18 Lab 9 (Stata)

18.1 Lab Goals & Instructions

Today we are using two datasets. We’ll load the dataset we need at different points in the lab.


  • Use dfbetas to identify extreme observations
  • Use a joint test to test significance of groups of variables


  1. Download the data and the script file from the lab files below.
  2. Run through the script file and reference the explanations on this page if you get stuck.
  3. No challenge activity!

18.2 Outliners with DFBETA

Outliers are observations that are far outside of the pattern of observations for other cases. Some outliers will influence your model more than others. Our goal is to understand if there are outlier observations in our model so we can decide what to do with them.

Just like extreme observations can skew our mean, an outlier or two can change our results.

DFBETA: assesses how much each observation affects the regression. It assesses this by calculating how the slope changes when that observation is deleted. If the absolute value of DFBETA is greater than 2 / sqrt(n) OR 1 then you should consider dropping that observation.

STEP 1: Run the regression

regress satisfaction climate_gen climate_dei undergrad female i.race_5
      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     1,434
-------------+----------------------------------   F(8, 1425)      =    126.39
       Model |   640.55287         8  80.0691087   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  902.772793     1,425  .633524767   R-squared       =    0.4150
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.4118
       Total |  1543.32566     1,433   1.0769893   Root MSE        =    .79594

 satisfaction | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
  climate_gen |   .5605185     .03842    14.59   0.000     .4851528    .6358843
  climate_dei |    .297791   .0352098     8.46   0.000     .2287223    .3668597
    undergrad |   .0367544   .0439463     0.84   0.403     -.049452    .1229607
       female |  -.1016334   .0435345    -2.33   0.020    -.1870321   -.0162348
       race_5 |
        AAPI  |  -.0726621   .0588523    -1.23   0.217    -.1881086    .0427844
       Black  |  -.5321254   .0692022    -7.69   0.000    -.6678745   -.3963762
Hispanic/L~o  |  -.1192444   .0608858    -1.96   0.050    -.2386798    .0001909
       Other  |   -.124321   .0759098    -1.64   0.102     -.273228     .024586
        _cons |   .6662546   .1341078     4.97   0.000     .4031847    .9293245

STEP 2: Calculate DFBETA
This command creates a dfbeta variable for each variable in your regression. So the column for dfbeta_1: climate_gen will let you know what the change in slope would be if that value of climate_gen were removed from the regression.


STEP 3: See your threshold number

    display 2 / sqrt(1434)

We are for any values over 0.05 or lower than -0.05

STEP 4: Find any variables with influential values

sum _dfbeta*
    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
   _dfbeta_1 |      1,434    9.50e-07    .0301021  -.3092084   .2515684
   _dfbeta_2 |      1,434    2.02e-06    .0309475  -.1845988   .3696444
   _dfbeta_3 |      1,434   -5.03e-07    .0258602  -.1267646   .1063891
   _dfbeta_4 |      1,434   -8.84e-07     .026341  -.1005128   .1419428
   _dfbeta_5 |      1,434   -9.99e-07    .0254251  -.2209839   .1070866
   _dfbeta_6 |      1,434    2.81e-06    .0270477   -.199233   .1754141
   _dfbeta_7 |      1,434   -6.97e-07    .0260274  -.1940824   .1116177
   _dfbeta_8 |      1,434    1.30e-06    .0293072  -.3292253    .188736

So many observations above the 0.05 threshold! Because that threshold is not particularly helpful, we’ll use 1 as the threshold, which is also pretty common.

STEP 5: Locate the observations that are influential
This data set doesn’t have an ID variable, which is rare!
So I’ll create one!

generate index = _n

List the index of the observations that are above our threshold of influence For climate_gen.

Note I am showing observations between (.05 and 100) in the first command and (1 and 100 in the second). I added an arbitrary cap at a high number to avoid having Stata list the missing values, which would show up because Stata understands them as infinity in logical statements.

list index if abs(_dfbeta_1) > 2 / sqrt(1800) & abs(_dfbeta_1) <100
list index if abs(_dfbeta_1) > 1 & abs(_dfbeta_1) <100

I’m not showing the results here because they would be too long. Run the .do file to see the output!

Create a scatterplot of all _dfbeta* variables to see which are above the threshold of 1.

scatter _dfbeta* index, ///
    ylabel(-1.5(.5)1.5) /// // Set the y axis from 1.5 to 1.5 with ticks at .5 intervals
    yline(-1 1) // Create lines at -1 and 1 to visualize the thresholds

18.3 Joint Tests

Sometimes, you might want to carry out a joint test of coefficients. This is particularly important if you are concerned about bias within your model/a multicollinearity you are worried you can’t/don’t want to solve.

regress satisfaction climate_gen climate_dei undergrad female i.race_5 
estimates store dei1
      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     1,434
-------------+----------------------------------   F(8, 1425)      =    126.39
       Model |   640.55287         8  80.0691087   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  902.772793     1,425  .633524767   R-squared       =    0.4150
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.4118
       Total |  1543.32566     1,433   1.0769893   Root MSE        =    .79594

 satisfaction | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
  climate_gen |   .5605185     .03842    14.59   0.000     .4851528    .6358843
  climate_dei |    .297791   .0352098     8.46   0.000     .2287223    .3668597
    undergrad |   .0367544   .0439463     0.84   0.403     -.049452    .1229607
       female |  -.1016334   .0435345    -2.33   0.020    -.1870321   -.0162348
       race_5 |
        AAPI  |  -.0726621   .0588523    -1.23   0.217    -.1881086    .0427844
       Black  |  -.5321254   .0692022    -7.69   0.000    -.6678745   -.3963762
Hispanic/L~o  |  -.1192444   .0608858    -1.96   0.050    -.2386798    .0001909
       Other  |   -.124321   .0759098    -1.64   0.102     -.273228     .024586
        _cons |   .6662546   .1341078     4.97   0.000     .4031847    .9293245
test (climate_gen = 0) (climate_dei = 0)
 ( 1)  climate_gen = 0
 ( 2)  climate_dei = 0

       F(  2,  1425) =  357.42
            Prob > F =    0.0000

The hypothesis test here is that these two coefficients TOGETHER have a value of 0. The fact that we have a p-value < 0.05 means we reject the hypothesis and find that AT LEAST ONE OF THESE VARIABLES HAS A RELATIONSHIP GREATER THAN 0.

Though we don’t cover this in class, you can also use the ‘test’ command to find out if two variables are equal to each other. This is especially useful if your question is related to: whether theory 1 (var1) has a significiantly different effect from theory 2 (var2).

For example: I’m interested in which of these (general climate / dei climate) has a greater effect on student satisfaction. I can use test to see if their coefficients are equal (if var1-var2 = 0),

test climate_gen = climate_dei
 ( 1)  climate_gen - climate_dei = 0

       F(  1,  1425) =   15.69
            Prob > F =    0.0001

You might think: how do I interpret this? The null hypothesis here is that the two coefficients are EQUAL to each other. Since p-value<0.5, we reject the null hypothesis, telling us the two variables are statistically different from each other. Given what our results shows us, we can then see that the difference is that general climate has a greater effect on satisfaction for students than dei climate.