9.3 Calculating the Correlation Coefficient

  1. Type the label Correlation in an empty cell in the worksheet.
  2. In the cell below Correlation, go to the Formulas tab and click the Insert Function ribbon.
  3. In the dialog window, search for the CORREL function. Click OK.
  4. For Array 1, select the cells in Column A of the data set.
  5. For Array 2, select the cells in Column B of the data set.
A screenshot of dialog box of the Correl function on MAC.

Figure 9.4: Dialog window of the Correl function on MAC.

A screenshot of dialog box of the Correl function on PC.

Figure 9.5: Dialog window of the Correl function on PC.

Up to 4 decimal places, the correlation coefficient is 0.9008.

##Determining the Regression Line Equation

The regression line equation (or least squares line) is a straight line that best fits the data set. The equation of the line has the form ˆybx+a where b is the slope and a is the y-intercept. The regression line explains the relationship between the independent variable (explanatory variable) and one or more dependent variables (response variable(s)).

The LINEST(known_y's, known_x's, [const], [stats]) function calculates the slope and y-intercept of the regression line. The last two arguments in the formula are optional.

  1. Type the label Regression Line in an empty cell in the worksheet.
  2. Type the formula `= LINEST(B1:B273, A1:A273) in the cell below Regression Line.

Note: Alternatively, go to Formulas > Insert Function and search for the LINEST function.

The results output by the LINEST function is a slope equal to 10.7296414 and a y-intercept equal to 33.47439702.