8.2 Five-Number-Summary

Using Excel, you will compute the five-number summary, generate a box plot, and compute the interquartile range (IQR) for Lab 8 NY temperatures in the September 2013 workbook.

Use Excel to compute the following in an empty part of the worksheet.

  1. Choose a cell and type Min, and in the cell next to it, enter = MIN(B3:B32) to find the minimum value of the data set.
  2. Below Min, type Q1, and in the cell next to it, enter = QUARTILE(B3:B32,1) to find the first quartile.
  3. Below Q1, type Q2, and in the cell next to it, enter = QUARTILE(B3:B32,2) to find the second quartile.
  4. Below Q2, type Q3, and in the cell next to it, enter = QUARTILE(B3:B32,3) to find the third quartile. 5, Below Q3, type Max, and in the cell next to it, enter = Max(B3:B32) to find the maximum value of the data set.
  5. Below Max, type Median, and enter = MEDIAN(B3:B32) next to it to compute the median.

Be sure that your five-number summary is organized to display the results. For example:

Table 8.1: Example of a five-number-summary
Measures Values
Min 18.00
Q1 24.50
Q2 38.00
Q3 44.25
Max 58.00
Median 38.00

Note: The five-number summary for the NY Temperatures will differ from those shown in Table 1.