13.1 Sweave: R code in LaTex

To start, we create a new .Rnw file.

Go to File > New File > R Sweave to open a new file.

You can see \documentclass{article} and \begin{document} at the beginning of the file and \end{document} at the end of the file.

This is standard LaTeX document. Hence, we can work it as standard LaTeX file.

Let us type something and click compile.


Hello World!


There are two ways to incorporate R code:

  1. inline: \Sexpr{}

I have 2 apples. You have 3 apples. 

Hence, we have \Sexpr{2+3} apples.

  1. display: start with << >>=, and end with @

I have 2 apples. You have 3 apples.

<< >>=
x <- 2
y <- 3
cat('We have ', x+y, 'apples.')
