5.5 Resources
Here are some pointers on tibbles and related data tables:
5.5.1 Help on tibbles
For more details on tibbles and the tibble package (Müller & Wickham, 2023):
study the
and the documentation for?tibble
;study https://tibble.tidyverse.org and its examples;
read Chapter 10: Tibbles of the r4ds textbook (Wickham & Grolemund, 2017) and complete the corresponding exercises;
study the back of the Posit cheatsheets on Data Import:
 on **Data Import**.](images/cheat/import2.png)
Figure 5.4: Essential tibble commands on the back of the Posit cheatsheets on Data Import.
- Another way of creating tibbles is by importing data files in various formats (e.g., with the
functions). The readr package (Wickham, Hester, et al., 2024) will be covered in the next chapter on Importing data (Chapter 6).
5.5.2 Miscellaneous
Alternative tools
See the data.table package and its homepage for an alternative extension of the base R
.See the R package datapasta and its vignette for a clipboard-based solution for cut-and-pasting data into the RStudio IDE.
Blogs etc.
See this thread on the R-pkg-devel mailing list for a discussion about the pros and cons of tibbles being data frames.
The blog post data.frame vs data.table vs tibble in R (by Megapteraphile, 2020-03-25) traces the R history of three rectangular data structures.
The blog post Base R, the tidyverse, and data.table (by Jason Merger, 2020-01-27) compares different R dialects (or tools?) to wrangle rectangular data structures.
[05_tibbles.Rmd updated on 2025-03-18 by hn.]