Loading [MathJax]/jax/output/CommonHTML/jax.js

Example Problem Set

Problem Set Due Wednesday September 35th at 7pm on Canvas.

For this problem set you will hand in a .Rmd file and a knitted html output.

Please make life easy on us by using sections to clearly delineate questions and sub-questions.

Comments are not mandatory, but extra points will be given for answers that clearly explains what is happening and gives descriptions of the results of the various tests and functions.

Reminder: Put only your student number at the top of your assignment, as we will grade anonymously.

Collaboration on problem sets is permitted. Ultimately, however, the code and answers that you turn in must be your own creation. You can discuss coding strategies, code debugging, and theory with your classmates, but you should not share code or answers in any way.

Please write the names of any students you worked with at the top of each problem set.

Question 1

Load the ACS data from github using the following link:

acs <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/marctrussler/IIS-Data/main/ACSCountyData.csv")
  1. Generate a density plot of median rent.

  2. Display the regression output for the effect of population density on median rent.

Question 2

  1. What is the equation for regression?

  2. Solve for X when:
