Latent Trajectory Analysis

Sampling 1,000 people from the PCP 2016 Cohort

Trajectory Analysis:

For this analysis we will use a latent class mixed model to examine the effect that different weight cleaning algorithms would have on overall trajectories. Some things to consider: Since this is a linear method it makes the most sense to analyze those individuals where their trajectory is assumed to be decreasing or increasing, and thus this analysis only involves the MOVE 2016 cohort (could also do 2008). Second, based on experience with this data I am only assuming two latent groups or classes, this may not represent reality as people can presumably increase, decrease or maintain the same weight over time. Further analyses is warranted to find a better fitting model.

Predicted classes

So, there is no guarantee that each class within an algorithms LCMM, will be the same class across algorithms. We can get this information from the signs of the coefficients on “time” in each model.

Hah! What a mess. Let’s look at things a little differently.

This next one certainly won’t help anyone,

An Illustration:

Let’s break it down a bit,

Highlight a few algorithms of interest,

By Class

Looking only at Class 1: Loss

Looking only at Class 2: Maintainence

Looking only at Class 3: Gain

Comparing slopes, numerically

Algorithm concept_class Slope
Raw Weights Gain 0.01322
Raw Weights Loss -0.00906
Raw Weights Maintain 0.00000
Janney 2016 Maintain 0.00020
Janney 2016 Gain 0.02454
Janney 2016 Loss -0.01548
Littman 2012 Gain 0.01123
Littman 2012 Loss -0.01005
Littman 2012 Maintain -0.00002
Maciejewski 2016 Gain 0.01405
Maciejewski 2016 Loss -0.01026
Maciejewski 2016 Maintain 0.00003
Breland 2017 Loss -0.01013
Breland 2017 Gain 0.01482
Breland 2017 Maintain 0.00002
Maguen 2013 Gain 0.00248
Maguen 2013 Maintain -0.00038
Maguen 2013 Loss -0.01869
Goodrich 2016 Gain 0.02909
Goodrich 2016 Maintain 0.00025
Goodrich 2016 Loss -0.01617
Chan 2017 Gain 0.01470
Chan 2017 Loss -0.00983
Chan 2017 Maintain 0.00001
Buta 2018 Gain 0.01346
Buta 2018 Loss -0.00913
Buta 2018 Maintain -0.00001
Kazerooni 2016 Maintain 0.00004
Kazerooni 2016 Loss -0.00090
Kazerooni 2016 Gain 0.06236
Rosenberger 2011 Gain 0.02456
Rosenberger 2011 Maintain 0.00002
Rosenberger 2011 Loss -0.00884
Jackson 2015 Maintain -0.00015
Jackson 2015 Gain 0.00972
Jackson 2015 Loss -0.00991
Noel 2012 Maintain -0.00007
Noel 2012 Gain 0.00406
Noel 2012 Loss -0.00457

Membership Posterior Probabilities

For each algorithm weight was modeled with a random slope and intercept. To illustrate the concept, the output from the Raw Weight (non-algorithm) is displayed:

General latent class mixed model 
     fitted by maximum likelihood method 
lcmm(fixed = Weight ~ time, mixture = ~time, random = ~time, 
    subject = "PatientICN", ng = 3, idiag = TRUE, data = x)
Statistical Model: 
     Dataset: x 
     Number of subjects: 993 
     Number of observations: 7329 
     Number of latent classes: 3 
     Number of parameters: 11  
     Link function: linear  
Iteration process: 
     Convergence criteria satisfied 
     Number of iterations:  51 
     Convergence criteria: parameters= 9.6e-05 
                         : likelihood= 2e-06 
                         : second derivatives= 9.8e-07 
Goodness-of-fit statistics: 
     maximum log-likelihood: -27768.14  
     AIC: 55558.27  
     BIC: 55612.18  
Maximum Likelihood Estimates: 
Fixed effects in the class-membership model:
(the class of reference is the last class) 

                      coef       Se    Wald p-value
intercept class1  -4.52848  0.34988 -12.943 0.00000
intercept class2  -2.93765  0.22929 -12.812 0.00000

Fixed effects in the longitudinal model:

                                      coef       Se    Wald p-value
intercept class1 (not estimated)         0                         
intercept class2                  -1.22305  2.76107  -0.443 0.65779
intercept class3                  -6.62143  2.47619  -2.674 0.00749
time class1                        0.01322  0.00100  13.272 0.00000
time class2                       -0.00906  0.00067 -13.428 0.00000
time class3                        0.00000  0.00011   0.022 0.98252

Variance-covariance matrix of the random-effects:
          intercept time
intercept  42.42468     
time        0.00000    0

Residual standard error (not estimated) = 1

Parameters of the link function:

                          coef       Se    Wald p-value
Linear 1 (intercept) 251.15091 17.02209  14.754 0.00000
Linear 2 (std err)     6.93123  0.06530 106.151 0.00000

Each class has a slightly different slope on time. The posterior classifications can be examined from each algorithm:

Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N   9.00  33.00 951.00
%   0.91   3.32  95.77
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2  prob3
class1 0.9631 0.0000 0.0369
class2 0.0000 0.9081 0.0919
class3 0.0015 0.0205 0.9780
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7 100.00  90.91  98.21
prob>0.8  88.89  84.85  96.64
prob>0.9  88.89  75.76  94.43
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N 958.00   3.00  14.00
%  98.26   0.31   1.44
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2  prob3
class1 0.9891 0.0013 0.0096
class2 0.0015 0.9985 0.0000
class3 0.1426 0.0000 0.8574
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7  99.69    100  78.57
prob>0.8  98.96    100  71.43
prob>0.9  97.29    100  57.14
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N   7.00   32.0 930.00
%   0.72    3.3  95.98
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2  prob3
class1 0.9923 0.0000 0.0077
class2 0.0000 0.8442 0.1558
class3 0.0045 0.0177 0.9778
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7    100  75.00  98.17
prob>0.8    100  65.62  96.34
prob>0.9    100  59.38  93.66
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N    7.0  38.00 948.00
%    0.7   3.83  95.47
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2  prob3
class1 0.9847 0.0000 0.0153
class2 0.0000 0.8570 0.1430
class3 0.0017 0.0187 0.9795
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7    100  76.32  98.31
prob>0.8    100  68.42  97.05
prob>0.9    100  60.53  94.51
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N  35.00   8.00 950.00
%   3.52   0.81  95.67
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2  prob3
class1 0.8810 0.0000 0.1190
class2 0.0000 0.9684 0.0316
class3 0.0191 0.0014 0.9795
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7  82.86  100.0  98.21
prob>0.8  77.14  100.0  96.95
prob>0.9  65.71   87.5  94.42
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N  63.00 902.00  14.00
%   6.44  92.13   1.43
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2  prob3
class1 0.7793 0.2164 0.0043
class2 0.0364 0.9591 0.0045
class3 0.0165 0.1173 0.8662
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7  66.67  96.34  78.57
prob>0.8  46.03  93.35  57.14
prob>0.9  34.92  87.80  57.14
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N   3.00 958.00  14.00
%   0.31  98.26   1.44
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2  prob3
class1 0.9983 0.0017 0.0000
class2 0.0012 0.9874 0.0114
class3 0.0000 0.1175 0.8825
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7    100  99.37  85.71
prob>0.8    100  98.23  71.43
prob>0.9    100  96.97  71.43
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N   9.00  38.00 922.00
%   0.93   3.92  95.15
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2  prob3
class1 0.9635 0.0000 0.0365
class2 0.0000 0.8557 0.1443
class3 0.0013 0.0175 0.9812
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7 100.00  76.32  98.48
prob>0.8  88.89  68.42  97.29
prob>0.9  88.89  57.89  95.34
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N   9.00  33.00 868.00
%   0.99   3.63  95.38
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2  prob3
class1 0.9668 0.0000 0.0332
class2 0.0000 0.8972 0.1028
class3 0.0014 0.0204 0.9782
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7 100.00  84.85  98.16
prob>0.8  88.89  81.82  96.31
prob>0.9  88.89  72.73  94.47
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N      0 262.00   1.00
%      0  99.62   0.38
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2 prob3
class1    NaN    NaN   NaN
class2 0.0037 0.9963     0
class3 0.0000 0.0000     1
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7    NaN    100    100
prob>0.8    NaN    100    100
prob>0.9    NaN    100    100
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N    2.0  634.0   21.0
%    0.3   96.5    3.2
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
       prob1  prob2  prob3
class1     1 0.0000 0.0000
class2     0 0.9870 0.0130
class3     0 0.2019 0.7981
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7    100  98.42  66.67
prob>0.8    100  97.79  57.14
prob>0.9    100  96.21  42.86
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N 940.00  11.00  26.00
%  96.21   1.13   2.66
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2  prob3
class1 0.9726 0.0081 0.0193
class2 0.0487 0.9510 0.0002
class3 0.1397 0.0000 0.8603
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7  98.30  90.91  88.46
prob>0.8  96.38  90.91  69.23
prob>0.9  93.51  90.91  53.85
Posterior classification: 
  class1 class2 class3
N  919.0   35.0   46.0
%   91.9    3.5    4.6
Posterior classification table: 
     --> mean of posterior probabilities in each class 
        prob1  prob2  prob3
class1 0.9537 0.0247 0.0216
class2 0.1849 0.8150 0.0002
class3 0.1795 0.0000 0.8205
Posterior probabilities above a threshold (%): 
         class1 class2 class3
prob>0.7  96.41  65.71  71.74
prob>0.8  92.82  51.43  65.22
prob>0.9  86.18  40.00  43.48

Posterior Classifications, by Algorithm

Algorithm concept_class N %
Breland 2017 Loss 35 3.52
Breland 2017 Maintain 950 95.67
Breland 2017 Gain 8 0.81
Buta 2018 Loss 33 3.63
Buta 2018 Maintain 868 95.38
Buta 2018 Gain 9 0.99
Chan 2017 Loss 38 3.92
Chan 2017 Maintain 922 95.15
Chan 2017 Gain 9 0.93
Goodrich 2016 Loss 14 1.44
Goodrich 2016 Maintain 958 98.26
Goodrich 2016 Gain 3 0.31
Jackson 2015 Loss 26 2.66
Jackson 2015 Maintain 940 96.21
Jackson 2015 Gain 11 1.13
Janney 2016 Loss 14 1.44
Janney 2016 Maintain 958 98.26
Janney 2016 Gain 3 0.31
Kazerooni 2016 Loss 262 99.62
Kazerooni 2016 Maintain 0 0.00
Kazerooni 2016 Gain 1 0.38
Littman 2012 Loss 32 3.30
Littman 2012 Maintain 930 95.98
Littman 2012 Gain 7 0.72
Maciejewski 2016 Loss 38 3.83
Maciejewski 2016 Maintain 948 95.47
Maciejewski 2016 Gain 7 0.70
Maguen 2013 Loss 14 1.43
Maguen 2013 Maintain 902 92.13
Maguen 2013 Gain 63 6.44
Noel 2012 Loss 46 4.60
Noel 2012 Maintain 919 91.90
Noel 2012 Gain 35 3.50
Raw Weights Loss 33 3.32
Raw Weights Maintain 951 95.77
Raw Weights Gain 9 0.91
Rosenberger 2011 Loss 21 3.20
Rosenberger 2011 Maintain 634 96.50
Rosenberger 2011 Gain 2 0.30
Algorithm cProb Loss Maintain Gain
Breland 2017 prob1 0.88 0.02 0.00
Breland 2017 prob2 0.00 0.00 0.97
Breland 2017 prob3 0.12 0.98 0.03
Buta 2018 prob1 0.00 0.00 0.97
Buta 2018 prob2 0.90 0.02 0.00
Buta 2018 prob3 0.10 0.98 0.03
Chan 2017 prob1 0.00 0.00 0.96
Chan 2017 prob2 0.86 0.02 0.00
Chan 2017 prob3 0.14 0.98 0.04
Goodrich 2016 prob1 0.00 0.00 1.00
Goodrich 2016 prob2 0.12 0.99 0.00
Goodrich 2016 prob3 0.88 0.01 0.00
Jackson 2015 prob1 0.14 0.97 0.05
Jackson 2015 prob2 0.00 0.01 0.95
Jackson 2015 prob3 0.86 0.02 0.00
Janney 2016 prob1 0.14 0.99 0.00
Janney 2016 prob2 0.00 0.00 1.00
Janney 2016 prob3 0.86 0.01 0.00
Kazerooni 2016 prob1 0.00 NaN 0.00
Kazerooni 2016 prob2 1.00 NaN 0.00
Kazerooni 2016 prob3 0.00 NaN 1.00
Littman 2012 prob1 0.00 0.00 0.99
Littman 2012 prob2 0.84 0.02 0.00
Littman 2012 prob3 0.16 0.98 0.01
Maciejewski 2016 prob1 0.00 0.00 0.98
Maciejewski 2016 prob2 0.86 0.02 0.00
Maciejewski 2016 prob3 0.14 0.98 0.02
Maguen 2013 prob1 0.02 0.04 0.78
Maguen 2013 prob2 0.12 0.96 0.22
Maguen 2013 prob3 0.87 0.00 0.00
Noel 2012 prob1 0.18 0.95 0.18
Noel 2012 prob2 0.00 0.02 0.82
Noel 2012 prob3 0.82 0.02 0.00
Raw Weights prob1 0.00 0.00 0.96
Raw Weights prob2 0.91 0.02 0.00
Raw Weights prob3 0.09 0.98 0.04
Rosenberger 2011 prob1 0.00 0.00 1.00
Rosenberger 2011 prob2 0.20 0.99 0.00
Rosenberger 2011 prob3 0.80 0.01 0.00