10.2 Counting the Number of Heads and the Number of Tails

Next, you will use Excel to count the 1’s and 2’s in column A. You will set up a table in Columns C and D to display the results.

  1. Type the label Outcome in Cell C1.
  2. Type the label Heads in Cell C2.
  3. Type the label Tails in Cell C3.
  4. Type the label Frequency in Cell D1.

You will use the formula COUNTIF(data range, condition) to count the 1’s and 2’s as the formula’s conditions. Recall that we assigned the number 1 to the outcome Head and the number 2 to the Tail.

  1. Select cell D2, and enter the formula = COUNTIF(A2:A31,1).
  2. Next, select cell D3, and enter = COUNTIF(A2:A31,2).