Topic 4 Vector-Borne Diseases, Disease-Causing Agents, Mechanisms of Transmission, and Control Strategies

A vector is an organism that transmits disease from animals to humans (and vice versa).

There are several vectors that will be focused on throughout BS0005:

  1. Aedes spp.

    There are two key species: Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Together, these species a variety of diseases, including but not limited to dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, filariasis, Zika, and other arboviruses.

  2. Anopheles spp.

    These mosquitoes transmit malaria, filariasis, and other arboviruses.

  3. Culex spp.

    These mosquitoes transmit Japanese Encephalitis, West Nile Virus, lymphatic filariasis, and other arboviruses.

    When these mosquitoes breed, these mosquitoes also form egg rafts: structures that can carry up to as much as hundreds of offspring!

  4. Manosonia spp.

    These mosquitoes transmit filariasis and other arboviruses.