Column 14 (337-352)
Esna 337
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: D. von Recklinghausen 2017, pp. 543-544 (337, B); see also Tempeltexte 2.0
štȝ.t wr.t
rr.t ẖms.w
ʿšȝ np(r)y
sḫpr ỉt bd.t pr.t nb
nn ḏr.w=sn
Rnn.t nfr.t
nb(.t) np(r)y
nb.t kȝw ḏfȝw
Mnḥy.t nb.t wnn.t
A The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
the Great mysterious one,
who nurtures wheat;
plentiful of grain,
who creates all wheat, barley, seeds,401
without their limit.
Good Renenutet,
lady of grain,402
lady of food and provisions.
Menhyt, lady of what exists.
ẖnmw pȝ qn
nb sḫ.t
pr m mȝʿ-ḫrw
m ḥb=f nfr
n wḏʿ-mdw
nṯr.w spȝ.wt nỉw.wt
ỉb=s(n) nḏm(.w)
ỉỉ.tw r mȝȝ=f
m mȝʿ-ḫrw
m wpy=f ʿȝ
ʿn.wy ḥr=f m tpy
ȝm=k hrw 2
ršw=f r’-(ʿ)-ḫt
B The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Khnum the victorious(?)403
mighty of scimitar,
Lord of the Field.
He who comes forth in justification,
in his good festival
of rendering decisions.
The gods of nomes and cities -
their hearts are pleased,
having come to see him
in justification;
they repeat (this visit)
in his great wpy-festival.404
How lovely is his face on the first day,
may you seize the second day!405
combat is his delight.406
Esna 338
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Probably Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: None.
No inscriptions.
Esna 339
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, p. 29 (partial); see also Tempeltexte 2.0
1nt-ʿ n wpy
ỉr(.w) ẖnw pr-ẖnmw-Rʿ
(pr) ẖnmw nb sḫ.t
m ȝbd 3 ȝḫ.t sw 22
r ȝbd 4 ȝḫ.t sw 10
wpy ʿȝ ḫ(r.w) r=f
sḫʿ.n nṯr.w nṯ
r sw=sn
psḏnty.w r tp-tr
ỉỉ wʿb.w
r ỉr(.t) ỉrw=sn
(n)ḏr tp-rd n ṯ.t
n šm ḥr mṯn
ỉr(.t) ṯnw ḥb
r tp-ḥsb(?)
ỉỉ sḫm=f m p.t
ẖnm=f pr=f
ỉʿr nṯr.w r wsḫ(.t)
n(ỉ)s ḥtp-dỉ-nsw
zȝ-Rʿ pr-ʿȝ
mry ẖnmw Bȝq.t
1 The ritual of the wpy-festival,
performed in the temple of Khnum-Re
and Khnum Lord of the Field,
from III Akhet 22 (Hathor 22)
until IV Akhet 10 (Khoiak 10).
It is called the “Great wpy-feast.”
Procession of gods and goddesses
on their days;
Thoth feast,
new moon festivals at the proper time.
Wab-priests arrive
to perform their rites;
follow the rules of the table(?),
for he who walks on the path.
Perform each festival
in front of him,
His image arrives from heaven
and units with his temple;
gods ascend to the broad courtyard;
recite a royal offering
for the Son of Re, Pharaoh,
beloved of Khnum and of Egypt.
sḥr sȝṯ bwt.w
ỉỉ ḥʿpỉ
ỉwr sḫ.t (m) rwḏ.w
ḏdȝ npry sm.w
wdn nỉwty.w nfr(w)=sn
ʿnḫ=sn m nfr n nb=tn
nb ʿnḫ pw
dỉ ʿḥʿ
nb kȝ.w ʿšȝ ḏfȝw
nb hn.w
ṯz ḏȝm.w
fqȝ šms=f
m zȝ wm ỉm
Repel any impurity and abominations;
the Inundation arrives,
so the field becomes pregnant (with) plants,
and Nepri fattens (with) vegetable;
the villagers offer their best products,
since they live from the goodness of your lord:
He (Khnum) is the Lord of Life,
who grants a lifetime;
Lord of food, numerous of provisions,
lord of families,
who binds together children,
and who rewards his follower
with a son of his own.
ḫnd=tn ḥr wȝ.t-nṯr
ỉr=tn ʿbw
zȝw n sš=sn pr=sn
zbỉ.ḫr sbỉ.w m tȝ-r-ḏr=f
wḏȝ=tn r dmḏy.t
ỉr (n)hỉ=tn
m nkn qd n ẖnmw
zȝw pw
3nb sḫ.t
ḥqȝ ww
wr bȝw n šmʿ mḥw
sḥtp ỉb ẖnmw
tȝ-ṯnn wr ḫnty Ỉwny.t
nḥp nty ỉw kȝ 4 r-ʿ=f
ỉn ḥp.ty n ḫy nfr
Travel upon the path of god;408 perform purification; guard lest they open their temples, and rebels fall upon the entire earth; be clean at the appointed times, carry out your protection, do not transgress the design of Khnum:
He is a guardian,
3 Lord of the Field,
Ruler of the agricultural domain,
great of power in Upper and Lower Egypt.
Pacify the heart of Khnum,
Great Tatenen within Iunyt;
the Potter, who has the Four Kas,
and who reaches the limits of a good youth.
spr Mnḥy.t-Nb.t-ww r ḥb=s
m (tȝ)-sn.t
ẖnm=s ẖnmw
pr r-ḥȝ n N.t mw.t-nṯr
wp wȝ.t n ẖnmw pȝ-nḫy-nfr
ỉỉ r nw=f
ỉn ʿšȝ-dm(.w)
ḥnʿ nṯr.w nṯ
ỉỉ(.w) m spȝ.wt
r mȝȝ ẖnmw
m wpy=f ʿȝ
Menhyt-Nebtu arrives at her festival
in Esna,
so she might unite with Khnum.
Going outside by Neith, Mother of God;
opening the way by Khnum the Good Protector.409
Numerous-of-Knives (Menehwy)
arrives at his time,410
along with the gods and goddesses
who come from the districts,
in order to see Khnum
in his great wpy-festival.411
ỉw mnfy.t=sn ỉm
ḥr fȝỉ bȝk=sn
r pr-nṯr
ḥnʿ rdỉ(.t)
bỉȝ.wt nw tȝ r-ȝw=f
r nw nb (?)
snỉ-tȝ nṯr.w rmṯ.w
m ḥry-ỉb sḫ.t
4ḥr nḥ(.t) ʿnḫ m-ʿ=f
kȝw ḏfȝw m wḏ=f
ỉr ṯz wnḏ.w
n šm ḥr mw=f
ṯȝw n ʿnḫ
n swtwt ỉḫt
r pr=f
ḫwỉ zȝ n ḥm.w=f
ḥnʿ zȝ.t
wḏb ḥr-sȝ zȝ.w
ḥts nfr m-ḫt kḥkḥ
hp.w=f mn(.w)
m ȝw n ḏ.t nḥḥ
Their people are also there,
offering up their tribute
to Per-netjer,
as well as giving
special goods from the whole earth
at all moments (?).
Gods and people kiss the earth
in the middle of the field(?),
4 beseeching life from him.
Food and provisions are at his command,
he who gathers sustenance
for whomever is loyal to him;
the breath of life
for whomever brings offerings
to his domain;
he who protects the son of his servants
as well as the daughter,
succeeding for generations of children;
a good burial after old age:
his laws endure,
year after year,
for the span of all eternity.
Esna 340
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1959, p. 128; Sauneron 1962, pp. 30-34 (excerpts); see also Tempeltexte 2.0
4ȝbd 3 ȝḫ.t hrw 22
ḥȝ.t n ḥb
Ḥkȝ p(ȝ) ẖrd
ḥry-ỉb Ỉwny.t
nb ʿḥ pw
šm r sḫ.t
n Ḥkȝ p(ȝ) ẖrd
[ḫr(.w) r=f]
ỉr ḫp(r) wnw.t 1
n hrw pn
nỉs ỉn ỉmy-p.t
m pr pn
wʿb s(w) ỉn wʿb
m š wʿb n ḥw.t-nṯr
ỉỉ(.t) m ʿb
mȝʿ ʿȝb.t ʿȝ.t
ỉḫt nb nfr
m 5t ỉḥ.w ȝpd.w
ỉrp ʿtḫ dq(r).w
šdḥ bỉ.t rnp.w
nn ỉḏr(.w)=sn
4 Akhet III day 2 (= Hathor 22),
Beginning of the Festival
of Heka the Child
within Iunyt,
that means: Lord of the Palace.
‘Going to the field
by Heka the Child’
[so it is also called].
Now when the first hour
of this day arrives
the sky-watching priest calls out
in this temple.
Each priest purifies himself
in the pure lake of the temple;
arrive in purity,
presenting a great, composed offering
(of) all good things:
of 5 bread, cattle, fowl,
wine, brewed beer, fruits,
fortified wine, honey, fresh plants,
without limit.
ỉr(.t) snṯr
fȝỉ(.t) ỉḫt
mzỉ wdn
ỉn sš-mḏȝ.t-nṯr
sḫʿ.n pȝ ẖrd
ʿq r sḫ.t
ỉỉ ḥp.ty
nỉs sȝḫ(.w)
n šm r sḫ.t
r’ ḏ(d.w)
mỉ(?) pȝ ẖrd
zȝ Nb.t-ww
ʿȝ wr tpy (n) ẖnmw
(r) ww nfr n ḫnt-tȝ
swtwt m ḫnt wȝḏ
sm.w ṯḥn(.w)
mỉ ḫsbḏ
šd(=k) qnw
ʿšʿ wȝḥ(.w)
mỉ ỉwn-ḥʿʿ(?)
Offering incense,
elevating food offerings,
presenting litanies,
by the Scribe of the God’s Book.
Procession of The Child,
enter to the field,
and coming to the limits.
Recite the sȝḫ.w-hymns
of ‘Going to the Field’:
recitation to be spoken:
Come, o child,
son of Nebtu,
very great, first-born of Khnum,
(to) the good field of Khent-ta!
Wander among the vegation,412
So the plants scintillate
like413 lapis-lazuli;
and remove (all) blight,414
(you who are) numerous of garlands,
just like the moon(?).415
bḥs.w ẖ(r) ỉḫt n mhr n kȝ=f nfr
ʿq r sḫ.t
nʿỉ ỉn ḥm nṯr pn
r ḫft-ḥr n s.t-ʿȝ.t
ỉỉ.ỉn wʿb ʿq m Pr-nṯr
m ʿb wr
sḥtpy qbḥw (m)-ʿ=f
ʿ n ỉrṯ.t
ỉḫt nb nfr
fȝỉ(.w) m-sȝ=f
swʿb (m) ḥr n nṯr pn
dỉ(.t) snṯr
dỉ(.t) qbḥw
6ḥr ḥtp.w ʿȝ.w
ỉw ẖry-ḥb ḥry-tp
(ḥr) nỉs r’.w
m qȝ n ẖrw
šmʿy.w ḥr ỉʿy
zbȝ.w ḥr zbȝ
Calves bearing milk offerings(?),
one offers to his good Ka.
Enter into the field.
Behold it.
Then the Majesty of this god goes
to the pronaos of the Great Place;
a wʿb-priest with access to Per-netjer
arrives in great purity,
a censer and vase in his hands,
also a cup of milk(?),
and all good things
are carried behind him.
Purify (in) view of this god,
offer incense,
offer cool water
6 upon the great altars
all around (the place).
The Chief Lector Priest
reads out recitations
with a loud voice;
the chanters rejoice,
and the woodwinds play music.
sš ʿȝ.wy nw s.t-ʿȝ.t
wn p(ȝ) ẖrd
ʿȝ.wy nw s.t-ʿȝ.t
mỉ p.t n Rʿ
mȝȝ r nty-ʿ
pr ỉn ḥm nṯr pn
r ḫft-ḥr
n ky šps
ḥnʿ ms.w-Rʿ
Opening the Doors of the Great Place.
Words spoken:
‘The Child opens
the Doors of the Great Place,
just like the sky is opened for Re…’
(Look to the papyrus for the rest).
The Majesty of this god goes forth
to the forecourt
of the August Ape (Atum),416
along with the Children of Re.
r’ ḏ(d.w)
ṯz ḥȝ.t=tn
ỉmy.w-ḫt Rʿ
zȝ Sḫm.t ʿq(.w)
r s.t tn(?)
n(ȝ)ỉ(.t) r p(ȝ) ʿḥ
fȝỉ(.t) ỉḫt
ỉr(.t) snṯr
dỉ(.t) qbḥw
ỉr(.t) bḥs(?) m ỉrṯ.t
n kȝ n nṯr.w nṯry.t
ms.w Rʿ
ḥtp ỉn ḥm nṯr pn
ỉr(.t) ḥb
m-dbn ỉȝ.t tn
Recitation to be spoken:
‘Lift up your hearts,
you who follow Re!
The son of Sakhmet (Heka) has entered
to this place(?).’
Proceed to the Palace,
elevate offerings,
perform incense,
offer cool water,
perform the (offering?) of a milk-calf(?)417
for the Ka of the gods and goddesses,
the Children of Re;
invoke their (names).
The majesty of thie god rests;
then perform the festival
all around this mound.
ḫr ỉỉ wnw.t 4 m hrw pn
ỉỉ.ḫr wʿb ʿq(ȝ)-ỉb
ḥr ỉrw=f
7ỉr(.t) ḥn.t
ỉr(.t) mỉt.t
tr n rwhȝ
m-ḫt nn
sḫʿ.n nṯr pn
r-ẖnw Pr-ẖnmw n sḫ.t
spr r p(ȝ) -ḫnty
mzỉ ʿnḫ.w
mỉ nty-ʿ
Now at the 4th hour of this day,
a reliable priest arrives
doing his job;
7 perform the service,
and act likewise
at the time of evening.
After this,
procession of this god
toward Per-Khnum of the Field;
arrive at the forecourt;
offer bouquets of flowers
as in the ritual text.
dỉ=f n=k nḥḥ
r-gs Nḥp
ḏ.t m-ḫnt šnwy.t=f
dỉ=f n=k rsy
r-ʿ ṯȝw
mḥy r-ʿ mr
ỉȝbty r wbn Rʿ
ỉmnty r ḥtp=f
ỉỉ=f m Nwn
r sḏfȝ tȝ.wy
r sʿnḫ pʿ.t rḫy.t
dỉ=f n=k ḫntš
n tȝ nb
šnw n p.t
ḥr ỉfdw=s
May he give you nḥḥ-eternity
beside the Potter (Nḥp),
and ḏ.t-eternity among his entourage.
May he give you the South,
as far as the wind;
the North as far as the sea;
the East to the rising of Re;
the West to his setting.
May he arrive as Nun,
to feed the two lands,
and sustain elites and commoners.
May he give you the property
of all lands;
the circuit of heaven
upon its four corners.
dỉ=f n=k ȝḫ.t
ȝḫ.tw r tr=s
sḫ.t (ḥr) ms n=k
ʿḥʿ [qȝ] m ḫnt-tȝ
nswy.t ʿȝ.t m Pr-nṯr
ỉr ḥp.ty m ḥw.t-ṯȝ.wy
ḥqȝ(?) 8Km.t
r sḫr dšrty.w
ḫȝs.wt nb.w
ḫr(.w) n bȝw=k
šmʿ-mḥw ḥtp(.w)
ḥr mrw.t=k
nsw.t nṯr.w
Ḥkȝ pȝ ẖrd zp-snw
ỉt=k ẖnmw
m zȝw n ḥʿw=k
psḏ.t=f ḥr t(r) ḫfty=k
May he give you the ȝḫ.t-field,
made excellent (ȝḫ) at its season;
the sḫ.t-field birthing its products
for you;
a [long] lifetime in Khent-ta,
a great kingship in Per-netjer,
achieving the limits in Temple of the Chicks,
rule(?) 8 over Egypt,
to strike down the desert folk.
All foreign lands,
fall down to your power;
Upper and Lower Egypt are at peace
through love of you.
O King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
King of the Gods,
Heka the Child:418
your father Khnum
is in protection of your body,
and his Ennead rep(els) your enemy.
Esna 341
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, p. 35 (partial); see also Tempeltexte 2.0
8ky dwȝ (n nṯr) pn
ỉỉ.tw zp-snw m ḥtp
p(ȝ) ẖrd wr-ḥkȝw
zȝ sḫm.t
ẖnm=k ỉt=k ẖnmw
ȝw.t-ỉb=f n dgȝ=k
nfr.wy ỉỉ=k
swtwt=k sḫ.t ww
ḫnt wỉȝ
twt kȝ wȝḏ
ȝḫ.t (m) ỉḫt
ȝḫȝḫ sm.w
srwḏ(?) ỉt-bd.t
ḏdȝ ẖms nb
šȝ nb ỉsw nb
nmt=k ḫntš
nn nmt.t=k
ḥr ʿȝ ḥḏ(.t)
ḥr 9ỉr.n ḥḏḏ.w=k
8 Another hymn (of) this (god).
Words spoken:
Welcome, in peace!
Child, greatest of magic,
son of Sakhmet,
so you might join your father, Khnum;
his heart delights from seeing you.
How beautiful is your arrival!
As you go around the field and district
within the processional bark.
You are the Ka,419
who makes the field verdant with offerings,
who makes plants flourish,
who makes grow(?) wheat and emmer,
who fattens all grains,
all marsh plants, all reeds.
You walk about the territory,
nobody can approach your step,
because of the great brightness
that 9 your rays produce!
pr ḫry.t=k m-ẖnw ʿḥ
šzp=k nfr(.w)
ḫr ẖnmw
smnḫ ḥb.w=k
ỉr=k ḥȝ.t n nṯr.w wpy
nȝ (n) pr-ẖnmw
(ḥr) ʿḏʿḏ n mȝȝ=k
nȝ (n) s.wt-ḏsr.wt
m ỉȝw ḥʿʿ
m-ḏr mȝȝ=w ḥr=k nfr
p(ȝ) nb nṯr.w n=k
m ʿḫ(?) nb
pr.wy m sḫ.t=k
swʿ kȝ=k
kȝ.w m-ḫt=k
ḥtp-ḥr=k nfr
n (ʿȝtryns ʿnḫ ḏ.t)|
ḥtp ḥr s.t=f wr.t
Your royal decree420 comes forth from the palace,
so you might receive good things
from Khnum,421
making your festivals excellent,
and vice-(versa).
The first of the gods makes wp-festival for you,
those of Per-Khnum
rejoice to see you,
those of the sacred places
are in praise and jubilations,
when they see your beautiful face.
O lord of the gods,
litanies are performed for you
on every altar(?).
May you come to your field!
One purifies your Ka,
he in whose following are Kas.422
May your good face be kind
to (Hadrian living eternally)|,
dwelling upon his great throne.
Esna 342
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, pp. 37-38.
9ȝbd 3 ȝḫ.t sw 23
mzỉ ʿȝb.t ʿȝ.t
m ỉḫt nb nfr
m t ḥnq.t kȝ.w ȝpd.w
sḫʿ n Nb.t-ww m tȝ-sn.t
r pr-ẖnmw
10ẖnmw p(ȝ) nḫy-nfr
ḥtp m s.t-ʿȝ.t
ḫʿỉ r pr-ẖnmw
m tr n rwhȝ
nt-ʿ ḫʿ=s r pr-ẖnmw
m ȝbd 4 ȝḫ.t sw 1
9 III Akhet 23 ( = Hathor 23):
presenting a great offering,
consisting of all good things,
of bread, beer, cattle, fowl.
Procession of Nebtu from Esna
to Per-Khnum,
20 Khnum the Good Protector
being in front of her.
Stopping at the Great Place.
Procession to Per-Khnum
at the time of evening.
The ritual of her appearance in Per-Khnum
in IV Akhet 1 (= Khoiak 1).
Esna 342
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, pp. 39-40 (partial translation).
10ȝbd 3 ȝḫ.t sw 25
ḥb Šw zȝ-Rʿ
zȝỉ ỉʿỉ m hrw pn
ʿq r sḥ ỉmn
nty ỉw rn=f r ʿḥ
šzp sỉȝ.t wrḥ
ỉr(.t) m kȝr šps n ẖnmw
m s.t wr.t
ḥr-sȝ ḥn.t rwhȝ
ỉr(.t) ỉrw n sḫʿ nṯr pn
spr r ḏȝ(ḏȝ.t)
p(ȝ) ẖry-ḥb ḥry-tp
(ḥr) nỉs dwȝ.w (r)-ḥȝ.t=f
sṯȝ r-ẖnw
ḥtp ḥr s.t=f wr.t
10 III Akhet day 25 (Hathor 25 ):
Festival of Shu, Son of Re.
After-dinner (ritual)423 on this day.
Enter the remote chapel,
the name of which is ‘The Palace.’424
Receive fringed-cloth, anointing,
performed in the august shrine of Khnum
on the Great Throne.
After the evening service,
perform the rite of processing this god,
arrive at the tribune;
the Chief Lector Priest425
recites hymns before him.
Return back inside,
rest upon the Great Throne.
Ḥr ỉỉ(.w) r nỉw.t=f
ḏ(d)=f n Ḏḥwty
sw 25 pn pr=f m 3-nw ȝḫ.t
ỉnr ḥr wnm [ỉt]-bd.t
ỉr 11n=k ỉs
ḫȝʿ.tw t
r ḥts m rqḥ wr
ḥsb n=k ḫpr ỉm=f
r rdỉ(.t) ḥtp.w-nṯr n nṯr.w
ʿnḫ n pʿ.t rḫy.t
ỉr ỉỉ=sn
ḥʿpỉ r ỉwḥ ȝḫ.t
wn.ỉn Ḏḥwty ḥr ỉr(.t) mỉt.t
Horus comes to his city,
saying to Thoth:
’This Day 25 has come forth in III Akhet:
the worm is eating the grain.
’May you 11 act, moreover,
so one leaves aside bread,
to be mummified for Rekeh-Wer;
then, monitor what comes forth from it
in order to give offerings to the gods,426
and life to nobles and commoners.427
‘Now when they arrive,
the Inundation will flood the field
after him.’
Then Thoth acted accordingly.
Esna 344
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, pp. 41-43.
11ȝbd 3 ȝḫ.t sw 29
ʿȝb ỉḫt
ḫ r psḏntyw
ỉr ỉỉ wnw.t 4.nw m hrw pn
sḫʿ n šps.t wsr.t
Mnḥy.t-Nb.t-ww nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
m ḥb=s nfr
n ḥb Ḥw.t-ḥr
ỉỉ r t(ȝ) wsḫ.t n bnr
ẖnm ỉtn
ḥtp m (wsḫ.t)-ḫʿ
ṯz wʿr.t=s m-bȝḥ=s
ỉn z.t
mzỉ mnḏ.ty=s m-bȝḥ=s
ỉn ḥmw.t
dwȝ Ḥw.t-ḥr
m hrw(?) 12pn
11 III Akhet 29 (= Hathor 29),
Assembling offerings,
so the new moon (festival) is called.
Now when the 3rd hour of this day arrives,
procession of the August and mighty,
Menhyt-Nebtu, Lady of Esna,
in her good festival,
the Hathor festival.
Come to the outer courtyard,
union with the solar disk,
rest in the (courtyard) of appearances.
Raising a leg before her
by a woman;
presenting breasts before her
by a lady.
Praising Hathor
on this 12 day(?).
Words spoken:
Ḥw.t-ḥr wr.t
nb.t ʿgny
m hrw pn nfr
mry Rʿ m mȝȝ=s
rʿ nb
sḥr ḏȝỉ m r’-wȝ.t=f
nḥm (pr-ʿȝ ʿnḫ.w ḏ.t)|
m-ʿ ỉḫt nb ḏw
nt rnp.t tn (r)-ḏr(?)=s
Greetings to you,
Hathor the great,
Lady of ’Agny,428
on this good day!
She whom Re loves to see
every day.
Repel all evil from his path,
and rescue (Pharaoh living forever)|
from all evil things,
from this entire(?) year.
ỉsk ỉr(.t) ʿȝb.t ʿȝ.t
m t ḥnq.t ỉḥw ȝpd.w
ỉḫt nb nfr
mȝ-ḥḏ gḥs ṯȝy-nỉȝ
ỉrp ỉrṯ.t snṯr bỉ.t
ḫȝ.w nb nḏm nb
sm.w rnp.w
dqr.w nb bnr
sšn nḫb wȝḏ
ḥwỉ-ʿ r stp(.w)
rn (ỉ)wȝ
rn gḥs
rn mȝ-ḥḏ
t n mȝw
Meanwhile, perform the great offering,
of bread, beer, cattle, fowl,
all good things;
oryx, gazelle, male ibex,
wine, milk, incense, honey,
all good ingredients, all sweet things,
fresh plants,
all sweet fruits,
lotus blossoms and papyrus.
Consecrating choice meats:
young beef,
young gazelle,
young oryx,
and fresh bread.
ḥm.w ḥr bȝk=sn qmȝ=sn
mšʿ.w m ṯnỉ ʿšȝ
mỉ p(ȝ) nty r ʿḥʿy ʿȝ
n (mn-ḫpr-Rʿ)| (Ḏḥwty-ms)|
13ḥtp m wsḫ.t n bnr
ỉw ḥr=s r-ẖnw
mỉ zȝ-Rʿ
(pr-ʿȝ ʿnḫ.w ḏ.t)|
ʿȝb.t wr.w ʿb.w
nn ỉḏr=sn
mỉ nty r nt-ʿ
dwȝ nṯr.t tn
Servants with their tribute,
which they created,
masses of people in great numbers,
just as is on the great stela
of (Menkheperre)| (Thutmosis III)|
13 Stop in the outer courtyard,
(while) she faces inside (the temple):
‘Come, son of Re,
(Pharaoh living eternally)|!
The enormous offering is purified,
without limits!’
Just as is on the ritual papyrus.
Hymn (for) this goddess.
Words spoken:
Nb.t-ww ȝḫ.t
sḫp(r.t) wnn.t
mḥn.t n(.t) Rʿ
šzp.n bỉty sḫm
ỉn nsw.t ỉr sḫm
r rsy.t mḥy.t ỉmnt.t ỉȝbt.t
ỉỉ.n (pr-ʿȝ ʿnḫ.w ḏ.t)|
ḫr Mnḥy.t-Nb.t-ww
ḥnk wnšb
ỉỉ.n (pr-ʿȝ ʿnḫ.w ḏ.t)|
nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
Nebtu the excellent,
who creates what exists!
uraeus of Re!
The bỉty-king has grabbed the sistrum,
the nsw-king shakes the sistrum,
four times:
to the south, north, west, and east.’
(The hymn): (Pharaoh living eternally)| has come
before Menhyt-Nebtu.
Offering the wnšb-symbol.
Words spoken:
‘(Pharaoh living eternally)| has come
before you,
Lady of Esna! (…)’
rdỉ ʿm(ry.t) wʿb(.t)
ḥp.tỉ m ỉrṯ.t
ḥnk ỉrp ḥnq.t
ỉr(.t) snṯr
ḥnk ẖms(.w) rnp(.w) dqr(.w)
mzỉ nḫb 14sšn
ḥnk wȝḏ
ḥnk sšn-ḥḏ
ḥnk sm.w
mzỉ pȝ mnw
n Nb.t-ww-Mnḥy.t
ḫr ỉ mỉ nn
m ḫft-ḥr n Pr-nṯr
mỉ nty š (n) ḥm=s
m ʿnḫ wḏȝ s(nb)
m Ỉwny(.t)
Giving a (figure) of a pure milk-cow
filled with milk.
Offering wine, beer.
Performing incense.
Offering wheat, fresh plants (Esna 286), fruits (Esna 288).
Presenting varieties of lotus 14 flowers.429
Offering papyrus (Esna 291).
OPffering the white lotus (Esna 274)
Offering plants.
Presenting the mnw-beverage,
for Nebtu-Menhyt.
Now one does the same
in front of Per-netjer,
just like what is recited for her Majesty,
in life, prosperity, health,
in Iunyt.
Esna 345
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, pp. 45-46.
14ȝbd 3 ȝḫ.t ʿrqy
sḫʿ n Ỉs.t nb ʿbȝ
nt pr(.t) r ḥȝ tp hrw 10 nb
ỉr(.t) ỉrw mỉ nty
r nt-ʿ ḥb ṯȝy ʿwn.t
ḏd bȝ.w-Rʿ
wn.ỉn Ỉs.t nb.t ʿbȝ
ḥr wȝḥ ỉḫt
n bȝ-ʿȝ nty km-ȝ.t=f
ḥnʿ ỉt=s Rʿ Šw Gbb
ḥnʿ sn=s Wsỉr
m-ʿb ḏȝỉs.w wr.w nw Mḥ.t-wr.t
ỉr ḥr sȝ nn(?)
pȝ-ẖrd r tȝ s.t-ʿȝ.t
m ḥb ẖn.t
sṯȝ r pr-ẖnmw
15m tr n rwhȝ
14 III Akhet 30 (= Hathor 30 ):
Procession of Isis, Lady of Aba,430
who goes forth every ten days.
Perform rites like what
is on the Rite of Seizing the Baton,
that is, the Power of Re.
Then Isis, Lady of Aba,
lays down funerary offerings
for the great Ba of Kematef,
and her fathers Re, Shu, and Geb,
and her brother Osiris,
along with431 the Great Djaisu of Mehet-weret.
Now after this:
the child towards the Great Place432
in the bark procession.
Return to Per-Khnum
15 at the time of evening.
Esna 346
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, pp. 54-64 (excerpts); see also Tempeltexte 2.0
15ȝbd 4 ȝḫ.t hrw 1
ḥb Ỉmn Nwn wr
ỉt nṯr.w
ḥb ḏr.t-nṯr
mw.t(-nṯr) n nṯr.w nb
ḥb ẖnmw
ḥb ẖȝʿ mḏȝ.t Ḥʿpỉ
ʿȝb ʿȝb.t n Ḥʿpỉ
m t ḥnq.t
ỉḥ.w ȝpd.w
ỉrp ỉrṯ.t
ʿntyw snṯr bỉ.t
dq(r.w) rnp.w
ỉḫt nb nfr wʿb
15 Akhet IV day 1 (= Khoiak 1),
Festival of Amun, great Nun,433
father of the gods;
Festival of the Hand of God,
(divine) mother of all the gods;
Festival of Khnum;
Festival of casting the book of Hapi,
assembling the great offering for Hapi,
of bread, beer,
cattle, fowl,
wine, milk,
myrrh, incense, honey,
fruits, fresh plants,
and all good and pure things.
ȝbd 4 ȝḫ.t hrw 1
ḥb kȝ-ḥr-kȝ
ỉr(.w) m ḥw.t-nṯr
nt ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
mȝʿ ʿȝb.t ʿȝ.t
m ỉḫt nb nfr
m t ḥnq.t
ỉḥ.w ȝpd.w
qȝḥ-ʿ m wdn
ỉr(.t) snṯr
fȝỉ ỉḫt n kȝ
n ẖnmw Nb.t-ww
ṯtf ỉnm.t
bʿḥ m ỉrṯ.t
Akhet IV day 1 (= Khoiak 1),
Khoiak Festival,
performed in the temple
of Khnum-Re Lord of Esna:
Present the great offering
of all good things,
namely: bread, beer,
cattle, fowl.
Bending the arm with the litany;
perform incense;
elevate offerings for the Ka
of Khnum and Nebtu;
pour out wine jars,
inundate with milk.
ỉr(.t) pȝ wdn
n ẖnmw ḥnʿ psḏ.t=f
16wdn n Mnḥy.t-Nb.tww
wdn n N.t
wdn n Wsỉr
wdn n Ỉs.t
wdn n Ḫnsw-Ḏḥwty
wdn n Rʿ Ỉtm Ḫprỉ
Šw tfn.t
ḥnʿ psḏ.t n pr pn
qȝḥ-ʿ m ẖms.w
m ỉt bd.t
pr.t nb
Perform the litany
for Khnum along with his Ennead:
16 Litany for Menhyt-Nebtu,
litany for Neith,
litany for Osiris,
litany for Isis,
litany for Khonsu-Thoth,
litany for Re-Atum-Khepri,
Shu, Tefnut,
and the Ennead of this domain.
Bending the arm with wheat,
consisting of grain and emmer,
and all seeds.
dwȝ ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
qdỉ m šȝʿ
ky dwȝ
nṯr nṯr.t ḥnʿ=f
ky dwȝ
ẖnmw Nb.t-ww
Šw zȝ-Rʿ
k(y) dwȝ
Šw rsy-ỉnb=f
ky dwȝ
ẖnmw nb sḫ.t
Šw zȝ-Rʿ
Nwn wr
ẖnmw nb sḫ.t
Šw zȝ Rʿ
ky [dwȝ]
Hymn of Khnum-Re Lord of Esna.
Words spoken:
‘King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
who built in the beginning …’
Another hymn:
God with whom is the goddess…’
Another hymn:
Khnum and Nebtu,
Shu son of Re…’
Another hymn:
Shu, South of his wall…’
Another hymn:
Khnum Lord of the Field,
Shu son of Re,
Nun the great,
father of the gods…’
Khnum Lord of the Field,
Shu son of Re,
the good companion…’
Another [hymn]:
tw=t nb tȝ-sn.t
wʿ n fdw
tw=t nb p.t
nb tȝ nb dwȝ.t
nb Nwn ḏw.w
tw=t nb sḫ.t-Rʿ
tw=t nb ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy
mr ʿbw
dwȝ ẖnmw-Rʿ
ḥry s.t=f wr.t
ḥry s.t wr.t
ḥry s.t=f wr.t
kȝ sṯỉ
ḥry nfr.wt
ỉȝw n=k
ḥry s.t=f wr.t
Ḥḥ twȝ Nw.t
17 Words spoken:
‘You are the Lord of Esna,
one of four.
You are Lord of heaven,
Lord of earth, Lord of the Duat,
Lord of Nun and the mountains.
You are Lord of the Field of Re,
you are Lord of Ankh-tawy,
who loves purity…’
Hymn to Khnum-Re
upon his great throne.
Words spoken:
upon the great throne.
upon his great throne,
ejaculating bull,
who mounts the beautiful females.
Praise be unto you!
upon his great throne.
Heh who supports Nut…’
dwȝ Mnḥy.t
Mnḥy.t wr.t
nb.t ḫnt-tȝ
(r)-mn pḥw
ḫnt(.t) sḫ.t
Mnḥy.t Šw
dwȝ Nb.t-ww
sḏ.t mr(.t) Rʿ
ỉȝw n=t
šps.t wsr.t
Hymn to Menhyt.
Words spoken:
Menhyt the great,
Lady of Khent-ta
as far as the pehus (of the Delta),434
foremost of the field…’
Menhyt and Shu…’
Hymn to Nebtu.
Words spoken:
Small girl whom Re loves…’
‘Praise be unto you,
August and mighty one…’
dwȝ N.t
N.t wr.t
nb(.t) 18sn.t
nṯr.t ʿȝ.t
ḫnt(.t) Pr-nṯr
nb(.t) Zȝw
ḫnt(.t) N.t
N.t wr.t
nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
ḫnt.t ḥw.t-ỉt
ḫnt(.t) ḥw.t-mw.t
N.t wr.t
nb.t tȝ-sn.t
ỉr(.t) ỉrw
Hymn to Neith.
Words spoken:
Neith the great,
Mother of God,
Lady of 18 Esna,
great goddess,
foremost of Per-netjer,
Lady of Sais,
foremost of the Neith nome…’
Neith the great,
Mother of God,
Lady of Esna,
father of fathers,
foremost of the Temple of the Father;
mother of mothers,
foremost of the Temple of the Mother…’
Neith the great,
Mother of God,
Lady of Esna,
august cow…’
Perform the rituals.
dwȝ Rʿ-Ḥr-ȝḫty
wbn m wḏȝ.t
ḫy šps
pr m ȝḫ.t
dwȝ Nb.t-ww
ỉȝw n=t Nb.t-ww
ḥr(.t) s.t-wr.t
nb(.t) Ỉwny.t
ḥr(.t) s.t [wr.t]
[dwȝ Ḥkȝ]
nb ḥkȝ
Ḥkȝ 19nb ʿḥ
ỉ Ḥkȝ nb ḥkȝ
ḥkȝ wr-ḥkȝw
Hymn to Re-Harakhty.
Words spoken:
He who arose from the wedjat-eye,
august child,
who emerged from the Akhet…’
Hymn to Nebtu.
Words spoken:
‘Praise be unto you, Nebtu,
Eye of Re,
upon the great throne,
Lady of Iunyt…’
Eye of Re,
upon the [great] throne
[Hymn to Heka].
‘Greatest magician,
lord of magic…’
Heka, 19 Lord of the palace…’
‘O Heka, Lord of magic…’
Heka, greatest magician…’
ỉr ḥr-sȝ
sḫʿ.n nṯr pn šps
r tȝ wsḫ.t
ỉḫt (ḥr) ḫȝ.wt
rmn nḥp (ḥr)-ḥȝ.t=f
nṯr.w tpy.w ỉȝ.t=sn
dm rn=sn
šms nṯr pn
ẖnm ỉtn
ỉr(.t) qrr wdn
m ḫft-ḥr n nṯr pn
ḥtp ḥr s.t=f wr.t
šd.n=f Ḥʿpỉ m ṯpḥ.t
hrw pn
mḥ hrw 5 m ḥb
ḫʿỉ N.t p(ȝ) ḥȝ.t
ḫʿỉ n Ḥw.t-Ḥr
ḫʿỉ n Nb.t-ww
ḥtp ḥr s.t=s wr.t
mzỉ mnḏ.ty m-bȝḥ=s
ỉn ḥmw.wt nw.t nỉw.t tn
sḫʿỉ n ḥm=s
nṯr.t tn šps.t wsr.t
Nb.t-ww nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
r pr-ẖnmw
20ḥtp m tȝ s.t-ʿȝ.t
ỉr(.t) qrr wdn
n ḫft-ḥr n nṯr.t tn
m hrw pn
Now afterwards,
procession of this august god
to the forecourt,
offerings (upon) the altar;
carry the potter’s wheel before him.
The gods who are on their standard,
pronounce their names,
follow this god,
union with the sundisk.
Perform burnt offerings and litany,
before this god,
rest upon his great throne:
he removed Hapi from the grotto
on this day.
Fill (the next) five days with festival.435
Procession of Neith at the front;
procession of Hathor;436
procession of Nebtu,
rest upon her great throne,
presenting breasts before her
by the ladies of this city.437
Carry her Majesty in procession,
this goddess, august and mighty,
Nebtu Lady of Esna,
towards Per-Khnum;
20 stop at the Great Place,
perform burnt offerings and litany
before this goddess
on this day.
ḫʿỉ r pr-ẖnmw
m tr rwhȝ
nȝ sš(.w) ḏ(d.w)
ẖr-ḥȝ.t n.t Nb.t-ww
m hrw ḫny.t
ḥb šm r sḫ.t
ỉw ỉr=s sqd
r pr-ẖnmw
šm Rnnwt.t-wȝḏ.t
Nb.t-ww r sḫ.t
ỉr=n wpy n Nb.t-ww
wrh=n n Nbỉ.t
spr ḥm=s r s.t-ʿȝ.t
ḥnʿ ẖnmw pȝ-nḫy nfr
dỉ(.t) ḥr m sqd r-ẖnw
ʿḥʿ ỉn ẖnmw pȝ-nḫy nfr
ỉr(.t) snṯr qbḥw
r n(ȝ) ḥtp.w ʿȝ.w
nty(.w) m-rwty=s
ḥtp-dỉ-nsw.t wʿb n Wsỉr
Procession towards Per-Khnum
at the time of evening.
The writings which are spoken
before Nebtu
on the day of the bark procession,
the Festival of Going to the Field,
when she sails
towards Per-Khnum.
Words spoken:
‘Green Renenutet,
Nebtu, is going to the field!
Let us make festival for Nebtu!
Let us dance for the nbỉ.t-cow!’
Her majesty arrives at the Great Place,
along with Khnum the Good Protector.
Turning to process inside.
Then Khnum the Good Protector stops;
perform incense and cool water offerings,
to the great offering tables
which are all around it
and inside it;
pure royal offerings for Osiris.
ky rȝ
n ỉr(.t) 21qbḥw
mỉ=n m ḥtp
bȝ.w ỉqr.w
kȝ.w ḥtpty.w
ỉr(.t) snṯr
ʿbw snṯr
wȝḏy.t nb.t pr-wr
ḥtp ỉm
ỉr(.t) ỉrw nb
mỉ nty r-ḥȝ.t
sḫʿ.n nṯr.t tn
m tr n rwhȝ
ẖnmw pȝ-nḫy nfr
Another spell
of offering 21 cool water:
‘Come in peace!
Excellent Bas,
Kas of the blessed dead…’
Performing incense:
‘The incense purifies,
Wadjyt, Lady of the Per-wer…’438
Rest there,
perform all rituals,
as is (outlined) anove.
Carry this goddess in procession
at the time of evening,
Khnum the Good Protector
being ahead of her.
ỉr pḥ ḥm=s
r ḫft-ḥr n Pr-nṯr
rȝ ḏ(d)
ỉn ẖry-ḥb ḥry-tp
tȝy ḥnw.t ww
ʿ r sḫ.t
tȝ ḥnw.t Ỉwny.t
ʿ r ḥw.t-bȝ.w
rnp ỉmy=s
ʿnḫ ỉmy.w nb-ʿnḫ
rnp Wsỉr
ʿnḫ ḥtp[ty.w]
Nb.t-ww zȝ[.t] Rʿ
ỉỉ.tw m ḥtp
ẖnm=s sn=s
šzp=f s(y) m ḥʿʿ
[…] 22m-ʿ=w
mȝȝ=sn ỉtn.wy
Šw ḥnʿ Tfn.t
zḫ m zp wʿ
Now when her Majesty arrives
at the forecourt of Per-netjer:
the utterance spoken
by the Chief Lector Priest:
’The Mistress of the agricultural domain
has entered the field!
The Mistress of Iunyt
has entered the Temple of the Bas!
Those within it are rejuvenated,
those within the necropolis come alive!
Osiris is rejuvenated,
the blessed [dead] come alive!
‘Nebtu the daught[er] of Re,
has arrived in peace!
She unites with her brother,
and he receives her with joy
[…] 22 from them,
they see the two celestial disks,439
(namely) Shu and Tefnut,
united together as one.’
[…]w=s ḥr zbỉ-sš.w ḥnʿ=sn
Ỉs.t ḥr wnmy
Nb.t-ḥw.wt ḥr ỉȝby
sḥḏ(.t) tȝ.wy
bȝq(.t) Bȝq.t
snfr(.t) tȝ-sn.t(?)
šzp Km.t ȝw.t-ỉb
nṯr.w nṯry.t nw spȝ.wt
ỉb=sn nḏm(.w)
r mȝȝ ẖnmw m wpy=f
mȝʿ-ḫrw ỉn ḥm n nṯr
m wpy=f nb
m ḥb=f nfr
n wḏʿ-mdw
smn=f zȝ=f Ḥr
ḫʿ.w ḥr s.t=f
m nsw.t mnḫ ḏ.t
Her […] roams the fields with them,440
Isis on the right,
Nephthys on the left.
Eye of Re,
who illumines the two lands,
who makes Egypt shine,
who makes Esna(?) beautiful,
so Egypt received all happiness.
The gods and goddesses of the districts,
their hearts are pleased,
to see Khnum in his wpy-festival.
The Majesty of this god is justified
in all of his trials (wp),
in his good festival
of making judgments.441
He establishes his son, Horus,
to appear in glory upon his throne,
as a beneficent king, for all time.
ʿḥʿ m pȝ [wsḫ.t? n] ḫnt
23rȝ ḏ(d)
ỉỉ(.tw) zp-snw m ḥtp
snsn(.t) nṯr
Nb.t-ww-Mnḥy.t wr.t
ỉỉ.tw r Pr-ẖnmw
ʿn.wy nbỉ.t ỉỉ=s
ỉs ỉỉ.tw
pẖr=s sḫ.t
ḫnm=s m sm.w
pr.w m-ẖnw Pr-nṯr
mḥ=s ḥw.t-nṯr m nfrw=s
dỉ sn=s ʿ=f r-ʿ=s
ỉr=f n=s wrh
sqȝ=f ḥm=s
m ỉỉ=s m ỉȝ.t-ṯȝ.wy
nỉw.t=s pw n ỉbw
ḥtp=s ḥnʿ=f
sfn(n)=sn m zp
Stopping at the front [courtyard?].
23 Utterances spoken:
‘Welcome, welcome in peace!
who unites with the god (Khnum),
Nebtu-Menhyt the great,
has come to Per-Khnum.
How pleasant is the nbỉ.t-cow when she comes,
and indeed now she has come!’
As she goes around the field,
her fragrance is in all the plants,
and her divine scent
comes forth within Per-netjer:
thus she fills the temple with her goodness.
Her brother (Khnum) gives his hand to hers,
he performs the wrh-dance for her (see Esna 380),
and he elevates her Majesty,
when she comes into Mound of the Chicks,
it is her city of dancing;
she rests there with him,
and they are delighted together.
ky dwȝ ẖn[m]w
wr smsw zȝ Rʿ
ẖnm sn=f tfn.t
m rn=s n Mnḥy.t-Nb.t-ww
ʿqȝ ḥr.w n sn sn.t
m ḥb=sn nfr
n 4 n ȝḫ.t hrw 1
Pr-nṯr š
ḥw.t-bȝ.w m ḥb-ḥr-ḥb
sḫ.t nfr.t
m grg n wpy
pr=k r ỉfdw=f
m nḏm-ỉb
ʿȝ kȝ=k m ḥtp
ỉȝt ḏsr(.tw)
m ḫrwy.t=k
ỉb=k m ỉ[hȝy]
Nb.t-ww-Mnḥy.t wr.t
ỉỉ=s n=k m šps.t
m ỉrw=s n nbỉ.t
Another hymn to Khnu[m].
24 Words spoken:
great, eldest son of Re,
who unites with his sister, Tefnut,442
in her name of Menhyt-Nebtu.
The faces of the brother and sister align
in their good festival
of IV Akhet day 1 (= Khoiak 1).
Per-netjer is made august,
Temple of the Bas celebrates continually,
the Good Field
is overwhelmed with wpy-festival;
and all four corners of your domain
are in happiness.
Your Ka is great in peace,
the mound is made sacred
through your oracular decree,
and your heart rej[oices].
Nebtu-Menhyt the great,
she comes to you as the august one,
in her visible form of a nbỉ.t-cow.
25ḏr=k ssw 1
ȝm ssw 2
p(ȝ) šby pḏ(.w) r tr=f
p(ȝ) ỉms wȝḏwȝḏ(.w) r dmḏy.t=f
pr p(ȝ) ḫnm ʿntyw wȝḏ
nḏm.wy sṯỉ pr=k
25 May you seize the first day,
and grasp the second day!443
The šȝb-plant spreads at its season,
the dill is green at its time.
The aroma of fresh myrrh comes forth.
How sweet is the scent of your domain,
every day!
Esna 347
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, pp. 64-65.
25ȝbd 4 ȝḫ.t hrw 1
ḥb kȝ-ḥr-kȝ
wpy-ʿȝ ḫr(.w) r=f
hrw pn ỉr(.w)
m pr-ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t
mzỉ ʿȝb.t ʿȝ.t
ỉḫt nb nfr
m t ḥnq.t kȝ.w ȝpd(.w)
wp(.t) hn.w
ṯtf ỉrp
bʿḥ m ỉrṯ.t
ỉr(.t) pȝ wdn
n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t
mỉ rʿ-nb
26mỉ nty r-ḥȝ.t
25 IV Akhet 1 (= Khoiak 1),
Khoiak Festival,
also called the Great wpy-festival,
on this day, performed
in Per-Khnum-Re Lord of the Field.
Presenting a great offering,
all good things,
bread, beer, cattle, fowl,
opening the (beer) jars,444
pouring out wine,
inundating with milk;
performing the great litany
for Khnum-Re Lord of the Field,
just like every day.
Words spoken
26 (just like what was before):
wn Rʿ (ḥr) ds ʿȝpp
m hrw pn
ḏȝỉ Rʿ r ỉmnt.t
ỉ(w)=f m mȝʿ nfr
ỉb=f ỉqr zp-snw
wn Rʿ ḥr ḏ(d)
ỉb=ỉ ỉqr zp-snw
r mȝȝ zȝ=ỉ Šw
bȝ.tw nṯr pn m ỉȝ.t tn
nty ḥr mḥy.t n Ỉwny.t
pr-ẖnmw n sḫ.t
Re stabs Apophis
on this day;
Re sails to the West,445
having a good wind,
and his heart is thrilled!
Re says:
‘My heart is thrilled!
My heart delights
to see my son, Shu.’
This god is present in this mound,
which is to the north of Iunyt:
(namely) Per-Knum of the Field.
Esna 348
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, p. 66; see also Tempeltexte 2.0
26sḫʿ n nṯr pn šps
m ȝbd 4 hrw 2 ȝḫ.t
m tr n mšrw
Šw pw zȝ-Rʿ
ẖnm=f ḥnʿ ỉt=f Rʿ
ỉw ỉmnty m 27rn n ỉȝ.t-nṯry
nty ḥr mḥy.t n pr pn
mȝȝ s(w) ỉt=f Rʿ
ḥnʿ psḏ.t
m-ḏr ẖnm ỉb n Rʿ ḥnʿ=f
nfr ỉb n nṯr pn ḥr=s
ḏr mȝȝ=f zȝ=f Šw
ḏ(d).ỉn Rʿ
nfr.wy ỉb=ỉ ỉqr zp-snw
ḏr mȝȝ=ỉ zȝ=ỉ Šw
ẖnm ỉb=ỉ ḥnʿ=f
m sḫ.t tn
26 Procession of this august god,
on 4 Akhet 2 ( Khoiak 2 ),
at the time of evening.
It is Shu, the son of Re,
he unites with his father Re.
‘The West’446 is the name of the divine mound
which is north of this temple.
His father Re sees him,
along with the Ennead.
When447 the heart of Re joins with him,
this god’s heart is very glad about it,
since he saw his son, Shu.
Then Re said:
‘How good is my heart, very nice!448
since I saw my son, Shu,
and my heart united (ẖnm) with him
in this field (sḫ.t).’
ḏ(d).tw ẖnmw
ḏ(d).ỉn Rʿ
rdỉ.n=f zȝ m nb n sḫ.t
ḏ(d).tw ẖnmw nb sḫ.t
ẖnm(.t) ḥnʿ ȝḫ.t
m-ẖnw spȝ.t tn
ḏ(d).tw pr-ẖnmw-sḫ.t
28n ỉȝ.t=tn
mȝȝ s(w) ỉt=f Rʿ
ỉw=f m ỉk m ỉȝ.t tn
nỉs.n=f n mw.t=f N.t
nt(t) tmȝ.t wr(.t)
wbn(.t) m Nwn
štȝ.t ʿȝ.t
šȝʿ.t ḫpr m ḥȝ.t
ỉt-ỉt.w mw.t-mw.wt
ḫpr(.t) nỉ ḫpr ḫprw
ỉr(.t) nty qmȝ(.t) wnn.t
mw.t ntr.w
nb.t ʿnḫ-wȝs
šd(.t) mr=s
m qn nḫ.t
ḥnw.t ʿnḫ
snb r-ḫt=s
ṯz(.t) pr.t n nṯr-rmṯ
m-ʿ swḥ(.t)
mȝȝ r pȝ wḫȝ m-zȝ=f n ỉȝbty
Thus one says ‘Khnum (ẖnmw)’.
Then Re said,
as he made his son the Lord of the Field.
Thus he his called ‘Khnum Lord of the Field.’
The basin together with the field
within this district,
thus one says ‘Temple of Khnum of the Field’
28 for this mound.449
His father Re says him,
while he is an old man in this mound,
and he called to his mother Neith:
’You are the great mother,
who arose from Nun.
The great mysterious one,
who began creation in the beginning.
Father of fathers, mother of mothers,
who came about before existence came about,
who made what is, and created what exists,
mother of the gods.
’Lady of life and dominion,
who nurtures the one she loves
with victory and might.
Mistress of life,
health follows her,
she who binds the seed of gods and people
as well as the egg(?) …
(Look at the column after this to the east).450
Esna 349
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, p. 66; see also Tempeltexte 2.0
nb(.t) ḫnt-tȝ
ʿḥȝ nṯr.w pȝwty.w tpy
m ỉtr.ty 2[…]
[…] ḥḥ.w ḏbʿ.w ḥfn.w
ḫȝ.w šn.w mḏ.w r pḥ.t=s
šb.t m ḫb.t
rtḥ(.w) ỉmỉ.tw ʿ=s
1 A Royal Offering
(of) Nebtu-Menhyt,
Lady of Khent-ta;
the gods of the First Primeval stand
in the double shrines 2 […]
millions, ten thousands, myriads
are before her;
thousands, hundreds, tens
are behind her:
(as) meat offerings on the chopping block.
Your divine offerings
are assembled within her hand.
The King
nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwgrtwr ks[rs])|
5zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ȝtrynns [nty-ḫwỉ])|
6ỉṯ.n Mnḥy.t-Nb.t-ww
r ḥqȝ
m ỉzw n ḥnk n sẖn
7nṯr nfr
ḥqȝ ʿȝ n Km.t
ḫbỉ ỉnw m ndb.t
wr sṯỉ
ḫrp.n=f bỉȝ.wt=sn
dg(ȝ) mn.wt
hrw wpy
ḥk(n) [n?] ḥnw.t=f
[…] Mnḥy.t-Nb.t-ww
ʿȝb.t mn(.w)
n Pr-ẖnmw nb sḫ.t
nb ḥtp.w
(ʿtry(n)s nty-ḫwỉ)|
4 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caes[ar])|
5 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Hadrian [Augustus])|
6 he whom Menhyt-Nebtu seized
to be ruler,
as a reward for offering the lotus blossom.
7 The good god,
great ruler of Egypt,
who gathers tribute from the earth;
chief of the Asiatics,
having consecrated their wonderful products.
He who beholds the offerings,
on the day of the wpy-festival,
who rejoices [to?] his Mistress,
[…] Menhyt-Nebtu;
and the great mixed offering endures
every year,
in the Per-Khnum Lord of the Field.
Lord of offerings,
(Hadria(n) Augustus)|
8ḏd-mdw n Mnḥy.t-Nb.t[-ww…]
9[…] n nṯr.w nṯ
dỉ(.t) ẖr.w n ḥr(.w) nb
10dỉ=ỉ n=k ḥms-wḥȝ
m ỉḫt nb.w nfr.w
nn […]
8 Words spoken by Menhyt-Nebt[u…]
9 […] of gods and goddesses,
who gives food to everybody.
10 I allow you to feast
on all good things,
without [fail?].
11ḏd-mdw n ḥkȝ [pȝ ẖrd]
[ʿȝ] wr tpy [n] ẖnmw
12wr-ḥkȝw zȝ Sḫm.t
ḥȝ.t n nṯr.w
wpy=f ḥr ʿnḫ nb
11 Words spoken by Heka [the child],
the very [great], first-born [of] Khnum,
12 Eldest magician, son of Sakhmet,
beginning of the gods,
his festival is upon all who live.
Behind the Divinities
Tfn.t wr.t
mḥn.t n(t) Rʿ
mḥ(.t) p.t tȝ
m nfr(.w)=s
ḫnt.t pr np(ry)
ms(.t) ḥḥ.w
qmȝ(.t) ḥfn.w
ỉr(.t) ỉs zp.t
m ḥḥ n ḥḥ.w
sḫp(r.t) kȝ.w
m r’-ʿ=s
sỉp(.t) pr-nṯr r tr=f
tp rnp.t
r mȝȝ wpy nty ẖnmw
ḫʿỉ.n=s (???)
ỉỉ(.t) r ỉw=f n=s
ḫrp ḥtp-(dỉ)-nsw.t
n ḥnw.t
Mnḥy.t nb(.t) t
13 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
great Tefnut,
uraeus of Re,
who fills heaven and earth
with her goodness;
Renenutet-Wadjyt (or: Green Renenutet),
foremost of the Temple of Nepri,
who births millions,
and creates myriads,
and who makes grain
in millions upon millions,
who produces food
through her actions.
She who inspects Per-netjer at its time
every year,
to see the wpy-festival of Khnum.
She appears (???)
who arrives when he comes to her,
to consecrate a (royal) offering
to the Mistress:
Menhyt, Lady of Bread.
Esna 350
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Derchain 1955, pp. 283-286; see also Tempeltexte 2.0
- Parallels: Esna VI, 475, 6-10 (divine epithets)
1mn n=k qn nḫt ṯnr
nʿš qn=k r[…]
[…] sḫm
dỉ.tw m 2ỉb=f
ḥzȝ […]
[…] n=k [mȝḥ]
mȝẖ ỉb
[nfr(?)] ỉwn
ḫr kȝ=k
3nfr ỉqr
nḏm sṯi
ḫntš ỉb=k n mȝȝ=f
ntk ỉmy-r’ nỉw.t nṯr
ḥms ḥr ḥmr
mnʿ.t(?) m ỉry-ḫḫ=f
nṯr.w m dwȝ n ḥr=f
ḫr ḫfty
(r) ḫb.t
1 Receive the scimitar,451
strong and mighty,
your power is fierce against […]
[…] power,
it is placed in 2 his heart;
raging of […]
[…] for you [the floral crown?]452
burning of heart,
[beautiful(?)] of colors,
before your Ka,
3 good and excellent,
your heart rejoices to see it.
You are the divine mayor,
who sits upon the throne,
with a menat(?) upon his neck,453
before whom the gods worship;
while the enemy has fallen
(to) the chopping block.
The King
nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwgrtwr kysrs)|
5zȝ Rʿ
nb ḫʿ.w
(ȝtrynns nty-ḫwỉ)|
6twt ʿnḫ
n ḥry-ỉb ḫȝs.wt
ḫnty n nb qn
ḥm n nỉw.wt-nṯr.w(?)
sỉʿr wȝḥ ḫr ỉt=f
4 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
5 Son of Re,
Lord of Appearances,
(Hadrian Augustus)|
6 Living image
of He who is within the foreign lands;
Statue of the Lord of Victory,
servant of the divine cities(??),
who elevates the crown to his father.
7nṯr nfr
qn pr-ʿ
ỉṯ m gb.ty=fy
tqr pḥty
hrw dmḏ
bhȝ ṯȝy.w n dgȝ=f
tkn m[ṯwn?]
ṯz mȝḥ n ỉt=f
m ỉḫt nb=f
pr m wpy=f
m mȝʿ-ḫrw
(ʿtryn nty-ḫwỉ)|
7 The good god,
mighty, heroic,
who seizes with his arms;
fierce of strength,
on the day of combat;
men flee upon seeing him;
who enters the ba[ttlefield?]
who assembles the crown for his father,
with the materials of his lord;
who comes forth from his trial
in justification:
the son of Re,
(Hadrian Augustus)|
Khnum Lord of the Field
8ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ
nb sḫ.t
nsw.t nṯr.w
ḫnty ḥw.t-ỉt
nṯr ʿȝ ʿnḫ
ḥry nṯr.w nb.w
9ỉty pn nfr m gb.t
ḫsf pḏty.w
ḫbs ḫfty.w m ḥn.ty=f
nn ʿḥʿ m ḥzỉ=f
ỉỉ m ḥtp
10ḫʿỉ ḥr ns.t
ỉṯ wrr.t
ỉṯ tȝ.wy
m wpy=f ʿȝ
11dỉ=ỉ n=k wsr=k
mwt ḫfty.w=k
8 Words spoken by Khnum-Re
Lord of the Field,
King of the gods,
foremost of Temple of the Father,
great living god,
chief of all the gods.
9 This good sovereign in heaven,
who repels archers,
and slaughters enemies with his horns:
nobody can stand in his vicinity.
He who comes in peace,
10 and appears upon the throne in glory,
who seizes the double crown,
and seizes thw two lands
in his great wpy-festival.
11 I give to you your might
you are [justified] of voice,
your enemies are dead.
12ḏd-mdw n Nb.t-ww
nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
nṯr.t ʿȝ.t ḫnt.t sḫ.t
13tfn.t zȝ(.t) Rʿ
ỉr.t Rʿ
wbd(.t) sbỉ n ỉt=s
mḥ(.t)-ỉb n sn=s
14m ỉỉ=f m nb qn
nb(.t) wȝḏwȝḏ
snfr(.t) rnp[.w]
15dỉ=ỉ nḥ.t ḥȝ […]
[…] n ḫfty.w=f
m ẖr.t-hrw
12 Words spoken by Nebtu,
Lady of Esna,
great goddess within the Field.
13 Tefnut, daughter of Re,
Eye of Re,
who burns the rebels of her father.
Trusted companion of her brother
14 when he arrives as Lord of Victory.
Lady of verdure,
who makes fresh plant(s) beautiful.
15 I give protection around […]
[…] of your enemies,
in the course of every day.
Behind the Divinities
Šw ṯmȝ-ʿ
bȝ tkk
bṯ bṯn.w
ršw=f pw r’-ʿ-ḫt
b[..] zḫz ỉmỉ.tw bdš.w
nn rḫ ḥp.ty nt pḏ=f
ỉn=f st
m sqr.w-ʿnḫ.w
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb [sḫ.t]
[…] mȝʿ-ḫrw
ḫfty.w=f ḫr(.t) m ḫb.t
16 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Shu, valiant of arm,
raging Ba,
who seizes the rebels:
his delight is combat!
[…] who hurries between the disaffected,
the limits of his stride are unknown.
He captures them
as living prisoners.
Khnum-Re Lord [of the Field]
[…] justification,
his enemies are fallen to the chopping block.
Esna 351
- Location: Column 14
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: See also Tempeltexte 2.0
- Parallels: Esna 346, 23-26
NB: Inscription A contains many difficulties, most of which can be resolved by comparing the close parallels in description of festival proceedings in North Esna on Khoiak 1 in [Esn 346], as already noted by Sauneron 1968, p. 302. For that reason, of both hieroglyphic variants are reproduced here.

Anṯr nfr
nbỉ.t snsn(.t) nṯr
ḥnw.t ʿȝb.t wr
ḥnw.t wḏb
wdn=s ỉḫt
pr-nṯr r ỉfd.w=s
m nḏm-ỉb
ỉȝ.t ḏ
m ḫrwy.t=f
ʿȝ kȝ=f m ḥtp
ỉb=[f] m ỉhȝy
[Nb.t-ww-Mnḥy.t] wr.t
r ḫft-ḥr=k
ỉỉ=s n=k m šps.t
m ỉrw=s n nbỉ.t
ỉḏr=k ssw wʿ
ȝm ssw 2
pȝ ỉms wȝḏ(wȝḏ.w)
nḏm sṯỉ (rʿ)-nb
Nb.t-ww (?)
nb.t nfr.w
A The good god,
nbỉ.t-cow, who unites with the god (Khnum),455
Mistress of the great offering,
mistress of reversion offerings,
who consecrates things.
Per-netjer in all its four corners
is in happiness!
The (sacred) mound is sanctified
through his (Khnum’s) decree,456
his Ka is great in peace,
and [his] heart rejoices.
[Nebtu-Menhyt] the great
is before you!
She has arrived to you as the August one,
in her visible form of a nbỉ.t-cow.
May you seize the first day,
and grasp the second day!457
The dill is flourishing,
and the scent is sweet, every (day):
Nebtu (?),
Lady of good products.

Bnṯr nfr
nb sḫ.t
pr.w m mȝʿ-ḫrw
ẖnm=f sn.t=f tfn.t
m rn=s n Mnḥy.t-Nb.t-ww
ʿqȝ ḥr.w
n sn sn.t
m ḥb=sn nfr
n 4.nw n ȝḫ.t sw 1
pr-nṯr š
ḥw.t-ỉt m ḥb-ḥr-ḥb
sḫ.t nfr.t
m grg n wpy
ẖnmw nb qn rʿ nb
B The good god,
Lord of the Field,
has emerged in justification,
and unites with his sister, Tefnut,
in her name of Menhyt-Nebtu:
the faces align458
of the brother and sister
in their good festival
of IV Akhet day 1 (= Khoiak 1).
Per-netjer is made august,
Temple of the Father is truly festive,
and the Good Field
is overwhelmed with wpy-festival:459
Khnum, Lord of Victory, every day.
Esna 352
- Location: Column 14, base
- Date: Hadrian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: None.
Minor inscriptions: cartouches of Hadrian, name of Heka.