Chapter 17 Compare Loop Length Distribution

17.1 Description

Comapre loop length distributions for conserved-CBS-loops and specific-CBS-loops

17.2 Load loops

## Section: load data
rm(list = ls()) <- list.files('data/HiC/loops/', pattern = "ANDS", full.names = T)

getLen <- function(f){
  loop <- fread(f)
  len <- abs(loop$y2 - loop$x2)
  len <- log10(len)
} <- lapply(, getLen)

st =[[2]]
de =[[1]]

17.3 Culmulative plot

## Section: plots
par(mar = rep(4,4),lwd=0.5)

plot(ecdf(st), verticals=TRUE, do.points=FALSE, col= 'azure3', xlim=c(4.3, 8.2), 
     main="", xlab=expression(log[10]* '(bp distance)'),
     col.01line = NULL, cex.lab=2, ylab=expression(F[n]*'(x)')) #St-St St-Non
plot(ecdf(de), verticals=TRUE, col = 'green3', do.points=FALSE, add=TRUE, col.01line = NULL) #De-De  De-Non

legend("bottomright", c('St-St/Non', 'De-De/Non'), 
       col=c('azure3', 'green3'),
       lty=rep(1,2), bty="n")

17.4 Box plot

## Section: boxplots
## Section: generate the dataframe 
df <- data.frame(cbind('type' = c(rep('stable',length(st)), rep('specific', length(de))), 
                       'value' = c(st, de)))
df$type <- factor(df$type, levels = c('stable', 'specific'))
df$value <- as.numeric(as.character(df$value))

## Section: seting plot parameters
my_comparisons <- list(c('stable','specific'))
stat_box_data <- function(y, upper_limit = quantile(df$value, 0.50) ) {
  return(  data.frame( y = upper_limit,
                       label = paste('count =', length(y), '\n','median =', 10^median(y), '\n')))

fontsize = 4
linesize = 1

ggboxplot(df, x = "type", y = "value", 
          color = 'type', size = .3, font.label = list(size = fontsize), outlier.shape = NA)+ 
  stat_summary( = stat_box_data, geom = "text", hjust = 0.5,vjust = 0.9)+
  theme(legend.position = "none", axis.ticks.x = element_blank())+
  stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons, label.y = c(6),method = 't.test', size = 2) +
  ylab('log10 loop size')+ xlab('loop types by CBS')+ ggtitle(label = "wtdm") +# labs 
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(4.5,7))