Column 10 (282-297)

Esna 282

Aʿnḫ nṯr nfr
ḫʿ.tw ḥr ns.t=k
mỉ Rʿ sḥḏ tȝ.wy
ỉʿḥ pẖr p.ty=fy
smn=f nt-ʿ m Ỉwny.t

nb ḥb.w
(ỉwtgrtr gysrs)|
(mry) ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t

A Live the good god:
You appear upon your throne,
like Re who illumines the two lands,
and the moon who encircles the heavens,
as he establishes rituals in Iunyt.

Lord of festivals
(Autokrator Caesar)|
(beloved of) Khnum-Re Lord of the Field.

Bʿnḫ nṯr nfr
ṯḥn mỉ Ḥr
m nswy.t= ʿȝ.t
smn(.w) ḥr ns.t n Rʿ
ḥqȝ.n=k tȝ.wy
m mȝʿ-ḫrw

(tmdyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
(mry) ẖmnw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t

B Live the good god,
excellent like Horus
in a long kingship,
established upon the throne of Re,
you having ruled the two lands
in justification.

Lord of appearances
(Domitian Augustus)|
(beloved of) Khnum-Re Lord of Esna.

Esna 283

Cartouches of Heka, with figures of Khnum. Conventional spellings.

Esna 284

1ỉr m-ḫt wnw.t 3.t
ỉỉ(.tw) m hrw
nỉs n ỉmy-p.t
swʿb ỉn ḥm.w-nṯr.w
m š wʿb n r-pr pn
ỉỉ m ʿbw

nỉs nty-ʿ n ḫʿ
ỉn ẖry-ḥb ḥry-tp

sr nṯr ḏsr wȝ.t
ỉn p(ȝ) sš mḏȝ.t-nṯr

sḫʿ nṯr pn šps
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
m ḥḏ=f r rwty

1 Now after the third hour
has arrived in the day,
the star-watching priest announces (it);
the prophets are purified
in the sacred lake of this temple,
and arrive in purity.

Recite the ritual of appearance
by the Chief Lector Priest.

Announce the god, sancitfy the path,
by the Scribe of the God’s Book.

Procession of this august god,
Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
from his shrine to the outside.

rmn nḥp ẖr-ḥȝ.t=f
ỉn ḥȝty-ʿ wr
šm ỉmỉ.tw bqnqn.w
ẖnm ỉtn
ỉn nṯr pn ʿȝ

ỉsk wʿ nb ḥr ỉrw=f
wr.wy mȝȝ m mr.t
nn wbȝ.tw ỉmn.w

wr.wy ḏsr ḥm=f n bỉȝ.t
ẖnm=f pr=f
3m-m šms.w=f

ḥtp ỉn ḥm n nṯr pn
ẖr hȝy(.t)
m ʿq pr=f
nfry.t r wnw.t 9.t
m tpy n.t 3.nw n pr.t

Carrying the potter’s wheel before him
by the Great Governor;254
travel among the guardian deities,255
union with the sundisk,
by this great god.

Meanwhile everybody performs their role.
How great is it to behold in the streets!
But without revealing any hidden parts.

How great is the sanctity of his Majesty
while on the sacred road,
until he unites with his temple
3 among his follower.

This god comes to a stop
underneath the kiosk;
do not enter his temple
until the 9th hour
of III Peret 1 (= Phamenoth 1).

smn nḥp=f
ẖr ʿ n ỉfdw=f
n bw nb wnn=f ỉm

zȝ.tw r=f
r rdỉ(.t) rwỉ=f r=f
ḥr-nty qmȝ.n=f grg-tȝ ỉm=f
4ḥ ḥr=s wr zp-snw

nṯr pn pw
grg tȝ m kȝ.t=f
Ptḥ pn
qmȝ ḥmw.w
ḥry-ỉb ṯpḥ.t-ḏȝ.t

Set up his potter’s wheel
in each of his four corners,
of all place where he might be.

Be very careful,
lest it slip away from him,
because he created -
populating the earth - by means of it.
4 Avoid it very greatly!

For he is this god,
who populates the earth through his work,
this Ptah,256
who creates the artisans
within the Blocked Cavern (of Memphis).

ỉ ḥtp kȝ=f
ẖr hȝy.t ḥr rn=s
ỉw wn=f ẖr ḥr.t
m zp tpy
Šw pw nty ẖr=s
m ḫprw=f pfy n Ḥḥ

5ỉw bȝ=f m bỉȝ.t
ḥr ʿḫm=f n tȝ
ḫnỉ ḥm=f ḥr bs=f
n-mrw.t grg tȝ pn

His Ka then rests
beneath the aforementioned kiosk,
since he was once under the sky
in the First Moment.
It is Shu who is under it (the sky)
for the limits of eternity,
in his manifestation of Heh.

5 His Ba arrives from the sky,
upon his terrestrial image,
his Majesty alights upon his statue,
from the desire to populate this earth.

wn=f m s.t=f
ḥr qdỉ rmṯ.w
(ḥr) ỉr(.t) ỉḫt nb

ḥʿʿ ḥry-mk.t=f
ḥr mȝȝ bw-nfr
rwḏ ʿ.wy=f
m nbỉ swḥ.t ḥr nḥp=f

qd.n=f rmṯ.w
6ms.n=f nṯr.w

sṯnỉ.n=f nsw(.t) m ẖ.t
ḥr sšm=f
n-mrw.t sḥn n=f ỉḫt-mn
r-ʿ nḥḥ
nỉ r=f
m rn=f n zȝ-Rʿ
(tmtyns ḫwỉ)|

He is on his throne,
building humans,
and making all things.

His heart rejoices
to see goodness;
his hands are firm
fashioning the egg upon his wheel,
every day.

As he modeled humans,
6 so he birthed gods.

He distinguished the king in the womb,
guiding him,
in order to confer the world to him,
to the limit of cyclical eternity.
He is called
by his name of Son of Re,
(Domitian Augustus)|,
his beloved.

sḫʿ nṯr.w nty ḫʿỉ
ḥnʿ nṯr pn
ḥr ỉr(.t) ỉrw=sn
n ỉr(.t) [qȝ?] šfy.t=f
ỉw psḏ.t=f ḥtp(.w)
ḥr wnmy ỉȝbty n nṯr [p]n
7ḥr-sȝ ẖnm ỉtn

Procession of the gods who appear
alongside this god;
performing their rites,
of making [great?] his prestige;
his Ennead rests
to the right and left of [th]is god,
7 after the union with the sun disk.

ỉr ỉw wnw.t 4.t m hrw
ỉỉ.ḫr ỉmy-p.t
n pr pn
nỉs.n=f ḥm.w šnʿ
ḫrp ḥtp.w-nṯr.w fȝỉ ỉḫt
m ḫft-ḥr n nṯr pn
m t-nfr dnỉ.t ʿšȝ
ḫȝḫ pz dnỉ.t ʿšȝ

8ʿtḫ.w(?) ẖr ds nt ḥnq.t
ds ỉrp qby tỉrṯ.t
ḥʿw n stp.w
m-dỉ ỉ rnp.w
mzy.w ʿšȝ
sm.w ḥtp.w

Now when the 4th hour of the day comes,
then the sky-watching priest
of the temple arrives;
he summons the servants of the storehouse:
consecrating offerings, elevating food
in the dromos of this god,
consisting of many baskets of good bread,
many baskets of khakh-bread and pez-bread.

8 The brewers(?) bring jugs of beer,
jugs of wine, situlae of milk,
meet from choice cuts;
and257 they bring fresh plants,
numerous bouquets,
vegetables and plant offerings.

ỉmy-p.t ẖr-ḥȝ.t=sn
ḥr sʿš m mrỉ.t nb
n.t ḥw.t-nṯr

ỉw ỉmy-rȝ ḥz.w
9m-sȝ ỉmy-p.t
ḥr šzp dḫn.w

ỉw kȝr.w ẖr rnp.w mzy.w
ḥr-sȝ dḫ(n).w

ỉw fȝỉ-mhr ẖr qby.w n ỉrṯ.t
ḥr-sȝ kȝr.w

ỉḥ.w ỉpn
m-dỉ ỉ ḥr-sȝ [fȝỉ-mhr]

mn[..] ʿnḫ.w
m-dỉ ỉ mnḥ[wy.w] nn
10ẖr ʿ n stp.w

The sky-watching priest is before them,
calling out in every avenue
of the temple.

The Overseer of Singers
9 is after the sky-watching priest,
conducting the musicians.

Gardeners carrying fresh plants and bouquets
are after the musicians.

The situla-holder
carrying jugs of milk,
is after the gardeners.

These animals
they are brought after [the situla-holder].

Living […]
then the butch[ers] are brought
10 carrying limbs of choice cuts
after them.

ḥm-nṯr ẖr sḥtpy
ḥr swʿb m snṯr

wdpw ẖr qby.w nty ỉrp

ʿtḫ.w(?) ẖr ds nty ḥnq.t

dnỉ.t ẖr ḫȝḫ
m-ʿ ḥm.w šnʿ

dnỉ.t ẖr t-nfr
mʿ ḥm.w šnʿ

A prophet carrying a censer
purifies with incense,
after them.

A waiter with jugs of wine
after him;

brewers(?) with jugs of beer
after him.

Baskets with khakh-bread
held by servants of the storehouse
after him.

Baskets with good bread
held by servants of the storehouse
11 after him.

ẖry-ḥb ḥry-tp
sẖkr.w m ỉns wȝḏ
ỉwn n ȝbw ḥr=f
mnỉ.t n.t nbw r ḫḫ=f
m tp n šfy.t
mḏḥ(.w) m šw.t nỉȝ
m tp=f
qnỉ ḏȝỉ.w ḥr rmn=f
ȝms ḥby.t
m ʿ.wy=f
ḥr nỉs 12dbḥ.w ḥtp.w
ḥr-sȝ=sn ȝw.w

ntf sšm=sn
ỉs ỉmy-r’ gs-pr
n pr pn
sd.(w) m sd=f
ḏsr m-ʿ=f
ḥr ḫrp ỉȝwty.w ỉpn

The Chief Lector Priest,
adorned in red and green cloth,
a leopard skin draped over him,
a golden menat around his neck,
with an ornamental ram’s head,
crowned with ostrich plumes
on his head,
a sash fastened on his shoulder,
the ȝms-scepter and festival papyrus
in his hands,
reciting the offering requests
after all the others.

It is he who leads them,
that is the Overseer of the Temple
of this temple,
clothed in his outfit,
a ḏsr-scepter in his hand,
conducting these functionaries.

ỉ (ḥr) ỉr(.t) qd pn
zp fdw
fȝỉ ỉḫt
zp fdw
šzp ỉḫt ʿšȝ bnr
m ḫft-ḥr n nṯr pn
m r’ n hȝy.t

ḥr ḥtpw ʿȝ wʿb
m ḫft-ḥr
n nb-nḥp
sḏfȝ ḫȝ.wt
m ỉḥ.w ȝpd.w
ỉm-ḥḏ gḥs.w
ṯȝy n nỉȝ.w

qȝḥ-ʿ m ỉḫt nb.w nfr
n kȝ n nb Ỉwny.t
m-ʿb psḏ.t=f

One performs this circuit
four times;
elevate offerings
four times;
receive numerous, sweet offerings
on the dromos of this god
at the door of the kiosk.

13 Great composite offering
upon the great, pure offering altar,
on the dromos
of the lord of the Potter’s Wheel;
provision the altars
with cattle, fowl,
oryx, gazelle,
and male antilope.

Bend the arm with all good things,
for the Ka of the Lord of Iunyt,
along with his Ennead.

sšm ḫz [m] hrw pn
mzỉ dbḥ.w m-14-dbn
n pȝ ḥtpw-nṯr
m ḫȝw.t nms.t

ʿȝb pȝ ḥtpw
m t-nfr ḫȝḫ
ỉrp ḥnq.t ỉrṯ.t
stp.w rnp.w
sṯȝ ḥtp.w
ʿb ḥtp.w
ʿȝb pȝw.t
mỉ nty r-ḥȝ.t

Conduct the ritual [on] this day,
bring requirements all 14 around
the divine altar,
on offering stands and vessels.

Compose offerings on the great altar
with good bread, khakh-bread,
wine, beer, milk,
choice cuts, fresh plants;
drag in the offerings,
assemble the offerings;
offer the pȝw.t-bread
just as described above.

Esna 285

14ỉʿb rnp.w
m ỉḫt nb nḏm-sṯỉ

rnp.w nb n kȝ=k
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
15ḫʿ.w nb nḏm-sṯỉ
m ḥtp wr
r fnḏ=k
bʿḥ=k ỉm=sn

mȝȝ st ḥm=k
ḫntš psḏ.t
ḥr-sȝ ḥtp kȝ=k
m rn=k pf(y)
n nb-sḫ.t

14 Assembling fresh plants,
of all sweet-smelling types.
Words spoken:

These plants are for your Ka,
Khnum-Re Lord of Esna.
15 All sweet-smelling ingredients,
in very great peace,
for your nose,
so you are overwhelmed by them.

You majesty sees them,
and the Ennead rejoices
after your Ka is satisfied,
in this your name
of Lord of the Field.

Esna 286

15ḥnk rnp.w

pr(=ỉ) r šȝ.t
zbỉ=ỉ sš m sḫ.t
ʿq=ỉ r s.t=k tp dwȝw

ww=k wpš(.w) m mfk
16sṯỉ(.w) m ṯḥn

wr sm.w
ʿšȝ n=s rnp.w
sw nn rḫ ṯn=sn
ḥtp.w=s mỉ ȝḫ.t
hrw wȝḏ
šmȝ.w=s nb ḥr wp šn=sn
ȝḫḫ=sn m wbȝ=k rʿ-nb

twt ḥr-tp ȝḫ.t
ỉr ȝḫ.w

ḥtp ḥr=k nfr
n ḫnty-š mr=k
(tmdyns ḫwỉ)|

17wȝḏ=k n=f šn.w-tȝ nb
ḥr-sȝ tȝ
sṯḥn=f ṯḥn.ty=f
m rnp.w r ḥn.ty

15 Offering fresh plants.
Words spoken:

As I go out to the fen,
so do I ‘roam the marshes’ in the field:
thus do I enter your place early morning.

Your field is bright with turquoise,
16 as it is strewn with faience.258

Great of vegetation,
its fresh plants are numerous,
their number cannot be known;
its plant-offerings are like the field
on a green day;
all its flowers are opening their blossoms,
they flourish in your forecourt, daily.259

Behold, your are chief of the field (ȝḫ.t),
who performs benefactions (ȝḫ.w).

May your face be kind
to the chief of agriculture, whom you love,
(Domitian Augustus)|

17 May you make prosper for him all plants
upon the earth,
and he will make your eyes (ṯḥn.ty) sparkle (sṯḥn)
with fresh plants, forever.

Esna 287

17mzỉ rnp.w

dỉ.n zȝ-Rʿ
(tmdyns ḫwỉ)|
sḫ.t n kȝ=k
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t

bs=f n=k
ỉmy.w tȝ pn
m ḥr[=k nfr]
m ḥr=k nfr

ỉḫt nb nfr n kȝ=k
p(ȝ) nbỉ nṯr.w

17 Offering fresh plants.
Words spoken:

The son of Re,
(Domitian Augustus)| has given
the field to your Ka,
Khnum-Re Lord of Esna.

He introduces for you
that which is in this land,
in [your beautiful] face
18 they are brilliant
in your beautiful face.

All good things for your Ka,
o you who fashioned the gods.

Esna 288

18mzỉ dqr.w nt šȝ.w nb.w

mȝʿ wʿb n kȝ-k
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
m dqr.w nb bnr

[…] 19ỉr.n=k
m rn=k pfy
n ỉr wnn.t

18 Offering fruits of all plants.
Words spoken:

A pure offering for your Ka,
Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,260
of all sweet fruits

[…] 19 which you made,
in this your name
of He who Made what Exists.

Esna 289

  • Location: Column 10
  • Date: Domitian
  • Hieroglyphic Text
  • Bibliography: Sauneron 1962, p. 139.
  • Parallel: Vuilleumier 2016, pp. 314-315.

19mzỉ mz.w

ỉỉ.n zȝ-Rʿ
(tmdyns ḫwỉ)|
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t

dỉ=f n=k sḫ.t ḥtp.t
dỉ=f n=k sḫ.t wȝḏ.t
ḥtp=k ỉm
swȝš=k ỉm
wȝḏ=k ỉm
n ḏ.t-ḏ.t
ỉw=w wʿb.w zp-snw

19 Presenting bouquets.
Words spoken:

The son of Re,
(Domitian Augustus)|
has come before you,
Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,

So he might give you a pleasant (ḥtp.t) field,
and give you a green (wȝḏ.t) field.
May you be pleased (ḥtp) therein,
be powerful therein,
and thrive (wȝḏ) therein,
for all eternity,
these (offerings) being pure!

Esna 290

19ḥnk mz.w
n ḥrr.wt nb.w 20bnr(.w)

mz.w (r)-ḥȝ.t nṯr pn
m šȝ.w nb bnr
rwḏ.n ḥʿpỉ n kȝ=k
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t

mn n=k mz n ḥrr.t nb bnr
ỉw=sn ḫr=k
šzp n=k st
ȝḫḫ=sn m ḥr=k nfr
ḫnm st nb-sḫ.t
ḥr ʿ.wy (tmtyns)|
ỉw=w wʿb(.w)

19 Offering bouquets
of all sweet 20 flowers.
Words spoken:

Bouquets are before this god,
of all sweet plants,
which Hapi made grow for your Ka,
Khnum-Re Lord of Esna.

Take this bouquet of all sweet flowers,
they come before you!
Receive them,
they blossom in your beautiful face!
Breathe them, o Lord of the Field,
upon the arms of (Domitian)|
they are pure!

Esna 291

21mzỉ mz.w nw wȝḏ.w
ḥrr.t nb
ḫ.t nb nḏm-sṯỉ ḏd-mdw

hy ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
ṯḥn ḥr=k
m wȝḏ.w n ʿnḫ

dỉ(=ỉ) n=k ỉȝḫ.w
pr(.w) m qȝy.t
rwḏ nb m nfrw=k
qȝʿ tȝ
rnp Nwn
wnwn22=sn m wbn=k

šw.t ṯȝw
ỉr wȝḏ.w n sḫm.t
msḫn.t m ȝḫ-bỉ.t
ỉr=sn zȝ=k
wḥm=sn mk=k
r ḫw(.t) nṯr ỉm=sn

ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
mzỉ.tw n=k ẖȝ.w nb
m ḥr=k nfr

21 Presenting bouquets of papyrus,
all flowers,
and all sweet-scented wood.
Words spoken:

Hail, Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,261
may your face sparkle
from the papyrus stalks of life.

I give to you marsh-reeds
which came forth from the mound,
all that grows through your goodness;
that which the earth spits out,
which Nun rejuvenates:
they 22 all move when you shine.

Protective shade for a chick,
the papyrus of Sakhmet serves
as a birth-place in Chemmis:
they perform your protection,
they repeat your guard,
to shield the god within them.

Khnum-Re Lord of Esna:
one brings all plants to your
in your beautiful face.

Esna 292

22ḥnk wȝḏ

ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-snt
23mn n=k wȝḏ šps
pr m ḥȝ.t
smw wr
swȝḏ tȝ.wy=f
pr m mw.t-nṯr

ṯḥn ḥr=k
mk=f ḥʿw=k
wn=f m zȝ=k rʿ-nb
nn pw ỉr.n mw.t=f ỉr=f

22 Presenting the papyrus stalk.
Words spoken:

Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
23 receive the august papyrus stalk,
which emerged in the beginning;
the great plant,
which makes verdant its two lands;
which comes forth from the divine mother.

May your face scintillate,
and may it guard your body,
as it is in your protection, every day:
this is what your mother accomplished!262

wȝḏ=s ỉry m ỉrw=f
ḫpr rn=f pw n wȝḏ

mn=f m ww=k
ḥȝp=f 24ḏ.t=k
m rn=f pfy n mnḥw

swsḫ(=f) s.t=k
ṯȝy.n=f tȝ pn
m rn=f pfy n ṯwf

ỉtḥ.n=f sw
m ỉnb ḥȝ=f
m rn=f pfy n ỉdḥw

ỉḥy pw
nty šd bʿḥ=k
m rn=f pfy [n] ỉ[m]ḥw

She makes it green (wȝḏ), meanwhile, in its form:
thus its name became ‘green papyrus’ (wȝḏ).263

It remains (mn) in your agricultural district,
and it conceals (ȝp) 24 your body
in its name of mnḥw-papyrus.264

(It) broadens your territory,
having seized (ṯȝy.n=f) this land,
in this its name of reed (ṯwf).

It has surrounded (ỉtḥ) it (this land)
as a protective wall around it,
in this its name of delta-plant (ỉdḥw).

It is the trapping-net (ỉḥy)
which catches your flood,
in this its name of ỉmḥw-plant.

25ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
mn n=k sḫm.w
pr(.w) m Gbb
msḫn.t nt Šw Tfn.t
ỉr nḫy n zȝ Ỉs.t
wbn=k ỉm=f
ḏȝỉ=k ḥr.t m mȝʿ

ḫwỉ tw ḥr.t-tp=k
wn(.w) m ḫfʿ=f
ỉr.t-Rʿ m zȝ=f

ḫwỉ=k zȝ-Rʿ
(tmdyns ḫwỉ)|
26dỉ=k n=f tȝ pn
ẖr ỉmỉ=f
mȝʿ-ḫrw ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
r ḫfty.w=f zp 4

25 Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,265
take these divine powers,
which came forth from Geb;
the birthplace of Shu and Tefnut;
that which makes protection for the Son of Isis;
may you rise from it,
and sail across heaven with a proper wind,

May your uraeus guard you,
that which is in his (the king’s) grasp,
the Eye of Re in his protection.

May you guard the Son of Re,
(Domitian Augustus)|
26 May you give him this land,
bearing that which is in it.
Khnum-Re Lord of Esna is justified
over his enemies! (to be said 4 times)

Esna 293

26rȝ n ḥnk rrm.w

bnn šps pr m ḥʿw-nṯr
fd.t-nṯr pr m Ptḥ
ỉn.n Ḏḥwty m ʿ.wy=f
ḥnk=f sw
n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t

27hȝ ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
mn n=k fd.t-nṯr
pr m Ḏḥwty
snsn=k ỉm=s
ȝb=s ỉḥ.t=k
swsḫ šnb.t=k ẖr=s

ỉn=s n=k zȝ-Rʿ
ḫnm fnḏ=k ỉm=f rʿ-nb

mȝȝ m-sȝ=f r
p(ȝ) wḫȝ n mḥty
nty wbȝ

^ Recitation for offering vessels.
Words spoken:

Greetings to you,
august seed that emerged from god’s body,
divine sweat that emerged from Ptah,
which Thoth brought with his hands,
so he might offer it
to Khnum-Re Lord of Esna.

27 O Khnum-Re, Lord of Esna,
take the divine sweat
which emerged from Thoth;
may you breathe it,
your throat desires it:
fill your lungs with it.

The Son of Re brings it to you,
(namely) (Domitian)|,
so your nose might breathe it daily.

(After this, look to
the column to the north,
which is opposite this; cf. Esna 272 ).

Esna 294

The King

3wdpw ḫrp […]

4nṯr nfr
ʿpr wḏȝ.t
mḥ ỉr.t Ḥr
m nfrw=s
srwḏ šȝ[.w…]
n nb […]
(twmtyns nty-ḫwỉ)|

3 The cup-bearer who consecrates […]

4 The good god,
who supplies the wedjat-eye,
and fills the Eye of Horus
with its perfection.
He who makes thrive the vineyard[s…]
for [its] lord […]
(Domitian Augustus)|

Khnum-Re Lord of Esna

5ḏd-mdw n ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-[sn.t]
6[…] ʿȝ šfy.t
7n […] Rʿ
ỉr šȝ.w
s[…] nṯr.w

5 Words spoken by Khnum-Re Lord of E[sna]
6 […] great of prestige
7 of […] Re,
who makes vineyards
and […] the gods.


8ḏd-mdw n Nb.t-ww nb.t tȝ-sn.t
Tfn.t zȝ.t Rʿ
9šps.t wsr.t
n nṯr.w nṯ
wr(.t) mrw.t
ḥnw.t ḥmw.wt
10nb(.t) [t]ḫ
mr(.t) hrw-nfr

11dỉ=ỉ ḥsb=k ʿḥʿ
m […]

8 Words spoken by Nebtu, Lady of Esna,
Tefnut, daughter of Re,
9 august and mighty one
of gods and goddesses;
great of love,
Mistress of women,
10 Lady of intoxication,
who loves holiday.

11 I allow you to reckon a lifetime
as/in […]

Behind the Divinities

nb sḫ.t
sḫpr ỉḫt nb.w
ʿȝ šȝ.w
ṯḥn wȝḏwȝḏ
swsḫ tȝš
m s.t-ỉb=f
nb ḏw.w
ḥqȝ nw.w
[šȝʿ?] ȝpd-ỉb
r sḥʿʿ ỉb
n nṯr.w rmṯ.w
ẖnmw nb šȝ.w

12 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Field,
who produces all things;
great of vineyards,
scintillating verdure,
who expands the territory
in all his favorite places.
Lord of the hills,
ruler of waters,
[who started?] ȝpd-ỉb-wine
to rejoice the hearts
of gods and people:
Khnum, Lord of Vineyards.

Esna 295


1mn n=k ʿnḫ-ḏd-wȝs
m ty.t=k ḏsr.t
Šw ḥr wnmy=f
tf[n.t] ḥr ỉȝby=f
2wṯz ḥm=k ỉmỉ.tw=sn
ʿnḫ=k m p.t
wȝs=k m tȝ
ḏd ḥm=k m dwȝ.t

1 Take the ʿnḫ-ḏd-wȝs symbol, in your august image: Shu is on its right, Tef[nut] on its left, 2 your Majesty stands up between them.267 You live (ʿnḫ) in heaven, you have dominion (wȝs) on earth, and your Majesty endures (ḏd) in the netherworld.

The King

nb tȝ.wy
(ȝwtwkrtwr kysrs)|
4[zȝ-Rʿ] nb-ḫʿ.w
(twmtyns nty-ḫwỉ)|

5[… r]dỉ ʿnḫ-ḏd-wȝs
n qmȝ ḏ.t=f

ḥr sʿḥʿ ḏd
twȝ wȝs m ʿ.wy=f […]
[…].tw nb sḫ[r.w?…]
(twmtyns nty-ḫwỉ)|

3 [The King of Upper and Lower Egypt]
Lord of the Two Lands,
(Autokrator Caesar)|
4 [Son of Re], Lord of Appearances,
(Domitian Augustus)|

5 […who gi]ves ʿnḫ-ḏd-wȝs
to he who created his body.


7ḏd-mdw n Wsỉr
(Wn-nfr mȝʿ-ḫrw)|
nsw.t nṯr.w
8nṯr ʿȝ ḥr-ỉb tȝ-sn.t
smsw n pȝwty
9sr n psḏ.t ʿȝ.t
ḥwnw nsw.t [m?] ḥḏ.t
10ỉty ḥqȝ wȝḏ.ty

11dỉ=ỉ n=k rsy.t mḥy.t
ỉmnt.t ỉȝbt.t
bw nb wbn Rʿ ḥr=sn

7 Words spoken by Osiris
(Wennefer justified)|
King of the gods,
8 great god within Esna.
Eldest (offspring) of the primeval one,
9 Prince of the Great Ennead,
youth, king [in?] the white crown;
10 Sovereign, ruler of the two uraei.

11 I give you the south, north,
west, and east:
all places over which Re shines.


12ḏd-mdw n Ḥr-zȝ-Ỉs.t
zȝ Wsỉr
ỉwʿʿ mnḫ
13n (wn-nfr mȝʿ-ḫrw)|
nṯr ʿȝ ḥry-ỉb tȝ-sn.t
bỉk 14nṯry
ḥqȝ tȝ.wy
ʿn-wšb n ỉt=f

15dỉ=ỉ n=k qn r rsy.t
nḫt r mḥy.t
ḫȝs.wt nb ḫȝb(.w) n […]

12 Words spoken by Harsiese,
son of Osiris,
beneficient heir
13 of (Wennefer justified)|,
great god within Esna,
divine 14 falcon,
ruler of the two lands,
who responds on behalf of his father.

15 I give you might over the south,
strength over the north,
all foreign lands bowed down for […]

Behind the Divinities

tpy n Gbb
smsw n mw.t=f Nw.t
ḥwnw šps n Ỉtm
ỉ n=f nỉw.wt spȝ.wt n kȝ=f

hb Rʿ m tȝ
r mȝȝ=f rʿ-nb
r snḫn ḥʿw=f
m stw.t=f
Wsỉr ḥqȝ ḏ.t

16 The King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
First born of Geb,
Eldest of his mother, Nut,
august child of Atum;
he for whom cities were made,
and for whose Ka districts were founded.

Re penetrates into the earth
in order to see him, every day,
to rejuvenate his body
with his rays:
Osiris, Ruler of Eternity.

Esna 296

A[…] rr.n Nb.t-ww
(ȝwtwkrtr ksrs)|
ʿnḫ.w ḏ.t mỉ-Rʿ

A […] nursed by Nebtu,
King of Upper and Lower Egypt
(Autokrator Caesar)|
living eternally, like Re.

B[…] qn nḫt
ḥr-ỉb Ỉwny.t
nḏ n ỉt=f
mḥ-ỉb n ỉr s(w)
ỉr ʿḏ.t m ḫfty=f

B […] victory and strength
within Iunyt,
protector of his father,
confidant of his maker,
who makes a massacre of his enemy.

Cnṯr nfr
zȝ Wsỉr
šzp-ʿnḫ n nḏ-ỉt=f
(tmdyns ḫwỉ)|
ʿnḫ.w ḏ.t mỉ-Rʿ

C The good god, son of Osiris, living image of Protector of his Father,
son of Re,
(Domitian Augustus)|
living eternally, like Re.

D[…] (wn-nfr mȝʿ-ḫrw)|
ḫy m Wȝs.t
sr m Ỉwnw
ỉty m Ỉnb-ḥḏ
ỉwn m Ỉwny.t
nṯr-nỉwty m spȝ.t nb

D […] (Wennefer justified)|
King of the Gods,
child in Thebes,
prince in Heliopolis,
sovereign in Memphis,
Iun in Iunyt,
City god in every district.268

Esna 297

Minor inscriptions. Cartouches of Domitian, name of Heka.