11 Lab 5 (R)

11.1 Lab Goals & Instructions

Today we are back to using the billionaires dataset.

Research Question: What characteristics are associated with wealth among billionaires?


  • Produce journal-ready tables in Stata (or at least close to journal-ready)


  1. Download the data and the script file from the lab files below.
  2. Run through the script file and reference the explanations on this page if you get stuck.
  3. Work on the challenge activity if you have time.


# Load libraries

# The three libraries we'll be using in this lab
# You should also install the package "flextable"
# install.packages("flextable")

11.2 Saving Models

In Stata we have to download a new package to save the results from our regressions. In R, we save results as objects in the environment pretty regularly. To make building tables easy, make sure you save your results as objects.

m1 <- lm(wealthworthinbillions ~ female + age, data = mydata)

lm(formula = wealthworthinbillions ~ female + age, data = mydata)

   Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
-3.764 -2.217 -1.507 -0.091 72.480 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) 1.461568   0.557531   2.622  0.00881 ** 
female      0.430905   0.389897   1.105  0.26920    
age         0.035492   0.008692   4.083  4.6e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 5.388 on 2226 degrees of freedom
  (385 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.007916,  Adjusted R-squared:  0.007025 
F-statistic: 8.881 on 2 and 2226 DF,  p-value: 0.000144

11.3 Building Tables

In this section, we will focus on three packages you can use to build and export tables: stargazer, gtsummary, and huxtable. We’ll cover their basics, as well as changes you can make to the visual of the table.

Here are some more resources for each:

11.3.1 Tables with stargazer

Stargazer is a relatively straightforward package that can build nice tables. It’s pros are its simplicity and ability to be used in R markdown. It’s cons are that it’s hard to export in word format and not quite as flexible as our final option. This is the package I see recommended most for building regression tables.

Regression tables with stargazer

To build a regression table in this package, we use the function stargazer() and putting your saved model results into the function. You will also need to specify a type in the command, either “text” or “html.” Text will allow you to see the output in a regular script file. Html will show up better in an Rmarkdown file.

Let’s start by producing a simple table from the model we already saved in text format:

stargazer(m1, type = "text")

                        Dependent variable:    
female                         0.431           
age                          0.035***          
Constant                     1.462***          
Observations                   2,229           
R2                             0.008           
Adjusted R2                    0.007           
Residual Std. Error      5.388 (df = 2226)     
F Statistic           8.881*** (df = 2; 2226)  
Note:               *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

Text format isn’t the best option for inserting a table into word, but if you wanted to save it as a text file, you specify the file to create with the out = "filepath" option.

stargazer(m1, type = "text", out = "figs_output/example.txt")

Now let’s try an html version. The output we see in our code is just html code. To look at it we need to save it to an html file. Here is our simple table in html format and how it will look when you open the file:

stargazer(m1, type = "html", out = "figs_output/example.htm")

If you want to insert this table into a word document you can take a screenshot and save the table as an image. For this reason, stargazer is not my favorite package

Descriptive statistic tables with stargazer

Stargazer can also create descriptive statistic tables with the same stargazer() function. Instead of listing the model results in the function, you put in the name of your dataframe with the variables you want to appear in the table.

For some reason, this command only works if you explicitly save your dataframe as a dataframe.

mydata <- as.data.frame(mydata) %>%
  mutate(wealthtype2 = factor(wealthtype2,
                              labels = c("Executive",
                                         "Founder (non-finance)",
                                         "Self-made (finance)")))

Here’s a basic descriptive statistics table in text format:

stargazer(mydata, type = "text")

Statistic               N           Mean                St. Dev.         Min   Pctl(25)    Pctl(75)            Max        
rank                  2,614        599.673               467.886          1      215          988             1,565       
year                  2,614       2,008.412               7.484         1,996   2,001        2,014            2,014       
companyfounded        2,614       1,924.712              243.777          0     1,936        1,985            2,012       
demographicsage       2,614        53.341                25.333          -42      47          70                98        
locationgdp           2,614 1,769,103,031,873.000 3,547,082,560,202.000   0       0     725,000,000,000 10,600,000,000,000
wealthworthinbillions 2,614         3.532                 5.089         1.000   1.400        3.500            76.000      
wealthhowinherited2   2,614         4.386                 1.194           1       4            5                6         
wealthhowcategory2    2,613         4.662                 1.651         1.000   3.000        6.000            9.000       
wealthhowindustry2    2,613         8.715                 4.637         1.000   4.000       13.000            19.000      
locationregion2       2,614         4.236                 1.720           1       3            6                8         
locationcountrycode2  2,614        45.674                24.173           1       23          71                74        
locationcitizenship2  2,614        46.764                23.861           1       23          71                73        
demographicsgender2   2,580         1.905                 0.298         1.000   2.000        2.000            3.000       
companysector2        2,591        271.851               143.659        1.000  132.000      402.000          520.000      
companyrelationship2  2,568        45.266                18.268         1.000   32.000      66.000            74.000      
age                   2,229        62.576                13.135         12.000  53.000      72.000            98.000      
female                2,577         0.097                 0.296         0.000   0.000        0.000            1.000       

You can also select specific variables using the tidyverse pipe (%>% select()) and which specific statistics should display. Here are the statistics options you have available:

  • n: Number of observations
  • mean: Mean
  • sd: Standard devaition
  • min: Minimum value
  • max: Maximum value
  • median: Median
  • p25: 25th percentile value
  • p75: 75th percentile value

These are all options in the command itself that you can set to TRUE or FALSE.

  mydata %>% select(wealthworthinbillions, wealthtype2, female, age),
  summary.stat = c("n", "mean", "sd", "min", "max"),
  type = "text"

Statistic               N    Mean  St. Dev.  Min    Max  
wealthworthinbillions 2,614 3.532   5.089   1.000  76.000
female                2,577 0.097   0.296   0.000  1.000 
age                   2,229 62.576  13.135  12.000 98.000

Variations on your stargazer tables

You can also add numerous options to your stargazer command to improve the look of the overall table. Some of the ones you’ll use most often are:

  • title: Add a table title
  • covariate.labels: Add a label to the variables in your table instead of its name in your dataframe.
  • dept.var.labels: Label the dependent variable in your model
  • column.labels: When you have multiple models in your regression table, label each model (aka column).
  • digits: Round to a certain number of decimals.

Here’s an example of a descriptive table with some specifications:

  mydata %>% select(wealthworthinbillions, wealthtype2, female, age),
  summary.stat = c("n", "mean", "sd", "min", "max"),
  type = "text",
  digits = 2, # round to 2 decimal points
  title = "Table 1. Descriptive Statistics", # add a title
  covariate.labels = c("Wealth (in billions)", "Wealth Type", "Female", "Age" )

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
Statistic              N   Mean  St. Dev.  Min   Max 
Wealth (in billions) 2,614 3.53    5.09   1.00  76.00
Wealth Type          2,577 0.10    0.30   0.00  1.00 
Female               2,229 62.58  13.13   12.00 98.00

Note this does not handle categorical variables well. It is treating wealth type as a numeric variable.

Regression tables with multiple models with stargazer

Most journal tables will include more than one model. Stargazer has this capability, as do all the options we are looking at in this lab.

First, let’s run and save a second regression:

m2 <- lm(wealthworthinbillions ~ female + age + wealthtype2, data = mydata)

Here’s the basic table with two models:

stargazer(m1, m2, type = "text")

                                               Dependent variable:              
                                           (1)                     (2)          
female                                    0.431                   0.228         
                                         (0.390)                 (0.414)        
age                                     0.035***                0.039***        
                                         (0.009)                 (0.009)        
wealthtype2Founder (non-finance)                                1.294***        
wealthtype2Inherited                                            1.236***        
wealthtype2Privatized                                           1.447***        
wealthtype2Self-made (finance)                                    0.413         
Constant                                1.462***                  0.275         
                                         (0.558)                 (0.696)        
Observations                              2,229                   2,227         
R2                                        0.008                   0.015         
Adjusted R2                               0.007                   0.012         
Residual Std. Error                 5.388 (df = 2226)       5.377 (df = 2220)   
F Statistic                      8.881*** (df = 2; 2226) 5.583*** (df = 6; 2220)
Note:                                                *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

And here’s the two model table with specifications:

stargazer(m1, m2,
          type = "text",
          digits = 2,
          dep.var.labels = c("Wealth (in billions)"), # Label dep variable
          # Covariate labels
          covariate.labels = c("Female", "Age", "Wealth Type: Founder",
                               "Wealth Type: Inherited",
                               "Wealth Type: Privatized",
                               "Wealth Type: Self-made (finance)"),
          # Name the models
          column.labels = c("Model 1", "Model 2")

                                              Dependent variable:             
                                             Wealth (in billions)             
                                        Model 1                Model 2        
                                          (1)                    (2)          
Female                                    0.43                   0.23         
                                         (0.39)                 (0.41)        
Age                                     0.04***                0.04***        
                                         (0.01)                 (0.01)        
Wealth Type: Founder                                           1.29***        
Wealth Type: Inherited                                         1.24***        
Wealth Type: Privatized                                        1.45***        
Wealth Type: Self-made (finance)                                 0.41         
Constant                                1.46***                  0.28         
                                         (0.56)                 (0.70)        
Observations                             2,229                  2,227         
R2                                        0.01                   0.01         
Adjusted R2                               0.01                   0.01         
Residual Std. Error                 5.39 (df = 2226)       5.38 (df = 2220)   
F Statistic                      8.88*** (df = 2; 2226) 5.58*** (df = 6; 2220)
Note:                                              *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01

11.3.2 Tables with gtsummary

gtsummary is another relatively straightforward table building package. It has the advantage of showing a nice html output It is also a great option for building summary statistics tables because it handles categorical variables much better. Cons are the options are much more complicated and split between in function options and piped options and it can’t be exported directly to word.

Regression tables with gtsummary

The basic command we’ll be using from this package for regression tables is tbl_regression() and the saved model results.

Characteristic Beta 95% CI1 p-value
female 0.23 -0.58, 1.0 0.6
age 0.04 0.02, 0.06 <0.001
Founder (non-finance) 1.3 0.38, 2.2 0.006
Inherited 1.2 0.32, 2.2 0.008
Privatized 1.4 0.36, 2.5 0.009
Self-made (finance) 0.41 -0.54, 1.4 0.4

1 CI = Confidence Interval

Here is how you add labels to the covariates:

               # Add variable labels
               label = c(female ~ "Female",
                         age ~ "Age",
                         wealthtype2 ~ "Wealth Type")
Characteristic Beta 95% CI1 p-value
Female 0.23 -0.58, 1.0 0.6
Age 0.04 0.02, 0.06 <0.001
Wealth Type
Founder (non-finance) 1.3 0.38, 2.2 0.006
Inherited 1.2 0.32, 2.2 0.008
Privatized 1.4 0.36, 2.5 0.009
Self-made (finance) 0.41 -0.54, 1.4 0.4

1 CI = Confidence Interval

Regression tables with multiple models with gtsummary

To put two models together with this package, you have to save the separate tables as objects and then combine them with the tbl_merge() function.

So here we save the two models:

tbl1 <- tbl_regression(m1,
                       # Add variable labels
                       label = c(female ~ "Female",
                                 age ~ "Age"))
tbl2 <- tbl_regression(m2,
               # Add variable labels
               label = c(female ~ "Female",
                         age ~ "Age",
                         wealthtype2 ~ "Wealth Type"))

And here we put them together:

  list(tbl1, tbl2),
  tab_spanner = c("**Model 1**", "**Model 2**")
Characteristic Model 1 Model 2
Beta 95% CI1 p-value Beta 95% CI1 p-value
Female 0.43 -0.33, 1.2 0.3 0.23 -0.58, 1.0 0.6
Age 0.04 0.02, 0.05 <0.001 0.04 0.02, 0.06 <0.001
Wealth Type
Founder (non-finance) 1.3 0.38, 2.2 0.006
Inherited 1.2 0.32, 2.2 0.008
Privatized 1.4 0.36, 2.5 0.009
Self-made (finance) 0.41 -0.54, 1.4 0.4

1 CI = Confidence Interval

Descriptive statistics tables with gtsummary

To create descriptive statistics tables with this package, we use the function tbl_summary and list the dataframe with the variables we want to summarize.

Here is a simple summary table, with selected variables from our data frame:

  mydata %>% select(wealthworthinbillions, female, age, wealthtype2)
Characteristic N = 2,6141
wealthworthinbillions 2.0 (1.4, 3.5)
female 249 (9.7%)
Unknown 37
age 62 (53, 72)
Unknown 385
Executive 190 (7.3%)
Founder (non-finance) 713 (28%)
Inherited 953 (37%)
Privatized 236 (9.1%)
Self-made (finance) 500 (19%)
Unknown 22

1 Median (IQR); n (%)

Here is a table with these options specified:

  • type = all_continuous(): Allow multiple lines of descriptive statistics for continuous variables.
  • statistic = list(all_continuous() ~ c(), all_categorical()): Specificy the statistics used separately for continouous and categorical variables.
  • missing: Remove missing rows.
  • modify_header(label = ""): Modify the header in the table.
  mydata %>% select(wealthworthinbillions, female, age, wealthtype2),
  # Specify continuous statistics
  type = all_continuous() ~ "continuous2", # Allows multiple lines
  statistic = list(all_continuous() ~ c("{mean} ({sd})",
                                        "{min}, {max}"),
                   all_categorical() ~ "{p}%"),
  # Add labels
  label = c(female ~ "Female",
            age ~ "Age",
            wealthtype2 ~ "Wealth Type",
            wealthworthinbillions ~ "Wealth (in billions)"),
  # Remove missing rows
  missing = "no"
  ) %>%
  # Modify header (the asterics keep the label bolded)
  modify_header(label = "**Variable**")
Variable N = 2,6141
Wealth (in billions)
Mean (SD) 3.5 (5.1)
Range 1.0, 76.0
Female 9.7%
Mean (SD) 63 (13)
Range 12, 98
Wealth Type
Executive 7.3%
Founder (non-finance) 28%
Inherited 37%
Privatized 9.1%
Self-made (finance) 19%

1 %

Variations on your gtsummary tables

There are SO many options to gtsummary that I can’t list here, so here are some more resources that you can use to explore this package:

11.3.3 Tables with huxtable

Huxtable is the most flexible and considered by some to be the least painful option for building tables in R. It also exports directly to word. Cons are that it doesn’t create summary statistic tables (that I can find).

Regression tables with huxtable

The basic command that you will use to create regression tables with this package is huxreg() with the saved model results listed.

Here’s a basic regression table with huxreg:

Table 11.1:
age0.039 ***
wealthtype2Founder (non-finance)1.294 ** 
wealthtype2Inherited1.236 ** 
wealthtype2Privatized1.447 ** 
wealthtype2Self-made (finance)0.413    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.

You can also save the table directly to a word document!

huxreg(m2) %>%
  quick_docx(file = "figs_output/example_huxreg.docx")

Or you can just turn it into an html object in the RStudio console:

huxreg(m2) %>%

Variations on your huxtable tables

Like the other packages, there are many many options you can use to change how your tables look. Here are some basic options:

  • statistics = c(): Specify the statistics shown at the bottom of the table.
  • note = "": Add a note to the bottom (hint: include {stars} in your note to keep the explanation of the p-values).
  • coeffs = c(): Label your variables.
  • set_caption(): Add a title or other note to your table (this comes after the main function with a pipe).
  • set_caption_pos(): Specify the position of your title or caption (this comes after the main function with a pipe).

Here’s what it all looks like together:

huxreg("Model 2" = m2, #name the model
       # Specify statistics at the bottom
          statistics = c('N' = "nobs", 'R-squared' = "r.squared", 'AIC' = "aic"),
       # Add a note (but keep the p-value expanations)
          note = "{stars}
          Source: Forbes Billionaire Data",
       # Add variable names
          coefs = c("Female" = "female",
                 "Age" = "age",
                 "Founder (nonfinance)" = "wealthtype2Founder (non-finance)",
                 "Inherited" = "wealthtype2Inherited",
                 "Privatized" = "wealthtype2Privatized",
                 "Self-made" = "wealthtype2Self-made (finance)")
       ) %>%
      # Add a title with a pipe
      set_caption("Table 2. Model Results") %>%
Table 11.2: Table 2. Model Results
Model 2
Age0.039 ***
Founder (nonfinance)1.294 ** 
Inherited1.236 ** 
Privatized1.447 ** 
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05
Source: Forbes Billionaire Data

Regression tables with multiple models with huxtable

To create a table with multiple models we have to save the models in a list object, and then run the huxreg() command.

First let’s create a list of the models you want. We will also name them to add column names to our table:

models <- list("Model 1" = m1, "Model 2" = m2)

And now we can build the table with some specifications:

       statistics = c('N' = "nobs", 'R-squared' = "r.squared", 'AIC' = "AIC"),
       note = "{stars}
        Source: Forbes Billionaire Data",
       coefs = c("Female" = "female",
                 "Age" = "age",
                 "Founder (nonfinance)" = "wealthtype2Founder (non-finance)",
                 "Inherited" = "wealthtype2Inherited",
                 "Privatized" = "wealthtype2Privatized",
                 "Self-made" = "wealthtype2Self-made (finance)"))
Table 11.3:
Model 1Model 2
Female0.431    0.228    
(0.390)   (0.414)   
Age0.035 ***0.039 ***
(0.009)   (0.009)   
Founder (nonfinance)        1.294 ** 
Inherited        1.236 ** 
Privatized        1.447 ** 
Self-made        0.413    
N2229        2227        
R-squared0.008    0.015    
AIC13838.863    13820.777    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05
Source: Forbes Billionaire Data

11.4 Challenge Activity

Look back at your last homework assignment. If you did not use one of these commands to create your regression tables, try to store your models and create a nested regression table.