8.5 Gradient Boosting

Note: I learned gradient boosting from explained.ai.

Gradient boosting machine (GBM) is an additive modeling algorithm that gradually builds a composite model by iteratively adding M weak sub-models based on the performance of the prior iteration’s composite,

\[F_M(x) = \sum_m^M f_m(x).\]

The idea is to fit a weak model, then replace the response values with the residuals from that model, and fit another model. Adding the residual prediction model to the original response prediction model produces a more accurate model. GBM repeats this process over and over, running new models to predict the residuals of the previous composite models, and adding the results to produce new composites. With each iteration, the model becomes stronger and stronger. The successive trees are usually weighted to slow down the learning rate. “Shrinkage” reduces the influence of each individual tree and leaves space for future trees to improve the model.

\[F_M(x) = f_0 + \eta\sum_{m = 1}^M f_m(x).\]

The smaller the learning rate, \(\eta\), the larger the number of trees, \(M\). \(\eta\) and \(M\) are hyperparameters. Other constraints to the trees are usually applied as additional hyperparameters, including, tree depth, number of nodes, minimum observations per split, and minimum improvement to loss.

The name “gradient boosting” refers to the boosting of a model with a gradient. Each round of training builds a weak learner and uses the residuals to calculate a gradient, the partial derivative of the loss function. Gradient boosting “descends the gradient” to adjust the model parameters to reduce the error in the next round of training.

In the case of classification problems, the loss function is the log-loss; for regression problems, the loss function is mean squared error. GBM continues until it reaches maximum number of trees or an acceptable error level. Gradient Boosting Classification Tree

In addition to the gradient boosting machine algorithm, implemented in caret with method = gbm, there is a variable called Extreme Gradient Boosting, XGBoost, which frankly I don’t know anything about other than it is supposed to work extremely well. Let’s try them both! GBM

I’ll predict Purchase from the OJ data set again, this time using the GBM method by specifying method = "gbm". gbm has the following tuneable hyperparameters (see modelLookup("gbm")).

  • n.trees: number of boosting iterations, \(M\)
  • interaction.depth: maximum tree depth
  • shrinkage: shrinkage, \(\eta\)
  • n.minobsinnode: minimum terminal node size

I’ll use tuneLength = 5.

garbage <- capture.output(
oj_mdl_gbm <- train(
   Purchase ~ ., 
   data = oj_train, 
   method = "gbm",
   metric = "ROC",
   tuneLength = 5,
   trControl = oj_trControl
## Stochastic Gradient Boosting 
## 857 samples
##  17 predictor
##   2 classes: 'CH', 'MM' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 772, 772, 771, 770, 771, 771, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   interaction.depth  n.trees  ROC   Sens  Spec
##   1                   50      0.88  0.87  0.72
##   1                  100      0.89  0.87  0.74
##   1                  150      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   1                  200      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   1                  250      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   2                   50      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   2                  100      0.89  0.87  0.75
##   2                  150      0.88  0.86  0.75
##   2                  200      0.88  0.86  0.75
##   2                  250      0.88  0.85  0.75
##   3                   50      0.89  0.87  0.76
##   3                  100      0.88  0.86  0.77
##   3                  150      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   3                  200      0.87  0.87  0.77
##   3                  250      0.87  0.86  0.76
##   4                   50      0.88  0.85  0.75
##   4                  100      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   4                  150      0.87  0.85  0.77
##   4                  200      0.87  0.85  0.76
##   4                  250      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   5                   50      0.89  0.86  0.76
##   5                  100      0.88  0.85  0.74
##   5                  150      0.88  0.85  0.76
##   5                  200      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   5                  250      0.87  0.84  0.75
## Tuning parameter 'shrinkage' was held constant at a value of 0.1
## Tuning parameter 'n.minobsinnode' was held constant at a value of 10
## ROC was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final values used for the model were n.trees = 50, interaction.depth =
##  5, shrinkage = 0.1 and n.minobsinnode = 10.

train() tuned n.trees ($M) and interaction.depth, holding shrinkage = 0.1 (), and n.minobsinnode = 10. The optimal hyperparameter values were n.trees = 50, and interaction.depth = 5.

You can see from the tuning plot that accuracy is maximized at \(M=50\) for tree depth of 5, but \(M=50\) with tree depth of 3 worked nearly as well.


Let’s see how the model performed on the holdout set. The accuracy was 0.8451.

oj_preds_gbm <- bind_cols(
   predict(oj_mdl_gbm, newdata = oj_test, type = "prob"),
   Predicted = predict(oj_mdl_gbm, newdata = oj_test, type = "raw"),
   Actual = oj_test$Purchase

oj_cm_gbm <- confusionMatrix(oj_preds_gbm$Predicted, reference = oj_preds_gbm$Actual)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction  CH  MM
##         CH 113  16
##         MM  17  67
##                Accuracy : 0.845             
##                  95% CI : (0.789, 0.891)    
##     No Information Rate : 0.61              
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 0.0000000000000631
##                   Kappa : 0.675             
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 1                 
##             Sensitivity : 0.869             
##             Specificity : 0.807             
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.876             
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.798             
##              Prevalence : 0.610             
##          Detection Rate : 0.531             
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.606             
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.838             
##        'Positive' Class : CH                

AUC was 0.9386. Here are the ROC and gain curves.

mdl_auc <- Metrics::auc(actual = oj_preds_gbm$Actual == "CH", oj_preds_gbm$CH)
yardstick::roc_curve(oj_preds_gbm, Actual, CH) %>%
  autoplot() +
    title = "OJ GBM ROC Curve",
    subtitle = paste0("AUC = ", round(mdl_auc, 4))

yardstick::gain_curve(oj_preds_gbm, Actual, CH) %>%
  autoplot() +
  labs(title = "OJ GBM Gain Curve")

Now the variable importance. Just a few variables. LoyalCH is at the top again.

#plot(varImp(oj_mdl_gbm), main="Variable Importance with Gradient Boosting") XGBoost

I’ll predict Purchase from the OJ data set again, this time using the XGBoost method by specifying method = "xgbTree". xgbTree has the following tuneable hyperparameters (see modelLookup("xgbTree")). The first three are the same as xgb.

  • nrounds: number of boosting iterations, \(M\)
  • max_depth: maximum tree depth
  • eta: shrinkage, \(\eta\)
  • gamma: minimum loss reduction
  • colsamle_bytree: subsample ratio of columns
  • min_child_weight: minimum size of instance weight
  • substample: subsample percentage

I’ll use tuneLength = 5 again.

garbage <- capture.output(
oj_mdl_xgb <- train(
   Purchase ~ ., 
   data = oj_train, 
   method = "xgbTree",
   metric = "ROC",
   tuneLength = 5,
   trControl = oj_trControl
## eXtreme Gradient Boosting 
## 857 samples
##  17 predictor
##   2 classes: 'CH', 'MM' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 772, 772, 771, 770, 771, 771, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   eta  max_depth  colsample_bytree  subsample  nrounds  ROC   Sens  Spec
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.50        50      0.88  0.88  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.50       100      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.50       150      0.88  0.87  0.73
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.50       200      0.88  0.86  0.73
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.50       250      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.62        50      0.89  0.88  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.62       100      0.88  0.87  0.76
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.62       150      0.88  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.62       200      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.62       250      0.88  0.86  0.73
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.75        50      0.89  0.88  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.75       100      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.75       150      0.88  0.88  0.72
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.75       200      0.88  0.87  0.73
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.75       250      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.88        50      0.89  0.87  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.88       100      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.88       150      0.88  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.88       200      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.88       250      0.88  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.6               1.00        50      0.89  0.88  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.6               1.00       100      0.89  0.88  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.6               1.00       150      0.89  0.88  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.6               1.00       200      0.88  0.88  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.6               1.00       250      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.50        50      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.50       100      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.50       150      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.50       200      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.50       250      0.87  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.62        50      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.62       100      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.62       150      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.62       200      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.62       250      0.88  0.87  0.73
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.75        50      0.89  0.88  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.75       100      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.75       150      0.88  0.88  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.75       200      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.75       250      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.88        50      0.89  0.87  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.88       100      0.88  0.88  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.88       150      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.88       200      0.88  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.88       250      0.88  0.86  0.73
##   0.3  1          0.8               1.00        50      0.89  0.87  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               1.00       100      0.89  0.87  0.74
##   0.3  1          0.8               1.00       150      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.8               1.00       200      0.88  0.88  0.75
##   0.3  1          0.8               1.00       250      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.50        50      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.50       100      0.87  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.50       150      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.50       200      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.50       250      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.62        50      0.89  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.62       100      0.88  0.84  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.62       150      0.87  0.84  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.62       200      0.87  0.83  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.62       250      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.75        50      0.88  0.87  0.77
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.75       100      0.88  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.75       150      0.87  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.75       200      0.87  0.86  0.73
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.75       250      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.88        50      0.89  0.86  0.77
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.88       100      0.88  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.88       150      0.87  0.85  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.88       200      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.88       250      0.87  0.84  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.6               1.00        50      0.89  0.87  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.6               1.00       100      0.88  0.85  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.6               1.00       150      0.88  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.6               1.00       200      0.87  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.6               1.00       250      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.50        50      0.88  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.50       100      0.87  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.50       150      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.50       200      0.86  0.83  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.50       250      0.86  0.83  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.62        50      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.62       100      0.87  0.85  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.62       150      0.87  0.85  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.62       200      0.87  0.85  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.62       250      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.75        50      0.88  0.85  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.75       100      0.88  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.75       150      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.75       200      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.75       250      0.87  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.88        50      0.88  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.88       100      0.88  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.88       150      0.87  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.88       200      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.88       250      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  2          0.8               1.00        50      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   0.3  2          0.8               1.00       100      0.88  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               1.00       150      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               1.00       200      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  2          0.8               1.00       250      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.50        50      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.50       100      0.87  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.50       150      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.50       200      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.50       250      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.62        50      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.62       100      0.87  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.62       150      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.62       200      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.62       250      0.85  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.75        50      0.88  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.75       100      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.75       150      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.75       200      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.75       250      0.85  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.88        50      0.87  0.86  0.77
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.88       100      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.88       150      0.86  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.88       200      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.88       250      0.86  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.6               1.00        50      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   0.3  3          0.6               1.00       100      0.87  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.6               1.00       150      0.87  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.6               1.00       200      0.87  0.84  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.6               1.00       250      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.50        50      0.87  0.84  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.50       100      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.50       150      0.86  0.84  0.71
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.50       200      0.85  0.83  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.50       250      0.84  0.83  0.71
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.62        50      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.62       100      0.87  0.85  0.73
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.62       150      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.62       200      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.62       250      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.75        50      0.88  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.75       100      0.87  0.85  0.72
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.75       150      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.75       200      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.75       250      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.88        50      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.88       100      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.88       150      0.86  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.88       200      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.88       250      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.8               1.00        50      0.88  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.8               1.00       100      0.87  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.8               1.00       150      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  3          0.8               1.00       200      0.86  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  3          0.8               1.00       250      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.50        50      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.50       100      0.85  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.50       150      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.50       200      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.50       250      0.85  0.85  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.62        50      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.62       100      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.62       150      0.86  0.83  0.75
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.62       200      0.86  0.83  0.75
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.62       250      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.75        50      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.75       100      0.86  0.85  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.75       150      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.75       200      0.86  0.83  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.75       250      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.88        50      0.87  0.86  0.75
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.88       100      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.88       150      0.85  0.85  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.88       200      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.88       250      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.6               1.00        50      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   0.3  4          0.6               1.00       100      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.6               1.00       150      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.6               1.00       200      0.86  0.83  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.6               1.00       250      0.85  0.82  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.50        50      0.86  0.85  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.50       100      0.85  0.85  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.50       150      0.85  0.85  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.50       200      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.50       250      0.84  0.83  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.62        50      0.87  0.85  0.76
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.62       100      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.62       150      0.86  0.84  0.71
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.62       200      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.62       250      0.85  0.83  0.71
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.75        50      0.87  0.84  0.75
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.75       100      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.75       150      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.75       200      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.75       250      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.88        50      0.87  0.84  0.75
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.88       100      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.88       150      0.86  0.83  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.88       200      0.85  0.83  0.75
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.88       250      0.85  0.83  0.74
##   0.3  4          0.8               1.00        50      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  4          0.8               1.00       100      0.86  0.86  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.8               1.00       150      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.8               1.00       200      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  4          0.8               1.00       250      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.50        50      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.50       100      0.85  0.84  0.71
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.50       150      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.50       200      0.85  0.82  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.50       250      0.85  0.81  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.62        50      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.62       100      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.62       150      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.62       200      0.85  0.85  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.62       250      0.85  0.84  0.70
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.75        50      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.75       100      0.86  0.83  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.75       150      0.85  0.82  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.75       200      0.85  0.82  0.71
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.75       250      0.85  0.83  0.71
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.88        50      0.86  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.88       100      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.88       150      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.88       200      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.88       250      0.85  0.82  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.6               1.00        50      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.3  5          0.6               1.00       100      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.6               1.00       150      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.6               1.00       200      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.6               1.00       250      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.50        50      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.50       100      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.50       150      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.50       200      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.50       250      0.85  0.83  0.71
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.62        50      0.86  0.85  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.62       100      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.62       150      0.86  0.83  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.62       200      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.62       250      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.75        50      0.86  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.75       100      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.75       150      0.85  0.82  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.75       200      0.84  0.83  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.75       250      0.84  0.82  0.71
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.88        50      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.88       100      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.88       150      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.88       200      0.85  0.82  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.88       250      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.8               1.00        50      0.87  0.85  0.73
##   0.3  5          0.8               1.00       100      0.86  0.85  0.75
##   0.3  5          0.8               1.00       150      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.3  5          0.8               1.00       200      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.3  5          0.8               1.00       250      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.50        50      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.50       100      0.88  0.86  0.72
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.50       150      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.50       200      0.87  0.86  0.73
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.50       250      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.62        50      0.89  0.87  0.73
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.62       100      0.88  0.86  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.62       150      0.88  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.62       200      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.62       250      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.75        50      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.75       100      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.75       150      0.88  0.87  0.76
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.75       200      0.88  0.87  0.73
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.75       250      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.88        50      0.89  0.88  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.88       100      0.88  0.88  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.88       150      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.88       200      0.88  0.87  0.73
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.88       250      0.87  0.86  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.6               1.00        50      0.89  0.87  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.6               1.00       100      0.89  0.87  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.6               1.00       150      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.6               1.00       200      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.6               1.00       250      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.50        50      0.88  0.88  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.50       100      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.50       150      0.87  0.86  0.72
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.50       200      0.87  0.86  0.73
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.50       250      0.87  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.62        50      0.88  0.88  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.62       100      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.62       150      0.88  0.86  0.77
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.62       200      0.87  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.62       250      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.75        50      0.89  0.87  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.75       100      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.75       150      0.88  0.86  0.73
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.75       200      0.88  0.86  0.73
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.75       250      0.87  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.88        50      0.89  0.88  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.88       100      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.88       150      0.88  0.86  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.88       200      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.88       250      0.87  0.86  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.8               1.00        50      0.89  0.87  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.8               1.00       100      0.88  0.88  0.75
##   0.4  1          0.8               1.00       150      0.88  0.88  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.8               1.00       200      0.88  0.87  0.74
##   0.4  1          0.8               1.00       250      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.50        50      0.88  0.86  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.50       100      0.87  0.85  0.76
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.50       150      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.50       200      0.86  0.85  0.71
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.50       250      0.86  0.85  0.72
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.62        50      0.88  0.85  0.76
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.62       100      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.62       150      0.87  0.85  0.76
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.62       200      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.62       250      0.86  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.75        50      0.87  0.86  0.77
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.75       100      0.87  0.86  0.73
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.75       150      0.87  0.84  0.76
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.75       200      0.86  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.75       250      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.88        50      0.88  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.88       100      0.87  0.85  0.77
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.88       150      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.88       200      0.87  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.88       250      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.6               1.00        50      0.88  0.86  0.77
##   0.4  2          0.6               1.00       100      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.6               1.00       150      0.87  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  2          0.6               1.00       200      0.87  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.6               1.00       250      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.50        50      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.50       100      0.87  0.85  0.72
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.50       150      0.86  0.86  0.73
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.50       200      0.85  0.84  0.71
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.50       250      0.86  0.84  0.70
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.62        50      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.62       100      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.62       150      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.62       200      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.62       250      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.75        50      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.75       100      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.75       150      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.75       200      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.75       250      0.86  0.83  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.88        50      0.88  0.87  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.88       100      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.88       150      0.87  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.88       200      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.88       250      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.8               1.00        50      0.88  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.8               1.00       100      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.8               1.00       150      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  2          0.8               1.00       200      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  2          0.8               1.00       250      0.86  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.50        50      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.50       100      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.50       150      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.50       200      0.85  0.83  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.50       250      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.62        50      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.62       100      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.62       150      0.86  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.62       200      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.62       250      0.85  0.84  0.71
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.75        50      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.75       100      0.87  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.75       150      0.86  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.75       200      0.86  0.85  0.71
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.75       250      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.88        50      0.87  0.84  0.75
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.88       100      0.87  0.86  0.75
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.88       150      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.88       200      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.88       250      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.6               1.00        50      0.88  0.86  0.76
##   0.4  3          0.6               1.00       100      0.87  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.6               1.00       150      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.6               1.00       200      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.6               1.00       250      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.50        50      0.87  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.50       100      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.50       150      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.50       200      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.50       250      0.84  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.62        50      0.87  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.62       100      0.86  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.62       150      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.62       200      0.85  0.82  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.62       250      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.75        50      0.87  0.86  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.75       100      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.75       150      0.85  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.75       200      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.75       250      0.85  0.85  0.72
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.88        50      0.87  0.86  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.88       100      0.86  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.88       150      0.85  0.83  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.88       200      0.85  0.84  0.75
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.88       250      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.8               1.00        50      0.87  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  3          0.8               1.00       100      0.87  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.8               1.00       150      0.86  0.83  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.8               1.00       200      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  3          0.8               1.00       250      0.86  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.50        50      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.50       100      0.85  0.83  0.75
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.50       150      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.50       200      0.84  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.50       250      0.84  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.62        50      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.62       100      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.62       150      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.62       200      0.84  0.82  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.62       250      0.84  0.83  0.71
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.75        50      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.75       100      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.75       150      0.85  0.83  0.74
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.75       200      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.75       250      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.88        50      0.87  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.88       100      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.88       150      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.88       200      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.88       250      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.6               1.00        50      0.87  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.6               1.00       100      0.86  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.6               1.00       150      0.86  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.6               1.00       200      0.85  0.82  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.6               1.00       250      0.85  0.81  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.50        50      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.50       100      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.50       150      0.85  0.84  0.71
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.50       200      0.85  0.83  0.71
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.50       250      0.85  0.83  0.71
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.62        50      0.86  0.84  0.77
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.62       100      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.62       150      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.62       200      0.84  0.82  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.62       250      0.85  0.82  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.75        50      0.87  0.85  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.75       100      0.85  0.85  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.75       150      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.75       200      0.85  0.83  0.71
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.75       250      0.85  0.82  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.88        50      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.88       100      0.85  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.88       150      0.85  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.88       200      0.85  0.82  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.88       250      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.8               1.00        50      0.87  0.85  0.75
##   0.4  4          0.8               1.00       100      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  4          0.8               1.00       150      0.86  0.85  0.71
##   0.4  4          0.8               1.00       200      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  4          0.8               1.00       250      0.85  0.84  0.70
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.50        50      0.86  0.84  0.75
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.50       100      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.50       150      0.84  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.50       200      0.84  0.84  0.71
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.50       250      0.84  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.62        50      0.86  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.62       100      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.62       150      0.85  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.62       200      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.62       250      0.84  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.75        50      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.75       100      0.85  0.85  0.71
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.75       150      0.84  0.83  0.70
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.75       200      0.84  0.84  0.71
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.75       250      0.84  0.83  0.71
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.88        50      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.88       100      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.88       150      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.88       200      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.88       250      0.85  0.82  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.6               1.00        50      0.86  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  5          0.6               1.00       100      0.85  0.83  0.74
##   0.4  5          0.6               1.00       150      0.85  0.82  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.6               1.00       200      0.85  0.82  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.6               1.00       250      0.84  0.82  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.50        50      0.87  0.85  0.71
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.50       100      0.86  0.85  0.71
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.50       150      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.50       200      0.85  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.50       250      0.84  0.83  0.70
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.62        50      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.62       100      0.86  0.84  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.62       150      0.85  0.84  0.74
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.62       200      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.62       250      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.75        50      0.86  0.85  0.74
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.75       100      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.75       150      0.85  0.83  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.75       200      0.84  0.82  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.75       250      0.84  0.82  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.88        50      0.86  0.85  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.88       100      0.85  0.83  0.74
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.88       150      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.88       200      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.88       250      0.85  0.83  0.73
##   0.4  5          0.8               1.00        50      0.87  0.85  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.8               1.00       100      0.86  0.85  0.71
##   0.4  5          0.8               1.00       150      0.86  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.8               1.00       200      0.85  0.84  0.72
##   0.4  5          0.8               1.00       250      0.85  0.84  0.72
## Tuning parameter 'gamma' was held constant at a value of 0
## Tuning
##  parameter 'min_child_weight' was held constant at a value of 1
## ROC was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
## The final values used for the model were nrounds = 50, max_depth = 1, eta
##  = 0.3, gamma = 0, colsample_bytree = 0.6, min_child_weight = 1 and subsample
##  = 1.

train() tuned eta (\(\eta\)), max_depth, colsample_bytree, subsample, and nrounds, holding gamma = 0, and min_child_weight = 1. The optimal hyperparameter values were eta = 0.3, max_depth - 1, colsample_bytree = 0.6, subsample = 1, and nrounds = 50.

With so many hyperparameters, the tuning plot is nearly unreadable.


Let’s see how the model performed on the holdout set. The accuracy was 0.8732 - much better than the 0.8451 from regular gradient boosting.

oj_preds_xgb <- bind_cols(
   predict(oj_mdl_xgb, newdata = oj_test, type = "prob"),
   Predicted = predict(oj_mdl_xgb, newdata = oj_test, type = "raw"),
   Actual = oj_test$Purchase

oj_cm_xgb <- confusionMatrix(oj_preds_xgb$Predicted, reference = oj_preds_xgb$Actual)
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction  CH  MM
##         CH 120  17
##         MM  10  66
##                Accuracy : 0.873              
##                  95% CI : (0.821, 0.915)     
##     No Information Rate : 0.61               
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <0.0000000000000002
##                   Kappa : 0.729              
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.248              
##             Sensitivity : 0.923              
##             Specificity : 0.795              
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.876              
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.868              
##              Prevalence : 0.610              
##          Detection Rate : 0.563              
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.643              
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.859              
##        'Positive' Class : CH                 

AUC was 0.9386 for gradient boosting, and here it is 0.9323. Here are the ROC and gain curves.

mdl_auc <- Metrics::auc(actual = oj_preds_xgb$Actual == "CH", oj_preds_xgb$CH)
yardstick::roc_curve(oj_preds_xgb, Actual, CH) %>%
  autoplot() +
    title = "OJ XGBoost ROC Curve",
    subtitle = paste0("AUC = ", round(mdl_auc, 4))

yardstick::gain_curve(oj_preds_xgb, Actual, CH) %>%
  autoplot() +
  labs(title = "OJ XGBoost Gain Curve")

Now the variable importance. Nothing jumps out at me here. It’s the same top variables as regular gradient boosting.

plot(varImp(oj_mdl_xgb), main="Variable Importance with XGBoost")

Okay, let’s check in with the leader board. Wow, XGBoost is extreme.

oj_scoreboard <- rbind(oj_scoreboard,
   data.frame(Model = "Gradient Boosting", Accuracy = oj_cm_gbm$overall["Accuracy"])) %>%
   rbind(data.frame(Model = "XGBoost", Accuracy = oj_cm_xgb$overall["Accuracy"])) %>%





Single Tree


Single Tree (caret)




Gradient Boosting


Random Forest

0.8310 Gradient Boosting Regression Tree GBM

I’ll predict Sales from the Carseats data set again, this time using the bagging method by specifying method = "gbm"

garbage <- capture.output(
cs_mdl_gbm <- train(
   Sales ~ ., 
   data = cs_train, 
   method = "gbm",
   tuneLength = 5,
   trControl = cs_trControl
## Stochastic Gradient Boosting 
## 321 samples
##  10 predictor
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   interaction.depth  n.trees  RMSE  Rsquared  MAE 
##   1                   50      1.8   0.67      1.50
##   1                  100      1.5   0.78      1.24
##   1                  150      1.3   0.83      1.06
##   1                  200      1.2   0.84      0.99
##   1                  250      1.2   0.85      0.94
##   2                   50      1.5   0.78      1.22
##   2                  100      1.2   0.84      1.01
##   2                  150      1.2   0.84      0.96
##   2                  200      1.2   0.84      0.95
##   2                  250      1.2   0.84      0.95
##   3                   50      1.4   0.81      1.13
##   3                  100      1.2   0.83      0.99
##   3                  150      1.2   0.83      0.97
##   3                  200      1.2   0.83      0.98
##   3                  250      1.2   0.82      0.99
##   4                   50      1.3   0.81      1.09
##   4                  100      1.3   0.82      0.99
##   4                  150      1.2   0.82      0.99
##   4                  200      1.3   0.82      0.99
##   4                  250      1.3   0.81      1.01
##   5                   50      1.3   0.81      1.06
##   5                  100      1.3   0.82      1.00
##   5                  150      1.2   0.82      0.99
##   5                  200      1.3   0.82      1.01
##   5                  250      1.3   0.81      1.02
## Tuning parameter 'shrinkage' was held constant at a value of 0.1
## Tuning parameter 'n.minobsinnode' was held constant at a value of 10
## RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
## The final values used for the model were n.trees = 250, interaction.depth =
##  1, shrinkage = 0.1 and n.minobsinnode = 10.

The optimal tuning parameters were at \(M = 250\) and interation.depth = 1.


Here is the holdout set performance.

cs_preds_gbm <- bind_cols(
   Predicted = predict(cs_mdl_gbm, newdata = cs_test),
   Actual = cs_test$Sales

# Model over-predicts at low end of Sales and under-predicts at high end
cs_preds_gbm %>%
   ggplot(aes(x = Actual, y = Predicted)) +
   geom_point(alpha = 0.6, color = "cadetblue") +
   geom_smooth(method = "loess", formula = "y ~ x") +
   geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype = 2) +
   labs(title = "Carseats GBM, Predicted vs Actual")

#plot(varImp(cs_mdl_gbm), main="Variable Importance with GBM")

The RMSE is 1.438 - the best of the bunch.

cs_rmse_gbm <- RMSE(pred = cs_preds_gbm$Predicted, obs = cs_preds_gbm$Actual)
cs_scoreboard <- rbind(cs_scoreboard,
   data.frame(Model = "GBM", RMSE = cs_rmse_gbm)
) %>% arrange(RMSE)





Random Forest




Single Tree (caret)


Single Tree

2.3632 XGBoost

I’ll predict Sales from the Carseats data set again, this time using the bagging method by specifying method = "xgb"

garbage <- capture.output(
cs_mdl_xgb <- train(
   Sales ~ ., 
   data = cs_train, 
   method = "xgbTree",
   tuneLength = 5,
   trControl = cs_trControl
## eXtreme Gradient Boosting 
## 321 samples
##  10 predictor
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   eta  max_depth  colsample_bytree  subsample  nrounds  RMSE  Rsquared  MAE 
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.50        50      1.4   0.80      1.11
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.50       100      1.2   0.84      0.92
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.50       150      1.1   0.85      0.91
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.50       200      1.1   0.85      0.90
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.50       250      1.1   0.85      0.90
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.62        50      1.4   0.81      1.13
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.62       100      1.2   0.85      0.96
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.62       150      1.1   0.85      0.91
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.62       200      1.1   0.85      0.92
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.62       250      1.1   0.85      0.91
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.75        50      1.4   0.81      1.14
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.75       100      1.2   0.84      0.97
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.75       150      1.1   0.85      0.92
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.75       200      1.1   0.85      0.92
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.75       250      1.1   0.85      0.92
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.88        50      1.4   0.81      1.13
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.88       100      1.2   0.85      0.95
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.88       150      1.1   0.86      0.89
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.88       200      1.1   0.86      0.89
##   0.3  1          0.6               0.88       250      1.1   0.86      0.89
##   0.3  1          0.6               1.00        50      1.4   0.81      1.15
##   0.3  1          0.6               1.00       100      1.2   0.85      0.96
##   0.3  1          0.6               1.00       150      1.1   0.86      0.90
##   0.3  1          0.6               1.00       200      1.1   0.86      0.88
##   0.3  1          0.6               1.00       250      1.1   0.86      0.88
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.50        50      1.4   0.80      1.14
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.50       100      1.2   0.84      0.96
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.50       150      1.2   0.84      0.95
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.50       200      1.2   0.84      0.94
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.50       250      1.2   0.84      0.93
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.62        50      1.4   0.81      1.11
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.62       100      1.2   0.85      0.95
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.62       150      1.1   0.85      0.91
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.62       200      1.1   0.85      0.90
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.62       250      1.2   0.84      0.92
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.75        50      1.4   0.81      1.12
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.75       100      1.2   0.85      0.95
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.75       150      1.1   0.86      0.91
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.75       200      1.1   0.85      0.90
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.75       250      1.1   0.85      0.90
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.88        50      1.4   0.80      1.15
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.88       100      1.2   0.84      0.96
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.88       150      1.1   0.85      0.91
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.88       200      1.1   0.85      0.91
##   0.3  1          0.8               0.88       250      1.1   0.85      0.90
##   0.3  1          0.8               1.00        50      1.4   0.81      1.15
##   0.3  1          0.8               1.00       100      1.2   0.85      0.96
##   0.3  1          0.8               1.00       150      1.1   0.86      0.91
##   0.3  1          0.8               1.00       200      1.1   0.86      0.89
##   0.3  1          0.8               1.00       250      1.1   0.86      0.89
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.50        50      1.3   0.81      1.04
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.50       100      1.3   0.80      1.04
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.50       150      1.3   0.79      1.06
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.50       200      1.4   0.79      1.05
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.50       250      1.4   0.77      1.09
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.62        50      1.3   0.81      1.02
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.62       100      1.3   0.82      0.99
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.62       150      1.3   0.81      1.02
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.62       200      1.3   0.80      1.04
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.62       250      1.3   0.79      1.05
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.75        50      1.2   0.83      0.98
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.75       100      1.2   0.83      0.96
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.75       150      1.3   0.82      0.98
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.75       200      1.3   0.81      1.00
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.75       250      1.3   0.80      1.02
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.88        50      1.3   0.83      1.02
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.88       100      1.2   0.82      1.00
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.88       150      1.3   0.82      0.99
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.88       200      1.3   0.81      1.00
##   0.3  2          0.6               0.88       250      1.3   0.80      1.03
##   0.3  2          0.6               1.00        50      1.3   0.83      1.02
##   0.3  2          0.6               1.00       100      1.2   0.83      1.01
##   0.3  2          0.6               1.00       150      1.3   0.82      1.01
##   0.3  2          0.6               1.00       200      1.3   0.80      1.04
##   0.3  2          0.6               1.00       250      1.3   0.80      1.04
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.50        50      1.3   0.82      1.00
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.50       100      1.3   0.81      1.03
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.50       150      1.3   0.80      1.06
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.50       200      1.3   0.80      1.05
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.50       250      1.4   0.79      1.08
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.62        50      1.3   0.81      1.02
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.62       100      1.3   0.80      1.02
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.62       150      1.3   0.79      1.05
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.62       200      1.3   0.79      1.06
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.62       250      1.4   0.78      1.08
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.75        50      1.3   0.81      1.00
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.75       100      1.3   0.80      1.02
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.75       150      1.4   0.78      1.06
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.75       200      1.4   0.77      1.08
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.75       250      1.4   0.77      1.11
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.88        50      1.2   0.83      1.00
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.88       100      1.2   0.82      0.99
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.88       150      1.3   0.81      1.01
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.88       200      1.3   0.80      1.03
##   0.3  2          0.8               0.88       250      1.3   0.79      1.04
##   0.3  2          0.8               1.00        50      1.2   0.82      1.01
##   0.3  2          0.8               1.00       100      1.3   0.82      1.01
##   0.3  2          0.8               1.00       150      1.3   0.81      1.02
##   0.3  2          0.8               1.00       200      1.3   0.80      1.04
##   0.3  2          0.8               1.00       250      1.3   0.79      1.05
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.50        50      1.5   0.75      1.16
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.50       100      1.4   0.75      1.16
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.50       150      1.5   0.74      1.16
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.50       200      1.5   0.75      1.16
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.50       250      1.5   0.74      1.17
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.62        50      1.4   0.75      1.12
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.62       100      1.5   0.74      1.15
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.62       150      1.5   0.74      1.17
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.62       200      1.5   0.73      1.18
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.62       250      1.5   0.73      1.18
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.75        50      1.4   0.76      1.13
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.75       100      1.4   0.76      1.13
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.75       150      1.5   0.75      1.15
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.75       200      1.5   0.74      1.16
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.75       250      1.5   0.74      1.16
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.88        50      1.4   0.79      1.09
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.88       100      1.4   0.78      1.09
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.88       150      1.4   0.77      1.09
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.88       200      1.4   0.77      1.10
##   0.3  3          0.6               0.88       250      1.4   0.77      1.10
##   0.3  3          0.6               1.00        50      1.4   0.78      1.06
##   0.3  3          0.6               1.00       100      1.4   0.78      1.05
##   0.3  3          0.6               1.00       150      1.4   0.77      1.06
##   0.3  3          0.6               1.00       200      1.4   0.77      1.07
##   0.3  3          0.6               1.00       250      1.4   0.77      1.08
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.50        50      1.5   0.74      1.15
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.50       100      1.5   0.75      1.18
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.50       150      1.5   0.74      1.19
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.50       200      1.5   0.74      1.19
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.50       250      1.5   0.73      1.19
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.62        50      1.4   0.77      1.08
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.62       100      1.4   0.76      1.12
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.62       150      1.5   0.75      1.14
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.62       200      1.5   0.74      1.15
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.62       250      1.5   0.74      1.15
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.75        50      1.3   0.80      1.05
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.75       100      1.4   0.78      1.09
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.75       150      1.4   0.78      1.11
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.75       200      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.75       250      1.4   0.77      1.13
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.88        50      1.4   0.78      1.08
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.88       100      1.4   0.77      1.10
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.88       150      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.88       200      1.4   0.77      1.13
##   0.3  3          0.8               0.88       250      1.4   0.76      1.13
##   0.3  3          0.8               1.00        50      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.3  3          0.8               1.00       100      1.4   0.76      1.13
##   0.3  3          0.8               1.00       150      1.4   0.76      1.14
##   0.3  3          0.8               1.00       200      1.5   0.75      1.15
##   0.3  3          0.8               1.00       250      1.5   0.75      1.16
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.50        50      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.50       100      1.6   0.70      1.25
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.50       150      1.6   0.70      1.27
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.50       200      1.6   0.70      1.27
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.50       250      1.6   0.70      1.27
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.62        50      1.5   0.73      1.19
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.62       100      1.5   0.73      1.19
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.62       150      1.5   0.72      1.19
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.62       200      1.5   0.72      1.19
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.62       250      1.5   0.72      1.19
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.75        50      1.5   0.72      1.22
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.75       100      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.75       150      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.75       200      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.75       250      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.88        50      1.5   0.75      1.16
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.88       100      1.5   0.75      1.17
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.88       150      1.5   0.74      1.17
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.88       200      1.5   0.74      1.17
##   0.3  4          0.6               0.88       250      1.5   0.74      1.17
##   0.3  4          0.6               1.00        50      1.5   0.73      1.20
##   0.3  4          0.6               1.00       100      1.5   0.73      1.20
##   0.3  4          0.6               1.00       150      1.5   0.73      1.21
##   0.3  4          0.6               1.00       200      1.5   0.73      1.21
##   0.3  4          0.6               1.00       250      1.5   0.73      1.21
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.50        50      1.6   0.70      1.23
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.50       100      1.6   0.70      1.24
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.50       150      1.6   0.70      1.25
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.50       200      1.6   0.70      1.25
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.50       250      1.6   0.70      1.25
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.62        50      1.5   0.74      1.19
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.62       100      1.5   0.74      1.20
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.62       150      1.5   0.74      1.20
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.62       200      1.5   0.74      1.20
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.62       250      1.5   0.74      1.20
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.75        50      1.5   0.74      1.20
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.75       100      1.5   0.74      1.21
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.75       150      1.5   0.74      1.21
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.75       200      1.5   0.74      1.21
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.75       250      1.5   0.74      1.21
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.88        50      1.5   0.75      1.13
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.88       100      1.5   0.75      1.15
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.88       150      1.5   0.75      1.15
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.88       200      1.5   0.75      1.15
##   0.3  4          0.8               0.88       250      1.5   0.75      1.15
##   0.3  4          0.8               1.00        50      1.5   0.75      1.16
##   0.3  4          0.8               1.00       100      1.5   0.75      1.16
##   0.3  4          0.8               1.00       150      1.5   0.75      1.17
##   0.3  4          0.8               1.00       200      1.5   0.75      1.17
##   0.3  4          0.8               1.00       250      1.5   0.75      1.17
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.50        50      1.7   0.66      1.32
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.50       100      1.7   0.66      1.32
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.50       150      1.7   0.66      1.32
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.50       200      1.7   0.66      1.32
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.50       250      1.7   0.66      1.32
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.62        50      1.6   0.71      1.25
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.62       100      1.6   0.70      1.25
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.62       150      1.6   0.70      1.25
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.62       200      1.6   0.70      1.25
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.62       250      1.6   0.70      1.25
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.75        50      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.75       100      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.75       150      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.75       200      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.75       250      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.88        50      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.88       100      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.88       150      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.88       200      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.3  5          0.6               0.88       250      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.3  5          0.6               1.00        50      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.3  5          0.6               1.00       100      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.3  5          0.6               1.00       150      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.3  5          0.6               1.00       200      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.3  5          0.6               1.00       250      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.50        50      1.5   0.75      1.18
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.50       100      1.5   0.74      1.19
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.50       150      1.5   0.74      1.19
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.50       200      1.5   0.74      1.19
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.50       250      1.5   0.74      1.19
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.62        50      1.5   0.74      1.15
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.62       100      1.5   0.74      1.16
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.62       150      1.5   0.74      1.16
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.62       200      1.5   0.74      1.16
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.62       250      1.5   0.74      1.16
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.75        50      1.5   0.74      1.20
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.75       100      1.5   0.74      1.20
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.75       150      1.5   0.74      1.21
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.75       200      1.5   0.74      1.21
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.75       250      1.5   0.74      1.21
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.88        50      1.6   0.72      1.24
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.88       100      1.6   0.72      1.24
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.88       150      1.6   0.72      1.24
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.88       200      1.6   0.72      1.24
##   0.3  5          0.8               0.88       250      1.6   0.72      1.24
##   0.3  5          0.8               1.00        50      1.5   0.73      1.17
##   0.3  5          0.8               1.00       100      1.5   0.73      1.18
##   0.3  5          0.8               1.00       150      1.5   0.73      1.18
##   0.3  5          0.8               1.00       200      1.5   0.73      1.18
##   0.3  5          0.8               1.00       250      1.5   0.73      1.18
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.50        50      1.3   0.81      1.04
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.50       100      1.2   0.84      0.95
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.50       150      1.2   0.83      0.95
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.50       200      1.2   0.83      0.96
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.50       250      1.2   0.83      0.96
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.62        50      1.3   0.82      1.02
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.62       100      1.1   0.85      0.91
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.62       150      1.1   0.85      0.91
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.62       200      1.2   0.84      0.93
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.62       250      1.2   0.84      0.94
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.75        50      1.3   0.83      1.04
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.75       100      1.1   0.85      0.92
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.75       150      1.1   0.85      0.90
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.75       200      1.1   0.85      0.90
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.75       250      1.1   0.85      0.90
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.88        50      1.3   0.82      1.09
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.88       100      1.2   0.84      0.95
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.88       150      1.1   0.85      0.92
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.88       200      1.1   0.85      0.93
##   0.4  1          0.6               0.88       250      1.1   0.85      0.93
##   0.4  1          0.6               1.00        50      1.3   0.83      1.04
##   0.4  1          0.6               1.00       100      1.1   0.86      0.92
##   0.4  1          0.6               1.00       150      1.1   0.86      0.89
##   0.4  1          0.6               1.00       200      1.1   0.86      0.89
##   0.4  1          0.6               1.00       250      1.1   0.86      0.89
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.50        50      1.3   0.83      1.01
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.50       100      1.2   0.84      0.96
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.50       150      1.2   0.84      0.94
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.50       200      1.2   0.83      0.96
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.50       250      1.2   0.83      0.95
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.62        50      1.3   0.83      1.02
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.62       100      1.2   0.83      0.97
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.62       150      1.2   0.83      0.96
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.62       200      1.2   0.83      0.97
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.62       250      1.2   0.83      0.97
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.75        50      1.3   0.83      1.03
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.75       100      1.1   0.85      0.92
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.75       150      1.2   0.84      0.92
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.75       200      1.2   0.84      0.93
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.75       250      1.2   0.84      0.94
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.88        50      1.3   0.83      1.04
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.88       100      1.2   0.85      0.92
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.88       150      1.1   0.85      0.92
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.88       200      1.1   0.85      0.92
##   0.4  1          0.8               0.88       250      1.2   0.84      0.93
##   0.4  1          0.8               1.00        50      1.3   0.84      1.03
##   0.4  1          0.8               1.00       100      1.1   0.86      0.91
##   0.4  1          0.8               1.00       150      1.1   0.86      0.88
##   0.4  1          0.8               1.00       200      1.1   0.86      0.88
##   0.4  1          0.8               1.00       250      1.1   0.86      0.88
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.50        50      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.50       100      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.50       150      1.4   0.77      1.16
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.50       200      1.5   0.75      1.19
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.50       250      1.5   0.75      1.20
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.62        50      1.3   0.80      1.03
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.62       100      1.3   0.79      1.06
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.62       150      1.3   0.79      1.06
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.62       200      1.4   0.79      1.07
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.62       250      1.4   0.77      1.10
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.75        50      1.3   0.80      1.03
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.75       100      1.3   0.78      1.06
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.75       150      1.4   0.77      1.08
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.75       200      1.4   0.76      1.12
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.75       250      1.4   0.76      1.12
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.88        50      1.3   0.81      1.02
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.88       100      1.3   0.81      1.01
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.88       150      1.3   0.80      1.03
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.88       200      1.3   0.79      1.05
##   0.4  2          0.6               0.88       250      1.3   0.78      1.06
##   0.4  2          0.6               1.00        50      1.2   0.82      1.01
##   0.4  2          0.6               1.00       100      1.3   0.81      1.03
##   0.4  2          0.6               1.00       150      1.3   0.81      1.05
##   0.4  2          0.6               1.00       200      1.3   0.80      1.07
##   0.4  2          0.6               1.00       250      1.3   0.79      1.08
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.50        50      1.4   0.78      1.09
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.50       100      1.4   0.76      1.13
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.50       150      1.5   0.75      1.16
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.50       200      1.5   0.73      1.18
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.50       250      1.6   0.72      1.22
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.62        50      1.3   0.80      1.06
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.62       100      1.3   0.79      1.05
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.62       150      1.3   0.78      1.08
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.62       200      1.4   0.78      1.08
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.62       250      1.4   0.78      1.09
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.75        50      1.3   0.79      1.04
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.75       100      1.4   0.78      1.07
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.75       150      1.4   0.77      1.10
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.75       200      1.5   0.75      1.13
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.75       250      1.4   0.76      1.13
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.88        50      1.3   0.80      1.05
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.88       100      1.3   0.78      1.08
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.88       150      1.4   0.77      1.09
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.88       200      1.4   0.76      1.12
##   0.4  2          0.8               0.88       250      1.4   0.75      1.14
##   0.4  2          0.8               1.00        50      1.3   0.81      1.02
##   0.4  2          0.8               1.00       100      1.3   0.80      1.03
##   0.4  2          0.8               1.00       150      1.3   0.79      1.07
##   0.4  2          0.8               1.00       200      1.4   0.78      1.10
##   0.4  2          0.8               1.00       250      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.50        50      1.5   0.75      1.18
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.50       100      1.5   0.74      1.20
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.50       150      1.5   0.73      1.21
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.50       200      1.5   0.73      1.22
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.50       250      1.5   0.73      1.22
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.62        50      1.4   0.75      1.14
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.62       100      1.5   0.73      1.18
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.62       150      1.5   0.73      1.19
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.62       200      1.5   0.73      1.19
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.62       250      1.5   0.73      1.19
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.75        50      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.75       100      1.5   0.75      1.16
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.75       150      1.5   0.75      1.17
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.75       200      1.5   0.74      1.18
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.75       250      1.5   0.74      1.18
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.88        50      1.4   0.77      1.07
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.88       100      1.4   0.75      1.11
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.88       150      1.5   0.74      1.12
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.88       200      1.5   0.74      1.13
##   0.4  3          0.6               0.88       250      1.5   0.74      1.13
##   0.4  3          0.6               1.00        50      1.4   0.78      1.11
##   0.4  3          0.6               1.00       100      1.4   0.77      1.11
##   0.4  3          0.6               1.00       150      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.4  3          0.6               1.00       200      1.4   0.76      1.12
##   0.4  3          0.6               1.00       250      1.4   0.76      1.13
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.50        50      1.6   0.71      1.25
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.50       100      1.6   0.69      1.29
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.50       150      1.6   0.69      1.30
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.50       200      1.6   0.69      1.31
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.50       250      1.6   0.69      1.31
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.62        50      1.4   0.76      1.13
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.62       100      1.5   0.75      1.16
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.62       150      1.5   0.74      1.18
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.62       200      1.5   0.74      1.18
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.62       250      1.5   0.74      1.18
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.75        50      1.5   0.75      1.18
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.75       100      1.5   0.72      1.22
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.75       150      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.75       200      1.6   0.71      1.25
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.75       250      1.6   0.71      1.25
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.88        50      1.4   0.78      1.10
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.88       100      1.4   0.78      1.10
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.88       150      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.88       200      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.4  3          0.8               0.88       250      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.4  3          0.8               1.00        50      1.3   0.79      1.07
##   0.4  3          0.8               1.00       100      1.4   0.78      1.10
##   0.4  3          0.8               1.00       150      1.4   0.78      1.11
##   0.4  3          0.8               1.00       200      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.4  3          0.8               1.00       250      1.4   0.77      1.12
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.50        50      1.6   0.71      1.25
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.50       100      1.6   0.70      1.26
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.50       150      1.6   0.70      1.27
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.50       200      1.6   0.70      1.27
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.50       250      1.6   0.70      1.27
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.62        50      1.6   0.70      1.26
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.62       100      1.6   0.70      1.27
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.62       150      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.62       200      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.62       250      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.75        50      1.6   0.70      1.27
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.75       100      1.6   0.70      1.28
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.75       150      1.6   0.70      1.28
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.75       200      1.6   0.70      1.28
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.75       250      1.6   0.70      1.28
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.88        50      1.6   0.72      1.25
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.88       100      1.6   0.72      1.27
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.88       150      1.6   0.72      1.27
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.88       200      1.6   0.71      1.27
##   0.4  4          0.6               0.88       250      1.6   0.71      1.28
##   0.4  4          0.6               1.00        50      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.4  4          0.6               1.00       100      1.6   0.70      1.24
##   0.4  4          0.6               1.00       150      1.6   0.70      1.24
##   0.4  4          0.6               1.00       200      1.6   0.70      1.24
##   0.4  4          0.6               1.00       250      1.6   0.70      1.24
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.50        50      1.7   0.66      1.37
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.50       100      1.7   0.64      1.42
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.50       150      1.7   0.64      1.42
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.50       200      1.8   0.64      1.43
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.50       250      1.8   0.64      1.43
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.62        50      1.6   0.69      1.24
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.62       100      1.6   0.68      1.25
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.62       150      1.6   0.68      1.25
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.62       200      1.6   0.68      1.25
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.62       250      1.6   0.68      1.25
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.75        50      1.6   0.72      1.21
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.75       100      1.6   0.72      1.22
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.75       150      1.6   0.71      1.22
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.75       200      1.6   0.71      1.22
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.75       250      1.6   0.71      1.22
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.88        50      1.6   0.71      1.22
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.88       100      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.88       150      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.88       200      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.4  4          0.8               0.88       250      1.6   0.71      1.23
##   0.4  4          0.8               1.00        50      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.4  4          0.8               1.00       100      1.6   0.71      1.25
##   0.4  4          0.8               1.00       150      1.6   0.70      1.25
##   0.4  4          0.8               1.00       200      1.6   0.70      1.25
##   0.4  4          0.8               1.00       250      1.6   0.70      1.25
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.50        50      1.9   0.59      1.52
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.50       100      1.9   0.59      1.53
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.50       150      1.9   0.59      1.53
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.50       200      1.9   0.59      1.53
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.50       250      1.9   0.59      1.53
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.62        50      1.7   0.67      1.35
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.62       100      1.7   0.67      1.35
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.62       150      1.7   0.67      1.36
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.62       200      1.7   0.67      1.36
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.62       250      1.7   0.67      1.36
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.75        50      1.7   0.66      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.75       100      1.7   0.66      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.75       150      1.7   0.66      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.75       200      1.7   0.66      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.75       250      1.7   0.66      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.88        50      1.7   0.65      1.37
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.88       100      1.7   0.65      1.37
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.88       150      1.7   0.65      1.37
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.88       200      1.7   0.65      1.37
##   0.4  5          0.6               0.88       250      1.7   0.65      1.37
##   0.4  5          0.6               1.00        50      1.6   0.68      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.6               1.00       100      1.6   0.68      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.6               1.00       150      1.6   0.68      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.6               1.00       200      1.6   0.68      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.6               1.00       250      1.6   0.68      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.50        50      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.50       100      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.50       150      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.50       200      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.50       250      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.62        50      1.6   0.69      1.26
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.62       100      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.62       150      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.62       200      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.62       250      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.75        50      1.7   0.69      1.29
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.75       100      1.7   0.69      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.75       150      1.7   0.69      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.75       200      1.7   0.69      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.75       250      1.7   0.69      1.30
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.88        50      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.88       100      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.88       150      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.88       200      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.4  5          0.8               0.88       250      1.6   0.71      1.24
##   0.4  5          0.8               1.00        50      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               1.00       100      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               1.00       150      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               1.00       200      1.6   0.69      1.27
##   0.4  5          0.8               1.00       250      1.6   0.69      1.27
## Tuning parameter 'gamma' was held constant at a value of 0
## Tuning
##  parameter 'min_child_weight' was held constant at a value of 1
## RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
## The final values used for the model were nrounds = 150, max_depth = 1, eta
##  = 0.4, gamma = 0, colsample_bytree = 0.8, min_child_weight = 1 and subsample
##  = 1.

The optimal tuning parameters were at \(M = 250\) and interation.depth = 1. train() tuned eta (\(\eta\)), max_depth, gamma, colsample_bytree, subsample, and nrounds, holding gamma = 0, and min_child_weight = 1. The optimal hyperparameter values were eta = 0.4, max_depth = 1, gamma = 0, colsample_bytree = 0.8, subsample = 1, and nrounds = 150.

With so many hyperparameters, the tuning plot is nearly unreadable.


Here is the holdout set performance.

cs_preds_xgb <- bind_cols(
   Predicted = predict(cs_mdl_xgb, newdata = cs_test),
   Actual = cs_test$Sales

# Model over-predicts at low end of Sales and under-predicts at high end
cs_preds_xgb %>%
   ggplot(aes(x = Actual, y = Predicted)) +
   geom_point(alpha = 0.6, color = "cadetblue") +
   geom_smooth(method = "loess", formula = "y ~ x") +
   geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, linetype = 2) +
   labs(title = "Carseats XGBoost, Predicted vs Actual")

plot(varImp(cs_mdl_xgb), main="Variable Importance with XGBoost")

The RMSE is 1.438 - the best of the bunch.

cs_rmse_xgb <- RMSE(pred = cs_preds_xgb$Predicted, obs = cs_preds_xgb$Actual)
cs_scoreboard <- rbind(cs_scoreboard,
   data.frame(Model = "XGBoost", RMSE = cs_rmse_xgb)
) %>% arrange(RMSE)







Random Forest




Single Tree (caret)


Single Tree
