2.4 West Nile Virus

This is a disease that is transmitted by Culex mosquitoes. It has two different serotypes.

Demographics of the West Nile Virus as of 2006

Figure 2.20: Demographics of the West Nile Virus as of 2006

Figure 2.20 shows the demographics of the West Nile virus as of 2006.

Demographics of the West Nile Virus in Europe

Figure 2.21: Demographics of the West Nile Virus in Europe

Demographics of the West Nile Virus in the US

Figure 2.22: Demographics of the West Nile Virus in the US

Also be aware of the demographics of the West Nile virus in other parts of the world - namely the US and Europe. Cases in Europe tend to be more scattered than those in the US.

2.4.1 Transmission

Transmission Cycle of the West Nile Virus

Figure 2.23: Transmission Cycle of the West Nile Virus

Note that humans and other animals alike are dead-end hosts.

Drivers of West Nile Cases

Figure 2.24: Drivers of West Nile Cases

Also note the above graphic.