 5) +
geom_line(aes(group = stock), size = 1, alpha = 2/3) +
labs(title = "End prices of each stock (by day)",
x = "Day", y = "End price",
shape = "Stock:", color = "Stock:") +
# scale_color_manual(values = c("steelblue", "firebrick", "forestgreen")) +
scale_color_manual(values = usecol(pal = c(Seeblau, Seegruen, Pinky))) + # assuming library("unikn")
# 4. Change st_long into a wider format that lists start and end as 2 distinct variables (columns): ----
st_long %>%
spread(key = time, value = val) %>%
mutate(day_nr = parse_integer(str_sub(day, 2, 2))) # optional: get day_nr as integer variable
#> # A tibble: 9 × 5
#> stock day end start day_nr
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#> 1 Amada d1 3.6 2.5 1
#> 2 Amada d2 4.2 3.5 2
#> 3 Amada d3 2.8 4.4 3
#> 4 Betix d1 2.9 3.3 1
#> 5 Betix d2 2.1 3 2
#> 6 Betix d3 2.5 2.3 3
#> 7 Cevis d1 4.8 4.2 1
#> 8 Cevis d2 3.1 4.6 2
#> 9 Cevis d3 3.7 3.2 3
A.7.3 Exercise 3
In this exercise, we use tidyr to solve a problem that prevented us from creating a plot in the tibble chapter (Chapter 5).
A posPsy tibble reloaded
In Exercise 3 of Chapter 5,
we created a tibble of mean depression scores (my_tbl
and my_tbl_2
) in 2 different ways (by entering the data directly into R with tibble()
and by using dplyr to compute a summary table from the posPsy_wide
intervention | mn_cesd_0 | mn_cesd_1 | mn_cesd_2 | mn_cesd_3 | mn_cesd_4 | mn_cesd_5 |
1 | 15.1 | 15.3 | 13.6 | 12.0 | 11.2 | 13.5 |
2 | 16.2 | 14.6 | 11.4 | 12.5 | 13.4 | 14.6 |
3 | 16.1 | 12.3 | 14.8 | 13.9 | 14.9 | 13.0 |
4 | 12.8 | 9.9 | 9.5 | 9.1 | 7.7 | 10.2 |
See Section B.1 of Appendix B for details on the data.
When trying to create a plot that shows the trends of mean depression scores (over different occasions by intervention) we noted that it is impossible to directly plot the values of my_tbl_2
. For plotting the mean depression scores with ggplot
we would need these scores as 1 dependent variable, rather than as six different variables.
Earlier, we solved this problem by creating an alternative tibble my_tbl_3
— which expressed mean_cesd
as a function of occasion
and intervention
(in long format) — from the raw data in posPsy_long
. Given our new skills in tidyr, we now are in a position to transform my_tbl_2
(or my_tbl
) into the required format of my_tbl_3
. Thus, your task is:
- Re-create one of the original tibbles (either
) and use tidyr to transform it into the long format ofmy_tbl_3
# Load data: ----
posPsy_wide <- ds4psy::posPsy_wide # from ds4psy package
# posPsy_wide <- read_csv(file = "http://rpository.com/ds4psy/data/posPsy_data_wide.csv") # online
# dim(posPsy_wide) # 295 294
# Re-create tibble: ----
my_tbl_2 <- posPsy_wide %>%
group_by(intervention) %>%
summarise(mn_cesd_0 = round(mean(cesdTotal.0, na.rm = TRUE), 1),
mn_cesd_1 = round(mean(cesdTotal.1, na.rm = TRUE), 1),
mn_cesd_2 = round(mean(cesdTotal.2, na.rm = TRUE), 1),
mn_cesd_3 = round(mean(cesdTotal.3, na.rm = TRUE), 1),
mn_cesd_4 = round(mean(cesdTotal.4, na.rm = TRUE), 1),
mn_cesd_5 = round(mean(cesdTotal.5, na.rm = TRUE), 1) )
# my_tbl_2
# Transform from wide into long format: ----
my_tbl_3 <- my_tbl_2 %>%
gather(key = "key", value = "mean_cesd", mn_cesd_0:mn_cesd_5) %>%
separate(key, c("mn", "cesd", "occasion"), sep = "_") %>%
select(occasion, intervention, mean_cesd)
# my_tbl_3
# Change some variable types:
my_tbl_3$occasion <- as.integer(my_tbl_3$occasion) # as integer
my_tbl_3$intervention <- as.factor(my_tbl_3$intervention) # as factor
# Check:
#> # A tibble: 24 × 3
#> occasion intervention mean_cesd
#> <int> <fct> <dbl>
#> 1 0 1 15.1
#> 2 0 2 16.2
#> 3 0 3 16.1
#> 4 0 4 12.8
#> 5 1 1 15.3
#> 6 1 2 14.6
#> 7 1 3 12.3
#> 8 1 4 9.9
#> 9 2 1 13.6
#> 10 2 2 11.4
#> # … with 14 more rows
- Now do the reverse:
Use the long version
to (re-)create a wider versionmy_tbl_4
that is equal tomy_tbl_2
my_tbl_4 <- my_tbl_3 %>%
spread(key = occasion, value = mean_cesd)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 7
#> intervention `0` `1` `2` `3` `4` `5`
#> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 15.1 15.3 13.6 12 11.2 13.5
#> 2 2 16.2 14.6 11.4 12.5 13.4 14.6
#> 3 3 16.1 12.3 14.8 13.9 14.9 13
#> 4 4 12.8 9.9 9.5 9.1 7.7 10.2
# Change names of some variables (columns 2:7):
names(my_tbl_4)[2:ncol(my_tbl_4)] <- paste0("mn_cesd_", names(my_tbl_4)[2:ncol(my_tbl_4)])
# Change some variable types:
my_tbl_4$intervention <- as.double(my_tbl_4$intervention) # back to number
## Verify equality:
# my_tbl_4
# my_tbl_2
all.equal(my_tbl_4, my_tbl_2)
#> [1] TRUE
A.7.4 Exercise 4
Wide and long psychology
In previous chapters, we have seen 2 sets of data for the positive psychology experiment:
with 990 x 50 variables (aka.posPsy_AHI_CESD_corrected.csv
, available online at http://rpository.com/ds4psy/data/posPsy_AHI_CESD_corrected.csv)ds4psy::posPsy_wide
with 295 x 294 variables (aka.posPsy_data_wide.csv
, available online at http://rpository.com/ds4psy/data/posPsy_data_wide.csv)
(See Section B.1 of Appendix B for details on the data.)
Both of these datasets contain the same information, but one is in long format and one in wide format. With tidyr, we are able to transform the long format into wide format (and vice versa) on our own.
1. From long to wide
Load the file
into a tibbleposPsy_long
. To make things simpler, drop all columns exceptid
, andahiTotal
.Transform the resulting table from long to wide format (spreading
values over differentoccasion
## Load data: ----
posPsy_long <- ds4psy::posPsy_long # from ds4psy package
# posPsy_long <- read_csv(file = "http://rpository.com/ds4psy/data/posPsy_AHI_CESD_corrected.csv") # online
dim(posPsy_long) # 990 x 50
#> [1] 990 50
## Drop most colums: ----
df_long <- posPsy_long %>%
select(id, occasion, intervention, ahiTotal)
## Check:
# df_long
dim(df_long) # 990 x 4
#> [1] 990 4
## Spread to wide format: ----
df_wide <- df_long %>%
spread(occasion, ahiTotal, convert = TRUE)
## Check:
dim(df_wide) # 295 x 8
#> [1] 295 8
# Fix some variable names:
names(df_wide)[3:8] <- paste0("occ_", names(df_wide)[3:8])
## Check:
#> # A tibble: 295 × 8
#> id intervention occ_0 occ_1 occ_2 occ_3 occ_4 occ_5
#> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 1 4 63 73 NA NA NA NA
#> 2 2 1 73 89 89 93 80 77
#> 3 3 4 77 NA 85 NA NA NA
#> 4 4 3 60 67 NA 56 61 NA
#> 5 5 2 41 41 47 47 47 NA
#> 6 6 1 62 NA 67 66 NA NA
#> 7 7 3 67 NA NA NA NA NA
#> 8 8 2 59 45 38 48 43 NA
#> 9 9 1 48 NA NA NA NA NA
#> 10 10 2 58 NA NA NA NA NA
#> # … with 285 more rows
2. From wide to long
Load the file
into a tibbleposPsy_wide
and drop all variables that contain values of individual happiness or depression items (i.e., all score variables not containing “Total” in their names).Then transform this wide format tibble into long format. Your result table should contain all demographic information (in separate columns), the type of scale (ahiTotal vs. cesdTotal), number of
(0 to 5), and the scalevalue
(as dependent variable).
Hint: First gather all Total
variables into a single value
variable, then separate the key column into 2 variables scale
and occasion
## Load data: ----
posPsy_wide <- read_csv(file = "http://rpository.com/ds4psy/data/posPsy_data_wide.csv") # online
dim(posPsy_wide) # 295 x 294
#> [1] 295 294
## Drop unnecessary columns and gather: ----
df_long <- posPsy_wide %>%
# drop unnecessary columns:
select(id, intervention, sex, age, educ, income, contains("Total")) %>%
gather(-id, -intervention, -sex, -age, -educ, -income,
key = "score.occasion",
value = "value")
## Check:
dim(df_long) # 3540 x 8
#> [1] 3540 8
# df_long
## Separate key column score.occasion: ----
df_long <- df_long %>%
into = c("scale", "occasion"))
## Check:
dim(df_long) # 3540 x 9
#> [1] 3540 9
# df_long
# Fix some variables:
df_long$occasion <- as.integer(df_long$occasion)
#> # A tibble: 3,540 × 9
#> id intervention sex age educ income scale occasion value
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 1 4 2 35 5 3 ahiTotal 0 63
#> 2 2 1 1 59 1 1 ahiTotal 0 73
#> 3 3 4 1 51 4 3 ahiTotal 0 77
#> 4 4 3 1 50 5 2 ahiTotal 0 60
#> 5 5 2 2 58 5 2 ahiTotal 0 41
#> 6 6 1 1 31 5 1 ahiTotal 0 62
#> 7 7 3 1 44 5 2 ahiTotal 0 67
#> 8 8 2 1 57 4 2 ahiTotal 0 59
#> 9 9 1 1 36 4 3 ahiTotal 0 48
#> 10 10 2 1 45 4 3 ahiTotal 0 58
#> # … with 3,530 more rows
A.7.5 Exercise 5
Plotting relatives
This exercise relies on the main dataset for false positive psychology (see Section B.2 of Appendix B for details on the data and corresponding information):
- Load the data file
(78 x 19 variables):
Parents’ age?
Let’s see whether we can detect some relationship between the parents’ age values.
- Plot the relationship between the age values of each participant’s
(e.g., as a scatterplot).
df <- falsePosPsy_all # copy the data
ggplot(df, aes(x = dad, y = mom)) +
geom_point(alpha = 1/2) +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE, color = unikn::Seeblau) + # assuming library('unikn')
- Plot the age distributions of moms vs. dads (i.e., the distributions of age values among moms vs. dads) using histograms or
(Hint: As both ages are in two separate variables, you need to use gather
to collect the ages of both parents in one variable.)
df %>%
gather(key = "parent", value = "age", dad, mom) %>%
select(study:aged365, parent, age) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = age, fill = parent)) +
geom_bar(position = "dodge") +
facet_wrap(~parent) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 10),
breaks = c(1:10)) +
labs(title = "Age distributions of parents") +
# scale_fill_manual(values = c("steelblue3", "sienna2")) +
scale_fill_manual(values = usecol(c(Seeblau, Peach))) + # assuming library('unikn')
- Can you think of a way of plotting the relationship between (or difference between) the age of both parents for each participant?
(Hint: Again, you need to use gather
to collect the ages of both parents into one variable.)
df_long <- df %>%
mutate(similar_ages = (abs(dad - mom) < 5)) %>% # similar_ages if difference below 5 years
select(study:mom, similar_ages) %>%
gather(key = "parent", value = "age", dad:mom)
# df_long
ggplot(df_long, aes(x = parent, y = age)) +
geom_line(aes(group = ID, color = similar_ages), alpha = .3, size = 2) +
facet_grid(~similar_ages) +
labs(title = "Relations between parents' ages") +
# scale_color_manual(values = c("red3", "black")) +
scale_color_manual(values = usecol(c(Bordeaux, Petrol))) + # assuming library('unikn')
We see that most parents are of a similar age (i.e., have an age difference smaller than 5 years). Of the parents with larger age differences it is mostly the dads older than the moms, except for one case in the other direction.
A.7.6 Exercise 6
Experiment with wider data
This is a bonus task — for the ambitious or curious — which requires transforming a dataset with multiple dependent variables into tidy data.
This task extends beyond the scope of the current chapter, but can be solved with our current base R and tidyverse
(See Section 7.2.6 for additional information.)
The data table exp_wide contains data from n=10 participants.
Each participant completed two tasks (and the task position p
was randomized).
For each task, we measured two dependent variables: The correctness c
of the response, and the time t
(in msec) to complete the task:
subj | p_1 | p_2 | c_1 | c_2 | t_1 | t_2 |
1 | 1 | 2 | FALSE | FALSE | 4873.7 | 9230.0 |
2 | 1 | 2 | FALSE | FALSE | 3963.9 | 2948.8 |
3 | 2 | 1 | FALSE | TRUE | 2868.4 | 8348.3 |
4 | 2 | 1 | FALSE | FALSE | 2561.3 | 1290.2 |
5 | 1 | 2 | TRUE | FALSE | 5762.2 | 9330.7 |
6 | 1 | 2 | FALSE | FALSE | 4873.7 | 9230.0 |
7 | 2 | 1 | FALSE | TRUE | 3963.9 | 2948.8 |
8 | 1 | 2 | TRUE | TRUE | 2868.4 | 8348.3 |
9 | 2 | 1 | TRUE | TRUE | 2561.3 | 1290.2 |
10 | 2 | 1 | TRUE | FALSE | 5762.2 | 9330.7 |
Import the data from
(or http://rpository.com/ds4psy/data/exp_wide.csv) into a tibbleexp_wide
.Use 2 different ways to transform (or reshape)
into a table of tidy dataexp_tidy
.Verify the equality of both solutions.
- Solution 1 by using
Note that reshape()
assumes a data frame, rather than a tibble, which is why we will convert it with as.data.frame()
and convert the result into a tibble with as_tibble()
## Load data: ----
exp_wide <- ds4psy::exp_wide # from ds4psy package
# exp_wide <- readr::read_csv(file = "http://rpository.com/ds4psy/data/exp_wide.csv") # online
dim(exp_wide) # 10 x 7
#> [1] 10 7
# Turn into a data frame:
exp_wide <- as.data.frame(exp_wide)
## Use reshape to transform into long format:
exp_long <- stats::reshape(data = exp_wide,
direction = "long",
varying = list(p = 2:3, # 1st set of variables to combine into 1
c = 4:5, # 2nd set of variables to combine into 1
t = 6:7),
v.names = c("position", "correct", "time")
exp_tidy_1 <- exp_long %>%
select(subj, position, correct, time) %>%
arrange(subj, position)
exp_tidy_1 <- as_tibble(exp_tidy_1)
#> # A tibble: 20 × 4
#> subj position correct time
#> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 1 FALSE 4874.
#> 2 1 2 FALSE 9230
#> 3 2 1 FALSE 3964.
#> 4 2 2 FALSE 2949.
#> 5 3 1 TRUE 8348.
#> 6 3 2 FALSE 2868.
#> 7 4 1 FALSE 1290.
#> 8 4 2 FALSE 2561.
#> 9 5 1 TRUE 5762.
#> 10 5 2 FALSE 9331.
#> 11 6 1 FALSE 4874.
#> 12 6 2 FALSE 9230
#> 13 7 1 TRUE 2949.
#> 14 7 2 FALSE 3964.
#> 15 8 1 TRUE 2868.
#> 16 8 2 TRUE 8348.
#> 17 9 1 TRUE 1290.
#> 18 9 2 TRUE 2561.
#> 19 10 1 FALSE 9331.
#> 20 10 2 TRUE 5762.
- Solution 2 by using multiple tidyr commands:
## Load data: ----
exp_wide <- ds4psy::exp_wide # from ds4psy package
# exp_wide <- readr::read_csv(file = "http://rpository.com/ds4psy/data/exp_wide.csv") # online
dim(exp_wide) # 10 x 7
#> [1] 10 7
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#> subj p_1 p_2 c_1 c_2 t_1 t_2
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 1 2 FALSE FALSE 4874. 9230
#> 2 2 1 2 FALSE FALSE 3964. 2949.
#> 3 3 2 1 FALSE TRUE 2868. 8348.
#> 4 4 2 1 FALSE FALSE 2561. 1290.
#> 5 5 1 2 TRUE FALSE 5762. 9331.
#> 6 6 1 2 FALSE FALSE 4874. 9230
#> 7 7 2 1 FALSE TRUE 3964. 2949.
#> 8 8 1 2 TRUE TRUE 2868. 8348.
#> 9 9 2 1 TRUE TRUE 2561. 1290.
#> 10 10 2 1 TRUE FALSE 5762. 9331.
## Gather all 6 dependent variables (from wide into long format): --------
exp_long <- exp_wide %>%
gather(key = "key", value = "value", p_1:t_2) %>%
separate(col = key, into = c("var", "pos"))
#> # A tibble: 60 × 4
#> subj var pos value
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1 p 1 1
#> 2 2 p 1 1
#> 3 3 p 1 2
#> 4 4 p 1 2
#> 5 5 p 1 1
#> 6 6 p 1 1
#> 7 7 p 1 2
#> 8 8 p 1 1
#> 9 9 p 1 2
#> 10 10 p 1 2
#> # … with 50 more rows
## Deal with 3 sub-tables (of different DVs): --------
# 1st slice of 20 rows: Position information
exp_pos <- exp_long %>%
filter(var == "p") %>% # filter 20 rows with position info
select(subj, pos, value) %>%
rename(position = value) %>%
arrange(subj, pos) # ensure order
#> # A tibble: 20 × 3
#> subj pos position
#> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1 1 1
#> 2 1 2 2
#> 3 2 1 1
#> 4 2 2 2
#> 5 3 1 2
#> 6 3 2 1
#> 7 4 1 2
#> 8 4 2 1
#> 9 5 1 1
#> 10 5 2 2
#> 11 6 1 1
#> 12 6 2 2
#> 13 7 1 2
#> 14 7 2 1
#> 15 8 1 1
#> 16 8 2 2
#> 17 9 1 2
#> 18 9 2 1
#> 19 10 1 2
#> 20 10 2 1
# 2nd slice of 20 rows: Correctness information
exp_cor <- exp_long %>%
filter(var == "c") %>% # filter 20 rows with correctness info
select(subj, pos, value) %>%
mutate(correct = as.logical(value)) %>% # correct as Boolean value!
select(subj, pos, correct) %>%
arrange(subj, pos) # ensure order
#> # A tibble: 20 × 3
#> subj pos correct
#> <dbl> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1 1 1 FALSE
#> 2 1 2 FALSE
#> 3 2 1 FALSE
#> 4 2 2 FALSE
#> 5 3 1 FALSE
#> 6 3 2 TRUE
#> 7 4 1 FALSE
#> 8 4 2 FALSE
#> 9 5 1 TRUE
#> 10 5 2 FALSE
#> 11 6 1 FALSE
#> 12 6 2 FALSE
#> 13 7 1 FALSE
#> 14 7 2 TRUE
#> 15 8 1 TRUE
#> 16 8 2 TRUE
#> 17 9 1 TRUE
#> 18 9 2 TRUE
#> 19 10 1 TRUE
#> 20 10 2 FALSE
# 3rd slice of 20 rows: Time information
exp_time <- exp_long %>%
filter(var == "t") %>%
select(subj, pos, value) %>%
mutate(time = as.numeric(value)) %>% # time as numeric value!
select(subj, pos, time) %>%
arrange(subj, pos) # ensure order
#> # A tibble: 20 × 3
#> subj pos time
#> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1 1 4874.
#> 2 1 2 9230
#> 3 2 1 3964.
#> 4 2 2 2949.
#> 5 3 1 2868.
#> 6 3 2 8348.
#> 7 4 1 2561.
#> 8 4 2 1290.
#> 9 5 1 5762.
#> 10 5 2 9331.
#> 11 6 1 4874.
#> 12 6 2 9230
#> 13 7 1 3964.
#> 14 7 2 2949.
#> 15 8 1 2868.
#> 16 8 2 8348.
#> 17 9 1 2561.
#> 18 9 2 1290.
#> 19 10 1 5762.
#> 20 10 2 9331.
# Combine all 3 sub-tables again: --------
exp_pos_cor <- left_join(exp_pos, exp_cor)
exp_pos_cor_time <- left_join(exp_pos_cor, exp_time)
# Select and arrange:
exp_tidy_2 <- exp_pos_cor_time %>%
select(subj, position, correct, time) %>%
arrange(subj, position)
#> # A tibble: 20 × 4
#> subj position correct time
#> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 1 FALSE 4874.
#> 2 1 2 FALSE 9230
#> 3 2 1 FALSE 3964.
#> 4 2 2 FALSE 2949.
#> 5 3 1 TRUE 8348.
#> 6 3 2 FALSE 2868.
#> 7 4 1 FALSE 1290.
#> 8 4 2 FALSE 2561.
#> 9 5 1 TRUE 5762.
#> 10 5 2 FALSE 9331.
#> 11 6 1 FALSE 4874.
#> 12 6 2 FALSE 9230
#> 13 7 1 TRUE 2949.
#> 14 7 2 FALSE 3964.
#> 15 8 1 TRUE 2868.
#> 16 8 2 TRUE 8348.
#> 17 9 1 TRUE 1290.
#> 18 9 2 TRUE 2561.
#> 19 10 1 FALSE 9331.
#> 20 10 2 TRUE 5762.
- Verify the equality of both solutions:
all.equal(exp_tidy_1, exp_tidy_2) # TRUE (qed).
#> [1] "Attributes: < Names: 1 string mismatch >"
#> [2] "Attributes: < Length mismatch: comparison on first 2 components >"
#> [3] "Attributes: < Component 2: Modes: list, numeric >"
#> [4] "Attributes: < Component 2: names for target but not for current >"
#> [5] "Attributes: < Component 2: Length mismatch: comparison on first 4 components >"
#> [6] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 1: Modes: list, numeric >"
#> [7] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 1: names for target but not for current >"
#> [8] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 1: Length mismatch: comparison on first 1 components >"
#> [9] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 1: Component 1: Modes: character, numeric >"
#> [10] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 1: Component 1: Lengths: 2, 1 >"
#> [11] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 1: Component 1: target is character, current is numeric >"
#> [12] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 2: Modes: character, numeric >"
#> [13] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 2: Lengths: 3, 1 >"
#> [14] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 2: target is character, current is numeric >"
#> [15] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 3: Modes: character, numeric >"
#> [16] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 3: target is character, current is numeric >"
#> [17] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 4: Modes: character, numeric >"
#> [18] "Attributes: < Component 2: Component 4: target is character, current is numeric >"
This concludes our exercises on tidying data with tidyr.
In case you find financial data not psychological enough: Imagine that the data describe two daily mood measurements of three people owning stocks…↩︎