Chapter 58: genetics
58.1 term
- chromosome
- locus (sl.) loci (pl.)
- marker
- allele
- haplotype
- genotype
- phenotype / trait
- endophenotype
58.2 marker
- large marker: STRP = short tandem repeat polymorphism, STRs = short tandem repeats
- linkage analysis
- paternity testing
- taxonomy
- small marker: SNP = single-nucleotide polymorphism
- association analysis
- disease diagnosis
- pharmacodynamics? drug design / pharmacogenomics = custom drug
- RFLP = restriction fragment length polymorphism
- platform
- customized: MALDI-TOF MS(= mass spectrometry)
- whole-genome gene chip
- Affymetrix
- Taiwan BioBank: TWB2.0
- Illumina
- Affymetrix
- NGS = next-generation sequencing
58.3 genome project
- HGP = Human Genome Project
- 20~25K genes
- 3 billion bps(base pairs)
- ELSI = ethical, legal, and social issues
- 99.9% bps are exactly the same in all people
- germline mutation
- male : female = 2 : 1
- HapMap = International HapMap Project
- SNP, haplotype, tag SNP
- haplotypes are combination of SNPs
- tag SNPs can identify unique haplotypes
- HapMap 1 & 2
- between-ancestry SNP: 1 common SNP per 5 Kb to 1 common SNP per 1 Kb
- African
- European
- East Asian
- Han Chinese
- Japanese
- between-ancestry SNP: 1 common SNP per 5 Kb to 1 common SNP per 1 Kb
- HapMap 3: more ancestries
- SNP, haplotype, tag SNP
- 1000 Genomes Project
- identify 95% genetic variants with frequencies at least 1%
- final phase 77M SNPs
- browser
- Ensembl GRCh37
- Ensembl GRCh38
- TWB = Taiwan BioBank
- browser: TaiwanView
- pricing:
- TPMI = Taiwan Precision Medicine Initiative
58.4 linkage analysis
- Mendel \(1^{st}\) & \(2^{nd}\) laws
- law of segregation ~ 3 : 1
- law of assortment ~ 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
- phenotypic model by R.A. Fisher
- \[P = G + E\]
- \(G\) is the genotypic component
- \(E\) is the environmental component
- \[P = G + E + G \cdot E\]
- \(G \cdot E\) is the interaction between the genotypic component and environmental component
- \[P = G + E\]
- linkage = co-segregation = cosegregation
- \(\theta\) = recombination fraction: 1% recombination = 1 crossover per 100 meioses = 1 cM(centiMorgan) on genetic map
- statistical hypothesis testing for in linkage mapping
- statistical hypothesis testing for categorical trait in linkage mapping: PLA = parametric linkage analysis
- \(H_0\): no linkage \(\theta = 0.5\)
- \(H_1\): linkage \(\theta < 0.5\)
- statistical hypothesis testing for quantitative trait in linkage mapping: VCLA = variance component linkage analysis
- \(H_0\): no linkage \(\sigma^2_{q} = 0\)
- \(H_1\): linkage \(\sigma^2_{q} > 0\)
- statistical hypothesis testing for categorical trait in linkage mapping: PLA = parametric linkage analysis
- study design
- case control
- trio
- affected / discordant sib-pair
- extended pedigree
- data format: linkage format
- family-based
- PID = pedigree Id
- IID = individual Id
- FID = father Id
- MID = mother Id
- gender
- affection
- marker
- M1 = marker 1
- M2 = marker 2
- …
- family-based
- single major locus model
- a two-allele \(A\) and \(a\) locus influences a dichotomous trait
- allele frequency
- \(p = \mathrm{P}\left(A\right)\)
- \(q = \mathrm{P}\left(a\right) = 1-p\)
- penetrance
- \(f_{AA} = \mathrm{P}\left(\text{affected}\mid AA\right)\)
- \(f_{Aa} = \mathrm{P}\left(\text{affected}\mid Aa\right) = f_{aA}\)
- \(f_{aa} = \mathrm{P}\left(\text{affected}\mid aa\right)\)
- disease mode of inheritance
- dominant model
- \(\begin{cases}f_{AA} = 1 \\ f_{Aa} = 1 \\ f_{aa} = 0\end{cases}\)
- recessive model
- \(\begin{cases}f_{AA} = 0 \\ f_{Aa} = 0 \\ f_{aa} = 1\end{cases}\)
- additive model
- \(\begin{cases}f_{AA} = 1 \\ f_{Aa} = \frac{1}{2} \\ f_{aa} = 0\end{cases}\)
- phenocopy model
- \(f_{aa} > 0\) perhaps due to environmental cause
- liability model
- e.g. \(f_{AA},f_{Aa},f_{aa}\) are age-dependent
- dominant model
58.5 association analysis
- LD = linkage disequilibrium
- genotype & allele frequency
- diallelic marker
- \(p_{AA}\)
- \(p_{Aa}\)
- \(p_{aA}\)
- \(p_{aa}\)
- \(p_{A}\)
- \(p_{a}\)
- diallelic marker
- HWC = Hardy-Weinberg condition
- HWE = Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
- HWD = Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium
- gametic or haplotype frequency
- LE = linkage equilibrium
- LD = linkage disequilibrium