2.6 Workshops

  • Data Management: Best Practices, Writing DMPs, Organizing Projects with OSF, Choosing a Repository
  • R programming language: Wrangling Data, Visualizing Data, Creating Reproducible Workflows
  • NCBI tools: Introduction to the Command line, Using E-Utilities, Using E-direct
  • . . . and more!

We are developing workshops on a wide range of data and bioinformation topics. You are getting a taste of these workshops over the next three sessions. We offer, or will soon be offering, workshops on writing data management plans, programming in R, introduction to the command line, and NCBI database tools. Like all library workshops, they are free and open to the UMB community. You can find some previous workshop descriptions and material on our website. We can also work with you to deliver workshops tailored specifically to your department or program needs. To discuss, please contact us at data@hshsl.umaryland.edu