6.2 Pie Charts

A pie chart (or a circle chart) is a circular statistical graphic that is divided into slices (or wedges) to illustrate numerical proportions.

  1. Open a new Excel worksheet and enter Earned Degree data, as shown below.
Earned Degree data.

Figure 6.1: Earned degree data.

  1. Select the cells A1:B6.
  2. Go to the Insert tab. Select the leftmost 2D Pie diagram in the top row in the Charts ribbon.
A screenshot of the pie chart options.

Figure 6.2: Pie chart options in the Insert tab.

  1. If your graph does noy appear with a title and legend, do Steps 5 and 6 below.
  2. When you select the graph, the tab Chart Design appears in the menu bar (you must select the graph for this tool to appear).
  3. Choose Style 3 for your pie chart.
A screenshot of the options in the Chart Design tab for pie charts.

Figure 6.3: Options in the Chart Design tab for pie charts.

Note: Style 3 includes titles, legends, and labels in percent form. Check other styles to see the differences among them.

  1. Replace Number (in thousands) with the title Earned Degrees Conferred in 2000.

Note: You can RIGHT-click on one of the data labels (e.g., on the percent of 45%) and then select Format Data Labels to change the format of the labels in your graph.

6.2.1 Practice 1

Use Excel to build a pie chart for the data containing Device Type in the Lab 6 Netflix Sample.xlsx file.