4.18 ATE: Decomposition
- ATE can be decomposed as a function of 5 quantities (e.g. Keele 2015b, 4)20
- π proportion of sample assigned to treatment (2/6 = 0.33..)
- E[Yi1|Di = 1]: Average outcome under treatment (Yi1) for units | in treatment condition (Di = 1)21
- E[Yi1 - Yi0] = π (E[Yi1|Di = 1] - E[Yi0|Di = 1]) + (1 - π)(E[Yi1|Di = 0] - E[Yi0|Di = 0])
- Q: Which parts do we have and which parts don’t we have?
Keele, Luke. 2015b. “The Statistics of Causal Inference: A View from Political Methodology.” Polit. Anal. 23 (3): 313–35.