11.3 Introduction to SQL

11.3.1 Databases

  • Database systems: computerized mechanisms to store and retrieve data.
  • Relational databases: data is represented as tables linked based on common keys (to avoid redundancy)
    • “In the relational model, records are”linked" using virtual keys not stored in the database but defined as needed between the data contained in the records" (Wikipedia)
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Source: (Wikipedia)

11.3.2 SQL

  • SQL (pronounced S-Q-L or SEQUEL) is a language designed to query relational databases
  • Used by most financial and commercial companies
  • The result of an SQL query is always a table
  • It’s a nonprocedural language: define inputs and outputs; how the statement is executed is left to the optimizer
  • How long SQL queries depends on optimization that is opaque to user (which is great!)
  • SQL is a language that works with many commercial products:
    • Oracle Database, SQL Server (MS), MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite (all three open-source), Google BigQuery, Amazon Redshift…
    • Performance will vary, but generally faster than standard data frame manipulation in R (and much more scalable)

11.3.3 Components of a SQL query

  • SELECT columns
  • FROM a table in a database
  • WHERE rows meet a condition
  • GROUP BY values of a column
  • ORDER BY values of a column when displaying results
  • LIMIT to only X number of rows in resulting table
  • Always required:SELECTandFROM`. Rest are optional.
  • SELECT can be combined with operators such as SUM, COUNT, AVG
  • To merge multiple tables, you can use JOIN

11.3.4 SQL at scale: Google BigQuery

  • One of many commercial SQL databases available (Amazon RedShift, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Live SQL…)
  • Used by many financial and commercial companies
  • Advantages:
    • Integration with other Google data storage solutions (Google Drive, Google Cloud Storage)
    • Scalable: same SQL syntax for datasets of any size
    • Easy to collaborate and export results
    • Affordable pricing and cost control
    • API access allows integration with R or python
    • Excellent documentation