1.4 Assignment 1

In our next class/module, we will discuss the type of research questions, hypotheses, and data that are relevant to EFA.

Please choose from the list of research papers provided earlier or any research papers that use EFA of your choice. Your task is to think about the purpose of the study, research questions/hypothesis and the type of data they used for the study.

Please created a recorded presentation and post it in the discussion forum. You will need to comment on two of your classmates recording. Comment such as “I agree”, “sounds good” etc., are not accepted. You will be graded on the quality of your presentation and the thoughtfulness of your comments. Your recorded video must be less than 10 minutes.

Note: You will have 2 days after the due date to comment on your peers presentations.I will send reminders to that effect.

  • Assignment due date: 01/25