Misc. Analyses

Stratified Analyses

By Sex

Total number of weight samples, by sex, for the 2016 cohort

Gender n percent
M 1097469 93.3%
F 78526 6.7%

Total number of people

Gender n percent
F 6200 6.3%
M 92758 93.7%

Association between number of weight samples collected, and Sex/Gender, for the 2016 cohort,

Gender mean SD median min max
F 12.67 12.61 9 1 277
M 11.83 19.05 8 1 1525

Men have, on average, slightly fewer weight values recorded than women in our sample.

Removing the major outlier,

The distribution of outliers differs as well.

All weight in lbs. by sex, for the 2016 cohort only

Gender mean SD median min max
F 184.66 44.56 180.7 0 1479.9
M 209.48 48.45 204.0 0 1486.2

Both Males and Females have implausible maximum weight values.

By Algorithm

raw <- weight.ls[[2]] %>%
  select(PatientICN, Weight, Gender)

#---- apply Janney et al. 2016 ----#

Janney2016.df <- Janney2016.f(
  DF = weight.ls[[2]],
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  startPoint = "VisitDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, Weight_OR, Gender) %>%
  rename(Weight = Weight_OR) %>%

#---- apply Littman et al. 2012 ----#

Littman2012.df <- Littman2012.f(
  DF = weight.ls[[2]],
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, OutputMeasurement, Gender) %>%
  rename(Weight = OutputMeasurement) %>%

#---- Coerce Maciejewski et al. 2016 to a workable format ----#

Maciejewski2016.df <- maciejewski %>%
  filter(IO == "Output", SampleYear == "2016") %>%
  mutate(PatientICN = as.character(PatientICN)) %>%
    raw %>%
      distinct(PatientICN, Gender),
    by = "PatientICN"
  ) %>%
  select(PatientICN, Weight, Gender) %>%

#---- Apply Breland et al. 2017 ----#

Breland2017.df <- Breland2017.f(
  DF = weight.ls[[2]],
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, measures_aug_, Gender) %>%
  rename(Weight = measures_aug_) %>%

#---- Apply Maguen et al. 2013 ----#

Maguen2013.df <- Maguen2013.f(
  DF = weight.ls[[2]],
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  variables = c("AgeAtVisit", "Gender")
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, Output, Gender) %>%
  rename(Weight = Output) %>%

#---- Apply Goodrich 2016 ----#

Goodrich2016.df <- Goodrich2016.f(
  DF = weight.ls[[2]],
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  startPoint = "VisitDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, output, Gender) %>%
  rename(Weight = output) %>%

#---- Apply Chan & Raffa 2017 ----#

Chan2017.df <- Chan2017.f(
  DF = weight.ls[[2]],
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, measures_aug_, Gender) %>%
  rename(Weight = measures_aug_) %>%

#---- Apply Jackson et al. 2015 ----#

Jackson2015.df <- Jackson2015.f(
  DF = weight.ls[[2]],
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  startPoint = "VisitDateTime"
) %>%
    weight.ls[[2]] %>%
      distinct(PatientICN, Gender),
    by = "PatientICN"
  ) %>%
  select(PatientICN, Gender, output) %>%
  rename(Weight = output) %>%

#---- Apply Buta et al., 2018 ----#

Buta2018.df <- Buta2018.f(
  DF = weight.ls[[2]],
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "BMI",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, Gender, Weight) %>%

#---- Apply Kazerooni & Lim, 2016 ----#

Kazerooni2016.df <- Kazerooni2016.f(
  DF = weight.ls[[2]],
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  startPoint = "VisitDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, Gender, Weight) %>%

#---- Apply Noel et al., 2012 ----#

Noel2012.df <- Noel2012.f(
  DF = weight.ls[[2]],
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime"
) %>% 
  distinct(PatientICN, Gender, FYQ, Qmedian) %>%
  select(-FYQ) %>%
  rename(Weight = Qmedian) %>%

#---- Apply Rosenberger et al., 2011 ----#

Rosenberger2011.df <- Rosenberger2011.f(
  DF = weight.ls[[2]],
  id = "PatientICN",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  startPoint = "VisitDateTime",
  pad = 1
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, Gender, Weight) %>%

# stack original (raw), janney 2016, littman 2012, maciejewski 2016, 
# Breland 2017, Maguen 2013, Goodrich 2016, Chan & Raffa 2017, 
# Jackson 2015, Buta 2018, Kazerooni & Lim 2016, Noel 2012,
# and Rosenberger 2011 processed weights
algos.fac  <- c("Raw Weights",
                "Janney 2016",
                "Littman 2012",
                "Maciejewski 2016",
                "Breland 2017",
                "Maguen 2013",
                "Goodrich 2016",
                "Chan 2017",
                "Jackson 2015",
                "Buta 2018",
                "Kazerooni 2016",
                "Noel 2012",
                "Rosenberger 2011")

DF <- bind_rows(
  list(`Raw Weights`      = raw,
       `Janney 2016`      = Janney2016.df,
       `Littman 2012`     = Littman2012.df,
       `Maciejewski 2016` = Maciejewski2016.df,
       `Breland 2017`     = Breland2017.df,
       `Maguen 2013`      = Maguen2013.df,
       `Goodrich 2016`    = Goodrich2016.df,
       `Chan 2017`        = Chan2017.df,
       `Jackson 2015`     = Jackson2015.df,
       `Buta 2018`        = Buta2018.df,
       `Kazerooni 2016`   = Kazerooni2016.df,
       `Noel 2012`        = Noel2012.df,
       `Rosenberger 2011` = Rosenberger2011.df),
  .id = "Algorithm"


DF$Algorithm <- factor(DF$Algorithm, levels = algos.fac, labels = algos.fac)

DF$Type <- case_when(
  DF$Algorithm == "Raw Weights"                  ~ 1,
  DF$Algorithm %in% algos.fac[c(2, 7, 9, 11:13)] ~ 2,
  DF$Algorithm %in% algos.fac[c(3:6, 8, 10)]     ~ 3
DF$Type <- factor(DF$Type, 1:3, c("Raw", "Time-Periods", "Time-Series"))

Total weight measurements, by algorithm and Sex.

Algorithm F M
Raw Weights 12.3% (78526) 12.2% (1097469)
Janney 2016 1.9% (12268) 2.1% (187562)
Littman 2012 12.1% (77105) 12.1% (1084556)
Maciejewski 2016 12.1% (77240) 11.9% (1067596)
Breland 2017 12.3% (78462) 12.2% (1096715)
Maguen 2013 10.9% (69824) 10.8% (967469)
Goodrich 2016 1.9% (12268) 2.1% (187518)
Chan 2017 12.2% (78150) 12.1% (1091964)
Jackson 2015 2.4% (15479) 2.6% (236022)
Buta 2018 11.9% (76284) 11.7% (1055712)
Kazerooni 2016 0.8% (5094) 0.7% (66867)
Noel 2012 6.9% (44332) 7.1% (638676)
Rosenberger 2011 2.2% (14116) 2.4% (213099)

We can test the overall differences in distributions by algorithm and sex, though for the table above, it is wholly unnecessary.

# A tibble: 1 x 5
  term                edf ref.df   statistic p.value
  <chr>             <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>
1 s(Algorithm) 0.00000209     12 0.000000145    1.00

No difference by Algorithm or Sex

Distribution of weight measurements, by algorithm,

Type Algorithm Gender weight_n mean SD median IQR min max
Raw Raw Weights F 78526 184.66 44.56 180.70 59.80 0.00 1479.90
Raw Raw Weights M 1097469 209.48 48.45 204.00 60.00 0.00 1486.20
Time-Periods Janney 2016 F 12268 181.00 42.37 177.00 56.90 78.40 473.99
Time-Periods Janney 2016 M 187562 207.80 45.17 202.55 56.20 80.00 546.00
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 F 12268 180.93 42.25 177.00 56.90 80.25 382.00
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 M 187518 207.78 45.13 202.50 56.20 80.00 500.00
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 F 15479 181.36 42.24 177.00 57.63 75.63 375.00
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 M 236022 207.94 45.24 202.70 56.19 78.00 553.00
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 F 5094 183.98 43.26 180.20 59.00 75.62 467.38
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 M 66867 210.90 47.76 205.70 59.80 0.00 1233.70
Time-Periods Noel 2012 F 44332 182.17 42.61 178.00 57.71 72.90 467.38
Time-Periods Noel 2012 M 638676 208.99 45.86 203.60 57.30 70.00 588.90
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 F 14116 183.13 43.41 179.00 57.90 0.00 1144.00
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 M 213099 209.44 45.95 204.00 57.00 0.00 1314.50
Time-Series Littman 2012 F 77105 184.79 43.71 180.90 59.60 77.38 413.80
Time-Series Littman 2012 M 1084556 209.62 48.02 204.00 59.73 75.20 546.00
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 F 77240 184.57 43.72 180.60 59.88 62.00 413.80
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 M 1067596 209.76 47.99 204.00 59.70 64.00 546.00
Time-Series Breland 2017 F 78462 184.66 43.79 180.78 59.80 75.00 473.99
Time-Series Breland 2017 M 1096715 209.51 48.12 204.00 59.90 75.20 694.46
Time-Series Maguen 2013 F 69824 182.76 42.81 179.00 58.50 70.30 382.00
Time-Series Maguen 2013 M 967469 207.23 46.18 202.00 57.90 74.00 541.10
Time-Series Chan 2017 F 78150 184.66 43.82 180.80 59.80 59.20 725.32
Time-Series Chan 2017 M 1091964 209.52 48.14 204.00 59.90 54.00 727.50
Time-Series Buta 2018 F 76284 184.81 43.81 181.00 59.95 60.00 415.79
Time-Series Buta 2018 M 1055712 209.58 48.17 204.00 60.00 66.50 540.00

Test/model if there is a difference by algorithm choice

# A tibble: 1 x 5
  term           edf ref.df statistic  p.value
  <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
1 s(Algorithm)  9.96     12      4.87 0.000569

This would suggest that there are some differences by Algorithm on the mean; mean weight is expected to differ by sex.

# A tibble: 1 x 5
  term           edf ref.df statistic   p.value
  <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
1 s(Algorithm)  10.5     12      7.03 0.0000380

And there certainly is some difference in standard deviation by algorithm

Number of Patients/Veterans Retained, by algorithm, by Sex,

Type Algorithm Gender n
Raw Raw Weights F 6200
Raw Raw Weights M 92758
Time-Periods Janney 2016 F 5933
Time-Periods Janney 2016 M 89809
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 F 5935
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 M 89811
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 F 6007
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 M 90552
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 F 1698
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 M 22289
Time-Periods Noel 2012 F 6200
Time-Periods Noel 2012 M 92758
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 F 3929
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 M 59476
Time-Series Littman 2012 F 6026
Time-Series Littman 2012 M 90104
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 F 6200
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 M 92758
Time-Series Breland 2017 F 6200
Time-Series Breland 2017 M 92758
Time-Series Maguen 2013 F 6164
Time-Series Maguen 2013 M 92188
Time-Series Chan 2017 F 6027
Time-Series Chan 2017 M 90105
Time-Series Buta 2018 F 5749
Time-Series Buta 2018 M 84410

The relative differences in algorithmic effect between sexes are minute.

Number of weights retained, per person, by algorithm, by Sex,

Type Algorithm Gender mean SD min Q1 median Q3 max
Raw Raw Weights F 12.67 12.61 1 5 9 16 277
Raw Raw Weights M 11.83 19.05 1 4 8 14 1525
Time-Periods Janney 2016 F 2.07 0.78 1 1 2 3 3
Time-Periods Janney 2016 M 2.09 0.76 1 2 2 3 3
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 F 2.07 0.78 1 1 2 3 3
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 M 2.09 0.76 1 2 2 3 3
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 F 2.58 1.00 1 2 3 3 4
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 M 2.61 0.98 1 2 3 3 4
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 F 3.00 0.00 3 3 3 3 3
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 M 3.00 0.00 3 3 3 3 3
Time-Periods Noel 2012 F 7.15 3.75 1 4 7 10 17
Time-Periods Noel 2012 M 6.89 3.72 1 4 6 9 17
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 F 3.59 0.49 3 3 4 4 4
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 M 3.58 0.49 3 3 4 4 4
Time-Series Littman 2012 F 12.80 12.43 2 5 9 16 277
Time-Series Littman 2012 M 12.04 19.11 2 5 8 14 1524
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 F 12.46 12.25 1 5 9 16 258
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 M 11.51 14.43 1 4 8 14 637
Time-Series Breland 2017 F 12.66 12.61 1 5 9 16 277
Time-Series Breland 2017 M 11.82 19.02 1 4 8 14 1524
Time-Series Maguen 2013 F 11.33 10.89 1 5 8 14 192
Time-Series Maguen 2013 M 10.49 16.91 1 4 7 13 1516
Time-Series Chan 2017 F 12.97 12.56 2 5 9 16 269
Time-Series Chan 2017 M 12.12 19.11 2 5 8 14 1517
Time-Series Buta 2018 F 13.27 12.68 2 5 10 17 277
Time-Series Buta 2018 M 12.51 19.73 2 5 8 15 1524


Family: gaussian 
Link function: identity 

mean ~ Gender + Type + s(Algorithm, bs = "re")

Parametric coefficients:
                 Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)      12.48003    1.40738   8.868 1.13e-06 ***
GenderM          -0.46305    0.11716  -3.952  0.00185 ** 
TypeTime-Periods -8.85635    1.51882  -5.831 7.50e-05 ***
TypeTime-Series  -0.08501    1.51882  -0.056  0.95627    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
               edf Ref.df     F p-value    
s(Algorithm) 9.774     10 43.33  <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

R-sq.(adj) =  0.996   Deviance explained = 99.8%
-REML = 27.358  Scale est. = 0.089217  n = 26

These results suggest there are differences between algorithms and sex, though not for algorithms that use all data, at least when compared to the “raw” data.

Bootstrapped Estimates


Distribution of the mean

Distribution of the sample standard deviation

Alternative, ridgeline plot

Latent Trajectories

Sampling 500 men & 500 women from the PCP 2016 Cohort

Predicted classes

So, there is no guarantee that each class within an algorithms LCMM, will be the same class across algorithms. We can get this information from the signs of the coefficients on “time” in each model.

concept_classes <- c("Loss", "Maintain", "Gain")

traj_edies_M <- sapply(
  function(x) {
    time_coefs <- coef(x)
    which_coef <- grepl("time", names(time_coefs))
    time_coefs <- time_coefs[which_coef]
    traj_class <- sign(round(time_coefs, 3))
) %>%
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  rownames_to_column("orig_class") %>% 
    names_to = "Algorithm", 
    values_to = "value"
  ) %>%
    Algorithm = factor(Algorithm,
                       levels = names(me),
                       labels = names(me)),
    concept_class = case_when(
      value == -1 ~ concept_classes[1],
      value == 0  ~ concept_classes[2],
      value == 1  ~ concept_classes[3]
    concept_class = factor(
      levels = concept_classes,
      labels = concept_classes
    orig_class = case_when(
      orig_class == "time class1" ~ "Class 1",
      orig_class == "time class2" ~ "Class 2",
      orig_class == "time class3" ~ "Class 3"
    orig_class = factor(orig_class)
  ) %>%
  select(-value) %>%
  distinct(Algorithm, concept_class, .keep_all = TRUE)

traj_edies_F <- sapply(
  function(x) {
    time_coefs <- coef(x)
    which_coef <- grepl("time", names(time_coefs))
    time_coefs <- time_coefs[which_coef]
    traj_class <- sign(round(time_coefs, 3))
) %>%
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  rownames_to_column("orig_class") %>% 
    names_to = "Algorithm", 
    values_to = "value"
  ) %>%
    Algorithm = factor(Algorithm,
                       levels = names(me),
                       labels = names(me)),
    concept_class = case_when(
      value == -1 ~ concept_classes[1],
      value == 0  ~ concept_classes[2],
      value == 1  ~ concept_classes[3]
    concept_class = factor(
      levels = concept_classes,
      labels = concept_classes
    orig_class = case_when(
      orig_class == "time class1" ~ "Class 1",
      orig_class == "time class2" ~ "Class 2",
      orig_class == "time class3" ~ "Class 3"
    orig_class = factor(orig_class)
  ) %>%
  select(-value) %>%
  distinct(Algorithm, concept_class, .keep_all = TRUE)



Still a mess. Let’s look at things a little differently.

An Illustration:

Comparing slopes, numerically

Weight Change Comparison

Add Gender/Sex

Individual Level

Let’s look at the proportions of weight loss 5% from baseline, by algorithm:

Algorithm Gender n prop
Raw Weights F 535 0.15
Raw Weights M 7627 0.13
Janney 2016 F 509 0.15
Janney 2016 M 7333 0.13
Littman 2012 F 502 0.15
Littman 2012 M 7349 0.13
Maciejewski 2016 F 514 0.15
Maciejewski 2016 M 7471 0.14
Breland 2017 F 529 0.15
Breland 2017 M 7595 0.13
Maguen 2013 F 355 0.12
Maguen 2013 M 4578 0.09
Goodrich 2016 F 508 0.15
Goodrich 2016 M 7320 0.13
Chan 2017 F 523 0.15
Chan 2017 M 7546 0.13
Jackson 2015 F 503 0.15
Jackson 2015 M 7470 0.13
Buta 2018 F 515 0.15
Buta 2018 M 7247 0.14
Kazerooni 2016 F 228 0.13
Kazerooni 2016 M 3127 0.14
Noel 2012 F 515 0.15
Noel 2012 M 7271 0.13
Rosenberger 2011 F 356 0.16
Rosenberger 2011 M 5069 0.14


Family: binomial 
Link function: logit 

prop ~ Gender + s(Algorithm, bs = "re")

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)  -1.7528     0.7817  -2.242   0.0249 *
GenderM      -0.1380     1.1340  -0.122   0.9032  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
                   edf Ref.df Chi.sq p-value
s(Algorithm) 7.222e-06     12      0       1

R-sq.(adj) =  0.333   Deviance explained = 34.3%
-REML = 2.5266  Scale est. = 1         n = 26

When factoring in Algorithm, the differences in weight loss proportion between sexes is insignificant

Let’s look at the proportions of weight gain 5% from baseline, by algorithm:

Algorithm Gender n prop
Raw Weights F 626 0.18
Raw Weights M 6351 0.11
Janney 2016 F 590 0.18
Janney 2016 M 6089 0.11
Littman 2012 F 603 0.17
Littman 2012 M 6184 0.11
Maciejewski 2016 F 620 0.18
Maciejewski 2016 M 6190 0.11
Breland 2017 F 624 0.18
Breland 2017 M 6312 0.11
Maguen 2013 F 425 0.14
Maguen 2013 M 3663 0.07
Goodrich 2016 F 590 0.18
Goodrich 2016 M 6078 0.11
Chan 2017 F 624 0.18
Chan 2017 M 6278 0.11
Jackson 2015 F 574 0.18
Jackson 2015 M 5920 0.10
Buta 2018 F 606 0.18
Buta 2018 M 6036 0.11
Kazerooni 2016 F 247 0.15
Kazerooni 2016 M 2256 0.10
Noel 2012 F 615 0.18
Noel 2012 M 6009 0.11
Rosenberger 2011 F 426 0.19
Rosenberger 2011 M 4299 0.12

Average weight change:

Algorithm Gender mean SD min Q1 median Q3 max
Raw Weights F -0.21 22.35 -1000.00 -5.20 0.56 6.40 185.00
Raw Weights M -0.65 13.27 -536.00 -5.70 -0.20 5.00 296.10
Janney 2016 F 0.07 13.84 -258.99 -5.25 0.59 6.30 98.40
Janney 2016 M -0.65 11.91 -291.40 -5.70 -0.20 5.00 281.97
Littman 2012 F 0.45 11.36 -65.70 -5.00 0.60 6.30 88.90
Littman 2012 M -0.55 10.72 -118.60 -5.60 -0.20 5.00 108.00
Maciejewski 2016 F 0.37 12.03 -95.30 -5.40 0.70 6.70 66.40
Maciejewski 2016 M -0.67 11.21 -117.20 -5.90 -0.20 5.00 195.80
Breland 2017 F 0.20 13.07 -258.99 -5.20 0.60 6.40 88.90
Breland 2017 M -0.65 11.44 -117.20 -5.70 -0.20 5.00 207.20
Maguen 2013 F 0.45 8.38 -42.00 -4.30 0.51 5.40 41.20
Maguen 2013 M -0.42 7.74 -73.20 -4.90 -0.20 4.00 98.40
Goodrich 2016 F 0.21 12.57 -95.30 -5.20 0.59 6.30 98.40
Goodrich 2016 M -0.65 11.44 -117.20 -5.70 -0.20 5.00 205.20
Chan 2017 F 0.27 12.85 -258.99 -5.10 0.60 6.40 98.40
Chan 2017 M -0.63 11.89 -509.50 -5.70 -0.20 5.00 278.27
Jackson 2015 F 0.21 12.26 -133.50 -5.30 0.78 6.30 98.40
Jackson 2015 M -0.76 11.25 -245.59 -5.80 -0.40 4.70 230.39
Buta 2018 F 0.16 13.32 -211.59 -5.20 0.60 6.40 98.40
Buta 2018 M -0.64 11.92 -245.37 -5.80 -0.20 5.00 278.27
Kazerooni 2016 F 0.48 10.63 -84.00 -4.30 0.80 6.00 92.90
Kazerooni 2016 M -1.06 12.56 -534.00 -6.20 -0.70 4.60 299.30
Noel 2012 F 0.25 12.87 -211.79 -5.25 0.65 6.53 98.40
Noel 2012 M -0.63 11.39 -245.59 -5.70 -0.20 5.00 195.80
Rosenberger 2011 F 0.03 25.07 -1002.40 -5.55 0.80 7.00 185.00
Rosenberger 2011 M -0.72 13.17 -538.00 -6.00 -0.30 5.00 298.70


Family: gaussian 
Link function: identity 

mean ~ Gender + s(Algorithm, bs = "re")

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  0.22586    0.04709   4.796 6.98e-05 ***
GenderM     -0.89325    0.06660 -13.412 1.21e-12 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
                   edf Ref.df F p-value
s(Algorithm) 4.182e-05     12 0   0.527

R-sq.(adj) =  0.877   Deviance explained = 88.2%
-REML = -5.9358  Scale est. = 0.028832  n = 26

Obvious differences between sexes, but little to no difference between algorithm choice

Average Weight Change for those losing 5% weight loss:

Algorithm Gender mean SD min Q1 median Q3 max
Raw Weights F -22.00 47.05 -1000.00 -20.80 -15.00 -11.10 -5.90
Raw Weights M -19.79 16.90 -536.00 -22.20 -16.00 -12.10 -5.00
Janney 2016 F -19.61 18.64 -258.99 -20.40 -15.00 -11.10 -5.90
Janney 2016 M -19.24 12.37 -291.40 -22.00 -15.90 -12.00 -5.55
Littman 2012 F -17.18 9.42 -65.70 -19.20 -14.60 -11.00 -5.90
Littman 2012 M -18.17 9.33 -118.60 -21.30 -15.60 -12.00 -5.00
Maciejewski 2016 F -17.96 11.48 -95.30 -20.00 -14.75 -11.00 -5.90
Maciejewski 2016 M -18.79 10.52 -117.20 -22.00 -15.80 -12.00 -5.00
Breland 2017 F -18.98 16.13 -258.99 -20.10 -15.00 -11.00 -5.90
Breland 2017 M -19.04 10.93 -117.20 -22.00 -15.90 -12.04 -5.00
Maguen 2013 F -13.79 5.45 -42.00 -16.02 -12.80 -10.08 -5.90
Maguen 2013 M -14.65 5.91 -73.20 -16.40 -13.20 -11.00 -5.00
Goodrich 2016 F -18.73 12.72 -95.30 -20.30 -15.00 -11.05 -5.90
Goodrich 2016 M -19.04 11.11 -117.20 -22.00 -15.80 -12.00 -5.00
Chan 2017 F -18.58 15.72 -258.99 -20.00 -14.90 -11.00 -5.90
Chan 2017 M -19.13 12.88 -509.50 -22.00 -15.80 -12.00 -5.00
Jackson 2015 F -18.13 12.38 -133.50 -19.95 -14.61 -11.20 -5.90
Jackson 2015 M -18.69 11.22 -245.59 -21.65 -15.40 -12.00 -5.00
Buta 2018 F -19.46 15.96 -211.59 -20.50 -15.00 -11.05 -5.90
Buta 2018 M -19.31 12.02 -245.37 -22.25 -16.00 -12.10 -5.00
Kazerooni 2016 F -16.46 9.34 -84.00 -18.30 -14.20 -11.00 -4.80
Kazerooni 2016 M -19.01 14.85 -534.00 -22.00 -15.50 -12.00 -6.00
Noel 2012 F -18.69 15.55 -211.79 -20.00 -14.65 -11.00 -5.90
Noel 2012 M -18.89 11.29 -245.59 -22.00 -15.60 -12.10 -4.40
Rosenberger 2011 F -21.57 53.54 -1002.40 -21.70 -15.30 -11.25 -5.90
Rosenberger 2011 M -20.01 17.14 -538.00 -22.80 -16.00 -12.10 -5.00

Average Weight Change for those gaining 5% weight loss:

Algorithm Gender mean SD min Q1 median Q3 max
Raw Weights F 16.76 11.59 5.00 10.90 13.80 19.00 185.00
Raw Weights M 18.51 15.44 5.00 11.80 15.00 20.45 296.10
Janney 2016 F 16.48 9.55 5.00 10.80 13.80 19.00 98.40
Janney 2016 M 17.90 12.03 5.00 11.80 15.00 20.30 281.97
Littman 2012 F 16.00 8.53 5.00 10.84 13.60 18.58 88.90
Littman 2012 M 17.11 8.46 5.20 11.70 14.90 20.00 108.00
Maciejewski 2016 F 16.09 8.08 5.00 10.90 13.80 18.90 66.40
Maciejewski 2016 M 17.21 8.88 5.20 11.80 14.95 20.00 195.80
Breland 2017 F 16.36 8.85 5.00 10.90 13.80 19.00 88.90
Breland 2017 M 17.64 10.20 5.00 11.80 15.00 20.20 207.20
Maguen 2013 F 13.24 5.12 5.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 41.20
Maguen 2013 M 13.74 4.95 5.20 10.70 12.80 15.70 98.40
Goodrich 2016 F 16.48 9.55 5.00 10.80 13.80 19.00 98.40
Goodrich 2016 M 17.65 10.12 5.00 11.80 15.00 20.20 205.20
Chan 2017 F 16.26 8.80 5.00 10.90 13.80 19.00 98.40
Chan 2017 M 17.79 11.76 5.00 11.80 15.00 20.20 278.27
Jackson 2015 F 16.00 9.26 4.90 10.33 13.50 18.50 98.40
Jackson 2015 M 17.46 10.48 5.74 11.70 14.80 20.00 230.39
Buta 2018 F 16.57 9.54 5.00 10.90 13.80 19.00 98.40
Buta 2018 M 17.97 11.84 5.00 11.80 15.00 20.40 278.27
Kazerooni 2016 F 15.95 8.89 6.20 10.75 13.50 18.90 92.90
Kazerooni 2016 M 18.06 14.85 5.80 11.60 14.80 19.60 299.30
Noel 2012 F 16.00 8.62 5.00 10.62 13.60 18.23 98.40
Noel 2012 M 17.55 10.33 5.45 11.80 15.00 20.00 195.80
Rosenberger 2011 F 17.26 12.72 5.00 11.00 14.00 19.00 185.00
Rosenberger 2011 M 18.11 12.47 5.20 12.00 15.00 20.50 298.70

Visual summaries

Alternative view

Site/Facility Level Analyses
Sta3n_wtdx_diff <- DF %>%
  select(Algorithm, Gender, Sta3n, diff, diff_perc) %>%
  reshape2::melt(id.vars = c("Gender", "Algorithm", "Sta3n")) %>%
  group_by(Gender, Algorithm, Sta3n, variable) %>%
  na.omit() %>%
    n      = n(),
    mean   = mean(value),
    median = median(value)
  ) %>%
    names_from = variable,
    values_from = c("n", "mean", "median")

Sta3n_wtpct <- DF %>%
  select(Gender, Algorithm, Sta3n, contains("weight")) %>%
  reshape2::melt(id.vars = c("Gender", "Algorithm", "Sta3n")) %>%
  group_by(Gender, Algorithm, Sta3n, variable) %>% 
  summarize(prop = sum(value == 1) / n()) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = "prop")

Sta3n_wtdx <- Sta3n_wtdx_diff %>%
  left_join(Sta3n_wtpct, by = c("Gender", "Algorithm", "Sta3n")) %>%
    DF %>%
      distinct(Algorithm, Type),
    by = "Algorithm"
  ) %>%
  ) %>%

rm(Sta3n_wtdx_diff, Sta3n_wtpct)

COLS <- c("#2E364F", "#2D5D7C", "#F3F0E2", "#EF5939")

p <- Sta3n_wtdx %>%
  ggplot(aes(mean_diff, group = Gender, fill = Gender)) %>%
  add(geom_histogram(bins = 100, alpha = 0.5)) %>%
  add(theme_minimal(16)) %>%
  add(theme(legend.position = c(0.2, 0.8))) %>%
  add(scale_fill_manual(values = COLS[c(2, 4)])) %>%
    x = "Weight Change (lbs.)",
    y = "Frequency",
    fill = ""

q <- Sta3n_wtdx %>%
  filter(!is.infinite(mean_diff_perc)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(mean_diff_perc, group = Gender, fill = Gender)) %>%
  add(geom_histogram(bins = 100, alpha = 0.5)) %>%
  add(theme_minimal(16)) %>%
  add(theme(legend.position = "none")) %>%
  add(scale_fill_manual(values = COLS[c(2, 4)])) %>%
    x = "Weight Change %",
    y = "Frequency",
    fill = ""

r <- Sta3n_wtdx %>%
  ggplot(aes(gt5perc_weightloss, group = Gender, fill = Gender)) %>%
  add(geom_histogram(bins = 100, alpha = 0.5)) %>%
  add(theme_minimal(16)) %>%
  add(theme(legend.position = "none")) %>%
  add(scale_fill_manual(values = COLS[c(2, 4)])) %>%
    x = ">= 5% Weight Loss",
    y = "Frequency"

s <- Sta3n_wtdx %>%
  filter(!is.na(gt5perc_weightgain)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(gt5perc_weightgain, group = Gender, fill = Gender)) %>%
  add(geom_histogram(bins = 100, alpha = 0.5)) %>%
  add(theme_minimal(16)) %>%
  add(theme(legend.position = "none")) %>%
  add(scale_fill_manual(values = COLS[c(2, 4)])) %>%
    x = ">= 5% Weight Gain",
    y = "Frequency"


p + q + r + s

Sites are ordered/ranked along the x-axis using the percent of patients with at least 5% weight loss using the raw data. The left hand side shows the “time-period” algorithms, while the right displays the “time-series” algorithms. Results suggest that generally, time-series algorithms may result in more similar rates by site, save for Maguen 2013. Results are more mixed using the “time-period” algorithms.

By BMI Category

BMI works differently for Men and Women, so I’ll use only the Males for this analysis.

Total number of weight samples, by BMI category

BMI_cat n percent
Obese 505717 47.8%
Overweight 371623 35.1%
Normal 171864 16.2%
Underweight 9174 0.9%

Total number of people

BMI_cat n percent
Underweight 629 0.7%
Normal 14662 16.9%
Overweight 33243 38.4%
Obese 38103 44.0%

Association between number of weight samples collected, and BMI category,

BMI_cat mean SD median min max
Underweight 14.59 16.35 10 1 148
Normal 11.72 26.84 7 1 1525
Overweight 11.18 16.93 7 1 1254
Obese 13.27 18.36 9 1 1196

All weight in lbs. by BMI category, for the 2016 cohort only

BMI_cat mean SD median min max
Underweight 126.11 29.42 121.0 0 1246.00
Normal 157.37 22.39 156.7 0 1370.04
Overweight 189.66 23.60 189.0 0 1458.15
Obese 243.42 42.90 236.6 0 1486.20

It would also make sense to look at this from the perspective of BMI ranges,

BMI_cat mean SD median min max
Underweight 18.15 3.96 17.62 0 178.76
Normal 22.80 2.62 22.96 0 227.96
Overweight 27.40 2.49 27.44 0 215.31
Obese 35.15 8.32 33.98 0 1525.51

It’s illuminating in the context of outliers, but we already know this from analyzing the weight samples themselves.

By Algorithm

raw <- bmi_cohort %>%
  select(PatientICN, Weight, BMI_cat)

#---- apply Janney et al. 2016 ----#

Janney2016.df <- Janney2016.f(
  DF = bmi_cohort,
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  startPoint = "VisitDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, Weight_OR, BMI_cat) %>%
  rename(Weight = Weight_OR) %>%

#---- apply Littman et al. 2012 ----#

Littman2012.df <- Littman2012.f(
  DF = bmi_cohort,
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, OutputMeasurement, BMI_cat) %>%
  rename(Weight = OutputMeasurement) %>%

#---- Coerce Maciejewski et al. 2016 to a workable format ----#

Maciejewski2016.df <- maciejewski %>%
  filter(IO == "Output", SampleYear == "2016") %>%
  mutate(PatientICN = as.character(PatientICN)) %>%
    raw %>%
      distinct(PatientICN, BMI_cat),
    by = "PatientICN"
  ) %>%
  select(PatientICN, Weight, BMI_cat) %>%

#---- Apply Breland et al. 2017 ----#

Breland2017.df <- Breland2017.f(
  DF = bmi_cohort,
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, measures_aug_, BMI_cat) %>%
  rename(Weight = measures_aug_) %>%

#---- Apply Maguen et al. 2013 ----#

Maguen2013.df <- Maguen2013.f(
  DF = bmi_cohort,
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  variables = "AgeAtVisit"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, Output, BMI_cat) %>%
  rename(Weight = Output) %>%

#---- Apply Goodrich 2016 ----#

Goodrich2016.df <- Goodrich2016.f(
  DF = bmi_cohort,
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  startPoint = "VisitDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, output, BMI_cat) %>%
  rename(Weight = output) %>%

#---- Apply Chan & Raffa 2017 ----#

Chan2017.df <- Chan2017.f(
  DF = bmi_cohort,
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, measures_aug_, BMI_cat) %>%
  rename(Weight = measures_aug_) %>%

#---- Apply Jackson et al. 2015 ----#

Jackson2015.df <- Jackson2015.f(
  DF = bmi_cohort,
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  startPoint = "VisitDateTime"
) %>%
    bmi_cohort %>%
      distinct(PatientICN, BMI_cat),
    by = "PatientICN"
  ) %>%
  select(PatientICN, BMI_cat, output) %>%
  rename(Weight = output) %>%

#---- Apply Buta et al., 2018 ----#

Buta2018.df <- Buta2018.f(
  DF = bmi_cohort,
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "BMI",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, BMI_cat, Weight) %>%

#---- Apply Kazerooni & Lim, 2016 ----#

Kazerooni2016.df <- Kazerooni2016.f(
  DF = bmi_cohort,
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  startPoint = "VisitDateTime"
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, BMI_cat, Weight) %>%

#---- Apply Noel et al., 2012 ----#

Noel2012.df <- Noel2012.f(
  DF = bmi_cohort,
  id = "PatientICN",
  measures = "Weight",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime"
) %>% 
  distinct(PatientICN, BMI_cat, FYQ, Qmedian) %>%
  select(-FYQ) %>%
  rename(Weight = Qmedian) %>%

#---- Apply Rosenberger et al., 2011 ----#

Rosenberger2011.df <- Rosenberger2011.f(
  DF = bmi_cohort,
  id = "PatientICN",
  tmeasures = "WeightDateTime",
  startPoint = "VisitDateTime",
  pad = 1
) %>%
  select(PatientICN, BMI_cat, Weight) %>%

# stack original (raw), janney 2016, littman 2012, maciejewski 2016, 
# Breland 2017, Maguen 2013, Goodrich 2016, Chan & Raffa 2017, 
# Jackson 2015, Buta 2018, Kazerooni & Lim 2016, Noel 2012,
# and Rosenberger 2011 processed weights
algos.fac  <- c("Raw Weights",
                "Janney 2016",
                "Littman 2012",
                "Maciejewski 2016",
                "Breland 2017",
                "Maguen 2013",
                "Goodrich 2016",
                "Chan 2017",
                "Jackson 2015",
                "Buta 2018",
                "Kazerooni 2016",
                "Noel 2012",
                "Rosenberger 2011")

DF <- bind_rows(
  list(`Raw Weights`      = raw,
       `Janney 2016`      = Janney2016.df,
       `Littman 2012`     = Littman2012.df,
       `Maciejewski 2016` = Maciejewski2016.df,
       `Breland 2017`     = Breland2017.df,
       `Maguen 2013`      = Maguen2013.df,
       `Goodrich 2016`    = Goodrich2016.df,
       `Chan 2017`        = Chan2017.df,
       `Jackson 2015`     = Jackson2015.df,
       `Buta 2018`        = Buta2018.df,
       `Kazerooni 2016`   = Kazerooni2016.df,
       `Noel 2012`        = Noel2012.df,
       `Rosenberger 2011` = Rosenberger2011.df),
  .id = "Algorithm"


DF$Algorithm <- factor(DF$Algorithm, levels = algos.fac, labels = algos.fac)

DF$Type <- case_when(
  DF$Algorithm == "Raw Weights"                  ~ 1,
  DF$Algorithm %in% algos.fac[c(2, 7, 9, 11:13)] ~ 2,
  DF$Algorithm %in% algos.fac[c(3:6, 8, 10)]     ~ 3
DF$Type <- factor(DF$Type, 1:3, c("Raw", "Time-Periods", "Time-Series"))

Total weight measurements, by algorithm and Sex.

Algorithm Underweight Normal Overweight Obese
Raw Weights 0.9% (9174) 16.2% (171864) 35.1% (371623) 47.8% (505717)
Janney 2016 0.7% (1256) 16.2% (28727) 37.9% (67155) 45.1% (79837)
Littman 2012 0.9% (8915) 16.2% (169459) 35.2% (367844) 47.8% (499858)
Maciejewski 2016 0.9% (8838) 16.0% (164857) 35.2% (362454) 47.9% (492648)
Breland 2017 0.9% (9135) 16.2% (171726) 35.1% (371437) 47.8% (505338)
Maguen 2013 0.9% (8339) 17.0% (158002) 36.3% (338323) 45.8% (426941)
Goodrich 2016 0.7% (1265) 16.2% (28713) 37.9% (67136) 45.1% (79818)
Chan 2017 0.9% (9103) 16.2% (170995) 35.1% (369876) 47.8% (503380)
Jackson 2015 0.7% (1538) 16.1% (35908) 37.8% (84435) 45.4% (101254)
Buta 2018 0.9% (9113) 16.2% (171333) 35.1% (370629) 47.8% (504637)
Kazerooni 2016 0.9% (576) 15.3% (9909) 35.4% (22992) 48.4% (31461)
Noel 2012 0.7% (4411) 15.9% (96637) 36.9% (224645) 46.5% (282526)
Rosenberger 2011 0.7% (1336) 15.4% (31400) 37.2% (75674) 46.8% (95247)

Distribution of weight measurements, by algorithm and BMI category

Type Algorithm BMI_cat weight_n mean SD median IQR min max
Raw Raw Weights Underweight 9174 126.11 29.42 121.00 24.50 0.00 1246.00
Raw Raw Weights Normal 171864 157.37 22.39 156.70 28.00 0.00 1370.04
Raw Raw Weights Overweight 371623 189.66 23.60 189.00 30.00 0.00 1458.15
Raw Raw Weights Obese 505717 243.42 42.90 236.60 50.00 0.00 1486.20
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Underweight 1256 129.92 32.02 123.00 25.03 82.60 351.60
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Normal 28727 158.83 20.73 158.10 27.00 80.00 478.00
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Overweight 67155 190.59 22.19 190.00 29.40 92.20 533.30
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Obese 79837 241.51 40.08 235.10 47.80 98.40 546.00
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Underweight 1265 129.59 32.13 123.00 25.40 80.20 351.60
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Normal 28713 158.82 20.68 158.00 27.00 80.00 478.00
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Overweight 67136 190.58 22.12 190.00 29.40 96.00 368.17
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Obese 79818 241.49 40.01 235.10 47.80 87.00 500.00
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Underweight 1538 130.19 33.51 123.00 25.61 78.00 354.50
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Normal 35908 158.96 20.90 158.30 27.05 83.38 365.97
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Overweight 84435 190.57 22.46 189.80 29.73 95.30 449.74
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Obese 101254 241.36 40.25 235.00 48.00 87.00 553.00
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Underweight 576 127.98 32.19 121.00 26.35 82.50 342.80
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Normal 9909 158.46 24.09 157.90 28.00 16.50 1233.70
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Overweight 22992 190.71 23.25 189.90 30.25 16.50 710.00
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Obese 31461 243.75 41.66 237.20 49.90 0.00 517.44
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Underweight 4411 127.49 28.53 122.15 23.30 70.00 354.50
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Normal 96637 158.55 20.30 158.00 26.50 74.00 365.97
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Overweight 224645 190.53 21.90 189.80 28.90 70.00 449.74
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Obese 282526 242.52 40.40 236.00 48.00 71.25 588.90
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Underweight 1336 130.68 34.40 123.50 26.00 22.90 354.50
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Normal 31400 159.34 22.17 159.00 27.80 11.02 1314.50
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Overweight 75674 190.76 22.99 190.00 29.90 1.00 710.00
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Obese 95247 242.09 40.83 235.80 48.49 0.00 727.50
Time-Series Littman 2012 Underweight 8915 126.17 26.27 121.00 24.10 75.20 354.50
Time-Series Littman 2012 Normal 169459 157.33 20.84 156.70 28.00 75.30 365.97
Time-Series Littman 2012 Overweight 367844 189.74 22.82 189.00 29.80 78.00 356.00
Time-Series Littman 2012 Obese 499858 243.61 42.36 236.80 50.00 88.00 546.00
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Underweight 8838 126.31 26.54 121.10 24.20 66.00 354.50
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Normal 164857 157.53 21.03 156.97 28.00 64.00 365.97
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Overweight 362454 189.84 22.78 189.00 29.89 87.00 318.00
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Obese 492648 243.58 42.46 236.90 50.00 93.00 546.00
Time-Series Breland 2017 Underweight 9135 126.26 26.45 121.03 24.25 75.20 354.50
Time-Series Breland 2017 Normal 171726 157.35 21.12 156.70 28.00 77.00 365.97
Time-Series Breland 2017 Overweight 371437 189.67 23.00 189.00 30.00 82.50 379.20
Time-Series Breland 2017 Obese 505338 243.48 42.56 236.60 50.00 93.00 694.46
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Underweight 8339 124.71 24.05 120.50 23.48 74.60 345.00
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Normal 158002 157.00 20.24 156.31 27.38 74.00 343.10
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Overweight 338323 189.44 22.16 188.80 29.20 95.70 309.00
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Obese 426941 241.65 40.07 235.07 47.20 103.80 541.10
Time-Series Chan 2017 Underweight 9103 126.20 26.54 121.00 24.40 64.00 354.50
Time-Series Chan 2017 Normal 170995 157.34 21.13 156.70 28.00 58.60 365.97
Time-Series Chan 2017 Overweight 369876 189.67 22.99 189.00 30.00 59.00 509.27
Time-Series Chan 2017 Obese 503380 243.49 42.57 236.60 50.00 54.00 727.50
Time-Series Buta 2018 Underweight 9113 126.29 26.52 121.04 24.20 66.80 354.50
Time-Series Buta 2018 Normal 171333 157.38 21.26 156.70 28.00 67.46 478.00
Time-Series Buta 2018 Overweight 370629 189.67 23.09 189.00 30.00 74.50 509.27
Time-Series Buta 2018 Obese 504637 243.42 42.55 236.60 50.00 66.50 540.00

Number of Patients/Veterans Retained, by algorithm, by BMI category

Type Algorithm BMI_cat n
Raw Raw Weights Underweight 629
Raw Raw Weights Normal 14662
Raw Raw Weights Overweight 33243
Raw Raw Weights Obese 38103
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Underweight 595
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Normal 14116
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Overweight 32250
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Obese 37102
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Underweight 601
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Normal 14117
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Overweight 32247
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Obese 37100
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Underweight 598
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Normal 14235
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Overweight 32533
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Obese 37395
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Underweight 192
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Normal 3303
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Overweight 7664
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Obese 10487
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Underweight 629
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Normal 14662
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Overweight 33243
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Obese 38103
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Underweight 374
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Normal 8839
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Overweight 21208
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Obese 26324
Time-Series Littman 2012 Underweight 604
Time-Series Littman 2012 Normal 14201
Time-Series Littman 2012 Overweight 32339
Time-Series Littman 2012 Obese 37280
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Underweight 629
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Normal 14662
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Overweight 33243
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Obese 38103
Time-Series Breland 2017 Underweight 629
Time-Series Breland 2017 Normal 14662
Time-Series Breland 2017 Overweight 33243
Time-Series Breland 2017 Obese 38103
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Underweight 616
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Normal 14604
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Overweight 33128
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Obese 37781
Time-Series Chan 2017 Underweight 605
Time-Series Chan 2017 Normal 14201
Time-Series Chan 2017 Overweight 32339
Time-Series Chan 2017 Obese 37280
Time-Series Buta 2018 Underweight 603
Time-Series Buta 2018 Normal 14201
Time-Series Buta 2018 Overweight 32339
Time-Series Buta 2018 Obese 37267

Number of weights retained, per person, by algorithm, by BMI Category,

Type Algorithm BMI_cat mean SD min Q1 median Q3 max
Raw Raw Weights Underweight 14.59 16.35 1 5 10 18.0 148
Raw Raw Weights Normal 11.72 26.84 1 4 7 13.0 1525
Raw Raw Weights Overweight 11.18 16.93 1 4 7 13.0 1254
Raw Raw Weights Obese 13.27 18.36 1 5 9 16.0 1196
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Underweight 2.11 0.79 1 1 2 3.0 3
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Normal 2.04 0.76 1 1 2 3.0 3
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Overweight 2.08 0.75 1 2 2 3.0 3
Time-Periods Janney 2016 Obese 2.15 0.76 1 2 2 3.0 3
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Underweight 2.10 0.79 1 1 2 3.0 3
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Normal 2.03 0.76 1 1 2 3.0 3
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Overweight 2.08 0.75 1 2 2 3.0 3
Time-Periods Goodrich 2016 Obese 2.15 0.76 1 2 2 3.0 3
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Underweight 2.57 1.01 1 2 3 3.0 4
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Normal 2.52 0.99 1 2 3 3.0 4
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Overweight 2.60 0.97 1 2 3 3.0 4
Time-Periods Jackson 2015 Obese 2.71 0.98 1 2 3 3.0 4
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Underweight 3.00 0.00 3 3 3 3.0 3
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Normal 3.00 0.00 3 3 3 3.0 3
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Overweight 3.00 0.00 3 3 3 3.0 3
Time-Periods Kazerooni 2016 Obese 3.00 0.00 3 3 3 3.0 3
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Underweight 7.01 3.81 1 4 7 9.0 17
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Normal 6.59 3.62 1 4 6 9.0 17
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Overweight 6.76 3.63 1 4 6 9.0 17
Time-Periods Noel 2012 Obese 7.41 3.81 1 4 7 10.0 17
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Underweight 3.57 0.50 3 3 4 4.0 4
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Normal 3.55 0.50 3 3 4 4.0 4
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Overweight 3.57 0.50 3 3 4 4.0 4
Time-Periods Rosenberger 2011 Obese 3.62 0.49 3 3 4 4.0 4
Time-Series Littman 2012 Underweight 14.76 16.16 2 5 10 18.0 148
Time-Series Littman 2012 Normal 11.93 27.10 2 4 8 14.0 1524
Time-Series Littman 2012 Overweight 11.37 16.97 2 4 8 13.0 1253
Time-Series Littman 2012 Obese 13.41 18.31 2 5 9 16.0 1193
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Underweight 14.05 15.39 1 5 10 17.0 139
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Normal 11.24 17.29 1 4 7 13.0 629
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Overweight 10.90 13.16 1 4 7 13.0 637
Time-Series Maciejewski 2016 Obese 12.93 14.93 1 5 9 16.0 615
Time-Series Breland 2017 Underweight 14.52 16.33 1 5 10 18.0 148
Time-Series Breland 2017 Normal 11.71 26.79 1 4 7 13.0 1524
Time-Series Breland 2017 Overweight 11.17 16.91 1 4 7 13.0 1251
Time-Series Breland 2017 Obese 13.26 18.34 1 5 9 16.0 1192
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Underweight 13.54 14.66 1 5 9 16.5 146
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Normal 10.82 25.45 1 4 7 13.0 1516
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Overweight 10.21 15.32 1 4 7 12.0 1160
Time-Series Maguen 2013 Obese 11.30 15.11 1 4 8 14.0 1083
Time-Series Chan 2017 Underweight 15.05 16.36 2 5 10 18.0 147
Time-Series Chan 2017 Normal 12.04 27.04 2 4 8 14.0 1517
Time-Series Chan 2017 Overweight 11.44 16.98 2 4 8 14.0 1246
Time-Series Chan 2017 Obese 13.50 18.32 2 5 9 16.0 1188
Time-Series Buta 2018 Underweight 15.11 16.45 2 5 10 18.0 148
Time-Series Buta 2018 Normal 12.06 27.17 2 4 8 14.0 1524
Time-Series Buta 2018 Overweight 11.46 17.07 2 4 8 14.0 1253
Time-Series Buta 2018 Obese 13.54 18.46 2 5 9 16.0 1193


Distribution of the mean

Mean weight does not change much

Distribution of the sample standard deviation,

Weight Change Comparison

Add BMI category

Individual Level

Let’s look at the proportions of weight loss 5% from baseline, by algorithm:

Algorithm BMI_cat n prop
Raw Weights Underweight 72 0.20
Raw Weights Normal 1223 0.15
Raw Weights Overweight 2595 0.13
Raw Weights Obese 3378 0.14
Janney 2016 Underweight 69 0.20
Janney 2016 Normal 1176 0.14
Janney 2016 Overweight 2502 0.13
Janney 2016 Obese 3237 0.14
Littman 2012 Underweight 70 0.20
Littman 2012 Normal 1194 0.14
Littman 2012 Overweight 2518 0.12
Littman 2012 Obese 3223 0.13
Maciejewski 2016 Underweight 71 0.21
Maciejewski 2016 Normal 1197 0.15
Maciejewski 2016 Overweight 2556 0.13
Maciejewski 2016 Obese 3297 0.14
Breland 2017 Underweight 72 0.20
Breland 2017 Normal 1221 0.14
Breland 2017 Overweight 2584 0.13
Breland 2017 Obese 3360 0.14
Maguen 2013 Underweight 55 0.18
Maguen 2013 Normal 908 0.12
Maguen 2013 Overweight 1736 0.09
Maguen 2013 Obese 1677 0.08
Goodrich 2016 Underweight 70 0.20
Goodrich 2016 Normal 1175 0.14
Goodrich 2016 Overweight 2497 0.13
Goodrich 2016 Obese 3229 0.14
Chan 2017 Underweight 71 0.20
Chan 2017 Normal 1212 0.14
Chan 2017 Overweight 2572 0.13
Chan 2017 Obese 3336 0.14
Jackson 2015 Underweight 67 0.20
Jackson 2015 Normal 1208 0.14
Jackson 2015 Overweight 2525 0.12
Jackson 2015 Obese 3292 0.14
Buta 2018 Underweight 72 0.20
Buta 2018 Normal 1222 0.15
Buta 2018 Overweight 2588 0.13
Buta 2018 Obese 3365 0.14
Kazerooni 2016 Underweight 58 0.30
Kazerooni 2016 Normal 526 0.16
Kazerooni 2016 Overweight 979 0.13
Kazerooni 2016 Obese 1464 0.14
Noel 2012 Underweight 71 0.21
Noel 2012 Normal 1183 0.15
Noel 2012 Overweight 2460 0.12
Noel 2012 Obese 3218 0.14
Rosenberger 2011 Underweight 53 0.22
Rosenberger 2011 Normal 775 0.15
Rosenberger 2011 Overweight 1732 0.13
Rosenberger 2011 Obese 2335 0.14

Let’s look at the proportions of weight gain 5% from baseline, by algorithm:

Algorithm BMI_cat n prop
Raw Weights Underweight 65 0.18
Raw Weights Normal 1158 0.14
Raw Weights Overweight 2173 0.11
Raw Weights Obese 2662 0.11
Janney 2016 Underweight 59 0.17
Janney 2016 Normal 1120 0.14
Janney 2016 Overweight 2090 0.11
Janney 2016 Obese 2534 0.11
Littman 2012 Underweight 55 0.16
Littman 2012 Normal 1113 0.13
Littman 2012 Overweight 2134 0.10
Littman 2012 Obese 2595 0.11
Maciejewski 2016 Underweight 60 0.18
Maciejewski 2016 Normal 1132 0.14
Maciejewski 2016 Overweight 2131 0.11
Maciejewski 2016 Obese 2583 0.11
Breland 2017 Underweight 60 0.17
Breland 2017 Normal 1153 0.14
Breland 2017 Overweight 2168 0.11
Breland 2017 Obese 2640 0.11
Maguen 2013 Underweight 44 0.14
Maguen 2013 Normal 858 0.11
Maguen 2013 Overweight 1408 0.08
Maguen 2013 Obese 1182 0.06
Goodrich 2016 Underweight 58 0.17
Goodrich 2016 Normal 1119 0.14
Goodrich 2016 Overweight 2086 0.10
Goodrich 2016 Obese 2530 0.11
Chan 2017 Underweight 63 0.18
Chan 2017 Normal 1147 0.14
Chan 2017 Overweight 2154 0.10
Chan 2017 Obese 2624 0.11
Jackson 2015 Underweight 51 0.15
Jackson 2015 Normal 1117 0.13
Jackson 2015 Overweight 2013 0.10
Jackson 2015 Obese 2430 0.10
Buta 2018 Underweight 60 0.17
Buta 2018 Normal 1155 0.14
Buta 2018 Overweight 2172 0.11
Buta 2018 Obese 2649 0.11
Kazerooni 2016 Underweight 24 0.12
Kazerooni 2016 Normal 448 0.14
Kazerooni 2016 Overweight 742 0.10
Kazerooni 2016 Obese 989 0.09
Noel 2012 Underweight 58 0.17
Noel 2012 Normal 1086 0.13
Noel 2012 Overweight 2054 0.10
Noel 2012 Obese 2528 0.11
Rosenberger 2011 Underweight 34 0.14
Rosenberger 2011 Normal 756 0.14
Rosenberger 2011 Overweight 1463 0.11
Rosenberger 2011 Obese 1884 0.12

Average weight change:

Algorithm BMI_cat mean SD min Q1 median Q3 max
Raw Weights Underweight 2.24 23.78 -57.00 -4.60 -0.10 3.85 195.80
Raw Weights Normal -0.21 10.07 -148.00 -4.80 -0.37 4.00 185.20
Raw Weights Overweight -0.54 11.64 -536.00 -5.10 -0.20 4.40 281.97
Raw Weights Obese -0.95 15.44 -509.50 -6.80 -0.20 5.80 296.10
Janney 2016 Underweight 0.21 15.44 -57.00 -4.60 -0.25 3.60 195.80
Janney 2016 Normal -0.20 9.60 -118.60 -4.80 -0.37 4.00 185.20
Janney 2016 Overweight -0.48 10.68 -291.40 -5.00 -0.20 4.31 281.97
Janney 2016 Obese -0.97 13.65 -159.20 -6.70 -0.20 5.80 145.50
Littman 2012 Underweight -0.65 8.78 -34.40 -4.60 -0.30 3.40 31.80
Littman 2012 Normal -0.31 8.68 -118.60 -4.80 -0.40 4.00 54.70
Littman 2012 Overweight -0.43 9.25 -67.20 -5.00 -0.20 4.40 70.50
Littman 2012 Obese -0.75 12.55 -111.80 -6.60 -0.10 5.80 108.00
Maciejewski 2016 Underweight 0.78 17.64 -46.00 -5.00 -0.50 3.70 195.80
Maciejewski 2016 Normal -0.23 9.09 -55.20 -4.90 -0.40 4.10 70.30
Maciejewski 2016 Overweight -0.52 9.59 -80.74 -5.20 -0.20 4.50 90.00
Maciejewski 2016 Obese -0.99 13.07 -117.20 -7.00 -0.20 6.00 99.80
Breland 2017 Underweight 0.16 15.27 -57.00 -4.65 -0.30 3.45 195.80
Breland 2017 Normal -0.22 9.18 -58.80 -4.80 -0.38 4.00 78.80
Breland 2017 Overweight -0.49 9.80 -80.86 -5.07 -0.20 4.40 207.20
Breland 2017 Obese -0.95 13.36 -117.20 -6.70 -0.20 5.80 152.60
Maguen 2013 Underweight -0.30 7.07 -22.45 -4.35 -0.35 3.10 30.70
Maguen 2013 Normal -0.24 7.07 -32.00 -4.20 -0.30 3.70 57.00
Maguen 2013 Overweight -0.38 7.16 -44.50 -4.60 -0.12 4.00 45.00
Maguen 2013 Obese -0.54 8.59 -73.20 -5.40 -0.10 4.70 98.40
Goodrich 2016 Underweight -0.37 11.25 -57.00 -4.65 -0.30 3.45 79.00
Goodrich 2016 Normal -0.21 9.28 -95.10 -4.80 -0.37 4.00 78.80
Goodrich 2016 Overweight -0.48 9.82 -82.30 -5.00 -0.20 4.30 205.20
Goodrich 2016 Obese -0.95 13.43 -117.20 -6.70 -0.20 5.80 145.50
Chan 2017 Underweight 1.62 20.83 -46.00 -4.60 -0.15 3.70 195.80
Chan 2017 Normal -0.19 9.26 -58.80 -4.80 -0.37 4.00 98.12
Chan 2017 Overweight -0.49 10.16 -245.37 -5.00 -0.20 4.31 278.27
Chan 2017 Obese -0.96 13.88 -509.50 -6.70 -0.20 5.80 182.15
Jackson 2015 Underweight -0.13 15.40 -55.75 -5.00 -1.00 3.25 195.80
Jackson 2015 Normal -0.22 9.42 -156.50 -4.90 -0.40 4.00 199.97
Jackson 2015 Overweight -0.56 9.68 -245.59 -5.17 -0.38 4.20 230.39
Jackson 2015 Obese -1.15 13.07 -126.70 -7.00 -0.40 5.50 122.60
Buta 2018 Underweight 0.17 15.29 -57.00 -4.70 -0.30 3.50 195.80
Buta 2018 Normal -0.21 9.61 -118.60 -4.80 -0.40 4.00 185.20
Buta 2018 Overweight -0.48 10.27 -245.37 -5.07 -0.20 4.40 278.27
Buta 2018 Obese -0.94 13.75 -159.20 -6.70 -0.20 5.80 152.60
Kazerooni 2016 Underweight -1.29 14.04 -28.70 -7.45 -1.20 3.10 142.37
Kazerooni 2016 Normal -0.40 9.47 -103.30 -5.20 -0.70 4.20 86.20
Kazerooni 2016 Overweight -0.79 11.58 -534.00 -5.50 -0.60 4.10 154.30
Kazerooni 2016 Obese -1.40 14.08 -165.97 -7.20 -0.80 5.00 299.30
Noel 2012 Underweight 1.03 18.70 -57.00 -5.00 -0.55 3.50 195.80
Noel 2012 Normal -0.27 9.13 -128.05 -4.90 -0.40 4.00 84.85
Noel 2012 Overweight -0.48 9.75 -245.59 -5.00 -0.20 4.40 142.13
Noel 2012 Obese -0.92 13.26 -119.60 -6.75 -0.20 5.90 145.00
Rosenberger 2011 Underweight -0.36 12.58 -57.00 -5.20 -0.80 3.20 102.80
Rosenberger 2011 Normal -0.22 9.62 -141.00 -5.00 -0.50 4.20 78.20
Rosenberger 2011 Overweight -0.61 11.61 -538.00 -5.30 -0.31 4.50 154.30
Rosenberger 2011 Obese -1.02 15.42 -509.50 -7.00 -0.20 6.00 298.70

Average Weight Change for those losing 5% weight loss:

Algorithm BMI_cat mean SD min Q1 median Q3 max
Raw Weights Underweight -13.64 8.86 -57.00 -16.00 -11.05 -7.75 -5.00
Raw Weights Normal -14.47 9.26 -148.00 -16.45 -12.10 -9.60 -6.00
Raw Weights Overweight -17.43 16.44 -536.00 -19.20 -14.10 -11.30 -7.20
Raw Weights Obese -23.85 18.99 -509.50 -27.00 -19.00 -14.80 -9.00
Janney 2016 Underweight -13.88 8.96 -57.00 -16.00 -11.10 -8.00 -5.55
Janney 2016 Normal -14.20 7.61 -118.60 -16.30 -12.05 -9.60 -6.00
Janney 2016 Overweight -16.94 11.31 -291.40 -19.00 -14.00 -11.29 -7.20
Janney 2016 Obese -23.14 13.69 -159.20 -26.80 -19.00 -14.70 -9.00
Littman 2012 Underweight -12.52 6.06 -34.40 -15.80 -10.91 -7.50 -5.00
Littman 2012 Normal -13.77 6.45 -118.60 -16.00 -12.00 -9.60 -6.00
Littman 2012 Overweight -16.08 7.06 -67.20 -18.60 -14.00 -11.20 -7.20
Littman 2012 Obese -21.71 10.65 -111.80 -25.30 -18.60 -14.60 -9.00
Maciejewski 2016 Underweight -13.02 7.23 -46.00 -16.00 -11.00 -7.75 -5.00
Maciejewski 2016 Normal -13.93 6.22 -55.20 -16.30 -12.00 -9.60 -6.00
Maciejewski 2016 Overweight -16.53 7.98 -80.74 -19.00 -14.00 -11.25 -7.20
Maciejewski 2016 Obese -22.60 12.28 -117.20 -26.20 -18.80 -14.60 -9.00
Breland 2017 Underweight -13.64 8.86 -57.00 -16.00 -11.05 -7.75 -5.00
Breland 2017 Normal -14.08 6.54 -58.80 -16.40 -12.10 -9.60 -6.00
Breland 2017 Overweight -16.67 8.27 -80.86 -19.05 -14.10 -11.30 -7.20
Breland 2017 Obese -22.93 12.74 -117.20 -26.85 -19.00 -14.70 -9.00
Maguen 2013 Underweight -10.10 3.70 -22.45 -11.65 -9.50 -7.30 -5.00
Maguen 2013 Normal -11.94 4.00 -32.00 -13.80 -11.00 -9.00 -6.00
Maguen 2013 Overweight -13.71 4.81 -44.50 -15.20 -12.50 -10.70 -7.20
Maguen 2013 Obese -17.40 6.89 -73.20 -19.30 -15.40 -13.00 -9.00
Goodrich 2016 Underweight -13.75 8.96 -57.00 -16.00 -11.05 -7.50 -5.00
Goodrich 2016 Normal -14.11 6.97 -95.10 -16.30 -12.00 -9.60 -6.00
Goodrich 2016 Overweight -16.66 8.39 -82.30 -19.00 -14.00 -11.20 -7.20
Goodrich 2016 Obese -22.95 12.98 -117.20 -26.60 -19.00 -14.70 -9.00
Chan 2017 Underweight -13.03 7.24 -46.00 -16.00 -11.00 -7.75 -5.00
Chan 2017 Normal -14.01 6.53 -58.80 -16.25 -12.00 -9.60 -6.00
Chan 2017 Overweight -16.75 9.70 -245.37 -19.00 -14.00 -11.20 -7.20
Chan 2017 Obese -23.10 15.63 -509.50 -26.61 -19.00 -14.70 -9.00
Jackson 2015 Underweight -13.80 8.75 -55.75 -16.10 -11.80 -8.15 -5.00
Jackson 2015 Normal -13.87 7.78 -156.50 -15.77 -11.95 -9.50 -5.90
Jackson 2015 Overweight -16.36 8.94 -245.59 -18.77 -13.90 -11.30 -6.73
Jackson 2015 Obese -22.55 12.82 -126.70 -25.59 -18.60 -14.50 -8.35
Buta 2018 Underweight -13.64 8.86 -57.00 -16.00 -11.05 -7.75 -5.00
Buta 2018 Normal -14.25 7.62 -118.60 -16.40 -12.10 -9.60 -6.00
Buta 2018 Overweight -16.85 9.81 -245.37 -19.10 -14.10 -11.30 -7.20
Buta 2018 Obese -23.17 13.60 -159.20 -27.00 -19.00 -14.70 -9.00
Kazerooni 2016 Underweight -12.37 5.70 -28.70 -16.00 -10.85 -8.00 -6.00
Kazerooni 2016 Normal -13.54 7.65 -103.30 -15.20 -11.12 -9.10 -6.00
Kazerooni 2016 Overweight -16.73 18.99 -534.00 -18.40 -13.60 -11.10 -7.30
Kazerooni 2016 Obese -22.79 13.07 -165.97 -26.20 -19.00 -14.74 -8.00
Noel 2012 Underweight -13.13 8.43 -57.00 -16.00 -11.00 -8.03 -5.00
Noel 2012 Normal -13.86 7.12 -128.05 -16.00 -12.00 -9.50 -6.00
Noel 2012 Overweight -16.66 9.39 -245.59 -19.17 -14.00 -11.32 -6.95
Noel 2012 Obese -22.74 12.80 -119.60 -26.01 -18.80 -14.50 -7.40
Rosenberger 2011 Underweight -13.20 9.27 -57.00 -14.09 -10.70 -8.00 -5.00
Rosenberger 2011 Normal -14.31 8.38 -141.00 -16.20 -12.10 -9.69 -6.00
Rosenberger 2011 Overweight -17.60 16.97 -538.00 -19.83 -14.30 -11.40 -7.50
Rosenberger 2011 Obese -23.98 18.99 -509.50 -27.20 -19.00 -14.70 -9.00

Average Weight Change for those gaining 5% weight loss:

Algorithm BMI_cat mean SD min Q1 median Q3 max
Raw Weights Underweight 28.14 45.27 5.50 8.00 11.30 21.61 195.80
Raw Weights Normal 15.07 10.89 5.00 9.80 12.05 16.80 185.20
Raw Weights Overweight 16.54 12.92 7.20 11.00 13.50 18.00 281.97
Raw Weights Obese 21.49 17.19 8.20 14.00 17.60 23.30 296.10
Janney 2016 Underweight 18.20 26.68 5.50 7.95 11.00 18.10 195.80
Janney 2016 Normal 14.82 9.83 5.00 9.80 12.05 16.65 185.20
Janney 2016 Overweight 16.48 12.67 7.20 11.00 13.50 18.00 281.97
Janney 2016 Obese 20.56 11.49 8.20 14.00 17.50 23.00 145.50
Littman 2012 Underweight 12.32 6.33 5.50 7.90 10.30 14.85 31.80
Littman 2012 Normal 13.85 6.43 5.20 9.70 12.00 16.00 54.70
Littman 2012 Overweight 15.66 7.11 7.20 11.00 13.40 18.00 70.50
Littman 2012 Obese 19.90 9.48 8.20 14.00 17.40 22.90 108.00
Maciejewski 2016 Underweight 20.58 32.48 5.45 7.95 11.00 18.65 195.80
Maciejewski 2016 Normal 14.40 7.63 5.20 9.80 12.00 16.60 70.30
Maciejewski 2016 Overweight 15.77 7.35 7.20 11.00 13.50 18.00 90.00
Maciejewski 2016 Obese 19.70 8.83 8.20 13.90 17.30 22.60 99.80
Breland 2017 Underweight 18.05 26.48 5.50 7.95 11.00 18.10 195.80
Breland 2017 Normal 14.61 8.12 5.00 9.80 12.00 16.60 78.80
Breland 2017 Overweight 16.09 9.12 7.20 11.00 13.50 18.00 207.20
Breland 2017 Obese 20.32 10.59 8.20 14.00 17.50 23.00 152.60
Maguen 2013 Underweight 11.11 5.65 5.50 7.55 9.45 11.75 30.70
Maguen 2013 Normal 12.18 5.24 5.20 9.00 11.00 13.60 57.00
Maguen 2013 Overweight 13.12 4.03 7.20 10.38 12.00 14.65 45.00
Maguen 2013 Obese 15.84 5.15 8.20 12.80 14.80 17.80 98.40
Goodrich 2016 Underweight 15.14 12.70 5.50 7.90 11.00 18.00 79.00
Goodrich 2016 Normal 14.67 8.40 5.00 9.80 12.00 16.60 78.80
Goodrich 2016 Overweight 16.14 9.25 7.20 11.00 13.50 18.00 205.20
Goodrich 2016 Obese 20.42 10.95 8.20 14.00 17.40 23.00 145.50
Chan 2017 Underweight 24.53 39.89 5.50 8.00 11.20 20.25 195.80
Chan 2017 Normal 14.70 8.83 5.00 9.80 12.00 16.60 98.12
Chan 2017 Overweight 16.17 10.83 7.20 11.00 13.50 18.00 278.27
Chan 2017 Obese 20.38 11.50 8.20 14.00 17.40 23.00 182.15
Jackson 2015 Underweight 19.07 28.57 5.80 7.89 10.37 19.17 195.80
Jackson 2015 Normal 14.74 9.59 5.74 9.80 12.28 16.60 199.97
Jackson 2015 Overweight 16.02 9.60 6.50 11.00 13.43 18.00 230.39
Jackson 2015 Obese 20.00 10.39 8.00 13.78 17.00 22.80 122.60
Buta 2018 Underweight 18.05 26.48 5.50 7.95 11.00 18.10 195.80
Buta 2018 Normal 14.84 9.78 5.00 9.80 12.00 16.70 185.20
Buta 2018 Overweight 16.32 11.12 7.20 11.00 13.50 18.00 278.27
Buta 2018 Obese 20.69 12.12 8.20 14.00 17.56 23.08 152.60
Kazerooni 2016 Underweight 18.73 27.46 6.50 7.55 11.45 17.75 142.37
Kazerooni 2016 Normal 14.66 8.71 5.80 9.70 12.00 16.15 86.20
Kazerooni 2016 Overweight 16.21 10.17 7.00 10.90 13.60 18.10 154.30
Kazerooni 2016 Obese 21.14 18.80 9.00 13.50 16.60 22.60 299.30
Noel 2012 Underweight 23.55 34.45 5.45 8.70 11.58 21.70 195.80
Noel 2012 Normal 14.49 8.07 5.65 9.70 12.10 16.60 84.85
Noel 2012 Overweight 15.94 8.35 6.95 11.00 13.50 18.00 142.13
Noel 2012 Obese 20.13 10.75 8.20 13.90 17.20 22.87 145.00
Rosenberger 2011 Underweight 18.29 18.77 5.80 7.90 11.50 21.40 102.80
Rosenberger 2011 Normal 14.78 8.16 5.20 10.00 12.40 16.75 78.20
Rosenberger 2011 Overweight 16.37 9.23 7.20 11.00 13.70 18.40 154.30
Rosenberger 2011 Obese 20.89 15.08 7.91 14.00 17.60 23.20 298.70

Visual summaries

No discernible differences

Alternative view

Site/Facility Level Analyses
Sta3n_wtdx_diff <- DF %>%
  select(Algorithm, BMI_cat, Sta3n, diff, diff_perc) %>%
  reshape2::melt(id.vars = c("BMI_cat", "Algorithm", "Sta3n")) %>%
  group_by(BMI_cat, Algorithm, Sta3n, variable) %>%
  na.omit() %>%
    n      = n(),
    mean   = mean(value),
    median = median(value)
  ) %>%
    names_from = variable,
    values_from = c("n", "mean", "median")

Sta3n_wtpct <- DF %>%
  select(BMI_cat, Algorithm, Sta3n, contains("weight")) %>%
  reshape2::melt(id.vars = c("BMI_cat", "Algorithm", "Sta3n")) %>%
  group_by(BMI_cat, Algorithm, Sta3n, variable) %>% 
  summarize(prop = sum(value == 1) / n()) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = "prop")

Sta3n_wtdx <- Sta3n_wtdx_diff %>%
  left_join(Sta3n_wtpct, by = c("BMI_cat", "Algorithm", "Sta3n")) %>%
    DF %>%
      distinct(Algorithm, Type),
    by = "Algorithm"
  ) %>%
  ) %>%

rm(Sta3n_wtdx_diff, Sta3n_wtpct)

COLS <- c("#2E364F", "#2D5D7C", "#F3F0E2", "#EF5939")

p <- Sta3n_wtdx %>%
  ggplot(aes(mean_diff, group = BMI_cat, fill = BMI_cat)) %>%
  add(geom_histogram(bins = 100, alpha = 0.7, color = "black")) %>%
  add(theme_minimal(16)) %>%
  add(theme(legend.position = "none")) %>%
  add(scale_fill_manual(values = COLS)) %>%
    x = "Weight Change (lbs.)",
    y = "Frequency",
    fill = ""

q <- Sta3n_wtdx %>%
  filter(!is.infinite(mean_diff_perc)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(mean_diff_perc, group = BMI_cat, fill = BMI_cat)) %>%
  add(geom_histogram(bins = 100, alpha = 0.7, color = "black")) %>%
  add(theme_minimal(16)) %>%
  add(theme(legend.position = c(0.8, 0.8))) %>%
  add(scale_fill_manual(values = COLS)) %>%
    x = "Weight Change %",
    y = "Frequency",
    fill = ""

r <- Sta3n_wtdx %>%
  ggplot(aes(gt5perc_weightloss, group = BMI_cat, fill = BMI_cat)) %>%
  add(geom_histogram(bins = 100, alpha = 0.7, color = "black")) %>%
  add(theme_minimal(16)) %>%
  add(theme(legend.position = "none")) %>%
  add(scale_fill_manual(values = COLS)) %>%
    x = ">= 5% Weight Loss",
    y = "Frequency"

s <- Sta3n_wtdx %>%
  filter(!is.na(gt5perc_weightgain)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(gt5perc_weightgain, group = BMI_cat, fill = BMI_cat)) %>%
  add(geom_histogram(bins = 100, alpha = 0.7, color = "black")) %>%
  add(theme_minimal(16)) %>%
  add(theme(legend.position = "none")) %>%
  add(scale_fill_manual(values = COLS)) %>%
    x = ">= 5% Weight Gain",
    y = "Frequency"


p + q + r + s

Sites are ordered/ranked along the x-axis using the percent of patients with at least 5% weight loss using the raw data. The left hand side shows the “time-period” algorithms, while the right displays the “time-series” algorithms. Results suggest that generally, time-series algorithms may result in more similar rates by site, save for Maguen 2013. Results are more mixed using the “time-period” algorithms.