5.4 Data Extraction

To answer the above research question, we need to extract the ICT engagement constructs from the PISA repository. Note that PISA 2015 provides technical report with information on the above variables on page 328.

ICT Engagement Constructs (Highlighted)
ICT Engagement Constructs (Highlighted)

Page 331 has all the questions/item on:

Items/Questions for ICT Interest (INTICT)
Items/Questions for ICT Interest (INTICT)
Items for Perceived ICT Competence (COMPICT)
Items for Perceived ICT Competence (COMPICT)
Items for Perceived Autonomy related to ICT Use (AUTICT)
Items for Perceived Autonomy related to ICT Use (AUTICT)
Items for ICT as a topic in Social Interaction (SOIAICT)
Items for ICT as a topic in Social Interaction (SOIAICT)

Please follow the steps below to download data from PISA repository.

  1. Navigate to PISA 2015 database
  2. Download the SPSS Data File (compressed) for Student questionnaire data file. Note: The file size is 419 MB.
  3. Extract the file to your analysis folder.
  4. Please copy the file CY6_MS_CMB_STU_QQQ.sav to a folder you would be working in. Total file size after extraction is 1.42 GB.
  5. Feel free to delete the remaining dataset/files since we wouldn’t be using them.