Table of parameters for Models 1-10

Parameter Definition Model first introduced
N Number of agents in the population. 1
tmax Maximum number of timesteps or generations. 1
rmax Maximum number of independent simulation runs. 1
p Frequency of trait A. 1
p0 Starting value of p. 1
μ Probability of unbiased cultural mutation. Specifically, the probability of trait A mutating into trait B, or trait B mutating into trait A. 2
μb Probability of biased cultural mutation. Specifically, the probability of trait B mutating into trait A. 2
s Strength of biased transmission / cultural selection. Specifically, in Model 3 (direct bias) the probability of switching to a more favourable trait upon encountering another agent with that trait, or in Model 4 (indirect bias) the payoff advantage to trait A relative to trait B. 3
q Frequency of a second trait in a two-trait model (trait X in Model 4), or the frequency of trait A in a second sub-population or group (Model 7). 4
q0 Starting value of q. 4
L Probability in two-trait models that the two traits are linked. Specifically, the probability that, if trait 1 is A, then trait 2 is X. 4
D Strength of conformity. Specifically, the increased probability of adopting a majority trait, relative to unbiased transmission. 5
sv Strength of biased transmission / cultural selection under vertical cultural transmission. Specifically, the increased probability of adopting a favoured trait, relative to unbiased transmission, when only one parent holds that favoured trait. 6
sh Strength of biased transmission / cultural selection under horizontal cultural transmission. Specifically, the probability of switching to a more favourable trait upon encountering at least one of n demonstrators with that trait. 6
a Probability of assortative mating under vertical cultural transmission, such that both parents have identical cultural traits. 6
n Number of demonstrators from whom an agent learns under horizontal transmission (Model 6) or blending inheritance (Model 8). 6
m Strength of migration. Specifically, the probability that each agent migrates to a randomly chosen sub-population. 7
e Error in copying the traits of n demonstrators under blending inheritance. Specifically, the variance of the normal distribution with mean of the demonstrator trait value, from which the copied trait value is drawn. 8
α Copying error in the ‘Tasmanian’ model of cultural gain/loss. Specifically, the amount by which the mode of a gumbel distribution is reduced relative to the highest skill level in the previous generation. 9
β Inferential guesses or experimentation in the ‘Tasmanian’ model of cultural gain/loss. Specifically, the dispersion of the gumbel distribution from which the new skill level is drawn. 9
zi Culturally transmitted skill level of the ith agent in the ‘Tasmanian’ model of cultural gain/loss. 9
ˉz Mean culturally transmitted skill level across all agents of one generation in the ‘Tasmanian’ model of cultural gain/loss. 9
g The number of cultural features in Axelrod’s model of polarization, with each feature taking one of ten possible trait values. 10
Nside The number of agents along one side of a square grid in Axelrod’s model of polarization, giving Nside2 agents in total. 10