Chapter 34: notational system for design

9 p.51

NSD = notational system for design


34.1 graphic notation

9 p.51

  • \(X\): treatment or exposure to an agent or an event of interest
  • \(P\): placebo, i.e. blank treatment or exposure, or standard treatment, or exposure as an active control
  • \(O\): observation or process of measurement
  • \(R\): randomization, i.e. random assignment of research subjects to separate treatment or exposure groups
  • subscript
    • \(_g\): groups
    • \(_k\): kinds of treatments, exposures, or placebos
    • \(_t\): time or sequential order

(ref:rudolph) *nice* cite: [@Lam94].

(ref:campbell1963) *nice* cite: [@campbell1963].

(ref:campbell1963) ([@campbell1963]

(ref:campbell1963) \ [@campbell1963]

 5  5

pre- and true experimental designs ( 5 p.8)

Fig. 24.1: pre- and true experimental designs ( 5 p.8)

quasi-experimental designs ( 5 p.40)

Fig. 30.2: quasi-experimental designs ( 5 p.40)

quasi-experimental designs continued ( 5 p.56)

Fig. 17.1: quasi-experimental designs continued ( 5 p.56)

34.2 pre-experimental design

5 p.6

34.2.1 one-shot case study

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} X & O \end{array} \]

34.2.2 one-group pretest-posttest design

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} O & X & O \end{array} \] paired \(t\) test

9 p.62

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} O & X & O \\ O_{t} & X & O_{t} \\ O_{0} & X & O_{1} \end{array} \]

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} O & X & O \\ O_{gt} & X_{g} & O_{gt} \\ O_{10} & X & O_{11} \end{array} \]

34.2.3 static-group comparison

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} X & O \\ X_{g} & O_{gt} \\ X & O_{11} \\ & O_{21} \end{array} \]

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} X & O \\ X_{g} & O_{gt} \\ X & O_{11} \\ & O_{01} \end{array} \]

34.3 true experimental design

5 p.13

34.3.1 posttest-only control group design

basic experimental design

two-sample \(t\) test

9 p.53

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} R & X & O\\ R & & O \end{array} \] or, with a placebo or an active control, \[ \begin{array}{ccc} R & X & O\\ R & P & O \end{array} \]

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} R & X_{g} & O_{gt}\end{array} \]

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} R & X_{g}=X_{1}=X & O_{gt}=O_{11}\\ R & X_{g}=X_{2}=\emptyset & O_{gt}=O_{21} \end{array} \] or, with a placebo or an active control \[ \begin{array}{ccc} R & X_{g}=X_{1}=X & O_{gt}=O_{11}\\ R & X_{g}=X_{2}=P & O_{gt}=O_{21} \end{array} \]

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} R & X & O_{11}\\ R & & O_{21} \end{array} \] or, with a placebo or an active control \[ \begin{array}{ccc} R & X & O_{11}\\ R & P & O_{21} \end{array} \]

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} R & X_{g} & O_{gt}\\ R & X & O_{11}\\ R & P & O_{21} \end{array} \]

\[ \begin{array}{ccc} R & X & O\\ R & X_{g} & O_{gt}\\ R & X & O_{11}\\ R & P & O_{21} \end{array} \]

34.3.2 pretest-posttest control group design

\[ \begin{array}{cccc} R & O & X & O\\ R & O_{gt} & X_{g} & O_{gt}\\ R & O_{10} & X & O_{11}\\ R & O_{20} & & O_{21} \end{array} \]

34.3.3 Solomon four-group design

9 p.52

Solomon 4-group design = pretest-posttest + posttest-only control group design

\[ \begin{array}{cccc} R & O_{gt} & X_{g} & O_{gt}\\ R & O_{10} & X & O_{11}\\ R & O_{20} & & O_{21}\\ R & & X & O_{31}\\ R & & & O_{41} \end{array} \]

\[ \begin{array}{cccc} R & O & X & O\\ R & O_{gt} & X_{g} & O_{gt}\\ R & O_{10} & X & O_{11}\\ R & O_{20} & & O_{21}\\ R & & X & O_{31}\\ R & & & O_{41} \end{array} \]

34.4 quasi-experimental design

5 p.34

34.5 correlational and ex post facto designs

5 p.64

34.6 graphic notation, advanced

9 p.74

  • \(X\): treatment or exposure to an agent or an event of interest
  • \(P\): placebo, i.e. blank treatment or exposure, or standard treatment, or exposure as an active control
  • \(O\): observation or process of measurement
  • \(R\): randomization, i.e. random assignment of research subjects to separate treatment or exposure groups
  • subscript
    • \(_g\): groups
    • \(_k\): kinds of treatments, exposures, or placebos
    • \(_t\): time or sequential order
  • \(V\): variable(s)
    • \(B(V)\): blocking by the variable(s)
    • \(M(V)\): matching by the variable(s)
    • \(S(V)\): stratifying by the variable(s)
    • \(L(V/L)\): limiting to the level(s) of the variable(s)
  • \(M^{*}\): research material(s) selected
  • \(-\): cohort


Campbell, D. T. & Stanley, J. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research. (Cengage Learning, Belomt, CA, 1963).
Hu, F.-C. Statistical Design and Analysis of Biomedical Research. (International-Harvard (I-H) Statistical Consulting Company, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022).