Chapter 5: plot
- LaTeX
- TikZ[16]
- TikZ-3Dplot
- PGFplots[16.5]
- editor / export
- offline
- online
- OverLeaf
- MathCha
- GeoGebra Classic
- Python
- R
- TikZ library
- xypic = xy-pic[17]
- TikZ[16]
- OverLeaf
- MathCha
- GeoGebra
- GeoGebra Classic: to export TikZ
- GeoGebra Calculator Suite
- Python
- R
- Modern Statistical Graphics
- ggplot2[33]
- Modern Statistical Graphics section 5.1
- GraphViz
- Mermaid
- about
- JavaScript based diagramming and charting tool that renders Markdown-inspired text definitions to create and modify diagrams dynamically
- Shiny
- R Markdown Guide section 5.1
- tool
- Jamovi
neural network plot/draw