11 Lab 2: Probability

11.0.1 Your tasks

Use the tools and concepts you were introduced to in Tutorial 2 to accomplish the following tasks. Use a seed integer of 5 to make your work reproducible for all tasks.

  1. Generate a reproducible numeric summary of 8 trials of 100 flips of a fair coin. The structure and totals of your numeric summary must be identical to the one below. Don’t forget to show your code. 0 points for hardcoded summaries.
##     names one two three four five six
## 1   first  15  20    16   12   16  21
## 2  second  13  17    21   15   17  17
## 3   third  25  16    16   12   16  15
## 4  fourth  18  19    18    9   17  19
## 5   fifth  16  15    22   12   19  16
## 6   sixth  13  18    15   24   14  16
## 7 seventh  17  18    18   13   14  20
## 8  eighth  12  19    15   18   15  21
  1. Summarize your results visually using an appropriate plot. Remember that the only acceptable visualization package is ggplot2.

  2. Repeat tasks 1 and 2 for an unfair die with a probability of 0.3 for rolling a 4.

  3. Create a function like flip_heads(), but for a fair die instead, and have it focus on the probability of rolling a 4. Show a grid of 4 plots for 5, 10, 100 and 1,000 rolls.

  4. Repeat task 4, but for a biased die with a probability of 0.3 for rolling a 4.