15  Multiple Regression

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Please see here for an additional resource that you may find beneficial: * https://dstanley4.github.io/psyc4780bookdown/multiple-regression.html

15.1 Types of Correlations

15.1.1 r

We have already explored correlation r in a previous chapter. Recall that when we square the correlation we get the coefficient of determination, indicating the proportion of variance in one variable that is accounted for/explained by (not to be confused with CAUSED BY) the other. Review that chapter is you need to.

15.1.2 r12.3

15.1.3 sr

sr is the partial correlation.

15.2 Our data

You are working with Taylor Swift on her new album. She is interested in knowing whether certain characteristics of music are more likely to get played on Spotify. Taylor is specifically interested in the valence (happy to sad) and danceability. You collect a random sample of songs from Spotify and use a computer to estimate the valence and danceability of the songs. These are both measured as continuous variables. You decide to use a regression to determine the effects of both variables, and their interaction, on a song’s popularity (number of plays). All variables are continuous (although regression can handle most variable types; ANOVA is just a special case of regression). Our data is as follows:

track_artist track_name Popularity Valence Danceability
Camila Cabello My Oh My (feat. DaBaby) 208 13 2
Tyga Ayy Macarena 95 17 7
Maroon 5 Memories 200 23 4
Harry Styles Adore You 62 9 9
Sam Smith How Do You Sleep? 189 22 4
Tones and I Dance Monkey 87 19 7
Lil Uzi Vert Futsal Shuffle 2020 140 1 5
J Balvin LA CANCIÓN 144 14 5
Billie Eilish bad guy 129 6 7
Dan + Shay 10,000 Hours (with Justin Bieber) 141 8 5
Regard Ride It 191 13 3
Billie Eilish bad guy 175 19 5
The Weeknd Heartless 126 13 4
Y2K Lalala 112 18 5
Future Life Is Good (feat. Drake) 36 16 8
Lewis Capaldi Someone You Loved 76 17 6
Anuel AA China 185 22 4
Regard Ride It 162 17 5
Dua Lipa Don't Start Now 144 7 4
Anuel AA China 144 12 5
Regard Ride It 133 13 5
Bad Bunny Vete 107 13 6
Roddy Ricch The Box 142 7 2
Juice WRLD Bandit (with YoungBoy Never Broke Again) 109 12 7
Roddy Ricch The Box 247 25 4
Regard Ride It 133 14 5
Trevor Daniel Falling 149 11 4
Anuel AA China 190 15 3
Shawn Mendes Señorita 140 8 4
Travis Scott HIGHEST IN THE ROOM 186 10 3
Juice WRLD Bandit (with YoungBoy Never Broke Again) 164 21 4
Camila Cabello My Oh My (feat. DaBaby) 135 22 6
Sam Smith How Do You Sleep? 113 12 5
Harry Styles Adore You 129 10 4
Don Toliver No Idea 53 20 7
Billie Eilish everything i wanted 133 20 5
Lil Uzi Vert Futsal Shuffle 2020 65 21 7
DaBaby BOP 111 16 5
Lil Uzi Vert Futsal Shuffle 2020 18 23 8
blackbear hot girl bummer 166 17 4
Tones and I Dance Monkey 198 13 2
Tyga Ayy Macarena 87 13 6
Selena Gomez Lose You To Love Me 113 11 5
Dalex Hola - Remix 106 15 5
The Black Eyed Peas RITMO (Bad Boys For Life) 100 11 8
Arizona Zervas ROXANNE 116 11 6
The Black Eyed Peas RITMO (Bad Boys For Life) 111 4 6
Arizona Zervas ROXANNE 101 14 6
Roddy Ricch The Box 57 13 8
MEDUZA Lose Control 119 23 6

15.3 Our (Taylor’s) Hypotheses

In regression you hypothesize about coefficients, typically referred to as βs (beta). For example:



Taylor believes that both both positive and danceable songs will be more popular, but that there will be an interaction between them. Specifically, the more positive, the stronger the relationship between danceability and popularity. We will use two-sided tests for these hypotheses.

15.4 Our Model

Our model can be represented as follows:


Where x1i is individual is score on valence, x2i is individual is score on danceability. β0 is the intercept of the model, β1 is the coefficient for valence, β2 is the coefficient for danceability, and β3 is the coefficient for valence x danceability interaction. ei is the error for individual i.

15.5 Our Analysis

15.5.1 A note on ‘centering’

When working in multiple regression, we must consider the multicollinearity of the predictors, which occurs when predictors are highly correlated. When predictors are highly correlated (vague, I know), the standard errors of the b increase and the estimate is less stable.

Consider how we will interpret a b coefficient: ‘for 1-unit change in the predictor, we expect a X-unit change in the criterion, holding all other predictors constant.’ But if the predictors are correlated, ‘holding one constant’ seems difficult.

We will talk about diagnosing multicollinearity later, but to be proactive, we can consider centering our predictors. This may have little benefit when not considering interactions, but will be needed when we modelling interactions.

To create an interaction term, we simple multiple the variables we wish to model. We can avoid multicollinearity by first centering these variables. We can subtract each score from the mean of that variable.

Consider our Taylor data:

track_artist track_name Popularity Valence Danceability
Camila Cabello My Oh My (feat. DaBaby) 208 13 2
Tyga Ayy Macarena 95 17 7
Maroon 5 Memories 200 23 4
Harry Styles Adore You 62 9 9
Sam Smith How Do You Sleep? 189 22 4
Tones and I Dance Monkey 87 19 7

To model an interaction, we could create two centered variables for our two predictors (remember, popularity is the criterion). We will need the mean of both valence (xvalence=14.48) and danceability (xdance=5.2).

We create a new variable that subtracts each from the mean. The interaction will just be the product of both:

track_artist track_name Popularity Valence_centered Danceability_centered V_D_Interaction
Camila Cabello My Oh My (feat. DaBaby) 208 -1.48 -3.2 4.736
Tyga Ayy Macarena 95 2.52 1.8 4.536
Maroon 5 Memories 200 8.52 -1.2 -10.224
Harry Styles Adore You 62 -5.48 3.8 -20.824
Sam Smith How Do You Sleep? 189 7.52 -1.2 -9.024
Tones and I Dance Monkey 87 4.52 1.8 8.136

Note that some programs will automatically do this for you; however, you should know why and how it is done.

When we do center our variables, it does change the interpretation of the intercept of the model. Pause here and think about what the intercept represents when the predictors are centered.

We will not use matrix algebra to solve our regression coefficients in this class. However, we could using the following (see here for more information):


Where X is a n by v matrix of scores, where n is the number of observations and v is the number of IVs (note: the first column will be 1s to represent the link to the intercept). Y is a n by 1 vector of scores on the DV.

Here, X is:


And Y is:


The results would work out to:


Where each row is β0 to β3. Thus, the equation would be:


When we had one variable, we could effectively visualize a line of best fit. We can visualize a ‘plane’ of best fit when we have two predictors. When we model the interaction, the plane will have potential curvature. For example, our data is represented as (you should be able to rotate this figure!):

As we now have more variables, the visualization becomes difficult. We struggle to interpret anythign beyond 3D visualization!

15.6 SST

Like simple regression, SST represents the difference between the observed variables and the mean.


15.7 SSR

Like simple regression, SSR represents the difference between the observed variables and the predicted values.


15.8 SSM

Like simple regression, SSM represents the difference between the predicted values and the mean.


Although the main R output does not provide the SS for our model, knowing the above allows you to manually calculate them. For us:

taylors_model2 <- lm(Popularity~Valence_centered*Danceability_centered, data=taylor2)
# Here, my model is 'taylors_model2', which uses the data 'taylor2'
sse <- round(sum((fitted(taylors_model2) - taylor2$Popularity)^2), 2)
# ssr
ssr <- round(sum((fitted(taylors_model2) - mean(taylor2$Popularity))^2), 2)
#find sst
sst <- round(ssr + sse, 2)

print(paste("SSE = ",sse, ". SSR = ", ssr, ". SST = ",sst,".", sep=""))
[1] "SSE = 16223.73. SSR = 91564.69. SST = 107788.42."

Given these, we can calculate the MSR (mean square of the regression; with p1 degrees of freedom; p being the number of b coefficients) and MSE (mean square error; with np degrees of freedom) and calculate the appropriate F-statistic.






Given the F-distribution with 3 and 46 degrees of freedom:

x <- seq(0, 10, 1)
ggplot(data.frame(x=x), aes(x))+
                args = list(df1=3,
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 100, 1))+
  labs(x="F", y="")+
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank())

As you can see, our F is extreme in the tail. How extreme?

x <- seq(0, 100, 1)

ggplot(data.frame(x=x), aes(x))+
                args = list(df1=3,
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 100, 5))+
  geom_segment(aes(x=86.54, xend=86.54, y=.001, yend=.1))+
  annotate(geom="label", x=75, y=.13, label=paste("Our sample. Less than 0.000001%\n of samples are this or more extreme.", sep=""))+
  labs(x="F", y="")+
  theme(axis.text.y = element_blank())

15.8.1 Formal Analysis

There are multiple ways we can run a regression in R. We will use the basic lm() function that we used in the simple regression chapter.

taylors_model <- lm(Popularity ~ Valence_centered +Danceability_centered+V_D_Interaction, data=taylor2)

and the summary of that model:


lm(formula = Popularity ~ Valence_centered + Danceability_centered + 
    V_D_Interaction, data = taylor2)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-32.659 -12.412  -1.021  13.906  43.582 

                      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           131.0714     2.6651  49.181  < 2e-16 ***
Valence_centered        1.1600     0.4960   2.339   0.0238 *  
Danceability_centered -25.8571     1.6665 -15.516  < 2e-16 ***
V_D_Interaction        -2.3064     0.3332  -6.921  1.2e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 18.78 on 46 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.8495,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.8397 
F-statistic: 86.54 on 3 and 46 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

R can calculate the interaction term for us if we specified the model using “*” to indicate the interaction terms, such as:

taylors_model2 <- lm(Popularity~Valence_centered*Danceability_centered, data=taylor2)


lm(formula = Popularity ~ Valence_centered * Danceability_centered, 
    data = taylor2)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-32.659 -12.412  -1.021  13.906  43.582 

                                       Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                            131.0714     2.6651  49.181  < 2e-16 ***
Valence_centered                         1.1600     0.4960   2.339   0.0238 *  
Danceability_centered                  -25.8571     1.6665 -15.516  < 2e-16 ***
Valence_centered:Danceability_centered  -2.3064     0.3332  -6.921  1.2e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 18.78 on 46 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.8495,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.8397 
F-statistic: 86.54 on 3 and 46 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Also recall that the apaTables() package provides some additional information that is useful for our interpretation.


Regression results using Popularity as the criterion

             Predictor        b         b_95%_CI  beta    beta_95%_CI sr2
           (Intercept) 131.07** [125.71, 136.44]                         
      Valence_centered    1.16*     [0.16, 2.16]  0.13   [0.02, 0.25] .02
 Danceability_centered -25.86** [-29.21, -22.50] -0.90 [-1.02, -0.79] .79
       V_D_Interaction  -2.31**   [-2.98, -1.64] -0.40 [-0.52, -0.29] .16
  sr2_95%_CI      r             Fit
 [-.01, .05]    .06                
  [.65, .93] -.82**                
  [.05, .26]   -.24                
                        R2 = .849**
                    95% CI[.75,.89]

Note. A significant b-weight indicates the beta-weight and semi-partial correlation are also significant.
b represents unstandardized regression weights. beta indicates the standardized regression weights. 
sr2 represents the semi-partial correlation squared. r represents the zero-order correlation.
Square brackets are used to enclose the lower and upper limits of a confidence interval.
* indicates p < .05. ** indicates p < .01.

15.8.2 Measures of Fit

15.9 R2

Our effect size is similar to simple regression and represents the proportion of variance the model explains in the outcome. It represents the total contribution of all predictors and is multiple R2 (multiple given multiple predictors).

R2 can never go down when we add more predictors. Thus, getting large values for models with lots of variables in unsurprising. However, it does not indicate that any single predictor is doing a good job at uniquely predicting the outcome. More to come on this.

15.10 AIC

Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is a fit statistic we can use for regression models (and more). The major benefit of AIC is that is penalizes models with many predictors.


For our above model:


Is this good? Bad? Medium? Hard to say. The smaller the number the better. It’s likely easier to interpret several different models from the same data.

15.11 Our Results

More coming soon