6.5 Conclusion

• From the latent variables:

  ○ Component 1: Umami VS Acidic, Bitter, Floury, and Spicy \
  ○ Component 2: Umami, Acidic, Aroma Impact, Alliaceous, Smokey. \

• From the scores of Table 1:

  ○ Component 1: Salty, Acidic, Bitter VS Umami \
  ○ Component 2: Salty, Umami, Acidic, Fatty, VS Bitter \

• From the scores of Table 2:

  ○ Component 1: Aroma, Flavor, Animalic, Bloody, Floury, Dark, HVP, Spicy, White Meat VS Alliaceous, Eggy, Juicy, Rubbery, Smokey \
  ○ Component 2: Aroma, Flavor, Alliaceous, Animalic, Floury, Eggy, Juicy, Rubbery, Smokey, Spicy, White Meat VS Bloody, Dark, HVP \

• Narrative conclusion:

  ○ Saltiness plays an important role in influencing flavor and aroma impact but also equally relates to all other attributes. This means that most sausages are all quite salty as this is there main method of preservation.  
  ○ Umami is a complex flavor anf can be expressed under different variations like alliaceous, or other savoriness.  
  ○ Bitter is not a wanted taste, thus it is most likely to be negatively correlated with the other attributes.
  ○ Acidic is also present in all products and correlates with most other attributes, especially floury (starchy) and spicy (pungency).  
  ○ Fatty is has the faintest effect among all chosen basic tastes. Perhaps, the research that fatty as a basic tastes in human perception needs to be studied further before we can fully accept Fatty as a basic taste.

I think PLSC did a great job at showing the relationships of the different attributes based on the basic tastes. The perception of Flavors (taste and smell) has a lot of intrinsic subjectivity and I think projecting all attributes back the well-researched, well-established “basic tastes” can provide new valuable new insights into how to best analyze our data. PLSC is the back-bone of many modern analytical approaches thanks to its ability to relate multiple data tables that matched on similar observations.

6.5.1 Save to PPTX:

# Here we can save all figures to a PowerPoint
savedList <- saveGraph2pptx(file2Save.pptx = 'AllFigures_PLSC 14', 
                            title = 'All Figures for PLSC', 
                            addGraphNames = TRUE)