Column 13 (328-336)

Esna 328

nb sḫ.t
nṯr ʿȝ ḥry nṯr.w nb
twȝ p.t
sṯz ḥr zḫn.wt=f
r sš ȝḫ.t n bȝ=f

ỉr tȝ pn
qmȝ nty ḥr=f
m nḥp
ỉmy-rȝ šmʿ
n šmʿ-mḥw

A The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Field,
Great god chief of all the gods,
who lifts up heaven,
raised up367 upon his supports,
to open up the Akhet for his Ba.368

He who made this earth,
and created what is upon it
as the Potter.
Overseer of the Field369
throughout all Egypt.

nṯr wʿ ḫpr m snw
tȝ-ṯnn pw ḥnʿ bȝ.t
nḏ.t pȝwty-tpy
r zȝ-Ỉs.t

nḫt m pḏ.t=s
qn m šsr=s
nḥm(.t) Rʿ m sbỉ.w=f
N.t nb.t r’-(ʿ)-ḫt

B The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Sole god who transformed into two:370
that means Tatenen with the female Ba.
She who protects He who is more ancient
than the Son of Isis (Shemanefer).371

Strong with her bow,
mighty with her arrow,
who rescues Re from his rebels:
Neith, Lady of Combat.372

Esna 329

No inscriptions.

Esna 330

NB: This hymm is a continuation of Esna 252.

1ḥnw.t ḫnt-tȝ
nb(.t) sḫ.t-Rʿ
ḥr-ỉb ỉȝ.t-ṯȝ.wy
twȝ(.t) bnw ḥr psḏ=s

N.t wr.t sḫp(r.t) wnn.t
qmȝ(.t) wȝḥy
sʿnḫ(.t) zȝ=s Šw
m ḥḏ.w=s
šd.t zȝ=s
ḏȝỉs.w wr.w m-ẖnw ʿbȝ
snḫn(.t) [ḥʿw?]
2n Wsỉr nb ʿnḫ.t

1 Mistress of Khent-ta,
Lady of the Field of Re,
within the Nome of the Chicks,
who supports the earth373 upon her back.

Great Neith, who produces what exists,
who creates grain,
who enlivens her son, Shu
with her milk;
who nourishes her son
(and) the Great Djaisu within Aba;
who rejuvenates [the body?]
2 of Osiris, lord of Ankhet.


tw.t nb(.t) qn
m hrw sk
ṯȝy(.t) pḏ.t
ỉtḥ(.t) šsr
ṯtf(.t) ḏȝm.w n ẖȝk.w-(ỉb.w)

wr pḥty=s ḥr-tp pḏ.wt 9.t
ḫȝs.wt ḫr(.w) n bȝw=s

ỉṯ(.t) mr=s
m ḥqȝ ḫr nḥḥ
3m bỉk ḥr-tp srḫ

You are the Lady of Victory
on the day of combat;
who seizes the bow,
pulls out the arrows,
and overwhelms rebel troops.

Her strength is great over the Nine Bows,
and lands fall before her power.374

She who takes whomever she desires
as ruler for all eternity,
3 as the falcon atop the serekh.


tw.t nb.t p.t tȝ
mw.w ḏw.w
qfȝ=s qȝ.tw m ẖnw=w

You are the Lady of heaven, earth,
waters and mountains,
whose prestige is elevated among them.


tw.t nb.t stp-zȝ
mk(.t) nsw.t-bỉty
nḏ.t n mšʿ=f
zȝw(.t) tȝ.wy
ḫȝs.wt r-ȝw=s(n)

4mḥn.t wr(.t)
m-ḥȝ.t nṯr.w nṯry.t
qrḥ.t ʿnḫ.t
ḫwỉ(.t) tȝ pn

šzp=s ỉn nsw.t-bỉty m ḥʿʿ
m kȝwt n kȝ=s

gnš.n tȝ-ṯnn
r nb(.t) ḥḥ
m-ȝb bỉk n nb.w
nṯr ḥnʿ zȝ.t=f

You are the Lady of the Palace,
who protects ths King,
who guards his army,
who watches over the Two Lands
and all foreign lands in their entirety.

The great uraeus
before all gods and goddesses,
the living qrḥ.t-snake,
who protects this land.

The king receives her in jubilation,
as a supporter of her Ka.375

she who was confirmed by Tatenen
to be Lady of Millions,
alongside the Falcon of Gold:
(namely) the god with his daughter.376


tw.t ḫʿ.n nb
ẖr s.t-rȝ=s
pr wḏ nb ḫr=s
nn hb ʿḥ m-ḫm=s

You are she under whose authority
the king appears in glory;377
every decree is issued before her,
none enters the palace in her ignorance.


tw.t nb.t štȝ
ḥnw.t mnfty.w
nb(.t) rwḏ ỉȝbty
ḥnw.t Pwn.t

bʿḥ.tw n=s ḥw.t-bỉty
m sṯy=s
m ḏfḏf nt ʿnty.w wȝḏ
ḥr zmȝ.w 6n šnw=s

ṯnỉ ḏ.t=s
m ḥḏ.t
nb.t Hh ʿmw
ỉ n=s Ỉsdrn
nb(.t) Ršd Tfrr

qmȝ.n=s ʿȝ.t nb.t n mȝʿ.t
r ỉr(.t) kȝ.wt nb.w
nb.t nḏm-ʿnḫ
ḥnw.t ḫsbḏ mfkȝ.t mḫnm.t

You are the Lady of the Quarry,
Mistress of bracelets,
Lady of the Eastern Desert,
and mistress of Punt;

She for whom the Hut-Bity is flooded
with her scent,
as drops of fresh myrrh
upon the locks 6 of her hair.

Her body is distinguished with the white crown,
Lady of Heh and ’Amw,
for whom Isderen was made,
Lady of Reshed and Tefrer.

She created all precious stones,
in order to make all works;
Lady of nḏm-ʿnḫ-mineral,
Mistress of lapis lazuli, turquoise, and jasper.

Esna 331

7dwȝ nṯr.t tn
m ḏsr wr

p.t m ḥb
tȝ m mfkȝ(.t)
gs.w-pr.w sṯỉ(.w) m ṯḥn

nṯr.w m hy
nṯr.(y)t m hnw
ḥnmm.t m sns.w n ḥr=s

N.t ʿȝ.t wr.t
ỉr(.t) wnn.t
ḥr pẖr nỉw.t=s m ȝw.t-ỉb

wbn=s m ʿḥ=s
m ʿnḫ-ḏd-wȝs nb
Nw.t wr.t
8dr.n=s šnʿ
ḫsr.n=s ḥw.t
m ʿqȝ=s
wpš p.t
psḏ tȝ

nn.t wr.t
wṯz(.t) m gb.t=s
ỉr=s sšm ḥb
m snw n zp
m hrw 1 ḥb ʿḫỉ p.t

7 Praising this goddess
in great sanctity.
Words spoken:

The sky is festive,
the earth is turquoise,
the temples are strewn with faience.

The gods make hy-jubilation,
the goddess(es) make hnw-praise,
and the sunfolk worship before her.

Neith, the very great,378
who made what exists,
surrounding her city with happiness.

She shines from her palace,
with all ʿnḫ-ḏd-wȝs,
Great Nut
8 having repelled storm clouds,
and cleared away rain
from its area,
so that the sky lights up,
and the earth shines.

Great nether-sky (Nn.t),379
is supported in her recumbent form.
She directs a festival a second time
on the first day
of the Festival of Lifting up Heaven.

9ḫʿỉ tȝ-ṯnn
m zp snw
ḏ.t ḫ r ḥm=s
tȝ-ṯnn pw
2/3=s m ṯȝy
1/3=s m ḥmw.t
qmȝ(.t) st.wt
ḫrs(.t) kkw
ḥbs(.t) ỉtn
m šzp=s
ỉmn(.t) s(w)
10m-ẖnw ḏfḏ=s

wbn=s sḥḏ.n=s ḥḏḏ.w=s
(ḥr) rdỉ(.t) sỉȝ wʿ r snw=f
ḫʿỉ=s m ỉʿḥ
dr.n=s snk

Nw.t pw n.t ȝḫty
wbn=f ḥtp=f ỉm=s
ỉwty ỉḏrw=s
11nn rḫ ḥn.ty=s

wbn(.t) m šww
ḫʿỉ(.t) m ỉʿḥ
šzp.n=s ỉdb.w
m nfrw=s

ỉr.n=s nty
qmȝ.n=s wnn.t
(ḥr) wtṯ ỉḫt nb.w ʿnḫ

9 Tatenen appears,
a second time.
One calls her majesty ‘linear eternity’.380
She is Tatenen:
2/3 of her is male,
1/3 of her is female.381
She who creates rays,
who repels darkness,
who clothes the sundisk
in her radiance,
and who hides him
10 within her iris.382

As she rises, her bright rays illumine,
allowing one to perceive their fellow;
she also appears as the moon,
having driven away darkness.

She is Nut, of Akhty (Re),383
he rises and sets in her;
she is infinite,
11 and her limits are unknown.384

She who rises as the sun,
and appears as the moon,
having illumined the shores
with her perfection.

As she made what is,
so she created what exists,
begetting all living things.

p.t kȝ.tw r ḥm=s
šȝʿ.n=s tȝ.wy
12m sḫr.w=s
ỉr.n=s ỉḫt nb.w
m qmȝ.n ỉb=s

ḏȝỉ=s p.t
r-ḏr ỉb=s
zȝ=s Rʿ ḥʿʿ(.w)
ʿ.wy=f m ỉȝw
n nb(.t) nṯr.w
ḥr qmȝ sns
n mw.t=f wsr.t

[ms?]=s sw m 13ḥwnw
m dwȝw
Rʿ ḏs=f (ḥr) htt n kȝ=s

rnp=s bȝ ʿḥʿy
Ḥr-ȝḫty pw
ḥr swȝš nfrw=s

qn=s qn Ỉtm pw
ḥr snỉ-tȝ n ḥr=s

Her Majesty is called ‘Sky’.
As she began the two lands
12 through her plans,
so she made all things,
as the creation of her heart.

She sails across the sky
as her heart dictates.
Her son, Re, rejoices
before her.
His arms are in praise
to the Lady of gods,
creating praises,
for his mother, the Mighty.

She [births?] him as a 13 child
in the morning:
Re himself jabbers for her Ka.

Her young one, the Ba at Noon,385
(that means Harakhty),
worships her perfection.

As she is strong, so is Atum strong,
kissing the earth before her.

nṯr.w nṯry.t m ỉȝw zp-snw
14pȝwty.w-tpy m ks
n bȝw=s
psḏ.t ʿȝ.t mỉ qd=s
msḏ.t nḏs(.t) m wȝḥ-tp

ȝḫ.t wr.t
nn ỉgp ỉm=s
nb(.t) snḏ
sḥḏ.n=s tȝ.wy

nṯr.w rsty.w
wn(.w) m ks
15nṯr.w mḥty.w
m wȝḥ-tp
ỉmnty.w n=s m nyny
ỉȝbt(y.w) m ỉȝw zp-snw
ȝḫty.w ḥr dwȝ nfrw=s
bȝ.w ỉȝbty(.w) m hy zȝ-ṯȝ
nṯr.w ʿȝ.w dmḏ(.w) m zp
ḥr mȝȝ w.t=sn
nṯr nṯr.t

Gods and goddess are in praise!
14 The first primeval one are bent down
to her power;
the entire Great Ennead,
and the Lesser Ennead bow their heads.

The great Akhet,
with no storm-cloud in it;
Lady of fear,
having illumined the two lands.

The southern gods
are bent down;
15 the northern gods
bow their heads;
the westerners make nyny for her,
the easterners are in praise!
Those of the Akhet praise her perfection,
the Bas of the East make hy-zA-tA chants:
all of the gods are united together
beholding their mother,
both God and Goddess.

16nṯr wʿ (ḥr) ḏd n snw=f
ỉmy ỉr=n ỉȝw
n nb(.t) nṯr.w
sqȝ=n wr-šfy.t
ỉmy ỉr=n hnw
n nb(.t) mrw.t
sḥtp=n ʿȝ bȝw
m kȝr=s
ỉmy ỉr=n ỉhȝy
n 17ỉh.t
swȝš=n ỉb
n ḥnw.t p.t tȝ

ỉmy ỉr=n ȝbw
n mw.t-Rʿ
dhn=n tȝ
n ḥnw.t šmʿ-mḥw
ỉmy ḏsr=n tȝ
n šps.t wsr.t

ḏr ỉw=s m ȝḫ.t n.t p.t
ỉd.t=s 18m Pwn.t
ḫnm=s n ʿntyw
Rʿ.t psḏ(.t) m ḫʿỉ=s
wr smd.t=s
r smd.t n šmʿ mḥw

p.t ʿnḏ.n=s ḥw.t ʿȝ.t
nn twt=s m nṯr.t
nỉm [sy nṯr.t]
[snỉ] r qd=s

16 One gods says to his fellow:
Let us make praise
for the Lady of the Gods!
Let us elevate Great of Prestige!
Let us make hnw-acclaim
for the Lady of Love!
Let us pacify Great of Power
in her shrine!
Let us make jubilation (ỉhȝy)
for 17 the Ihet-cow (ỉh.t)!
Let us worship the heart
of the Mistress of heaven and earth.

Let us make dancing
for the Mother of Re!
Let us bow to the ground
for the Mistress of all Egypt!
Let us sanctify the ground
for the August and Mighty!

When she comes from the Akhet of the sky,
her scent 18 is of Punt,
her aroma is of myrrh:
Rayet, who shines when she appears,
her adornments are greater
than any adornments in Egypt.

The sky, which is scarce of great rains,386
no goddess equals her!
Who is [the goddess]
[who would even resemble] her form?

bȝq p.t m mȝwy
19n ỉr.ty=s
wbḫ mr.ty
n dgȝ=s
wỉȝ=s m nbw nfr
ṯḥn ẖkr.w
ʿȝ.wt n.w n mȝʿ.t

nṯr(.w) nb.w ʿḥʿ(.w)
m ỉry=f
ỉzy.t wỉȝ=s m ḥʿʿ
kȝr=s šps m ršw
ḥr ỉṯ 20n nb(.t)=f
nṯr.w ỉm=f m ṯḥḥ

The sky radiates with the rays
19 of her eyes,
the deserts light up
just from beholding her.
Her bark is of good gold,
sparkling of ornaments,
(of) all truly precious stones.

All gods stand up
to protect it;
the crew of her bark rejoices;
her sacred shrine is jubilant,
upon receiving 20 its Lady;
the gods in it are ecstatic.

Mr.t šmʿ
Mr.t mḥw
m ỉȝw zp-snw
bȝ.w P Nḫn m hnw
n bȝw=s
wỉȝ=s (ḥr) nʿy
nn wš
ḥr ḫdỉ ḫntỉ
m ḥw.t-N.t

tȝ-mrỉ 21ḏr=s
m ʿq
nṯr nṯr.t
wbn ḥr tp=sn
dgȝ ỉr.wt-nb.w m psḏ=s
bd tȝ.w nb.w
m ỉmȝw=s

psḏ wȝḏ=sn
nȝ nty m dwȝ.t
ḥʿʿ ỉmy.w ẖr.t-nṯr
n dgȝ=s

Meret of Upper Egypt,
Meret of Lower Egypt,
are in praise!
The Bas of Pe and Nekhen make hnw
for her power.387
Her bark travels on,
without fail,
going north and south
from the Temple of Neith.

The entirety 21 of Egypt
is in festival.
The god and goddess,
their lord,
who rises over their heads:
all eyes see from her shining.
All lands light up
from her radiance.

Their shrines are illumined,
(namely) those who are in the Duat.
Those within the Necropolis rejoice
from seeing her.

Esna 332

NB: This hymn continues from Esna 389

22(m rn=f pfy n) Ḏḥwty

Nwn wr
ỉwḥ ȝḫ(.t)
m rn=f pfy n Wsỉr

ỉỉ r nw=f
šm r tr=f
srwḏ.n=f šd.t
r dmḏy.t=s
r sḫp(r) pr.t nb.w
n qmȝ.n=f

ỉt n ṯȝ.w
mw.t n.t swḥ.t
(sʿnḫ??) gȝw-ḥty.t
n 23ỉmy.w ẖ.t ỉwr(.t)

qdỉ wtṯ m šȝʿ
ỉr ỉḫt nb.w
m qmȝ.n ỉb=f

dỉ ṯȝw r fnḏ(.w) nb.w
ʿnḫ m ȝm=f
mwt m ḫfʿ=f
smȝ sʿnḫ
ẖr s.t24-r’=f
p.t tȝ dwȝ.t
ẖr wḏ=f

22 (in this his name of) Thoth.

Great Nun,
who moistens the field,
in this his name of Osiris.

He who arrives at his time,
and goes away at his season,
having made the field blossom
at its time,
in order to produce all seeds
for those whom he created.

Father of the chick,
mother of the egg,
(who sustains?)388 the fetus (‘not-yet-breathing’)
of 23 those within pregnant wombs.

The builder, who begat in the beginning,
who makes all things,
through what his mind created.

He who gives air to all noses:
life is in his hand,
death in his grasp,
killing and enlivening
are under his 24 authority;
heaven, earth, and Duat,
are under his command.

wr bȝw=f
ʿšʿ (?)=f
nn thỉ n šȝʿ.n=f
wr šfy.t
ḥr ỉr(.t) mr=f
nn zp=f r nḥḥ

ẖmw n ỉb=f
m 25kȝ.wt nb.w
nn ḫ ʿ=f
rʿ nb

nfy ḥr nn
ntf ỉr=sn
nn kȝ.t nb m ḫm=f

p.t tȝ mḥ.tw
m nfrw=f
nṯr mnḫ m ỉnb-ḥḏ
sḫnt s.t=f 26m Wȝs.t
ḏ.t=f štȝ(.tw)
m ḥw.t-sr

nỉw.wt spȝ.wt nb.w
ʿpr(.w) ẖr sšm=f
grg.n=f tȝ pn
n zȝ=f Ḫr
nn spȝ.t šw(.tw) m rn=f wr

ḥtp ḥr=k nfr
n nsw.t-bỉty
nb tȝ.wy
nb ḫʿ(.w)
(ȝtryns ḫwỉ)|

His power is great,
his (?) is numerous,
what he began cannot be stopped.
Great of prestige
while doing what he pleases,
one can never approach his deeds.

The artisan of his heart
is in 25 all works;
one cannot stop his hand,
every day.

That and this,
it is he who made them,
there is no work without him knowing.

Heaven and earth are filled
with his goodness.
Beneficent god in Memphis,
who place is advanced 26 in Thebes,
whose corpse is kept secret
in the Temple of the Prince (Heliopolis).

All cities and nomes
are equipped with his sacred image,
since he populated this earth
for his son, Horus,
no nome lacks his great name.

May your good face be kind
to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
Son of Re,
Lord of Appearance(s),
(Hadrian Augustus)|!

Esna 332bis

27twt nb sḫ.t
ḥqȝ ww
ww=k pwy šww
nn k(y) rdỉ ḥnb.t

twt nb nṯr.w rmṯ.w
ỉr wnn.t
Ptḥ-Šw ḫpr m nsw.t tȝ.wy
m pr-wr=f m ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy
ỉty ḫʿỉ ḥr ns.t n nḥḥ
nb mȝʿ.t
ỉmy-rȝ nỉw.t=f 28ḏ.t

27 You are Lord of the Field,
Ruler of the agricultural district:
the very sunlight is your district!
nobody else apportions fields.

You are the Lord of gods and people,
who made what exists,
Ptah-Shu who became King of the Two Lands
in his Per-Wer shrine in Ankh-Tawy (Memphis);
Sovereign who appears on the throne of eternity;
Lord of Maat,
Overseer of his city 28, forever.389

twt Ỉrỉ-tȝ
ỉr ḥb.w-sd.w
ỉỉ.n nṯr nb ḥr-sȝ=f
ḥr pẖr-ns.t=f m ḫʿ-nfr
nn ḥb ʿḥ m ḫm=f

zȝ Rʿ
ỉwʿʿ mnḫ n Ỉtm
swḏ=f n=f ỉȝw.t=f
ḥr-sȝ ỉr.n=f ỉmỉ.t-pr
ḥr rn=f

You are Irita,
who makes Sed Festivals;390
every god came after him,
succeeding his throne in Kha-Nefer;391
nobody enters the palace without his knowledge.

Son of Re,
excellent heir of Atum,
to whom he granted his office,
after he made for him an inheritance document392
in his name.

Esna 333


1ḥnk sḫ.t n nb=s

[…] ḥnb.t=k r ḥp.ty
pḥ tȝš=k r wbn ỉtn
rsy.t=k 2ỉwn
mḥy.t=k wȝḏ-wr
ww ḥr ỉmnt.t=k ȝḫ.t
ḥr ỉȝbt.t=k qʿy.t
ʿ r-ḫft-ḥr=k

1 Presenting the field to its lord.

Your field [extends?] to the outer limits,
your territory reaches to the sunrise;
your south is 2 the pillar of air,
your north the Great Green sea;
the territory on your west is the field,
on your east the qʿy.t-land,
united together in your presence.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtkrtr k[ysrs])|
4zȝ-Rʿ nb ḫʿ.w
(ʿtr[yns ḫwỉ])|
5snn ʿnḫ n ỉmy-rȝ ȝḥ.t
ỉp ỉḫt-mn n [ỉt?]=f

6nṯr nfr
[ḥqȝ] r’-ww
[nw] ḏr [ỉȝ]ḫw
[ḥnk] n ỉt=f
m s.t-ỉb=f
bʿḥ pr=f
m kȝw nw sḫ.t[=f]
[ḥnb.t=f] Rʿ
ḏr hȝw p.t

nb ḫȝ-n-tȝ
([ʿt]ryns nty-ḫwỉ)|

3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator C[aesar])|
4 Son of Re, Lord of Appearances,
(Hadr[ian Augustus])|
5 Living image of the Chief of the Field,
who reckons the inhabited world for his [father?].

6 The good god,
[Ruler] of the agricultural region393
[from] as far as the shining sun;
[who offers] for his father
with his favorite thing;
who floods his domain
with provisions from [his] field;
[his portioned land is that of] Re,
for as long as the sky remains:

Lord of the thousand-Field,
([Had]rian Augustus)|

Khnum-Re Lord of the Field

7ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t
Šw [ṯmȝ-ʿ]
8[ḫnty] pr-nṯr
nḏty n ỉt=f
[dr bṯn.w=f]
9nb nrw
sḫm šfy.t
wsr pḥty
ṯȝy nṯr.w
10ḫbỉ rnp.wt ỉsfty.w

11dỉ=ỉ n=k ḫntš n tȝ nb
ṯḥ n ḥr=k

7 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of the Field,
Shu, [Valiant of arm]
[foremost of ] 8 Per-netjer,
Protector of his father
[who drives away his rebels],
9 Lord of fear,
10 great of prestige,
mighty of strength;
most macho of the gods,
10 who ends the years of the evil-doers.

11 I give to you the field of every land
scintillating before your face.


12ḏd-mdw n Nb.t-ww
nb(.t) sḫ.t ḥnw.t Ỉwny.t
13šps.t wsr.t ḫnt.t pr-ẖnmw
Rnn.t-wȝḏ.t 14ḥnw.t […]
srwḏ(.t) sm.w

15dỉ=ỉ ỉwr n=k ȝḫ.t
r dmḏy.t=s

12 Words spoken by Nebtu,
Lady of the Field, Mistress of Iunyt,
13 August and mighty within Per-Khnum,
Green Renenutet, 14 mistress […]
who makes plants grow.

15 I cause the field to ‘give birth’ for you
at its appointed time.

Behind the Divinities

nb sḫ.t
ḥqȝ ww
ỉwn srwḏ sm.w
ỉȝḫ ȝḫȝḫ šȝ.w ỉm=f
nb ʿnḫ sʿnḫ qmȝ.n=f

ỉỉ r nw=f
šm r tr=f
bʿḥ tȝ pn [m ḫʿỉ]=f
ḏsr s.t=f ḫnt sḫ.t

16 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Field,
Ruler of the agricultural district,
Pillar of air who makes vegetables grow;
Luminous one, through whom marshes flourish;
Lord of life, who enlivens what he created;

he who arrives at this time,
and goes away at his season,
who floods this earth [through] his [appearance]:
he whose place is sacred within the Field.

Esna 334

  • Location: Column 13
  • Date: Hadrian
  • Hieroglyphic Text
  • Bibliography: el-Sayed 1982, II, pp. 629-630 (Doc. 1017); Abdel-Rahman 2015, p. 52; see also Tempeltexte 2.0
  • Parallels: Esna VI, 484 (nearly identical, the basis of multiple restorations here)


1[mn n=t ỉwn.t]
mds=t šsr
ỉr ỉḏr.w [zȝ=t]
r ḫfty.w=f

1 [Take the bow],
and sharpen the arrow;
set the boundaries of [your son]
against his enemies.

The King

nb [tȝ.wy]
([ȝwtkrtr] kysrs)|
3(ʿdrʿns nty-ḫwỉ)|

4pḥty n=f
mỉ šps.t-wsr.t
ḫwỉ(.w) m [pḏ.t]
[ỉr] m ḏbʿ[=f]

2 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of [the Two Lands]
([Autokrator] Caesar)|
3 (Hadrian Augusuts)|

4 Unto him is strength,
like the August and Mighty one (Neith),
protected by the [bow],
[and acting] with [his] finger
5 […]

6nṯr nfr
snw n Rʿ
r zȝ-Ỉs.t
sgrḥ tȝ
dr bṯn.w=f
ḥqȝ ṯ(n)r
qn nḫt m ḫȝs.wt

ṯȝy (pḏ.t)
ỉtḥ šsr [n mw.t=f]
[N.t nb.t š]sr
ỉr sbỉ m tm-wn

nb nḫt
([ỉt]ryns nty-ḫwỉ)|

6 The Good God,
Second of Re
(even) more than the Son of Isis;394
who quiets the land,
and repels its rebels;
powerful ruler,
mighty and victorious in foreign lands.

He who seizes the (bow),
and draws out the arrow [of his mother],
[Neith, Lady of Ar]rows;395
who makes the rebel non-existent.

Lord of victory,
([Had]rian Augustus)|


7ḏd-mdw n N.t wr.t
mw.t-nṯr nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
tmȝ.t ḥr.t-tp
8ḫp(r.t) m ḥȝ.t
wbn(.t) m Nwn
sḥḏ(.t) tȝ m ḥȝy=s

nb(.t) ỉwn.t
9ḥnw.t šsr=s
ỉr zȝ.w-n=sn m wḏ=s

10dỉ=ỉ n=k sbỉ.w r=f
ẖr šsr[=ỉ]
[ḫfty] ḫr(.w)
nn wn=f

7 Words spoken by Neith the great,
Mother of God, Lady of Esna,
Mother and uraeus,
8 who came about in the beginning,
who arose from Nun,
and illumined the earth with her radiance.

9 Lady of the bow,
Mistress of her arrow:
the Guardian Deities act at her command.

10 I place those who rebel against you
beneath [my] arrows;
[the enemy] has fallen,
he is no more.


11ḏd-mdw n šmʿ-nfr
sḫm šps
pr 12m N.t
ḫfḫf nḫt
bẖ.n s(w) ỉh.t
13wbn m Nwn ḥnʿ mw.t=f
Rʿ ḥr-ỉb 14wp.t
n Mḥ.t-wr.t
nṯr wr m tȝ-š
ḥr-ỉb tȝ-sn.t

15dỉ=ỉ n=k qn nḫt
pḏ.wt 9.t ẖr ṯb.ty=k

11 Words spoken by Shemanefer,
august image
who emerged 12 from Neith;
mighty crocodile,
whom the Ihet-cow birthed,
13 who arose from Nun with his mother;
Re within 14 the horns
of Mehet-weret;
great god in the Lake396
within Esna.

15 I give to you might, victory,
and the Nine Bows beneath your sandals.

Behind the Divinities

nn ḥr-ḫw=s
wʿ.t nn snw=s
nh(.t) zȝ=s
dr(.t) bṯn.w=f
sḥr(.t) sbỉ.w ḥr=f ḥr mw

wn=s m zȝ=f rʿ-nb
N.t ḥȝ.t ỉr(.t) nḥḥ

16 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Mother of mothers,
all by herself;
the unique one, without her second;
she who protects her son,
and repels his enemies,
and drives away his rebels onto the water.

She is in his protection, every day:
Neith, the beginning who made eternity.

Esna 335

Anṯr nfr nb ʿnḫ
ḫnty sḫ.t=f
ỉwn wr
rdỉ ṯȝw n dwȝ=f

bȝ šfy.t-ḥȝ.t
m-m psḏ.t

qn m mr[.t]
nḫt m Nwn

ṯȝy ʿwn(.t)
smȝ bṯn.w
tȝ r-ḏr=f ẖr ḥry.t=f
wr bȝw
n šmʿ-mḥw

A The great god, Lord of life,
foremost of his field.
Great Iun-pillar,
who gives air to whomever praises him.

Ba, prestigious of face
among the Ennead.

Mighty in heav[en],397
victorious in Nun.

He who seizes the baton,
and slays the rebels:
the entire land is in fear of him,
greatest of Ba-power
across Upper and Lower Egypt.398

Bnṯr nfr wȝḏḏ(?) nfr
ḫpr (ẖr) ḥȝ.t
r-ḫt ḥm=s
bẖ(.t) ỉtn
ḫrs.n=f knḥ
m ỉrw=s n gb.t rʿ-nb

dỉ=s m ḥr.t=tp
m zȝ n ḥʿw=f
ḥʿʿ ỉb=f n mȝn=s

ẖnm=f s(y) m ȝw(.t)-ỉb
m rn=f n ẖnmw

mn=s ḥr tp=f
m rn=s n Mnḥy.t

B The good god, good wȝḏḏ-serpent(?) 399,
who came about in the beginning,
the primeval ones
are in her Majesty’s following.

She who birthed the sundisk,
as he dispelled darkness,
in her form of the firmament, daily.

She puts herself as a uraeus
in protection of his body,
he rejoices to see (mȝn) her.

He joins (ẖnm) with her in happiness,
in his name of Khnum (ẖnmw).

She remains (mn) upon his head,
in her name of Menhyt (Mnḥy.t=).400

Esna 336

Minor inscriptions: cartouches of Hadrian, name of Heka.