5.6 Load data into RStudio

Follow the steps below to load the data into RStudio.

  1. Launch RStudio software
  2. Navigate to File > New File > R Script to create an R Script.
RStudio Interface
RStudio Interface
  1. Save your new R script in the same folder as your extracted data set.
  2. You will need the following package for the analysis. Install/Load packages
# Install these packages if they are not installed
# install.packages("foreign")
# install.packages("psych")

library(GPArotation) # package for factor analysis
library(foreign) # load spss data
  1. Set working directory. Working directory literally means the location of any files you read into R or save out of R. This can be done by: Session > Set Working Directory > Choose Directory. Click on choose directory and navigate to the folder you saved the R script and extracted data. Then select Open.
  2. Use the below code to load data into RStudio. The data has 519,334 participants/observations and 921 variables/columns. We will preview the first six rows and eight columns only.
# Load data into RStudio
data <- read.spss("CY6_MS_CMB_STU_QQQ.sav", 
                  to.data.frame = T, use.value.labels = F)

# Preview the first six rows and columns
head(data[ , c(1:8)])
##   CNTRYID       CNT CNTSCHID CNTSTUID          CYC             NatCen Region
## 1       8 ALB         800001   803627 06MS         000800                800
## 2       8 ALB         800001   800454 06MS         000800                800
## 3       8 ALB         800001   800893 06MS         000800                800
## 4       8 ALB         800001   804180 06MS         000800                800
## 5       8 ALB         800001   800491 06MS         000800                800
## 6       8 ALB         800001   804249 06MS         000800                800
##                 STRATUM
## 1 ALB0005              
## 2 ALB0005              
## 3 ALB0005              
## 4 ALB0005              
## 5 ALB0005              
## 6 ALB0005