Discrete Time Markov Chains: Joint, Conditional, and Marginal Distributions
Every day for lunch you have either a sandwich (state 1), a burrito (state 2), or pizza (state 3). Suppose your lunch choices from one day to the next follow a MC with transition matrix
Suppose today is Monday and consider your upcoming lunches.
Monday is day 0, Tuesday is day 1, etc.
You start with pizza on day 0 (Monday).
Let be the first time (day) you have a sandwich.
Let be the number of times (days) you have a burrito this five-day work week.
On average, over many many weeks, you spend $30.2066 on lunch every work week.
Describe in detail how, in principle, you could use physical objects (coins, dice, spinners, cards, boxes, etc) to perform by hand a simulation to approximate . Note: this is NOT asking you to compute or how you would compute it using matrices/equations. Rather, you need to describe in words how you would set up and perform the simulation, and how you would use the simulation results to approximate .
Assign a spinner for each row of the transition matrix. So, you have one spinner for states 1, 2, 3. Start with Spinner 3, and keep track of the number of burritos, throwing out all results where the first time you have a sandwich is not Day 4. Take the average to get . For , repeat the same experiment but throw out all results where the 5th day does not have a sandwich.