Chapter 22 Second Round Clustering Based on Peak Matrix
22.1 Description
Second round clustering based on the union peak set merged from first-round-cluster peaks: * generate pseudo-bulk replicates per cluster * call peaks per cluster and merge peaks * iterative LSI and clustering based on peak matrix
PS: due to the down-sampling, the demo dataset has limited cell number, so the numbers of cells per pseudo-bulk replicates are small
22.2 Set env and load arrow project
## Section: set default para
addArchRThreads(threads = 16) # setting default number of parallel threads
## Section: load object
<- loadArchRProject(path = "data/ArchR/ArrowProject/Merged/") proj
22.3 Call peaks
## create pseudo-bulk replicates
<- addGroupCoverages(
proj ArchRProj = proj,
groupBy = "Clusters",
minCells = 15,
maxCells = 700,
force = TRUE
## call peaks
<- addReproduciblePeakSet(
proj ArchRProj = proj,
groupBy = "Clusters",
genomeSize = 2.7e09,
pathToMacs2 = "/lustre/user/liclab/liuyt/software/anaconda2/bin/macs2",
force = TRUE
## calculate peak matrix
<- addPeakMatrix(proj, binarize = TRUE, force = TRUE) proj
22.4 Iterative LSI
## Section: LSI on peaks
<- addIterativeLSI(
proj ArchRProj = proj,
useMatrix = "PeakMatrix",
name = "IterativeLSI_peak",
varFeatures = 25000,
force = TRUE
22.5 Add embedding
## Section: umap
<- addUMAP(
proj ArchRProj = proj,
reducedDims = "IterativeLSI_peak",
name = "UMAP_peak",
nNeighbors = 30,
force = TRUE
22.6 Add clusters based on different resolutions
<- addClusters(input = proj, reducedDims = "IterativeLSI_peak", name = "Cluster_peak_res.0.8", resolution = 0.8)
proj <- addClusters(input = proj, reducedDims = "IterativeLSI_peak", name = "Cluster_peak_res.0.6", resolution = 0.6)
proj <- addClusters(input = proj, reducedDims = "IterativeLSI_peak", name = "Cluster_peak_res.0.4", resolution = 0.4) proj