Chapter 16 Assign Epigenetic Attributes to Loops

16.1 Description

Assign attributes to loops based on both anchors, Epi: - E-E E-P P-P P-O E-O O-O CBS: - conserved-CBS-loops: stable-stable stable-other - specific-CBS-loops: specific-specific specific-other

16.2 Load loops and loop anchors

anchor <- fread('data/HiC/loops/GSE82144_Kieffer-Kwon-2017-activated_B_cells_72_hours_WT.hic_5k10kloops.loopanchor.with.epiCBS.onlyGSM3027985diffBDFDR01.state.bed',
                header = T)
loops <- fread('data/HiC/loops/GSE82144_Kieffer-Kwon-2017-activated_B_cells_72_hours_WT.hic_5k10kloops_merged_loops.brief.bedpe', header = F)
loops <- loops[,1:6]
colnames(loops) <- c('chr1','x1','x2','chr2','y1','y2')
loops$idl <- paste0(loops$chr1, ":", loops$x1, "-", loops$x2)
loops$idr <- paste0(loops$chr2, ":", loops$y1, "-", loops$y2)

##     chr1        x1        x2  chr2        y1        y2
## 1: chr10  76300000  76305000 chr10  76480000  76485000
## 2: chr10  77740000  77745000 chr10  77850000  77855000
## 3: chr10 116895000 116900000 chr10 117110000 117115000
##                          idl                       idr
## 1:   chr10:76300000-76305000   chr10:76480000-76485000
## 2:   chr10:77740000-77745000   chr10:77850000-77855000
## 3: chr10:116895000-116900000 chr10:117110000-117115000
##      chr     start       end                        id tss enh stable specific
## 1: chr10  76300000  76305000   chr10:76300000-76305000   0   0      0        0
## 2: chr10  77740000  77745000   chr10:77740000-77745000   0   0      1        0
## 3: chr10 116895000 116900000 chr10:116895000-116900000   0   0      0        1
##    tf state      CBS
## 1:  0     O        O
## 2:  0     O   Stable
## 3:  0     O Specific

16.3 Assign attributes based on anchors

## Section: assign loop anchor state to loops
loops$cbsr <- loops$cbsl <- loops$epir <- loops$epil <- 'O'

loci1 <- match(loops$idl, anchor$id)
loops$epil <- anchor$state[loci1]
loops$cbsl <- anchor$CBS[loci1]

loci2 <- match(loops$idr, anchor$id)
loops$epir <- anchor$state[loci2]
loops$cbsr <- anchor$CBS[loci2]

16.4 Loop group based on CBS

## Section: group loops based on CBS
stst <- loops[which(loops$cbsl == 'Stable' & loops$cbsr == 'Stable'),]
stnon <- loops[which(loops$cbsl == 'Stable' & loops$cbsr == 'O' | loops$cbsr == 'Stable' & loops$cbsl == 'O'),]
dede <- loops[which(loops$cbsl == 'Specific' & loops$cbsr == 'Specific'),]
denon <- loops[which(loops$cbsl == 'Specific' & loops$cbsr == 'O' | loops$cbsr == 'Specific' & loops$cbsl == 'O'),]
dest <- loops[which(loops$cbsl == 'Stable' & loops$cbsr == 'Specific' | loops$cbsr == 'Stable' & loops$cbsl == 'Specific'),]

st.loop <- rbind(stst, stnon)
de.loop <- rbind(dede, denon)
write.table(st.loop, file = 'data/HiC/loops/GSE98119_Vian-2018-activated_B_cells_24_hours_WT.hic_5k10kloops_onlyGSM3027985diffBDFDR01_StStANDStNON_CBS.bedpe', 
            row.names = F, col.names = T, quote = F, sep = "\t")
write.table(de.loop, file = 'data/HiC/loops/GSE98119_Vian-2018-activated_B_cells_24_hours_WT.hic_5k10kloops_onlyGSM3027985diffBDFDR01_SpeSpeANDSpeNON_CBS.bedpe', 
            row.names = F, col.names = T, quote = F, sep = "\t")

16.5 Loop group based on Epi

## Section: statistics for E/P type
st.state <- paste0(st.loop$epil, st.loop$epir)
st.state <- mgsub::mgsub(st.state, c('OE', "OP", 'PE'), c("EO", "PO", 'EP'))
de.state <- paste0(de.loop$epil, de.loop$epir)
de.state <- mgsub::mgsub(de.state, c('OE', "OP", 'PE'), c("EO", "PO", 'EP'))

f1 <- table(st.state)/length(st.state)*100
f2 <- table(de.state)/length(de.state)*100

## Section: plots
df <- data.frame(type = c(rep('St-St/Non',6), rep('De-De/Non',6)),
                 class = rep(c('E-E','E-O','E-P','O-O','P-O','P-P'),2),
                 value = c(f1,f2))
df$type = factor(df$type, levels = c('St-St/Non', 'De-De/Non'))
df$class <- factor(df$class, levels = c('P-P','E-P','E-E','E-O','P-O','O-O'))
##         type class     value
## 1  St-St/Non   E-E  4.228144
## 2  St-St/Non   E-O 13.080819
## 3  St-St/Non   E-P  8.500330
## 4  St-St/Non   O-O 37.040299
## 5  St-St/Non   P-O 28.495926
## 6  St-St/Non   P-P  8.654481
## 7  De-De/Non   E-E 22.500000
## 8  De-De/Non   E-O 13.750000
## 9  De-De/Non   E-P 27.500000
## 10 De-De/Non   O-O 11.250000
## 11 De-De/Non   P-O 13.750000
## 12 De-De/Non   P-P 11.250000

16.6 Fisher test

## Section: fisher test
na <- nrow(st.loop)
nb <- nrow(de.loop) <- df$value[which(df$type == 'St-St/Non')]*na/100 <- df$value[which(df$type == 'De-De/Non')]*nb/100

getP <- function(a,b){
  Convictions <- matrix(c(b,a, (nb-b), (na-a)), nrow = 2,
                        dimnames = list(c("Dizygotic", "Monozygotic"),
                                        c("Convicted", "Not convicted")))
  re1 <- fisher.test(Convictions)

getO <- function(a,b){
  Convictions <- matrix(c(b,a, (nb-b), (na-a)), nrow = 2,
                        dimnames = list(c("Dizygotic", "Monozygotic"),
                                        c("Convicted", "Not convicted")))
  re1 <- fisher.test(Convictions)
} <- mapply(getP,, <- mapply(getO,,
## [1] 9.674509e-09 8.668488e-01 8.044979e-07 4.402324e-07 2.543987e-03
## [6] 4.199936e-01
## odds ratio odds ratio odds ratio odds ratio odds ratio odds ratio 
##  6.5710952  1.0593138  4.0812339  0.2155153  0.4000985  1.3378211

16.7 Plot

## Section: frequency barplot
fontsize = 10
linesize = .5

ggplot(df, aes(x = class, y = value)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = type), stat = "identity", width = 0.5,position = "dodge") +
  ggtitle(paste(c(,, collapse = "\n"))+
  theme_bw() +
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),strip.background = element_blank(),panel.border = element_blank())+
  theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = fontsize),  
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        axis.line.x = element_blank(),axis.ticks.x=element_blank(),
        axis.line.y = element_line(colour = "black", size = linesize),
        axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = linesize),
        axis.ticks.length = unit(.05, "cm"),
        plot.title = element_text(size=4, hjust = 0.5))