Column 4 (222-229)
Esna 222
- Location: Column 4
- Date: Domitian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: None
Aʿnḫ nṯr
sḏfȝ pr.w nṯr.w
mḥ ḫȝw.wt n bȝ.w wr.w
sḥtp nṯr šps
m mr=f
(ȝwtwkrtr gsrs)|
mry ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t
Live the god,
who provisions the gods’ domains,
who fills the altars for the great Bas,
who appeases the august god
with what he desires.
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
beloved of Khnum-Re Lord of the Field.
Bʿnḫ nṯr
sḥtp ỉb n ỉt=f
ḥkn kȝ=f
n pr ỉm=f
hr psḏ.t m ỉȝd.t-nṯr
(tmdyns ḫwỉ)|
mry ẖnmrw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
Live the god,
who appeases the heart of his father,
so that His Ka rejoices
because of he who came forth from him;
the Ennead delights from the divine scent.
Son of Re,
(Domitian Augustus)|
beloved of Khnum-Re Lord of Esna.
Esna 223
- Location: Column 4
- Date: Domitian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: None
Cartouches of Heka the child, with figures of Khnum and Horus Behedety.
Heka’s name is spelled:
2, 8 (snake = kȝ);
5, 11
Esna 224
- Location: Column 4
- Date: Domitian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1959, p. 73; Sauneron 1962, pp. 74, 81.
1ḥȝt-ʿ m
smn nḥp
ỉr(.w) m pr n
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
m ḥb pn nfr
ỉr(.w) m ȝbd 3 pr.t sw 1
ḏr nty ḥb Ptḥ pw
ʿḫỉ.n=f p.t m hrw pn
ḥb n nṯr nb nṯr.t nb.t
[ʿȝ nḏs]
2wn kȝ=sn ḥr wȝḥ ʿḫ n Rʿ
n ẖnmw ḥnʿ psḏ.t=f
m hrw pn
ḏsr ḥw.t-ỉt
ḥr nn
smȝʿ ʿȝb.t wr.w
m ỉḫt nb,w nfr
m t ḥnq(.t) kȝ.w ȝpd.w
ỉrp šdḥ bỉ.t ỉrṯ.t
dqr.w sm.w rnp.w nb.w
nn ḏr=sn
ỉr(.t) snṯr […]
3m pr r-ḏr=f
m-ḫnt=f m-rwty=f
1 Beginning of (the ritual)
of Installing the Potter’s Wheel,74
performed in the temple of
Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,75
in this good festival,
done in III Peret 1 (= Phamenoth 1).
Because this is the Festival of Ptah,
he lifted (ʿḫỉ) up the sky on this day.
Festival for every god and goddess
[great or sma]ll.
2 Their Kas erect the brazier (ʿḫ) of Re
for Khnum and his Ennead
on this day,
and the Temple of the Father is sanctified
because of this.
Presenting the great offering
consisting of all good things:
bread, beer, beef, fowl,
wine, spiced wine, honey, milk,
fruits, vegetables, all fresh plants
without limit.76
Burning incense [and …]
3 through the whole temple,
inside and outside.
Esna 225
- Location: Column 4
- Date: Domitian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1982, pp. 15-21, 59-62. See also Tempeltexte 2.0
3ỉr(.t) p(ȝ) wdn n ẖnmw
m hrw pn mỉ rʿ-nb
3 Performing the litany of Khnum
on this day like every day.
Words spoken:
wdn n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
m rn(.w)=f nb(.w)
ḥr-tp ʿnḫ-wḏȝ-snb
n nsw.t-bỉty
(pr-ʿȝ ʿnḫ(.w) ḏ.t)|
Offering for Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
in all his names,
in addition to the life, prosperity, health
for the King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
(Pharaoh, living forever)|
n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
qdỉ rmṯ.w
ms nṯr.w ʿ.wt nb.w
For Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
who built humans,
and birthed gods and all livestock
4n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
wtṯ nṯr.w rmṯ.w
ʿw.t nb.w
qmȝ pȝy.w ḥrr.w
ḥnʿ ỉmy.w-mw
For Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
who begat gods, humans,
all livestock;
who created birds, serpents
and all those within the water.
n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t
nb nṯr.w rmṯ.w
nʿš dnỉ.t
nb pḥty
ʿȝ mrw.t
wr bȝw n šmʿ-mḥw
For Khnum-Re Lord of the Field,
Lord of gods and humans,
fierce of cry,
lord of strength,
great of love,
great of power in all Egypt.
n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t
qdỉ 5wnn.t
rwḏ nb ḥr-sȝ tȝ
For Khnum-Re Lord of the Field,
who built 5 what exists,
and what flourishes on earth.
n ẖnmw-Rʿ ḥry s.t=f wr.t
ḥry-ỉb Ỉwny.t
kȝ sṯỉ
wtṯ nṯr.w rmṯ.w
For Khnum-Re upon his great throne,
within Iunyt;
ejaculating bull,
who begat gods and humans.
n ẖnmw-Rʿ ḥry s.t=f wr.t
ḥry-ỉb ḥw.t-bȝ.w
bȝ pḏ nmt.t
ḫnt sḫ.t=f
wtṯ ỉḫt nb.w
For Khnum-Re upon his great throne
within Temple of the Bas;
Ba, wide of steps
within his field;
Chief of agriculture,
who begat all things.
n ẖ[nmw-Rʿ …]
6m r’-ʿ.wy=f
For Kh[num-Re…]
6 with his handiwork.
n ẖnmw
qdỉ ḥr nḥp=f
grg spȝ.wt nb.w
m rn=f
For Khnum
who builds upon his wheel,
who populates all nomes
in his name.
n ẖnmw qdỉ
šȝʿ ʿnḫ n Km.t
For Khnum the builder,
Chief of the potter’s wheel,
who began life for Egypt
all by himself.
n ẖnmw nḥp
qdỉ m šȝʿ
p.t tȝ dwȝ.t
ẖr sḫr.w=f
For Khnum the Potter
who built in the beginning;
heaven, earth, and Duat
are under his designs.
n ẖnmw […]
[…] nṯr.w
7kȝ.t ʿ.wy=f
ỉr.wt nb.w
For Khnum […]
[…] the gods
7 the work of his hands
(is) everybody.
n ẖnmw
ḫnty ʿnḫ.w
nỉ ḥr=f r=sn
r tm rdỉ ws=sn
For Khnum,
foremost of the living,
he never goes away from them,
so they never lack anything.
n ẖnmw nb tȝ-sn.t
tȝ r-ḏr=f zȝ.tw r=f
nḥỉ=sn kȝ=f
swȝš=sn n ḥm[=f]
ḫbỉ n [bȝw=f]
nṯr[.w nṯry.t]
nb 8tȝ-sn.t
grg spȝ.wt nỉw.wt
For Khnum Lord of Esna,
the whole earth watches out for him:
as the beseech his Ka,
so they worship to [his] Majesty.
God[s and goddesses]
bow down to [his power].
Lord of 8 Esna,
his handiwork
is populating nomes and cities.
n ẖnmw nb Ỉwny.t
rdỉ ṯȝw n(?) wnn.t nb
ḫp(r)=sn ỉm=f
For Khnum Lord of Iunyt,
who gives air to(?) all that exists:
they exist through him.
n ẖnmw
qmȝ swḥ.t
sʿnḫ ṯȝ.w
ỉr nṯr.w
sḫp(r) rmṯ.w
wtṯ ỉḫt nb.w ʿnḫ(.w)
For Khnum,
who creates the egg,
and enlivens the chick,
who made the gods,
who produces humans,
and begets all living things.
n ẖnmw […]
[nn] kȝ.t nb
For Khnum […]
[there is] no work
which he is unaware of.
n ẖnmw
9qmȝ wnn.t
mȝṯ.n=f sḫr.w nb.w
m ỉb=f
For Khnum,
9 who created what exists.
He conceived all plans
through his mind.
n ẖnmw
kȝ ẖr ẖr.wy
ṯz ỉd.wt
qmȝ.n=f wnn.t nb
For Khnum,
bull with testicles,
who assembles wombs,
having created all that exists.
n ẖnmw
kȝ sṯỉ
ḥry ỉd.wt
ṯz ỉwʿ
sḫp(r) tȝ.wy
For Khnum,
the ejaculating bull,
who mounts the cows,
who binds together an heir,
and produces the two lands.
n ẖnmw
bȝ [ỉr mw] m qsw
For Khnum,
Ba [who makes semen] in bones.
[n ẖn]mw
10m swḥ.t ỉmn(.t)
r sʿnḫ ṯȝw
m-ẖnw štȝ.t
[For Kh]num,
[who provides] air
10 in the hidden egg,
to keep the embryo alive
within the womb.
n ẖnmw
ỉr šzp
m wȝ.t-kkw
ỉr zȝ mỉ ỉt=f
For Khnum,
who makes light
in the ‘path of darkness’,77
who makes a son like his father.
n ẖnmw
qdỉ qd.w
msỉ ms.w
rrỉ rr.w
For Khnum,
builder of builders,
birther of birthers,
nurse of nurses.
n ẖnmw
wn ỉr.ty
[wbȝ?] ʿnḫ.wy
wp ns.t nb
n […]
[nṯr wʿ]
ỉr sw m ḥḥ.w
11ỉr wnn.t nb
m r’-ʿ.wy=f
For Khnum,
who opens the eyes,
[who opens?] the ears,
and distinguishes every tongue
for/of […]
[Sole god]
who made himself into millions,
11 who made all that exists
through his handiwork.
n ẖnmw
wʿ wʿ.w
pr ḥḥ.w m kȝ.t=f
For Khnum,
truly singular,
but millions emerge through his work
every day.
n ẖnmw
nbỉ [sw] ḏs=f
kȝ.t=f pw
ỉr ỉḫt nb.w
For Khnum,
who fashioned [him]self,
making all things
is his job.
n ẖnmw
sḫm […]
ỉt ỉt.w
wtṯ nṯr.w rmṯ.w
For Khnum,
power […]
father of fathers,
who begets gods and humans.
n [ẖn]mw
qmȝ […]
For [Khn]um,
who created […]
12n ẖnmw
ḥmww n ỉb=f
ỉr wnn.t nb
r mḥ šnw n tȝ
12 for Khnum,
craftsman in his heart,
who makes all that exists,
to fill the circuit of the earth.
n ẖnmw
nfr tp.w-rd.w
mnḫ nt.w-ʿ
ỉr ȝḫ.w
n nṯr.w rmṯ.w
For Khnum,
good of regulations,
excellent of procedures,
who makes good things
for gods and humans.
n ẖnmw
ḥtp ḥr ỉr.n=f
For Khnum,
who is satisfied with what he made.
n ẖnmw […]
wḏ msḫn.t
m ḥḏ=f
For Khnum […]
who commands the birth-brick
from his shrine.
13n ẖnmw-Nḥb-kȝ.w
ỉt m šȝʿ
ỉr nn r-ȝw
13 For Khnum-Nehebkau,
the father in the beginning,
who made all of this.
n ẖnmw
šȝʿ ḫpr
nỉ ḫpr ḫpr.w
ḥḥ n ḥḥ.w pr=sn
For Khnum,
who started existence,
when nothing else existed;
millions of millions came forth
[n ẖnmw]
[…] ḥnʿ n.t
[For Khnum]
[…] with the water surface
n [ẖn]mw-ptḥ-tȝ-ṯnn
ḫnty ʿ-[rsy]
14qmȝ ḥmw.w
ḥry-[ỉb] ṯpḥ.t-ḏȝ.t
For [Khn]um-Ptah-Tatenen,
foremost of the [Southern] District,
14 who creates the artisans
with[in] the Blocked Cavern.
n ẖnmw-Ptḥ-tȝ-ṯnn
Nwn wr
ỉt nṯr.w
For Khnum-Ptah-Tatenen,
Great Nun,
father of the gods.
n ẖnmw
wbn m Nwn
ỉw tȝ m zmȝw
ỉr nty
qmȝ wnn.t
For Khnum,
who arose from Nun,
while the earth was in darkness,
who made what is,
and created what exists.
n ẖnmw-Ỉrỉ-tȝ
sḥḏ tȝ
m pr(.t)=f
For Khnum-Irita,
who illumines the earth
when he came forth.
n ẖnmw […]
[…] 15wr
pr m Nwn
pr ṯȝw m r’=f
mḥy.t m fnḏ=f
For Khnum […]
great 15 […]
who emerged from Nun,
air comes forth from his mouth,
and the north-wind from his nose.
n ẖnmw
ỉmn rn=f
r ms.w=f
sštȝ ḏ.t=f
r pr ỉm=f
For Khnum,
who hid his name
from his children;
who made secret his body
for those who came forth from him.
n ẖnmw-Ptḥ-Šw
qmȝ wnn.t
šȝʿ.n=f ṯȝw
nn r[…]
16sḏ ḫrw=f
nn mȝȝ.tw=f
For Khnum-Ptah-Shu,
who created what exists:
he began the wind
without […]
16 one hears his voice,
but he is not seen.
n ẖnmw
pȝ ỉwn ʿȝ wr šps
n mḥ ḥḥ.w
nty fȝỉ p.t
m r’-ʿ.wy=f
For Khnum,
the very great, august column of air,
of millions of cubits,
he who supports the sky
through his handiwork.
n ẖnmw-Ptḥ
ʿḫỉ p.t
Ḥḥ wṯz Nw.t
For Khnum-Ptah,
who lifts up the sky,
Heh who elevates Nut.
n ẖnmw […]
smn štȝ.t
m r’-ʿ.wy=f
For Khnum […]
who establishes the firmament
through his handiwork.
n ẖnmw
17ỉr p.t n ỉtn=f
ḥnʿ ms.w=f
For Khnum,
17 who made the sky for his sundisk,
along with his children.
n ẖnmw
ỉr tȝ n sḫm=f
ḥnʿ qmȝ.n=f
For Khnum,
who made the earth for his image,
along with those he created.
n ẖnmw
ỉr dwȝ.t n ḏ.t=f
ḥnʿ ḥtpty.w
For Khnum,
who made the Duat for his corpse,
along with the blessed dead.
n ẖnmw
bȝ ḏȝỉ p.t
pẖr ḥry.w ẖry[.w]
For Khnum,
Ba who sails across the sky,
encircling those above and below,
n ẖnmw
bȝ ʿȝ wr
18psḏ m ḥr.t
dgȝ ỉr.wt nb.w ỉm=f
For Khnum,
the very great Ba,
18 who shines in heaven,
so all eyes see through him.
n ẖnmw
ỉtn wr
wbn m ȝḫ.t
dgȝ ḥḥ.w
m ḥr=f nfr
For Khnum,
great sundisk,
who shines in the Akhet:
millions see
through his beautiful face.
n ẖnmw-Ptḥ
qmȝ swḥ.t
pr m Nwn
For Khnum-Ptah,
who created the egg,
which/who came emerged from Nun.
n ẖnmw
nb 30
ms […]
ms ḥmw.w
19r ỉr(.t) kȝ.t nb
m tȝ pn
For Khnum,
Lord of the 30 (creator gods),
who birthed […]
who birthed the artisans,
19 to make all works
in this land.
n ẖnmw-Ptḥ-Šw
ms nṯr.w
ẖnm ḥr.w-nb.w
ḥr nḥp=f
For Khnum-Ptah-Shu,
who birthed the gods,
who modelled everybody
on his potter’s wheel.
n ẖnmw-Ptḥ-Šw
nb rnp.wt
dpỉ ṯȝw fnḏ nb
For Khnum-Ptah-Shu,
Lord of years:
all noses breathe air.
n ẖnmw
ỉwn wr
wp p.t r tȝ
ʿnḫ n[ty nb?] ỉm=f
For Khnum,
the great column of air,
who separates sky from earth:
[all that] is(?) lives through him.
n ẖ[n]mw
Rʿ m nṯr.w
m mȝȝ st.wt=f
For Kh[n]um,
Re among the gods,
they live
from seeing his solar rays.
n ẖnmw
bȝ ʿȝ ʿnḫ
ḥry nṯr.w
nty m 4 ḥr.w
ḥr nḥb.t wʿ.t
For Khnum,
great living Ba,
chief of the gods,
who has four heads
upon one neck.
n ẖnmw
bȝ ʿȝ
wr štȝ.t
šfy.t ḥȝ.wt
r nṯr.w nb(.w)
For Khnum,
great Ba,
great of mystery,
more prestigious of face
than all the gods.
n ẖnmw
bȝ šfy.t
ḥqȝ ḥqȝ.w
For Khnum,
august Ba,
ruler of rulers.
n ẖnmw
[…] nfr
[…] n ỉr[.t] nb
For Khnum,
good […]
[…] for everybody.
n ẖnmw
ẖnm nfrw
r tr=f
For Khnum,
who endows goodness
at his time.
21n ẖnmw
sḫn rnp.wt n ỉtn
r ṯz tȝ
n nsw.t-bỉty
21 For Khnum,
who grants years of his sundisk,
to rule the earth,
for the King of Upper and Lower Egypt.
n ẖnmw-Ỉmn
snḏm m nỉw.t=f
hr m pr=f
For Khnum-Amun,
who dwells in his City,
who is happy in his domain.
n ẖnmw nb Ỉm.t
qdỉ swḥ.t nb(.t) rʿ-nb
r tm šw tȝ
m pr.t=f
For Khnum Lord of Imet,
who builds every egg, daily,
so the earth is never devoid
of his seed.
n ẖnmw nb Ỉm.t
pr m Nwn
22nỉ ḫpr wnn.t
For Khnum Lord of Imet,
who emerged from Nun,
22 when what exists did not exist.
n ẖnmw-Nwn
sḫpr tȝ
ỉr ỉḫt nb(.w)
m qmȝ.n ỉb=f
For Khnum-Nun,
who produced the earth,
who makes all things
through what his mind created.
n ẖnmw ỉr šʿ
sḫp(r) ỉnr
r ḫwzỉ ḥw.wt-nṯr.w
n nṯr.w nṯ
For Khnum who makes sand,
and produces stone,
to construct temples
for gods and goddesses.
n ẖnmw nb Wp.t(-tȝ)
kȝ sṯỉ
ḥqȝ ỉdb.w
ṯz ṯb.ty=f
r sḫỉ Nwn
For Khnum, Lord of Wepet(-ta),
ejaculating bull,
ruler of the shores,
who lifts up his sandals
to elevate the Nun waters.78
n ẖnmw ḫnty ḫnt-tȝ
23sr ỉw ḥʿpỉ
m ḫrw=f
mỉty gsgs nwy
For Khnum, foremost of Khent-ta,
23 ram, at whose voice
the Inundation arrives.
The statue(?)79 who regulates the flood.
n ẖnmw-Nwn
[ỉỉ] r ỉwḥ ȝḫ.t
ỉgb.n=f ỉdb.w
m wȝḏwȝḏ
For Khnum-Nun,
[who comes] to moisten the field,
having flooded the shores
with verdure.
n ẖnmw
srwḏ tȝ m rwḏ=f
sḫp(r) kȝ.w ḏfȝ.w
m r’-ʿ.wy=f
For Khnum,
who makes the earth grow
with his growing;
who produces food and provisions
through his handiwork.
24n ẖnmw nb sḫ.t
ḫnty ww
sḫp(r) ỉḫt nb.w
m sḫr.w=f
24 For Khnum Lord of the Field,
foremost of the agricultural district,
who produces all things
through his designs.
n ẖnmw
ỉr šȝ.w
sḫp(r) sm.w
r sḫp(r) pr.t nb.w
n qmȝ.n=f
For Khnum,
who makes plants,
who produces vegetables
to produce all seeds,
for those he created.
n ẖnmw
nb wḏb
ỉr ȝḥ(.t)
wp tȝš
n nṯr nb n=f
For Khnum,
Lord of Agriculture,
who makes the field,80
and separates the territory
of every god in it.
n ẖnmw
nb ww
bỉk nṯry
nb šmʿ-s
25ḥqȝ mḥw-s
For Khnum,
Lord of the agricultural domain,
divine falcon,
lord of the white crown,
25 ruler of the red crown.
n ẖnmw-Šw
zȝ Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
ỉmȝ-ỉb ḫr nṯr.w
For Khnum-Shu,
Son of Re, Lord of Esna,
gracious before the gods.
n ẖnmw-Šw wr
zȝ ỉtm
nb ḥzw.t
ʿȝ mrw.t
For Khnum-Shu the great,
son of Atum,
lord of praise,
great of love.
n ẖnmw
ṯȝw n Rʿ
pr m fnḏ=f
ḫp(r) m ḥȝ.t
m Ỉtm
For Khnum,
child of Re,
who came forth from his nose,
who came about in the beginning
as Atum.
n ẖnmw
nṯr ʿȝ wr
ḫp(r) m zp tpy
ḫp(r) nṯr nb ỉm=f
For Khnum,
the very great god,
who came about in the first moment,
every god came about from him.
n ẖnmw-Šw
ḫnty Ỉwny.t
26ḏfn mnḫ
nb ḥw.t-ỉt
For Khnum-Shu,
foremost of Iunyt;
26 beneficent ancestor,
Lord of the Temple of the Father.
n ẖnmw-Šw
ḫnty pr-nṯr
nḏ n ỉt=f
dr bṯn.w=f
For Khnum-Shu,
valiant of arm,
foremost of Per-netjer,
avenger of his father,
who repels his rebels.
n ẖnmw ḫfḫf
nʿš dnỉ.t
ʿȝ pḥty
ḫnty š=f
For Khnum the crocodile,
fierce of roar,
great of strength,
foremost of his lake.
n ẖnmw pȝ mnhs
ʿȝ hmhm(.t)
nḫt ḫrw
For Khnum the guardian lion,
great of battle cry,
mighty of voice.
n ẖnmw
sḫm šfy.t
nb ḏw.w
ḥqȝ nw.w
For Khnum
27 the wild-mouthed crocodile,
mighty of prestige,
lord of mountains,
ruler of the waters.
n ẖnmw ȝm
wr hmhm.t (ḥr) ḏw.w
rw ʿȝ
ỉwty pḥ=f
For Khnum the lion,
great of cry (in) the mountains,
great lion,
who cannot be attacked.
n ẖnmw
wr bȝw
ʿȝ šfy.t
nṯr qn m sk
For Khnum,
great of power,
great of prestige,
mighty god in combat.
n ẖnmw
ṯȝy 28ḫ.t n sḫ.t
pḏ nmt.t
m-sȝ ky.w
For Khnum,
who carries 28 a stick of the field,81
wide of steps
pursuing the enemies.
n ẖnmw
ḥbs ḥr=f
r tm ʿn
m 2/3 n 3 šmw
For Khnum,
who covers his face
lest he be too pleasant,82
on 2/3 of III Shomu (= Epiphi 20 ).
n ẖnmw
spr=f nỉw.t=f
m pḥwy rnp.t
mȝȝ m-sȝ=f
r p(ȝ) wḫȝ n rsy
For Khnum,
he reaches his city
at the end of the year…
(After this look
to the column to the south).
This hymn continues in Esna 232.
Esna 226
- Location: Column 4
- Date: Domitian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, p. 81 (partial); see also Tempeltexte 2.0
1smȝʿ ʿȝb.t
ỉr(.t) wdn n ỉt=f
1 Presenting the large offering,
performing the litany for his father.
The King
(ȝwtwkrtwr kysrs)|
3zȝ-Rʿ nb ḫʿ.w
(twmṯyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
5[nṯr nfr]
wtṯ n ẖnmw
nbỉ m ʿ.wy=fy
smȝʿ ʿȝb.t ʿȝ.t
ỉr wdn n ỉt=f
kȝp pr=f m sṯy
m ḥb=f nfr n […]
[…]=k nn ȝb
nb wnḏ.w
(tmdyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
2 King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands
(Autokrator Caesar)|
3 Son of Re, Lord of Appearances
(Domitian Augustus)|
4 […]
5 [The good god],
begotten of Khnum,
fashioned with his hands:83
he who presents a large offering,
who performs the litany for his father,
who censes his temple with scent,
during his good festival of […]84
[…] your […] without fail.
The Lord of offerings,
(Domitian Augustus)|
Khnum-Re Lord of [Esna]
6ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb [tȝ-sn.]t
Ṯnn ḫnty ʿ-rsy
7ỉt m šȝʿ
qdỉ rmṯ.w ỉr nṯr.w
ẖnm ḥr.w-nb.w
ḥr 8nḥp=f
pẖr swḥ.t m swḥ
swḏȝ qmȝ.n=f
m ẖ.wt nb.w
9dỉ=ỉ n=k bw nb […]
6 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of [Esna]
Tatenen, foremost of the Southern District.
7 Father in the beginning,
who built people, and made the gods,
who modelled everybody
upon his potter’s wheel.
He who surrounds the egg (swḥ.t) with air (swḥ),
and keeps healthy those he created
in every womb.85
9 I give to you all places […]
10[ḏd-mdw n] Mnḥy.t wr.t
nb(.t) ḫnt-tȝ
[…] 11[…]
mḥn.t ḥr tp n nṯr nb.w
nn nṯr mḥn=f [s]w ḥr [t]p=s
12dỉ=ỉ n=k Pwn.t
ẖr ỉmy=f
tȝ.wy ḫȝs.wt
ḥr fȝỉ n=k ỉḫt=sn
10 [Words spoken by] Menhyt the Great,
Lady of Khent-ta
[…] 11 [..]
who coils atop the head of all gods,
no god would coil upon her [he]ad.
12 I give to you Punt
bearing what is in it;
the two lands and foreign countries
carrying their products to you.
Behind the Divinities
13[qdỉ rmṯ.w]
ỉr nṯr.w
sḥḏ tȝ wn(.w) m snk.t
nhp ḥr.w-nb.w
r sfsf ȝw
[ṯȝw n (?)] ʿnḫ
ẖnm ỉd.wt
grg tȝ m ỉr.n=f nb
ʿnḫ=sn n pr ỉm=f
ẖnmw ỉt m šȝʿ
13 [He who built humans],
and made the gods86,
who illumines the land that was in darkness.
Every body wakes up early
to present offerings […]
[Breath of (?)] life
who unites with wombs,
who settles the earth with all he made,
they live from what comes forth from him:
Khnum, the Father in the Beginning.
Esna 227
- Location: Column 4
- Date: Domitian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: el-Sayed 1982, II, p. 619, Doc. 1000; see also Tempeltexte 2.0
mn n=ṯ ỉḫt nb nfr
fȝỉ=ỉ tw=w n kȝ=ṯ
2ỉw=w wʿb(.w)
ḥtp.w ḏfȝ.w nn ỉḏr=sn
ʿnḫ nṯr.w rmṯ.w m zp=sn
1 Lifting up offerings.
Words spoken:
Receive all good things,
I lift them up to your Ka,
2 they being pure.
Offerings and provisions without limit,
gods and people live from their leftovers.
The King
nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtwr kysrs)|
4zȝ-Rʿ nb-ḫʿ.w
(twmṯyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
5zȝ N.t
ḥry-ns.t n […]
ḥr s.t-Ḥr
ḫnty ʿnḫ.w
ʿn-ḥr ẖr ḏfȝ.w
dwn ʿ.wy=fy ẖr šb.w
n mw.t nṯr.w
[ḥfn.w ḥḥ.w] ḏbʿ.w
ḫȝ.w mḏ.w
nb ḏfȝ.w(?)
(tmdyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
3 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 Son of Re, Lord of Appearances,
(Domitian Augustus)|
5 Son of Neith,
successor of […]
6 […]
upon the throne of Horus,
foremost of the living;
graceful of face bearing provisions,
who extends his arms bearing offerings
for the Mother of the Gods
[Myriads, millions], tens of thousands,
thousands, hundreds, and tens.
Lord of provisions(?)
(Domitian Augustus)|
7ḏd-mdw n N.t wr.t
mw.t-nṯr nb(.t) tȝ-sn.t
štȝ.t 8ʿȝ.t
šȝʿ(.t) ḫp(r) m ḥȝ.t
wbn(.t) [m Nwn]
ỉw tȝ 9m zmȝwy
wpš(.t) tȝ.wy
m mȝwy 10n ỉr.t=s
ỉr(.t) ẖr.wt n ḥr.w nb.w
11dỉ=ỉ n=k ḥtp[.w]
nỉ rḫ ṯnw=sn
7 Words spoken by Neith the great,
Mother of God, Lady of Esna,
the great 8 Mysterious one,
who began existence in the beginning;
she who are [from Nun]
while the earth 9 was in darkness,
and illumined the two lands,
with the rays 10 of her eye.
She who makes food for everybody.
11 I give to you offering[s],
whose count is innumerable.
12ḏd-mdw n [ḥkȝ pȝ] ẖrd
ʿȝ wr tpy n ẖnmw
ḥwnw 13nfr
bnr mrw.t
nb wʿ
nn mỉt.t=f
štȝ ḫprw
wḥm msḫʿ.w rʿ-nb
ḥʿʿ.tw n mȝȝ=f
bʿḥ tȝ.wy m nfrw=f
15nb ʿnḫ
dỉ n mr=f
nṯr ʿȝ ḥr-ỉb tȝ-sn.t
16dỉ=ỉ n=k Km.t bw-gm
ẖr ỉḫt=sn
pḏ.t 9.t dmḏ(.w)
ẖr ṯb.ty=k
12 Words spoken by [Heka the] child,
the very great, first-born of Khnum,
the good 13 youth,
sweet of love;
the sole lord,
without his equal;
mysterious of forms,
who repeats births,
14 rejuvenating daily;
one rejoices to see him,
he who floods the lands with his goodness;
15 lord of life,
who give to whomever he likes:
great god within Esna.
16 I give you Egypt and Bugem (Nubia),
bearing their goods;
the Nine Bows are joined together
beneath your sandals.
Behind the Divinities
17[…] pȝwt(.t)
nn wn ḥr-ḫw=s
wbn(.t) m Nwn
ỉw tȝ m zmȝwy
mḥ(.t) p.t tȝ
m nfrw=s
grg(.t) ḥw.wt-nṯr.w
ẖr ʿḫm.w=sn
wn(.t) pr=s
r rdỉ(.t) ḥtp.w-nṯr.w
sḥb r-pr.w
m ỉḫt=s
N.t štȝ.t ʿȝ.t
17 […] primeval,
there was nobody but her;
she who arose from Nun,
while the earth was in darkess,
and filled heaven and earth
with her beauty.
She who populated the temples
with their divine effigies,
who opened her domain
to give divine offerings
and to make temples festive
with her products:87
Neith, the great Mysterious one.
Esna 228
- Location: Column 4, lower bandeau
- Date: Domitian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: None
The King (north)
(ȝwtwkrtwr gysrs)|
ʿnḫ.w-ḏt mỉ Rʿ
The King of [Upper] and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|,
living eternally like Re.
Khnum (north)
qdỉ nfy nḥp nn
m rn=f wr
ḫnty Ỉwny.t
B […]
who built this and modelled that,
in his great name
within Iunyt.
Esna 229
- Location: Column 4
- Date: Domitian
Hieroglyphic Text
- Bibliography: None
Minor inscriptions: cartouches of Domitian, name of Heka.