8.4 Box Plot

  1. Select the cells with the temperature values in Column B.
  2. Go to the Insert tab. Select Box and Whisker in the Charts ribbon (Figure 8.1).
A screenshot of the Box and Whisker option in Chart ribbon of the Insert tab.

Figure 8.1: Box and Whisker option in the Chart ribbon of the Insert tab.

The resulting plot is shown in Figure 8.2.

A screenshot of  the Box and Whisker created.

Figure 8.2: Box and Whisker created.

  1. Replace Chart Title with NY Temperatures in September 2013.
  2. RIGHT-click on the vertical axis and then select Format Axis to change the axis format in the graph. Set the Minimum Bound as 45. Adjusting the axis removes the unnecessary space in the chart.
A screenshot of the Format Axis options.

Figure 8.3: Format Axis options.

Use the Chart Design to customize the look of your chart.

  1. Select the graph, and the tab Chart Design appears in the menu. Click on the Chart Design tab.
  2. Click Add Chart Element > Data Labels > Right.
  3. Click Add Chart Element > Axes. Uncheck the option Primary Horizontal.

The adjusted box plot is shown in Figure 8.4.

Adjusted box plot.

Figure 8.4: Adjusted box plot.