11.15 Lab2

11.15.1 Study

  • We’ll use Bauer (2015) again.

  • Treatment: Victimization

  • Outcome: Generalized Social Trust

  • Identification strategy: Fixed effects/First differences/Temporal data

11.15.2 Data

Same data as we used previously. See below for how to load the data into R.

11.15.3 R-Code Pooled data & model

We start with a pooled model in Table 11.22 (pooling = throwing all units/timepoints together).

Table 11.22: Linear models based on pooled data (ignoring time and panel structure)
Dependent variable:
threat -0.604*** (0.053)
male -0.277*** (0.036)
income 0.009 (0.018)
education 0.131*** (0.006)
age 0.007*** (0.001)
Constant 5.436*** (0.057)
Observations 18,044
R2 0.050
Adjusted R2 0.050
Residual Std. Error 2.166 (df = 18038)
F Statistic 190.707*** (df = 5; 18038)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01 Examining treatment trajectories

Then we visualize treatment status across units in Figure 11.8, across time in order to grasp which observations are available to construct our treatment and control groups. Figure 11.8 suggests that we have far less treatment observations (periods during which people have been victimized) than control observations. Figure 11.8 also suggests that many of the treated units were repeatedly treated (see the red trajectories):

Visualization of treated observations across time, across units

Figure 11.8: Visualization of treated observations across time, across units

We can calculate how many unique units and time points there are in our dataset with the code below. Importantly, this does not mean that we observed these units across all those time periods.

## [1] 23243
## [1] 4

Naturally, since our panel is not balanced (we do not observe all units across all time points no the variables of interest), the dataset we can actually use for the estimation is far smaller. No refinement & exact matching

We’ll start without any refinement or exact matching of control observations. Figure 11.9 displays the matched control units for one treated observation.

## Matches created with 1 lags
## Standard errors computed with 1000 Weighted bootstrap samples
## Estimate of Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT) by Period:
## $summary
##       estimate  std.error       2.5%        97.5%
## t+0 -0.1133613 0.05435943 -0.2141251 -0.005091465
## $lag
## [1] 1
## $iterations
## [1] 1000
## $qoi
## [1] "att"

Visualization of control units (for 1 treated unit)

Figure 11.9: Visualization of control units (for 1 treated unit)

Q: How would the number of control units for treated unit 1 in Figure 11.9 probably change when we increase the specified lag (1), when we add covariates on which we match (2) and when we use exact matching instead of some other distance measure (3)?

Normally, we would try to find covariates that have not been treated in the time period we focus on have similar trajectories on other variables. Here we resort to exact matching on the variables education, age, male and income(all are categorical so it makes sense here, in principle we could also match on the outcome variable trust).

Figure 11.10, again, visualizes matched control units for treated unit 1.

Visualization of control units (for 1 treated unit) after matching

Figure 11.10: Visualization of control units (for 1 treated unit) after matching

Thereafter we check covariate balance:

education age male income
t_3 0 0 0 0
t_2 0 0 0 0
t_1 0 0 0 0
t_0 0 0 0 0

And check our final estimate:

## Matches created with 3 lags
## Standard errors computed with 1000 Weighted bootstrap samples
## Estimate of Average Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT) by Period:
## $summary
##      estimate std.error       2.5%   97.5%
## t+0 0.3925926 0.3299539 -0.2622315 1.06318
## $lag
## [1] 3
## $iterations
## [1] 1000
## $qoi
## [1] "att"

The results seem to show that there is not effect (using the parameters chosen above, e.g. lag = 1, exact matching etc.)


Bauer, Paul C. 2015. “Negative Experiences and Trust: A Causal Analysis of the Effects of Victimization on Generalized Trust.” Eur. Sociol. Rev. 31 (4): 397–417.