Chapter 15 當簡單線性迴歸遇上機器學習

15.1 旭,劍指「人工智慧」




Machine learning (ML) is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience.

It is seen as a part of artificial intelligence.

Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as “training data”, in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so.

Machine learning algorithms are used in a wide variety of applications, such as email filtering and computer vision, where it is difficult or unfeasible to develop conventional algorithms to perform the needed tasks.



15.2 續,劍指「統計學習」


Several add-on packages implement ideas and methods developed at the borderline between computer science and statistics - this field of research is usually referred to as machine learning.


What is “borderline between computer science and statistics”?


  1. Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  2. Recursive Partitioning
  3. Random Forests
  4. Regularized and Shrinkage Methods
  5. Boosting and Gradient Descent
  6. Support Vector Machines and Kernel Methods
  7. Bayesian Methods
  8. Optimization using Genetic Algorithms
  9. Association Rules
  10. Fuzzy Rule-based Systems
  11. Model selection and validation

15.3 續,劍指「當簡單線性迴歸遇上機器學習」

看過前面兩小段,請讀者諸君特別注意,在Wikipedia,「machine learning」這兩個字劍指


但是,在R,「machine learning」這兩個字劍指



  1. Model selection and validation
  2. Regularized and Shrinkage Methods

關於「Model selection and validation」,作者小編在看過CRAN Task View: Machine Learning & Statistical Learning之後,決定先介紹splitTools: Tools for Data Splitting,因為


關於「Regularized and Shrinkage Methods」,作者小編嘗試在「簡單線性迴歸線」的框架下,討論

  1. Ridge
  2. LASSO
















In machine learning, a hyperparameter (超參數) is a parameter whose value is set before the learning process begins. By contrast, the values of other parameters are derived via training.


  1. LS
  2. Ridge
  3. LASSO






  1. LS
  2. Ridge
  3. LASSO


Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as “training data”, in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so.

15.4 學習目標

15.5 準備工作

  1. 波士頓數據集。
require(MASS) # 用「require」不用「library」,是因為如果R已經將套件MASS載入環境,就不需要再載一次。
boston <- Boston 
# 「不動」原始數據集,不論它有「多原始」,是R程式設計的一項絕佳習慣。
# 即便一般使用者是無法任意改變套件MASS的內容物!
### rad (index of accessibility to radial highways)
boston[,"rad"] <- factor(boston[,"rad"], ordered = TRUE)
### chas (= 1 if tract bounds river; 0 otherwise)
boston[,"chas"] <- factor(boston[,"chas"])
##      crim zn indus chas   nox    rm  age    dis rad tax ptratio  black lstat
## 1 0.00632 18  2.31    0 0.538 6.575 65.2 4.0900   1 296    15.3 396.90  4.98
## 2 0.02731  0  7.07    0 0.469 6.421 78.9 4.9671   2 242    17.8 396.90  9.14
## 3 0.02729  0  7.07    0 0.469 7.185 61.1 4.9671   2 242    17.8 392.83  4.03
## 4 0.03237  0  2.18    0 0.458 6.998 45.8 6.0622   3 222    18.7 394.63  2.94
## 5 0.06905  0  2.18    0 0.458 7.147 54.2 6.0622   3 222    18.7 396.90  5.33
## 6 0.02985  0  2.18    0 0.458 6.430 58.7 6.0622   3 222    18.7 394.12  5.21
##   medv
## 1 24.0
## 2 21.6
## 3 34.7
## 4 33.4
## 5 36.2
## 6 28.7
##        crim zn indus chas   nox    rm  age    dis rad tax ptratio  black lstat
## 501 0.22438  0  9.69    0 0.585 6.027 79.7 2.4982   6 391    19.2 396.90 14.33
## 502 0.06263  0 11.93    0 0.573 6.593 69.1 2.4786   1 273    21.0 391.99  9.67
## 503 0.04527  0 11.93    0 0.573 6.120 76.7 2.2875   1 273    21.0 396.90  9.08
## 504 0.06076  0 11.93    0 0.573 6.976 91.0 2.1675   1 273    21.0 396.90  5.64
## 505 0.10959  0 11.93    0 0.573 6.794 89.3 2.3889   1 273    21.0 393.45  6.48
## 506 0.04741  0 11.93    0 0.573 6.030 80.8 2.5050   1 273    21.0 396.90  7.88
##     medv
## 501 16.8
## 502 22.4
## 503 20.6
## 504 23.9
## 505 22.0
## 506 11.9
### 讀取自製的波士頓數據集中文資訊。
DISvars <- colnames(boston)[which(sapply(boston, class) == "integer")]
CONvars <- colnames(boston)[which(sapply(boston, class) == "numeric")]
colsBostonFull$內容物 <- sapply(boston, class)
##     變數名
## 1     crim
## 2       zn
## 3    indus
## 4     chas
## 5      nox
## 6       rm
## 7      age
## 8      dis
## 9      rad
## 10     tax
## 11 ptratio
## 12   black
## 13   lstat
## 14    medv
##                                                                     說明
## 1                                          per capita crime rate by town
## 2       proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft.
## 3                       proportion of non-retail business acres per town
## 4  Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds river; 0 otherwise)
## 5                     nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million)
## 6                                   average number of rooms per dwelling
## 7                 proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940
## 8                   weighted distances to five Boston employment centres
## 9                              index of accessibility to radial highways
## 10                              full-value property-tax rate per $10,000
## 11                                           pupil-teacher ratio by town
## 12        1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of blacks by town
## 13                                      % lower status of the population
## 14                       Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's
##                            中文翻譯   中文變數名稱          內容物
## 1              每個城鎮人均犯罪率。         犯罪率         numeric
## 2  超過25,000平方呎的住宅用地比例。   住宅用地比例         numeric
## 3    每個城鎮非零售業務英畝的比例。   非商業區比例         numeric
## 4           是否鄰近Charles River。         河邊宅          factor
## 5                  氮氧化合物濃度。       空汙指標         numeric
## 6            每個住宅的平均房間數。     平均房間數         numeric
## 7    1940年之前建造的自用住宅比例。     老房子比例         numeric
## 8  距波士頓五大商圈的加權平均距離。   加權平均距離         numeric
## 9          環狀高速公路的可觸指標。     交通便利性 ordered, factor
## 10         財產稅占比(每一萬美元)。       財產稅率         numeric
## 11                         生師比。         生師比         numeric
## 12                     黑人的比例。       黑人指數         numeric
## 13     (比較)低社經地位人口的比例。 低社經人口比例         numeric
## 14         以千美元計的房價中位數。     房價中位數         numeric
  1. Anscombe數據集。
require(datasets) # 通常我們是這麼寫「library(datasets)」。
data("anscombe") # 載入。
anscombe # 呼叫它。
##    x1 x2 x3 x4    y1   y2    y3    y4
## 1  10 10 10  8  8.04 9.14  7.46  6.58
## 2   8  8  8  8  6.95 8.14  6.77  5.76
## 3  13 13 13  8  7.58 8.74 12.74  7.71
## 4   9  9  9  8  8.81 8.77  7.11  8.84
## 5  11 11 11  8  8.33 9.26  7.81  8.47
## 6  14 14 14  8  9.96 8.10  8.84  7.04
## 7   6  6  6  8  7.24 6.13  6.08  5.25
## 8   4  4  4 19  4.26 3.10  5.39 12.50
## 9  12 12 12  8 10.84 9.13  8.15  5.56
## 10  7  7  7  8  4.82 7.26  6.42  7.91
## 11  5  5  5  8  5.68 4.74  5.73  6.89
df <- anscombe[, c("x1", "y1")] # 取出「x1」跟「y1」,其中「1」代表第一組。
colnames(df) <- c("x", "y") # 劃掉其中的「1」。
df # 呼叫出來再一次檢視這一組數據集。
##     x     y
## 1  10  8.04
## 2   8  6.95
## 3  13  7.58
## 4   9  8.81
## 5  11  8.33
## 6  14  9.96
## 7   6  7.24
## 8   4  4.26
## 9  12 10.84
## 10  7  4.82
## 11  5  5.68
m0 <- lm(y ~ x, data = df)
## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ x, data = df)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.92127 -0.45577 -0.04136  0.70941  1.83882 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
## (Intercept)   3.0001     1.1247   2.667  0.02573 * 
## x             0.5001     0.1179   4.241  0.00217 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.237 on 9 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.6665, Adjusted R-squared:  0.6295 
## F-statistic: 17.99 on 1 and 9 DF,  p-value: 0.00217

15.6 請套件splitTools協助切割數據集

  1. data partitioning (e.g. into training, validation and test),
  2. creating folds for cross-validation,
  3. creating repeated folds for cross-validation,
  4. stratified splitting (e.g. for stratified cross-validation),
  5. grouped splitting (e.g. for group-k-fold cross-validation),
  6. blocked splitting (if the sequential order of the data should be retained),
  7. time-series splitting where the out-of-sample data follows the (growing) in-sample data.

15.6.1 切:data partitioning (e.g. into training and test)

# Split into training and test
inds <- partition(df$y, p = c(train = 0.8, test = 0.2))
## List of 2
##  $ train: int [1:7] 2 3 4 5 7 9 11
##  $ test : int [1:4] 1 6 8 10
train <- df[inds$train, ]
train[order(train$y), ]
##     x     y
## 11  5  5.68
## 2   8  6.95
## 7   6  7.24
## 3  13  7.58
## 5  11  8.33
## 4   9  8.81
## 9  12 10.84
test <- df[inds$test, ]
test[order(test$y), ]
##     x    y
## 8   4 4.26
## 10  7 4.82
## 1  10 8.04
## 6  14 9.96

15.6.2 切:data partitioning (e.g. into training, validation and test)

# Split data into partitions
inds <- partition(df$y, p = c(train = 0.6, valid = 0.2, test = 0.2))
## List of 3
##  $ train: int [1:5] 2 3 4 7 9
##  $ valid: int 8
##  $ test : int [1:5] 1 5 6 10 11
train <- df[inds$train, ]
train[order(train$y), ]
##    x     y
## 2  8  6.95
## 7  6  7.24
## 3 13  7.58
## 4  9  8.81
## 9 12 10.84
valid <- df[inds$valid, ]
valid[order(valid$y), ]
##   x    y
## 8 4 4.26
test <- df[inds$test, ]
test[order(test$y), ]
##     x    y
## 10  7 4.82
## 11  5 5.68
## 1  10 8.04
## 5  11 8.33
## 6  14 9.96

15.6.3 切:stratified splitting (e.g. for stratified cross-validation)

# Split into training and test
inds <- partition(df$y, p = c(train = 0.8, test = 0.2))
## List of 2
##  $ train: int [1:7] 2 3 4 5 7 9 11
##  $ test : int [1:4] 1 6 8 10
train <- df[inds$train, ]
train[order(train$y), ]
##     x     y
## 11  5  5.68
## 2   8  6.95
## 7   6  7.24
## 3  13  7.58
## 5  11  8.33
## 4   9  8.81
## 9  12 10.84
test <- df[inds$test, ]
test[order(test$y), ]
##     x    y
## 8   4 4.26
## 10  7 4.82
## 1  10 8.04
## 6  14 9.96
# Get stratified cross-validation fold indices
folds <- create_folds(train$y, k = 2)
## $Fold1
## [1] 1 2 5 6
## $Fold2
## [1] 3 4 7
##     x     y
## 2   8  6.95
## 3  13  7.58
## 4   9  8.81
## 5  11  8.33
## 7   6  7.24
## 9  12 10.84
## 11  5  5.68
train[folds[[1]], ]
##    x     y
## 2  8  6.95
## 3 13  7.58
## 7  6  7.24
## 9 12 10.84
train[folds[[2]], ]
##     x    y
## 4   9 8.81
## 5  11 8.33
## 11  5 5.68

15.6.4 切:creating repeated folds for cross-validation

# Split into training and test
inds <- partition(df$y, p = c(train = 0.8, test = 0.2))
## List of 2
##  $ train: int [1:7] 2 3 4 5 7 9 11
##  $ test : int [1:4] 1 6 8 10
train <- df[inds$train, ]
train[order(train$y), ]
##     x     y
## 11  5  5.68
## 2   8  6.95
## 7   6  7.24
## 3  13  7.58
## 5  11  8.33
## 4   9  8.81
## 9  12 10.84
test <- df[inds$test, ]
test[order(test$y), ]
##     x    y
## 8   4 4.26
## 10  7 4.82
## 1  10 8.04
## 6  14 9.96
# Get srepeated, stratified cross-validation folds of indices
folds <- create_folds(train$y, k = 2, m_rep = 5)
## $Fold1.Rep1
## [1] 1 2 5 6
## $Fold2.Rep1
## [1] 3 4 7
## $Fold1.Rep2
## [1] 1 2 6 7
## $Fold2.Rep2
## [1] 3 4 5
## $Fold1.Rep3
## [1] 6 7
## $Fold2.Rep3
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
## $Fold1.Rep4
## [1] 7
## $Fold2.Rep4
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## $Fold1.Rep5
## [1] 2 4 5 7
## $Fold2.Rep5
## [1] 1 3 6
##     x     y
## 2   8  6.95
## 3  13  7.58
## 4   9  8.81
## 5  11  8.33
## 7   6  7.24
## 9  12 10.84
## 11  5  5.68
train[folds[[1]], ]
##    x     y
## 2  8  6.95
## 3 13  7.58
## 7  6  7.24
## 9 12 10.84
train[folds[[2]], ]
##     x    y
## 4   9 8.81
## 5  11 8.33
## 11  5 5.68

15.6.5 切:time-series cross-validation and block partitioning

# Block partitioning
inds <- partition(df$y, 
                  p = c(train = 0.8, test = 0.2), 
                  type = "blocked")
## List of 2
##  $ train: int [1:9] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
##  $ test : int [1:2] 10 11
train <- df[inds$train, ]
train[order(train$y), ]
##    x     y
## 8  4  4.26
## 2  8  6.95
## 7  6  7.24
## 3 13  7.58
## 1 10  8.04
## 5 11  8.33
## 4  9  8.81
## 6 14  9.96
## 9 12 10.84
test <- df[inds$test, ]
test[order(test$y), ]
##    x    y
## 10 7 4.82
## 11 5 5.68
# Get time series folds
folds <- create_timefolds(train$y, k = 2)
## List of 2
##  $ Fold1:List of 2
##   ..$ insample : int [1:3] 1 2 3
##   ..$ outsample: int [1:3] 4 5 6
##  $ Fold2:List of 2
##   ..$ insample : int [1:6] 1 2 3 4 5 6
##   ..$ outsample: int [1:3] 7 8 9
## $Fold1
## $Fold1$insample
## [1] 1 2 3
## $Fold1$outsample
## [1] 4 5 6
## $Fold2
## $Fold2$insample
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## $Fold2$outsample
## [1] 7 8 9
##    x     y
## 1 10  8.04
## 2  8  6.95
## 3 13  7.58
## 4  9  8.81
## 5 11  8.33
## 6 14  9.96
## 7  6  7.24
## 8  4  4.26
## 9 12 10.84
train[folds[[1]][[1]], ]
##    x    y
## 1 10 8.04
## 2  8 6.95
## 3 13 7.58
train[folds[[1]][[2]], ]
##    x    y
## 4  9 8.81
## 5 11 8.33
## 6 14 9.96

15.7 示範「Regularized and Shrinkage Methods」

15.7.1 準備「Regularized and Shrinkage Methods」的示範數據

df <- anscombe[, c("x1", "y1")] # 取出「x1」跟「y1」,其中「1」代表第一組。
colnames(df) <- c("x", "y") # 劃掉其中的「1」。
df # 呼叫出來再一次檢視這一組數據集。
##     x     y
## 1  10  8.04
## 2   8  6.95
## 3  13  7.58
## 4   9  8.81
## 5  11  8.33
## 6  14  9.96
## 7   6  7.24
## 8   4  4.26
## 9  12 10.84
## 10  7  4.82
## 11  5  5.68
# 繪製散佈圖。左右上下各加3個單位,方便大家觀察。
     xlim = range(df[, "x"]) + c(-3, 3),
     ylim = range(df[, "y"]) + c(-3, 3),
     type = "n")
     labels = 1:dim(df)[1], 
     cex = 0.8)

df[1:2, c("x", "y")] # 先看座標。
##    x    y
## 1 10 8.04
## 2  8 6.95
b <- diff(df[1:2,"y"])/diff(df[1:2,"x"]) # 直接翻譯上述答案。「斜率」等於「y座標的差距」除以「x座標的差距」。
a <- df[1,"y"] - b * df[1,"x"] # 「截距」等於第一點的y座標減去斜率乘以第一點的x座標。
LINE <- c(a, b) # 報告成果。
names(LINE) <- c("a", "b")
##     a     b 
## 2.590 0.545
for (i in 1:11) {
  for (j in 1:11) {
    if(i == j) {
    } else {
      b <- diff(df[c(i,j),"y"])/diff(df[c(i,j),"x"]) 
      # 直接翻譯上述答案。
      a <- df[i,"y"] - b * df[i,"x"]
      LINE <- c(a, b) # 報告成果。
      names(LINE) <- c("a", "b")

##     a     b 
## 2.590 0.545 
##          a          b 
##  9.5733333 -0.1533333 
##     a     b 
## 15.74 -0.77 
##    a    b 
## 5.14 0.29 
##    a    b 
## 3.24 0.48 
##    a    b 
## 6.04 0.20 
##    a    b 
## 1.74 0.63 
##     a     b 
## -5.96  1.40 
##         a         b 
## -2.693333  1.073333 
##     a     b 
## 3.320 0.472 
##     a     b 
## 2.590 0.545 
##     a     b 
## 5.942 0.126 
##     a     b 
## -7.93  1.86 
##    a    b 
## 3.27 0.46 
##         a         b 
## 2.9366667 0.5016667 
##      a      b 
##  8.110 -0.145 
##      a      b 
## 1.5700 0.6725 
##       a       b 
## -0.8300  0.9725 
##      a      b 
## -10.09   2.13 
##         a         b 
## 3.5633333 0.4233333 
##          a          b 
##  9.5733333 -0.1533333 
##     a     b 
## 5.942 0.126 
##       a       b 
## 11.5775 -0.3075 
##      a      b 
## 12.455 -0.375 
##      a      b 
## -23.36   2.38 
##          a          b 
## 6.94857143 0.04857143 
##         a         b 
## 2.7844444 0.3688889 
##     a     b 
## 49.96 -3.26 
##    a    b 
## 1.60 0.46 
##      a      b 
## 4.4925 0.2375 
##     a     b 
## 15.74 -0.77 
##     a     b 
## -7.93  1.86 
##       a       b 
## 11.5775 -0.3075 
##     a     b 
## 10.97 -0.24 
##    a    b 
## 6.74 0.23 
##         a         b 
## 4.1000000 0.5233333 
##    a    b 
## 0.62 0.91 
##         a         b 
## 2.7200000 0.6766667 
##      a      b 
## -9.145  1.995 
##      a      b 
## 1.7675 0.7825 
##    a    b 
## 5.14 0.29 
##    a    b 
## 3.27 0.46 
##      a      b 
## 12.455 -0.375 
##     a     b 
## 10.97 -0.24 
##         a         b 
## 2.3533333 0.5433333 
##     a     b 
## 5.932 0.218 
##         a         b 
## 1.9342857 0.5814286 
##      a      b 
## -19.28   2.51 
##       a       b 
## -1.3225  0.8775 
##         a         b 
## 3.4716667 0.4416667 
##    a    b 
## 3.24 0.48 
##         a         b 
## 2.9366667 0.5016667 
##      a      b 
## -23.36   2.38 
##    a    b 
## 6.74 0.23 
##         a         b 
## 2.3533333 0.5433333 
##    a    b 
## 5.20 0.34 
##    a    b 
## 1.98 0.57 
##     a     b 
## 16.12 -0.44 
##          a          b 
## -0.3200000  0.7342857 
##         a         b 
## 3.3022222 0.4755556 
##    a    b 
## 6.04 0.20 
##      a      b 
##  8.110 -0.145 
##          a          b 
## 6.94857143 0.04857143 
##         a         b 
## 4.1000000 0.5233333 
##     a     b 
## 5.932 0.218 
##    a    b 
## 5.20 0.34 
##     a     b 
## -1.70  1.49 
##    a    b 
## 3.64 0.60 
##     a     b 
## 21.76 -2.42 
##     a     b 
## -2.12  1.56 
##    a    b 
## 1.74 0.63 
##      a      b 
## 1.5700 0.6725 
##         a         b 
## 2.7844444 0.3688889 
##    a    b 
## 0.62 0.91 
##         a         b 
## 1.9342857 0.5814286 
##    a    b 
## 1.98 0.57 
##     a     b 
## -1.70  1.49 
##      a      b 
## 0.9700 0.8225 
##         a         b 
## 3.5133333 0.1866667 
##     a     b 
## -1.42  1.42 
##     a     b 
## -5.96  1.40 
##       a       b 
## -0.8300  0.9725 
##     a     b 
## 49.96 -3.26 
##         a         b 
## 2.7200000 0.6766667 
##      a      b 
## -19.28   2.51 
##     a     b 
## 16.12 -0.44 
##    a    b 
## 3.64 0.60 
##      a      b 
## 0.9700 0.8225 
##      a      b 
## -3.608  1.204 
##         a         b 
## 1.9942857 0.7371429 
##         a         b 
## -2.693333  1.073333 
##      a      b 
## -10.09   2.13 
##    a    b 
## 1.60 0.46 
##      a      b 
## -9.145  1.995 
##       a       b 
## -1.3225  0.8775 
##          a          b 
## -0.3200000  0.7342857 
##     a     b 
## 21.76 -2.42 
##         a         b 
## 3.5133333 0.1866667 
##      a      b 
## -3.608  1.204 
##     a     b 
##  7.83 -0.43 
##     a     b 
## 3.320 0.472 
##         a         b 
## 3.5633333 0.4233333 
##      a      b 
## 4.4925 0.2375 
##      a      b 
## 1.7675 0.7825 
##         a         b 
## 3.4716667 0.4416667 
##         a         b 
## 3.3022222 0.4755556 
##     a     b 
## -2.12  1.56 
##     a     b 
## -1.42  1.42 
##         a         b 
## 1.9942857 0.7371429 
##     a     b 
##  7.83 -0.43

15.7.2 Ridge思維




LINES <- data.frame(a = numeric(0),
                    b = numeric(0),
                    a2 = numeric(0),
                    b2 = numeric(0),
                    ridge = numeric(0),
                    sse = numeric(0))
for (i in 1:11) {
  for (j in 1:11) {
    if(i == j) {
    } else {
      b <- diff(df[c(i,j),"y"])/diff(df[c(i,j),"x"]) 
      # 直接翻譯上述答案。
      a <- df[i,"y"] - b * df[i,"x"]
      LINE <- c(a, b) # 報告成果。
      names(LINE) <- c("a", "b")
      SSE <- sum((df$y - (a + b * df$x))^2)
      LINE0 <- data.frame(a = a,
                          b = b,
                          a2 = a^2,
                          b2 = b^2,
                          ridge = a^2+b^2,
                          sse = SSE)
      LINES <- rbind(LINES, LINE0)

LINES[order(LINES$sse), ]
##              a           b          a2           b2        ridge        sse
## 15    2.936667  0.50166667    8.624011  0.251669444    8.8756806   13.78964
## 52    2.936667  0.50166667    8.624011  0.251669444    8.8756806   13.78964
## 5     3.240000  0.48000000   10.497600  0.230400000   10.7280000   13.84550
## 51    3.240000  0.48000000   10.497600  0.230400000   10.7280000   13.84550
## 10    3.320000  0.47200000   11.022400  0.222784000   11.2451840   13.89900
## 101   3.320000  0.47200000   11.022400  0.222784000   11.2451840   13.89900
## 60    3.302222  0.47555556   10.904672  0.226153086   11.1308247   13.90164
## 106   3.302222  0.47555556   10.904672  0.226153086   11.1308247   13.90164
## 1     2.590000  0.54500000    6.708100  0.297025000    7.0051250   13.98492
## 11    2.590000  0.54500000    6.708100  0.297025000    7.0051250   13.98492
## 14    3.270000  0.46000000   10.692900  0.211600000   10.9045000   14.03040
## 42    3.270000  0.46000000   10.692900  0.211600000   10.9045000   14.03040
## 50    3.471667  0.44166667   12.052469  0.195069444   12.2475389   14.17053
## 105   3.471667  0.44166667   12.052469  0.195069444   12.2475389   14.17053
## 20    3.563333  0.42333333   12.697344  0.179211111   12.8765556   14.58981
## 102   3.563333  0.42333333   12.697344  0.179211111   12.8765556   14.58981
## 45    2.353333  0.54333333    5.538178  0.295211111    5.8333889   14.69818
## 55    2.353333  0.54333333    5.538178  0.295211111    5.8333889   14.69818
## 7     1.740000  0.63000000    3.027600  0.396900000    3.4245000   15.71000
## 71    1.740000  0.63000000    3.027600  0.396900000    3.4245000   15.71000
## 75    1.934286  0.58142857    3.741461  0.338059184    4.0795204   15.71583
## 47    1.934286  0.58142857    3.741461  0.338059184    4.0795204   15.71583
## 57    1.980000  0.57000000    3.920400  0.324900000    4.2453000   15.98120
## 76    1.980000  0.57000000    3.920400  0.324900000    4.2453000   15.98120
## 17    1.570000  0.67250000    2.464900  0.452256250    2.9171562   17.19506
## 72    1.570000  0.67250000    2.464900  0.452256250    2.9171562   17.19506
## 4     5.140000  0.29000000   26.419600  0.084100000   26.5037000   19.30040
## 41    5.140000  0.29000000   26.419600  0.084100000   26.5037000   19.30040
## 56    5.200000  0.34000000   27.040000  0.115600000   27.1556000   22.92030
## 66    5.200000  0.34000000   27.040000  0.115600000   27.1556000   22.92030
## 46    5.932000  0.21800000   35.188624  0.047524000   35.2361480   24.21570
## 65    5.932000  0.21800000   35.188624  0.047524000   35.2361480   24.21570
## 6     6.040000  0.20000000   36.481600  0.040000000   36.5216000   24.93350
## 61    6.040000  0.20000000   36.481600  0.040000000   36.5216000   24.93350
## 30    4.492500  0.23750000   20.182556  0.056406250   20.2389625   29.69094
## 103   4.492500  0.23750000   20.182556  0.056406250   20.2389625   29.69094
## 12    5.942000  0.12600000   35.307364  0.015876000   35.3232400   31.14256
## 22    5.942000  0.12600000   35.307364  0.015876000   35.3232400   31.14256
## 36    4.100000  0.52333333   16.810000  0.273877778   17.0838778   32.67302
## 64    4.100000  0.52333333   16.810000  0.273877778   17.0838778   32.67302
## 88    0.970000  0.82250000    0.940900  0.676506250    1.6174062   33.55331
## 78    0.970000  0.82250000    0.940900  0.676506250    1.6174062   33.55331
## 90    1.994286  0.73714286    3.977176  0.543379592    4.5205551   33.93183
## 109   1.994286  0.73714286    3.977176  0.543379592    4.5205551   33.93183
## 59   -0.320000  0.73428571    0.102400  0.539175510    0.6415755   35.96327
## 96   -0.320000  0.73428571    0.102400  0.539175510    0.6415755   35.96327
## 38    2.720000  0.67666667    7.398400  0.457877778    7.8562778   36.04329
## 84    2.720000  0.67666667    7.398400  0.457877778    7.8562778   36.04329
## 26    6.948571  0.04857143   48.282645  0.002359184   48.2850041   36.33434
## 63    6.948571  0.04857143   48.282645  0.002359184   48.2850041   36.33434
## 73    2.784444  0.36888889    7.753131  0.136079012    7.8892099   37.10748
## 27    2.784444  0.36888889    7.753131  0.136079012    7.8892099   37.10748
## 49   -1.322500  0.87750000    1.749006  0.770006250    2.5190125   38.86121
## 95   -1.322500  0.87750000    1.749006  0.770006250    2.5190125   38.86121
## 18   -0.830000  0.97250000    0.688900  0.945756250    1.6346562   40.26656
## 82   -0.830000  0.97250000    0.688900  0.945756250    1.6346562   40.26656
## 35    6.740000  0.23000000   45.427600  0.052900000   45.4805000   40.63800
## 54    6.740000  0.23000000   45.427600  0.052900000   45.4805000   40.63800
## 68    3.640000  0.60000000   13.249600  0.360000000   13.6096000   40.91750
## 87    3.640000  0.60000000   13.249600  0.360000000   13.6096000   40.91750
## 40    1.767500  0.78250000    3.124056  0.612306250    3.7363625   41.38664
## 104   1.767500  0.78250000    3.124056  0.612306250    3.7363625   41.38664
## 29    1.600000  0.46000000    2.560000  0.211600000    2.7716000   48.04830
## 93    1.600000  0.46000000    2.560000  0.211600000    2.7716000   48.04830
## 37    0.620000  0.91000000    0.384400  0.828100000    1.2125000   51.09640
## 74    0.620000  0.91000000    0.384400  0.828100000    1.2125000   51.09640
## 91   -2.693333  1.07333333    7.254044  1.152044444    8.4060889   53.04901
## 9    -2.693333  1.07333333    7.254044  1.152044444    8.4060889   53.04901
## 16    8.110000 -0.14500000   65.772100  0.021025000   65.7931250   64.86553
## 62    8.110000 -0.14500000   65.772100  0.021025000   65.7931250   64.86553
## 2     9.573333 -0.15333333   91.648711  0.023511111   91.6722222   66.00261
## 21    9.573333 -0.15333333   91.648711  0.023511111   91.6722222   66.00261
## 89   -3.608000  1.20400000   13.017664  1.449616000   14.4672800   69.08564
## 99   -3.608000  1.20400000   13.017664  1.449616000   14.4672800   69.08564
## 79    3.513333  0.18666667   12.343511  0.034844444   12.3783556   83.14248
## 98    3.513333  0.18666667   12.343511  0.034844444   12.3783556   83.14248
## 34   10.970000 -0.24000000  120.340900  0.057600000  120.3985000   92.86440
## 44   10.970000 -0.24000000  120.340900  0.057600000  120.3985000   92.86440
## 23   11.577500 -0.30750000  134.038506  0.094556250  134.1330625  104.35594
## 33   11.577500 -0.30750000  134.038506  0.094556250  134.1330625  104.35594
## 8    -5.960000  1.40000000   35.521600  1.960000000   37.4816000  110.99750
## 81   -5.960000  1.40000000   35.521600  1.960000000   37.4816000  110.99750
## 24   12.455000 -0.37500000  155.127025  0.140625000  155.2676500  125.42775
## 43   12.455000 -0.37500000  155.127025  0.140625000  155.2676500  125.42775
## 3    15.740000 -0.77000000  247.747600  0.592900000  248.3405000  210.05800
## 31   15.740000 -0.77000000  247.747600  0.592900000  248.3405000  210.05800
## 13   -7.930000  1.86000000   62.884900  3.459600000   66.3445000  236.04240
## 32   -7.930000  1.86000000   62.884900  3.459600000   66.3445000  236.04240
## 100   7.830000 -0.43000000   61.308900  0.184900000   61.4938000  246.83870
## 110   7.830000 -0.43000000   61.308900  0.184900000   61.4938000  246.83870
## 80   -1.420000  1.42000000    2.016400  2.016400000    4.0328000  270.66670
## 108  -1.420000  1.42000000    2.016400  2.016400000    4.0328000  270.66670
## 39   -9.145000  1.99500000   83.631025  3.980025000   87.6110500  278.43645
## 94   -9.145000  1.99500000   83.631025  3.980025000   87.6110500  278.43645
## 67   -1.700000  1.49000000    2.890000  2.220100000    5.1101000  316.43480
## 77   -1.700000  1.49000000    2.890000  2.220100000    5.1101000  316.43480
## 19  -10.090000  2.13000000  101.808100  4.536900000  106.3450000  333.41790
## 92  -10.090000  2.13000000  101.808100  4.536900000  106.3450000  333.41790
## 58   16.120000 -0.44000000  259.854400  0.193600000  260.0480000  349.75590
## 86   16.120000 -0.44000000  259.854400  0.193600000  260.0480000  349.75590
## 70   -2.120000  1.56000000    4.494400  2.433600000    6.9280000  352.14950
## 107  -2.120000  1.56000000    4.494400  2.433600000    6.9280000  352.14950
## 85  -19.280000  2.51000000  371.718400  6.300100000  378.0185000  651.33440
## 48  -19.280000  2.51000000  371.718400  6.300100000  378.0185000  651.33440
## 53  -23.360000  2.38000000  545.689600  5.664400000  551.3540000 1382.94750
## 25  -23.360000  2.38000000  545.689600  5.664400000  551.3540000 1382.94750
## 69   21.760000 -2.42000000  473.497600  5.856400000  479.3540000 1573.92990
## 97   21.760000 -2.42000000  473.497600  5.856400000  479.3540000 1573.92990
## 28   49.960000 -3.26000000 2496.001600 10.627600000 2506.6292000 3462.18990
## 83   49.960000 -3.26000000 2496.001600 10.627600000 2506.6292000 3462.18990
LINESls <- data.frame(a = numeric(0),
                      b = numeric(0),
                      a2 = numeric(0),
                      b2 = numeric(0),
                      ridge = numeric(0),
                      sse = numeric(0))
df <- rbind(df, c(mean(df$x), mean(df$y)))
##     x         y
## 1  10  8.040000
## 2   8  6.950000
## 3  13  7.580000
## 4   9  8.810000
## 5  11  8.330000
## 6  14  9.960000
## 7   6  7.240000
## 8   4  4.260000
## 9  12 10.840000
## 10  7  4.820000
## 11  5  5.680000
## 12  9  7.500909
for (i in 1:11) {
      b <- diff(df[c(i,12),"y"])/diff(df[c(i,12),"x"]) 
      # 直接翻譯上述答案。
      a <- df[i,"y"] - b * df[i,"x"]
      LINE <- c(a, b) # 報告成果。
      names(LINE) <- c("a", "b")
      SSE <- sum((df$y - (a + b * df$x))^2)
      LINE0 <- data.frame(a = a,
                          b = b,
                          a2 = a^2,
                          b2 = b^2,
                          ridge = a^2+b^2,
                          sse = SSE)
      LINESls <- rbind(LINESls, LINE0)

LINESls[order(LINESls$sse), ]
##            a          b        a2           b2     ridge      sse
## 6   3.074545 0.49181818  9.452830 0.2418851240  9.694715 13.77022
## 1   2.649091 0.53909091  7.017683 0.2906190083  7.308302 13.93000
## 11  3.403864 0.45522727 11.586288 0.2072318698 11.793520 13.98409
## 2   2.542727 0.55090909  6.465462 0.3035008264  6.768963 14.04676
## 5   3.770000 0.41454545 14.212900 0.1718479339 14.384748 14.56767
## 8   1.667273 0.64818182  2.779798 0.4201396694  3.199938 16.17509
## 7   6.718182 0.08696970 45.133967 0.0075637282 45.141531 32.53629
## 3   7.322955 0.01977273 53.625663 0.0003909607 53.626054 39.14030
## 9  -2.516364 1.11303030  6.332086 1.2388364555  7.570922 55.08911
## 10 -4.563182 1.34045455 20.822628 1.7968183884 22.619447 91.44590
## 4        Inf       -Inf       Inf          Inf       Inf      NaN

15.7.3 LASSO思維




LINES <- data.frame(a = numeric(0),
                    b = numeric(0),
                    a1 = numeric(0),
                    b1 = numeric(0),
                    lasso = numeric(0),
                    sse = numeric(0))
for (i in 1:11) {
  for (j in 1:11) {
    if(i == j) {
    } else {
      b <- diff(df[c(i,j),"y"])/diff(df[c(i,j),"x"]) 
      # 直接翻譯上述答案。
      a <- df[i,"y"] - b * df[i,"x"]
      LINE <- c(a, b) # 報告成果。
      names(LINE) <- c("a", "b")
      SSE <- sum((df$y - (a + b * df$x))^2)
      LINE0 <- data.frame(a = a,
                          b = b,
                          a1 = abs(a),
                          b1 = abs(b),
                          lasso = abs(a)+abs(b),
                          sse = SSE)
      LINES <- rbind(LINES, LINE0)

LINES[order(LINES$sse), ]
##              a           b        a1         b1     lasso        sse
## 15    2.936667  0.50166667  2.936667 0.50166667  3.438333   13.79206
## 52    2.936667  0.50166667  2.936667 0.50166667  3.438333   13.79206
## 5     3.240000  0.48000000  3.240000 0.48000000  3.720000   13.84899
## 51    3.240000  0.48000000  3.240000 0.48000000  3.720000   13.84899
## 10    3.320000  0.47200000  3.320000 0.47200000  3.792000   13.90351
## 101   3.320000  0.47200000  3.320000 0.47200000  3.792000   13.90351
## 60    3.302222  0.47555556  3.302222 0.47555556  3.777778   13.90825
## 106   3.302222  0.47555556  3.302222 0.47555556  3.777778   13.90825
## 1     2.590000  0.54500000  2.590000 0.54500000  3.135000   13.98496
## 11    2.590000  0.54500000  2.590000 0.54500000  3.135000   13.98496
## 14    3.270000  0.46000000  3.270000 0.46000000  3.730000   14.03866
## 42    3.270000  0.46000000  3.270000 0.46000000  3.730000   14.03866
## 50    3.471667  0.44166667  3.471667 0.44166667  3.913333   14.17347
## 105   3.471667  0.44166667  3.471667 0.44166667  3.913333   14.17347
## 20    3.563333  0.42333333  3.563333 0.42333333  3.986667   14.60609
## 102   3.563333  0.42333333  3.563333 0.42333333  3.986667   14.60609
## 45    2.353333  0.54333333  2.353333 0.54333333  2.896667   14.76452
## 55    2.353333  0.54333333  2.353333 0.54333333  2.896667   14.76452
## 7     1.740000  0.63000000  1.740000 0.63000000  2.370000   15.71826
## 71    1.740000  0.63000000  1.740000 0.63000000  2.370000   15.71826
## 75    1.934286  0.58142857  1.934286 0.58142857  2.515714   15.82723
## 47    1.934286  0.58142857  1.934286 0.58142857  2.515714   15.82723
## 57    1.980000  0.57000000  1.980000 0.57000000  2.550000   16.13401
## 76    1.980000  0.57000000  1.980000 0.57000000  2.550000   16.13401
## 17    1.570000  0.67250000  1.570000 0.67250000  2.242500   17.20984
## 72    1.570000  0.67250000  1.570000 0.67250000  2.242500   17.20984
## 4     5.140000  0.29000000  5.140000 0.29000000  5.430000   19.36245
## 41    5.140000  0.29000000  5.140000 0.29000000  5.430000   19.36245
## 56    5.200000  0.34000000  5.200000 0.34000000  5.540000   23.49652
## 66    5.200000  0.34000000  5.200000 0.34000000  5.540000   23.49652
## 46    5.932000  0.21800000  5.932000 0.21800000  6.150000   24.37022
## 65    5.932000  0.21800000  5.932000 0.21800000  6.150000   24.37022
## 6     6.040000  0.20000000  6.040000 0.20000000  6.240000   25.04848
## 61    6.040000  0.20000000  6.040000 0.20000000  6.240000   25.04848
## 30    4.492500  0.23750000  4.492500 0.23750000  4.730000   30.44942
## 103   4.492500  0.23750000  4.492500 0.23750000  4.730000   30.44942
## 12    5.942000  0.12600000  5.942000 0.12600000  6.068000   31.32310
## 22    5.942000  0.12600000  5.942000 0.12600000  6.068000   31.32310
## 88    0.970000  0.82250000  0.970000 0.82250000  1.792500   34.31298
## 78    0.970000  0.82250000  0.970000 0.82250000  1.792500   34.31298
## 36    4.100000  0.52333333  4.100000 0.52333333  4.623333   34.38674
## 64    4.100000  0.52333333  4.100000 0.52333333  4.623333   34.38674
## 90    1.994286  0.73714286  1.994286 0.73714286  2.731429   35.20346
## 109   1.994286  0.73714286  1.994286 0.73714286  2.731429   35.20346
## 26    6.948571  0.04857143  6.948571 0.04857143  6.997143   36.34761
## 63    6.948571  0.04857143  6.948571 0.04857143  6.997143   36.34761
## 59   -0.320000  0.73428571  0.320000 0.73428571  1.054286   37.43303
## 96   -0.320000  0.73428571  0.320000 0.73428571  1.054286   37.43303
## 38    2.720000  0.67666667  2.720000 0.67666667  3.396667   37.75701
## 84    2.720000  0.67666667  2.720000 0.67666667  3.396667   37.75701
## 73    2.784444  0.36888889  2.784444 0.36888889  3.153333   39.05759
## 27    2.784444  0.36888889  2.784444 0.36888889  3.153333   39.05759
## 49   -1.322500  0.87750000  1.322500 0.87750000  2.200000   39.71852
## 95   -1.322500  0.87750000  1.322500 0.87750000  2.200000   39.71852
## 18   -0.830000  0.97250000  0.830000 0.97250000  1.802500   40.44430
## 82   -0.830000  0.97250000  0.830000 0.97250000  1.802500   40.44430
## 35    6.740000  0.23000000  6.740000 0.23000000  6.970000   42.35172
## 54    6.740000  0.23000000  6.740000 0.23000000  6.970000   42.35172
## 40    1.767500  0.78250000  1.767500 0.78250000  2.550000   43.10036
## 104   1.767500  0.78250000  1.767500 0.78250000  2.550000   43.10036
## 68    3.640000  0.60000000  3.640000 0.60000000  4.240000   43.28630
## 87    3.640000  0.60000000  3.640000 0.60000000  4.240000   43.28630
## 29    1.600000  0.46000000  1.600000 0.46000000  2.060000   51.14910
## 93    1.600000  0.46000000  1.600000 0.46000000  2.060000   51.14910
## 37    0.620000  0.91000000  0.620000 0.91000000  1.530000   52.81012
## 74    0.620000  0.91000000  0.620000 0.91000000  1.530000   52.81012
## 91   -2.693333  1.07333333  2.693333 1.07333333  3.766667   53.33443
## 9    -2.693333  1.07333333  2.693333 1.07333333  3.766667   53.33443
## 16    8.110000 -0.14500000  8.110000 0.14500000  8.255000   65.34981
## 62    8.110000 -0.14500000  8.110000 0.14500000  8.255000   65.34981
## 2     9.573333 -0.15333333  9.573333 0.15333333  9.726667   66.48206
## 21    9.573333 -0.15333333  9.573333 0.15333333  9.726667   66.48206
## 99   -3.608000  1.20400000  3.608000 1.20400000  4.812000   69.16012
## 89   -3.608000  1.20400000  3.608000 1.20400000  4.812000   69.16012
## 79    3.513333  0.18666667  3.513333 0.18666667  3.700000   88.46738
## 98    3.513333  0.18666667  3.513333 0.18666667  3.700000   88.46738
## 34   10.970000 -0.24000000 10.970000 0.24000000 11.210000   94.57812
## 44   10.970000 -0.24000000 10.970000 0.24000000 11.210000   94.57812
## 23   11.577500 -0.30750000 11.577500 0.30750000 11.885000  106.06966
## 33   11.577500 -0.30750000 11.577500 0.30750000 11.885000  106.06966
## 8    -5.960000  1.40000000  5.960000 1.40000000  7.360000  111.73866
## 81   -5.960000  1.40000000  5.960000 1.40000000  7.360000  111.73866
## 24   12.455000 -0.37500000 12.455000 0.37500000 12.830000  127.92128
## 43   12.455000 -0.37500000 12.455000 0.37500000 12.830000  127.92128
## 3    15.740000 -0.77000000 15.740000 0.77000000 16.510000  211.77172
## 31   15.740000 -0.77000000 15.740000 0.77000000 16.510000  211.77172
## 13   -7.930000  1.86000000  7.930000 1.86000000  9.790000  237.75612
## 32   -7.930000  1.86000000  7.930000 1.86000000  9.790000  237.75612
## 100   7.830000 -0.43000000  7.830000 0.43000000  8.260000  259.37674
## 110   7.830000 -0.43000000  7.830000 0.43000000  8.260000  259.37674
## 39   -9.145000  1.99500000  9.145000 1.99500000 11.140000  280.15017
## 94   -9.145000  1.99500000  9.145000 1.99500000 11.140000  280.15017
## 80   -1.420000  1.42000000  1.420000 1.42000000  2.840000  285.55928
## 108  -1.420000  1.42000000  1.420000 1.42000000  2.840000  285.55928
## 67   -1.700000  1.49000000  1.700000 1.49000000  3.190000  334.15125
## 77   -1.700000  1.49000000  1.700000 1.49000000  3.190000  334.15125
## 19  -10.090000  2.13000000 10.090000 2.13000000 12.220000  335.91143
## 92  -10.090000  2.13000000 10.090000 2.13000000 12.220000  335.91143
## 58   16.120000 -0.44000000 16.120000 0.44000000 16.560000  371.46303
## 86   16.120000 -0.44000000 16.120000 0.44000000 16.560000  371.46303
## 70   -2.120000  1.56000000  2.120000 1.56000000  3.680000  371.67786
## 107  -2.120000  1.56000000  2.120000 1.56000000  3.680000  371.67786
## 85  -19.280000  2.51000000 19.280000 2.51000000 21.790000  668.89812
## 48  -19.280000  2.51000000 19.280000 2.51000000 21.790000  668.89812
## 53  -23.360000  2.38000000 23.360000 2.38000000 25.740000 1472.07826
## 25  -23.360000  2.38000000 23.360000 2.38000000 25.740000 1472.07826
## 69   21.760000 -2.42000000 21.760000 2.42000000 24.180000 1630.49397
## 97   21.760000 -2.42000000 21.760000 2.42000000 24.180000 1630.49397
## 28   49.960000 -3.26000000 49.960000 3.26000000 53.220000 3634.30045
## 83   49.960000 -3.26000000 49.960000 3.26000000 53.220000 3634.30045
LINESls <- data.frame(a = numeric(0),
                      b = numeric(0),
                      a1 = numeric(0),
                      b1 = numeric(0),
                      lasso = numeric(0),
                      sse = numeric(0))
df <- rbind(df, c(mean(df$x), mean(df$y)))
##     x         y
## 1  10  8.040000
## 2   8  6.950000
## 3  13  7.580000
## 4   9  8.810000
## 5  11  8.330000
## 6  14  9.960000
## 7   6  7.240000
## 8   4  4.260000
## 9  12 10.840000
## 10  7  4.820000
## 11  5  5.680000
## 12  9  7.500909
## 13  9  7.500909
for (i in 1:11) {
      b <- diff(df[c(i,12),"y"])/diff(df[c(i,12),"x"]) 
      # 直接翻譯上述答案。
      a <- df[i,"y"] - b * df[i,"x"]
      LINE <- c(a, b) # 報告成果。
      names(LINE) <- c("a", "b")
      SSE <- sum((df$y - (a + b * df$x))^2)
      LINE0 <- data.frame(a = a,
                          b = b,
                          a1 = abs(a),
                          b1 = abs(b),
                          lasso = abs(a)+abs(b),
                          sse = SSE)
      LINESls <- rbind(LINESls, LINE0)

LINESls[order(LINESls$sse), ]
##            a          b       a1         b1    lasso      sse
## 6   3.074545 0.49181818 3.074545 0.49181818 3.566364 13.77022
## 1   2.649091 0.53909091 2.649091 0.53909091 3.188182 13.93000
## 11  3.403864 0.45522727 3.403864 0.45522727 3.859091 13.98409
## 2   2.542727 0.55090909 2.542727 0.55090909 3.093636 14.04676
## 5   3.770000 0.41454545 3.770000 0.41454545 4.184545 14.56767
## 8   1.667273 0.64818182 1.667273 0.64818182 2.315455 16.17509
## 7   6.718182 0.08696970 6.718182 0.08696970 6.805152 32.53629
## 3   7.322955 0.01977273 7.322955 0.01977273 7.342727 39.14030
## 9  -2.516364 1.11303030 2.516364 1.11303030 3.629394 55.08911
## 10 -4.563182 1.34045455 4.563182 1.34045455 5.903636 91.44590
## 4        Inf       -Inf      Inf        Inf      Inf      NaN

15.8 什麼是預測?prediction vs forecasting?

15.8.1 談自助切割數據集

  1. 80-20
  2. 60-20-20
  3. 80-20 + 40-40
  4. 80-20 + 20-20-20-20
  5. 80-20 + 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10
  6. 80-20 + 重複許多次40-40
  7. TS + 80-20
  8. TS + 60-20-20
  9. TS + 80-20 + 40-40
  10. TS + 80-20 + 20-20-20-20
  11. TS + 80-20 + 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10

15.8.2 預測之內插法

  1. 切割示範數據集,一般採「80-20」原則。讓我們先看第一次抓到的「定址整數」。
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13
index <- sample(dim(df)[1], dim(df)[1] * 0.80)
##  [1] 13  7  2  8  4  5 10  3  1  6
OUTindex <- (1:dim(df)[1])[-index]
## [1]  9 11 12
  1. 切出「80%的訓練數據集」跟「20%的測試數據集」。一般而言,「訓練數據集」被用來建模,「測試數據集」被用來挑模。
train <- df[index,]
##     x        y
## 13  9 7.500909
## 7   6 7.240000
## 2   8 6.950000
## 8   4 4.260000
## 4   9 8.810000
## 5  11 8.330000
## 10  7 4.820000
## 3  13 7.580000
## 1  10 8.040000
## 6  14 9.960000
test <- df[-index,]
##     x         y
## 9  12 10.840000
## 11  5  5.680000
## 12  9  7.500909
  1. 建立「最小平方法迴歸線」。
m1 <- lm(y ~ x, data = train)
## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ x, data = train)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)            x  
##      3.2910       0.4459
## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ x, data = train)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -1.5926 -0.5882  0.1650  0.3917  1.5055 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
## (Intercept)   3.2910     1.1415   2.883  0.02041 * 
## x             0.4459     0.1195   3.733  0.00576 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.101 on 8 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.6353, Adjusted R-squared:  0.5897 
## F-statistic: 13.93 on 1 and 8 DF,  p-value: 0.005763
  1. 預測「測試數據集」。
PREDtest <- predict(m1, test)
##        9       11       12 
## 8.642338 5.520708 7.304496
##     x         y
## 9  12 10.840000
## 11  5  5.680000
## 12  9  7.500909
test$PREDtest <- PREDtest
##     x         y PREDtest
## 9  12 10.840000 8.642338
## 11  5  5.680000 5.520708
## 12  9  7.500909 7.304496
  1. 計算預測誤差。
test$predError <- test$y - PREDtest
##     x         y PREDtest predError
## 9  12 10.840000 8.642338 2.1976625
## 11  5  5.680000 5.520708 0.1592922
## 12  9  7.500909 7.304496 0.1964129
SSPE <- sum(test$predError^2)
## [1] 4.893672
SSE <- sum(m1$residuals^2)
## [1] 9.693003
## [1] 14.58667
m1.diag.metrics <- augment(m1)
## # A tibble: 10 × 9
##    .rownames     y     x .fitted  .resid  .hat .sigma  .cooksd .std.resid
##    <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
##  1 13         7.50     9    7.30  0.196  0.100  1.17  0.00197      0.188 
##  2 7          7.24     6    5.97  1.27   0.213  1.04  0.230        1.30  
##  3 2          6.95     8    6.86  0.0915 0.114  1.18  0.000503     0.0883
##  4 8          4.26     4    5.07 -0.815  0.406  1.11  0.316       -0.961 
##  5 4          8.81     9    7.30  1.51   0.100  1.01  0.116        1.44  
##  6 5          8.33    11    8.20  0.134  0.143  1.18  0.00143      0.131 
##  7 10         4.82     7    6.41 -1.59   0.152  0.978 0.221       -1.57  
##  8 3          7.58    13    9.09 -1.51   0.279  0.966 0.504       -1.61  
##  9 1          8.04    10    7.75  0.290  0.110  1.17  0.00478      0.279 
## 10 6          9.96    14    9.53  0.426  0.383  1.16  0.0752       0.492
  1. 散佈圖,加其他輔助圖。
plot(df[c(index, OUTindex),], 
     xlim = range(df[, "x"]) + c(-3, 3),
     ylim = range(df[, "y"]) + c(-3, 3),
     col = c(rep(1, length(index)), rep(2, length(OUTindex)))) 
# 繪製散佈圖。左右上下各加3個單位,方便大家觀察。
abline(m0, col = "blue")
abline(m1, col = "red")

  1. 迴歸診斷圖。
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

15.8.3 預測之外插法

##  [1] 10  8 13  9 11 14  6  4 12  7  5  9  9
trainX <- sort(df$x)[1:floor(length(df$x)*0.80)]
##  [1]  4  5  6  7  8  9  9  9 10 11
index <- which(df$x %in% trainX)
##  [1]  1  2  4  5  7  8 10 11 12 13
OUTindex <- (1:dim(df)[1])[-index]
## [1] 3 6 9
train <- df[index,]
test <- df[-index,]
m2 <- lm(y ~ x, data = train)
## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ x, data = train)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)            x  
##      2.5807       0.5554
PREDtest <- predict(m2, test)
##         3         6         9 
##  9.801483 10.356926  9.246041
SSPE <- sum((test$y - PREDtest)^2)
## [1] 7.633244
SSE <- sum(m2$residuals^2)
## [1] 6.547195
## [1] 14.18044
plot(df[c(index, OUTindex),], 
     xlim = range(df[, "x"]) + c(-3, 3),
     ylim = range(df[, "y"]) + c(-3, 3),
     col = c(rep(1, length(index)), rep(2, length(OUTindex)))) 
# 繪製散佈圖。左右上下各加3個單位,方便大家觀察。
abline(m0, col = "blue")
abline(m1, col = "red")
abline(m2, col = "green")

15.9 簡單線性迴歸分析可以是一種機器學習演算法嗎?

require(datasets) # 通常我們是這麼寫「library(datasets)」。
data("anscombe") # 載入。
anscombe # 呼叫它。
##    x1 x2 x3 x4    y1   y2    y3    y4
## 1  10 10 10  8  8.04 9.14  7.46  6.58
## 2   8  8  8  8  6.95 8.14  6.77  5.76
## 3  13 13 13  8  7.58 8.74 12.74  7.71
## 4   9  9  9  8  8.81 8.77  7.11  8.84
## 5  11 11 11  8  8.33 9.26  7.81  8.47
## 6  14 14 14  8  9.96 8.10  8.84  7.04
## 7   6  6  6  8  7.24 6.13  6.08  5.25
## 8   4  4  4 19  4.26 3.10  5.39 12.50
## 9  12 12 12  8 10.84 9.13  8.15  5.56
## 10  7  7  7  8  4.82 7.26  6.42  7.91
## 11  5  5  5  8  5.68 4.74  5.73  6.89
df <- anscombe[, c("x1", "y1")] # 取出「x1」跟「y1」,其中「1」代表第一組。
colnames(df) <- c("x", "y") # 劃掉其中的「1」。
df # 呼叫出來再一次檢視這一組數據集。
##     x     y
## 1  10  8.04
## 2   8  6.95
## 3  13  7.58
## 4   9  8.81
## 5  11  8.33
## 6  14  9.96
## 7   6  7.24
## 8   4  4.26
## 9  12 10.84
## 10  7  4.82
## 11  5  5.68
compCost <- function(X, y, par){  
  m <- length(y)
  J <- sum((X%*%par - y)^2)/(2*m)

X <- matrix(c(rep(1,dim(df)[1]), df$x), 
            byrow = FALSE)
##       [,1] [,2]
##  [1,]    1   10
##  [2,]    1    8
##  [3,]    1   13
##  [4,]    1    9
##  [5,]    1   11
##  [6,]    1   14
##  [7,]    1    6
##  [8,]    1    4
##  [9,]    1   12
## [10,]    1    7
## [11,]    1    5
y <- df$y
##  [1]  8.04  6.95  7.58  8.81  8.33  9.96  7.24  4.26 10.84  4.82  5.68
theta <- c(0, 0)
## [1] 0 0
optim(par = theta, fn = compCost, X = X, y = y, method = "BFGS")
## $par
## [1] 2.9999312 0.5001067
## $value
## [1] 0.6255768
## $counts
## function gradient 
##       16        8 
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $message
m0 <- lm(y ~ x, data = df)
## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ x, data = df)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.92127 -0.45577 -0.04136  0.70941  1.83882 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
## (Intercept)   3.0001     1.1247   2.667  0.02573 * 
## x             0.5001     0.1179   4.241  0.00217 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 1.237 on 9 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.6665, Adjusted R-squared:  0.6295 
## F-statistic: 17.99 on 1 and 9 DF,  p-value: 0.00217
theta <- c(3, 0.5)
## [1] 3.0 0.5
optim(par = theta, fn = compCost, X = X, y = y, method = "BFGS")
## $par
## [1] 3.0000344 0.5000965
## $value
## [1] 0.6255768
## $counts
## function gradient 
##        8        3 
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $message
compCostLASSO <- function(X, y, par){  
  m <- length(y)
  J <- sum((X%*%par - y)^2)/(2*m) + 0.01 * sum(par^2)

theta <- c(0, 0)
## [1] 0 0
optim(par = theta, fn = compCostLASSO, X = X, y = y, method = "BFGS")
## $par
## [1] 2.5464902 0.5448328
## $value
## [1] 0.7046972
## $counts
## function gradient 
##       16        8 
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $message
compCostRidge <- function(X, y, par){  
  m <- length(y)
  J <- sum((X%*%par - y)^2)/(2*m) + 0.01 * sum(abs(par))

theta <- c(0, 0)
## [1] 0 0
optim(par = theta, fn = compCostRidge, X = X, y = y, method = "BFGS")
## $par
## [1] 2.9179491 0.5081049
## $value
## [1] 0.6602086
## $counts
## function gradient 
##       16        8 
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $message

15.9.1 當「最小平方法」變成「最大概似函數法」

作者小編先拷貝一份來自How to use optim in R的參考碼:

obs <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17,42,43)
freq <- c(1392,1711,914,468,306,192,96,56,35,17,15,6,2,2,1,1)
x <- rep(obs, freq)
plot(table(x), main = "Count data")

lklh.poisson <- function(x, lambda) {
 lambda^x/factorial(x) * exp(-lambda) 

log.lklh.poisson <- function(x, lambda){
  -sum(x * log(lambda) - log(factorial(x)) - lambda)

optim(par = 2, log.lklh.poisson, x = x)
## Warning in optim(par = 2, log.lklh.poisson, x = x): 用 Nelder-Mead 方法來算一維最佳化不很可靠:
## 用"Brent"或直接用 optimize()
## $par
## [1] 2.703516
## $value
## [1] 9966.067
## $counts
## function gradient 
##       24       NA 
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $message
optim(par = 2, fn = log.lklh.poisson, x = x, 
      method = "Brent", 
      lower = 2, 
      upper = 3)
## $par
## [1] 2.703682
## $value
## [1] 9966.067
## $counts
## function gradient 
##       NA       NA 
## $convergence
## [1] 0
## $message
fitdistr(x, "Poisson")
##      lambda  
##   2.70368239 
##  (0.02277154)
## [1] 2.703682

15.10 課後練習題

15.11 參考書


15.12 專題參考文獻

  1. R的機器學習專欄