7.3 Supplemental figures

Figure 7.1: Decision tree used to determine health state given transfusion-transmission of Zika. Sigma indicates that outcomes from branches are summed together.

Figure 7.2: Areas of the Texas gulf coast considered an area of local transmission for location-based and travel-based screening policies

Figure 7.3: Areas of south Florida considered an area of local transmission for location-based and travel-based screening policies

Figure 7.4: Efficiency frontier plots assuming IgM-positive donations are non-infectious.. In the 50 states, ZIKV-infectious rates assuming IgM-positive donations are non-infectious were: 2 in 196,993 donations for the Texas gulf during known local transmission; 7 in 176,423 donations for south Florida during known local transmission; 1.98 (2 times 0.99) in 1,074,020 donations for donors with travel exposure; and 0.02 (2 times 0.01) in 12,132,789 donations for donors with no travel or local exposure. In Puerto Rico, ZIKV-infectious rates were: 149.76 (234 times 0.64) in 35,461 donations during the high mosquito season and 345.6 (23 times 0.64) in 42,585 donations the low mosquito season.