Column B (159-165)

Esna 159

  • Location: Column B, upper bandeau
  • Date: Domitian
  • Hieroglyphic Text
  • Bibliography: None

Esna 159 A

Ašw ṯmȝ-ʿ
ḥwỉ ẖȝk.w=ỉb
šzp mʿȝby.t
r sḫr ḫfty=f
sšm ỉr Hzw.t=f
ḥr wȝ.t-nḥḥ
ẖnmw ḫnty pr-nṯr

A Shu, valiant of arm,
who smites the disaffected,
who seizes the harpoon
to fell his enemy,
who guides whomever does what he praises438
upon the path of eternity:
Khnum, foremost of Per-netjer

Esna 159 B

Btȝ-ṯnn mrw.ty
r-ḫt ḥm=f
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t
nṯr-ʿȝ ḫnt Iwny.t

B Tatenen, the beloved,
the first primeval ones439
follow his majesty:
Khnum-Re, lord of Esna,
great god, foremost of Iunyt.

Esna 160

Cartouches of Domitian, before Khnum-Re Lord of Esna, and Khnum-Re Lord of the Field.

Esna 161

  • Location: Column B, middle bandeau
  • Date: Domitian
  • Hieroglyphic Text
  • Bibliography: None

Esna 161 A

nṯr nṯry
nṯ s.t=f
ʿḥ=f qȝ.tw ỉmỉtw sḫ.t=f
pr=f š
m ỉr(.w) r-nfr
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb sḫ.t nsw-nṯr.w

The divine god,
whose place is made sacred,
his palace is elevated within his field,
his domain is made august
with that which is done well:
Khnum-Re Lord of the Field,
king of the gods.

Esna 161 B

bȝ ʿnḫ ḫnty bȝ.w
kȝ ỉr kȝ.w
sḫpr wnn.t
ỉr ʿnḫ
n ks n bȝw=f
ẖnmw-Rʿ nb tȝ-sn.t

The living Ba, foremost of Bas,
Ka who made the Kas,
who created what exists,
who makes life
for those bowing to his power:
Khnum-Re Lord of Esna,
father of the gods.

Esna 162

1ḥr ṯmȝ-ʿ
ḥwỉ ḫȝs.wt
nḫt bȝq.t
(ȝwtwkrtwr kysrs)|
zȝ-Rʿ nb-ḫʿ.w
(tmtyns nty-ḫwỉ)|
[ʿnḫ mỉ Rʿ] ḏ.t

1 Horus, valiant of arm,
great of strength,
who strikes the foreign lands,
protector of Egypt,
King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Lord of the Two Lands
(Autokrator Caesar)|
Son of Re, Lord of Appearances
(Domitian Augustus)|
[living like Re] eternally

[…] ḥw.t-ẖnmw
ỉt-ỉt.w mw.t-mw.wt
qmȝ ḫmny.w
ỉr Rʿ ỉwty snw=f
pȝwty.w tpy(.w)
r-ḫ.t ḥm=s
šȝʿ ỉḫt nb tp-ʿ

2qmȝ.n=f Iwny.t
m kȝ.t nt ỉz
m pr ỉr.n tpy.w-ʿ

sbȝ(.w)=sn ḫtỉ(.w)
m rk nsw.wt ḏrty.w
ỉnb=sn m hȝw p[ȝwty.w]

[…] the temple of Khnum.
Father of fathers, Mother of Mothers,
Mother of God,
who created the Ogdoad,
who made Re, without his double,
the First Primeval Ones
follow her Majesty,
she who created everything long ago.440

2 He created Iunyt
as a classical style work,
in the domain made by the ancestors.

Its portals (were) inscribed
in the time of the ancestor kings,
its walls in the era of the pr[imeval…]
long before.

sʿḥʿ.n=f ḥw.t-nṯr=s
wȝḥ(.w) ḥr snṯ=f
sḥ=s r bw wnn=f
wḫȝ.w m-rwty=s
r ḏsr 3wbȝ=s
sbty.w pẖr(.w) ḥȝ=sn

qn.w m kȝ.t
ʿpr(.w) m smn(.w)
sʿrq(.w) m ỉrw=s nb.w

nbỉ.n=f gȝw.t ḥḏ
ỉmỉ[..] nbw
m wṯz-[nfrw?…]
[ỉḫt] nb
nw ỉr.t ỉḫt-nṯr

He erected her temple,
enduring upon its foundation,
her chapel in the location it had been;441
a hypostyle hall in front of it,
in order to sancitfy its fourecourt,
and enclosure walls encircling it all.

It is complete in its work,
equipped with statues,
and finished in all its requirements.

He fashioned a vessel of silver
within […] gold,
as a processional [bark?…]
all [necessary things]
for performing sacred rituals.

sḥḏ.n=f ḥw.t-[nṯr]=s
mỉ p.t
ḏsr.n=f ʿḥ=s
mỉ ȝḫ.t
sỉp.n=f 4ỉȝ.t=s
nḏ.n=f r-pr.w=s
ỉnb.n=f ḥw.wt=s
m mȝw
sḥn.n=f ḥnb.t=s
swsḫ.n=f tȝšw=s
swr.n=f ḥȝw ḥr
mn.t […]

[…] ʿȝ.t nb.w n mȝʿ.t
sḫnt[.n=f] nỉw.t=s
swr.n=f ỉȝ.t=s
ḏbȝ.n=f sḫm=s
ḫnt ʿḥ=s

He illumined her temple
like sky,
he sanctified her palace,
like the Akhet,
he inspected her 4 (sacred) mound,
he protected her temples,
he build walls around her shrines
he organized her temple estate,
he broadened her boundaries,
he magnified beyond what was
(previously) for daily offerings […]

[…] all precious stones,
[he] advanc[ed] her city,
he made great442 her (sacred) mound,
he replaced her sacred image
within her palace.

5sʿḥʿ.n=f ỉwn
n ỉwn-wr

wpy.n=f wḫȝ
n wr-ww

ḫws.n=f šnʿ
n šw

sȝḫ.n=f sšn
n zmȝ-mȝʿ.t

sḫy.n=f wȝḏ
n swȝḏ-bȝ

bs.n=f bȝw.t
n bȝ-wr

sʿȝ[.n=f ʿr(?)]
n (ỉw)ʿʿ n Rʿ

sȝḫ.n=f ȝḫ
n ẖnmw

wḏ.n=f wȝḏ
n wȝḏ-ḥr

ỉtḥ.n=f ỉdḥ
n 6ỉdḥw

ḏsr.n=f šzp
n ḥḥ-n-ḥḥ.w

mȝwy.n=f 7mnḥ443
n mȝỉ-ḥzȝ

snṯ.n=f 8nḥm
n nḥb-kȝ.w

5 He erected a pillar
for the Great Air-Pillar.444

He opened a papyrus column
for Great of the Field(?).445

He constructed a šnʿ-column
for Shu.446

He made excellent an lotus column
for the Companion of Maat.447

He lifted up a papyrus column
for swȝḏ-bȝ.448

He made rise up a bush
for the Great Ba.

He made great [a plant column]449
for the heir of Re (= Shu).

He made excellent450 an ȝḫ-column
for Khnum.451

He commanded a green column (wȝḏ),
for Green of Face.

He hauled up a papyrus column (ỉdḥ),
for He of the Delta.

He sanctified a bright column
for Heh of the Heh-gods.

He renewed a 7 papyrus reed
for the Wild-faced Lion.

He founded a lotus column
for Nehebkau.

smn.n=f wbȝ
ẖr 9wḫȝ.w
š mỉ p.t
sḥḏ.tw mỉ tȝ

nỉ mnmn
10nỉ nni
mỉ p.t ẖr Rʿ ḏd(.tw) rwḏ.tw
m tȝ pn ḏ.t

Thus he established the pronaos,
bearing the columns:
bright like heaven,
illumined like the earth.

Without shaking,
without collapsing,
remaining, enduring, solid,
in this earth, forever.

Esna 163

Hymn to Neith

11ỉȝw n=ṯ
r qȝ n p.t
r sḫḫ n tȝ
12hn n=t
r mȝȝ ḥp.ty
snỉ-tȝ n kȝ=t
r-ʿ wȝḏ-wr

13nb.t tp-rnp.t
ḥqȝ.t ḫȝbs.w
ỉr.t Itm m ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy

14nb.t ḫȝty.w
sȝwy šmȝy.w
[qdf]ty.w (ḥr) 15ḥwỉ m wḏ=s
ʿnḫ mwt [ẖr] s.t-rȝ=s

16ỉty.t n nṯr.w p.t
ḥqȝ.t n nṯr.w [tȝ]
nb.t-r-ḏr ỉs
n nṯr.w dwȝ.t

11 Praise be to you,
to the height of heaven;
kissing the earth,
to the breadth of the earth;
12 jubilation for you
to the sight of the outer limits;
kissing the earth for your Ka,
as far as the Great Green sea.

13 Lady of the New Year,
Ruler of the Decan stars,
she who made Atum452 in Ankh-tawy.

14 Lady of the knife-demons,453
who owns the wandering demons,
the [reap]ers454 15 strike at her command,
life and death [are under] her authority.

16 Sovereign of the gods of heaven,
Ruler of the gods of [earth],
the All-Lady meanwhile,
of the gods of the Duat.

ḥȝ.t nṯr.w
ḫpr ẖr-ḥȝ.t
šȝʿ ḫpr
nỉ ḫpr ḫpr.w
ḫpr ḫpr.w nb.w
m-ḫt ḫpr=s

ỉr(.t) nṯr.w nw pȝwty
qmȝ qȝy qȝ
sḫpr ỉtn
ḏ(d).tw n=f Rʿ
ḏr ỉni st.wt=f r-ʿ [tȝ]

ỉr nṯr.w m zbṯ=f
[m-ḫt mȝȝ]=f sy
ʿn=f s(w) r rmy
17ḫft snỉ=s r=f
ḫpr rmṯ
m rmy.t n ỉr.t=f

The beginning of the gods,
who came about in the beginning,
who began the beginning,
before any creature had come about:
all things came about
after she came into existence.

She who made the gods of the Primeval One,
who created the high mound (of Hermopolis),
who created the sundisk:
he is also called ‘Re’ (Rʿ),
as his rays reach the limits (r-ʿ) of the [earth].

He who made the gods from his laugh,
[after] he [saw] her (Neith).455
He started again to cry (rmy)
17 when she went away from him:
thus humans (rmṯ) came about
from the tears (rmy.t) of his eye.

dỉ(=s) sw ḥr tp=s
m ỉrw=s n ỉh.t
mḥỉ=s ẖr=f
m Mḥ.t-wr.t

[…]=s sbỉ
ḥr=f ḥr mw
ḥtm=s ʿȝpp m rk=f
snḏm=f ḥr wp.t=s
m-ẖnw mw
r spr=s r zȝw m wḫȝ

She placed him upon her head
in her form of a cow,
she floated (mḥỉ) with him
as Mehet-weret (Mḥ.t-wr.t).

She [attacks] whomever rebels
against him on the water,
she destroys Apophis in his time;
he sits upon her horns
within the water,
until she reaches Sais in the night

18mw.t-nṯr Rʿ
qmȝ Itm
sḫpr ḏȝỉs.w
ỉh.t qmȝ ḫmnỉ.w
ḥr spr tȝ-sn.t
m […]
s.t mr ỉb=s
n ʿ.t-rsy.t

ḫmnỉ.w m ỉȝw
n ḥr=s
ḏȝỉs.w wr.w
m zȝ n ḥʿw=s

sbk Mnḥwy
ḥr ỉr(.t) n=s ỉȝw
twtw ʿȝ šmʿ-nfr
ḥr sȝ=s
19 ḥr-šdnw ḥr-gs=s ỉmnty

18 Divine Mother of Re,
who created Atum;
who created the Djaisu;
Cow who created the Ogdoad,457
reaches Esna
in […]
the place her heart prefers
in the Southern District.

The Ogdoad458 are in praise
before her;
the great Djaisu
protect her body.

Sobek and Menehwy459
make adoration for her;
Great Tutu and Shemanefer460
are behind her
19 Horus of Shedenu is on her western461 side.

nṯr.w m hy
nṯ m ṯhh
pʿy.t rḫy.t m wȝḥ-tp
p.t m ḥb
tȝ m ḥʿʿ
tȝ-sn.t ʿpr(.w) m ȝḫ.w=s
zȝw=s pw m tȝ-šmʿ

dr.n=s ȝh ḫpr ỉm
sḫr=s sbỉ.w
m ȝḫ tp-rȝ=s

spd.t ḥnw.t ḫȝbs.w
sšȝ.t wr.t nb.t sš.w
hȝy.[ty?] 20ẖr snḏ=s
tȝ ẖr šfy.t=s
tȝ.w ḫȝs.wt
(ḥr) sdȝdȝ n ḥry.t=s

m ws-n-p.t
m sbḫ.t štȝ.t

Gods are in jubilation,
goddesses are overjoyed,462
both pʿ.t and rekhyt bow their heads.
The sky is in festival,
the eart rejoices,
Esna is equipped with her excellent power,
it is her Sais in Upper Egypt.

She removed the suffering that happened there,
striking down the rebels
with the power of her utterances.

Sothis, Mistress of the Decan stars.
Seshat the Great, Lady of Writing.
The [two] firmaments 20 are in fear of her,
the earth bears respect for her,
all lands, domestic and foreign,
tremble out of terror for her.

She upon the Staircase,
in ‘The Window of Heaven.’463
Sacred of secret image
in the Mysterious Portal.
sšm=s r-gs zȝ=s Wsỉr zp-snw
ʿnḫ.tw zp-snw

Mnḥy.t ḥy m ḥʿpỉ
Nb.t-ww pw
sḫpr ỉḫt nb
ỉr.t sm.w
sḫpr wȝḥ.t
r sḫpr pr.t nb
n 21qmȝ.n=s
ỉr.n=s ẖr.wt
n nṯr.w rmṯ

So may she be!
Her statue is beside her son, Osiris.464
So may she be!
So may she live!

Menhyt, who floods as Hapi;
that means Nebtu
who creates all things,
who makes plants,
and creates grain,
in order to produce all seeds
for 21 those she created:
thus she made the food portions
for gods and people.

sš.n=s šnw.t=s
m ḥb rkḥ-wr
8 (1/5+1/15) n snw n pr.t
r rdỉ(.t) ḥtp.w n nṯr.w
ʿnḫ [ḥr.w]-nb.w m zp=s

ptḥ[.n=s] ʿḥ=s
m ḥb kȝ-ḥr-kȝ
27 (1/2 + 1/3 + 1/15)
n 4-nw n ȝḫ.t
r šms ʿntyw m ḫȝ.w nb.w nḏm-sṯỉ
r wr nṯr
m 22ỉbr ḥkn tỉ-šps mḏ tp.t
ḫȝ.w nb nḏm-sṯỉ nfr
nṯr.w m nh(.t) n ḥʿw=s
sns(n) nṯr.w nṯry.t
m ỉȝd.t=s

She opened her granary
in the festival of Great Burning,
on II Peret 8 (Meshir 8),
to give offerings to the gods,
every[body] lives from her leftovers.

[She] opened her palace
in the Khoiak Festival,
IV Akhet 27
(cf. Khoiak 27).
to offer myrrh of all sweet-scented ingredients,
to anoi[nt]465 the gods,
with ỉbr, ḥkn, tỉ-šps, mḏ, tp.t,466
all good and sweet-scented ingredients.
The gods protect her body,
and gods and goddesses breathe
through her scent.

ng(ȝ).n=s ḥw.wt=s
m ḥb ỉn.t
m 26 (1/2 + 1/3 + 1/30)
n snw n šmw
r sṯȝm nṯr.w
r ḏ[bȝ] ḏ[fn?]
m ỉry.w pȝq nṯry psḏ
mnḫ.t nb n ỉr(.t) ỉḫt-nṯr

She opened her chapels
in the Valley467 Festival,
on II Shomu 26
(i.e. Payni 26 ),
to clothe the gods,
to cov[er] the anc[estor?],
with ỉry.w, fine linen, nṯry,468 and 9-cloth,469
all linens for performing divine rituals.

23ỉb=s nḏm(.w)
m-ẖnw ḥw.t-ỉt
ḥw.t-mw.t bʿḥ(.tw)
m nfrw=s
pr-nṯr ḏ ẖr ḫm=s

nb.t tȝ-nṯr
ḥqȝ.t Pwn.t
ḥnw.t n tȝ nb
Mw.t m Išrw
Nḫb.t m nḫb.t(?)
mr.t-Ptḥ m ʿnḫ-tȝ.wy
Nbw.t m wḥʿ-tȝ
wr.t m zȝw
ḥw.t-ḥr m spȝ.wt nb

nb.t nšn
sḫm=s m Sḫm.t
bȝ ḥm=s
m Bȝst.t

24pʿpʿ ḥr m nsw.t-nṯr.w
ỉṯ.s n=f psš.ty
m mȝʿ-ḫrw

rn-wr m-hȝ.t nṯr.w
ḏ ȝy r psḏ.t

23 Her heart is pleased
within the Temple of the Father,
the Temple of the Mother is flooded with her goodness,
Per-netjer is sanctified holding her chapel.

Lady of God’s Land,
Ruler of Punt,
Mistress of all lands,
Mut in the Isheru,
Nekhbet in Elkab/Nekhen(?),470
Beloved of Ptah in Ankh-tawy (Memphis),
the Golden in wḥʿ-tȝ (Heliopolis),471
the Great one [in] Sais,472
Hathor in [all] districts.

Lady of rage.
She is mighty (sḫm) as Sakhmet (Sḫm.t),
and her majesty is appeased ()473
as Bastet (Bȝst.t).

24 She who bore Horus as King of the Gods,
having seized for him the Two Shares
in justification.

Great Name in front of the gods,
most sacred, truly, of the Ennead.

rḫ.t ẖr s.t-rȝ=s
ḥw.t wsḫ.t n=s wʿ(.w)

ḫʿỉ nb ẖr s.t-rȝ=s
ʿnḫ mwt m ḫfʿ=s
šȝỉ rr.t m wḏ kȝ=s
nỉ ỉ sḫr.w

wr wr(.w)
nỉ wr r=s
nỉ mỉt.t=s m tȝ-šmʿ mḥw
nỉ wn ḫpr.w nb.w m p.t tȝ
wp(-ḥr) pr ḥr-sȝ=s

ỉr.n=s ȝ.t
qmȝ.n=s wnw.wt
ỉr.n=s rnp.wt
qmȝ.n=s ȝbd nb
sḫpr.n=s ȝḫ.t pr.t šmw

The excellent one,
knowledge is under her authority,
Excellent of utterance,
whose events are successful,
the broad court belongs to her alone.

The lord appears under her authority,
life and death are in her grasp,
Shai and Renenet in her Ka’s command,
no plans are carried out
25 with her unaware.

Greatest of the great,
nobody is greater than her,
she has no equal in Upper or Lower Egypt,
there is nothing in heaven and earth,
except that which came forth after her.

As she made the moment,
so she created hours,
she made years,
she created every month,
and she produced Akhet, Peret, and Shomu.

ỉr.n=s šʿ
qmȝ.n=s zȝṯ
ḫpr zȝw
m zȝw-n-tȝ
ỉr mnmn(?) tȝ
nỉ pẖrẖr Zȝw

spȝ.t pw ḫpr
m ḥȝ.t
(tȝ)-sn.t mỉt.t m tȝ-šmʿ
26ḫnt-tȝ ḫ r=f

As she made sand,
so she created the earth (zȝṯ),
Sais (Zȝw) came about
in the ‘Beam of the Earth (zȝ n tȝ)’:474
if the earth shakes(?),
Sais (Zȝw) will not move around.475

It is the district which came about
in the beginning,
Esna likewise in Upper Egypt.
26 It is called ‘Khent-ta.’

dỉ=s ḥr-sȝ
r pr-nṯr
mḥ.t (n) tȝ-sn.t
ỉȝ.t nṯry pw
nỉ mỉt.t=s
r sfsf-ȝw
n Wsỉr nb ʿbȝ.t
ḥnʿ ḥtpty.w ỉmy.w-ḫt=f
sḏr n=s ʿḥʿ.w
nhp gȝwty.w
m dwȝ n=s

ỉšd šps ȝḫȝḫ.tw m ʿnḫ
nỉ wšr
Itm ḥnʿ ms.w=f m 27ršrš
m hy n kȝ=t
m hȝ-snḏ n ḥm=t
ḏḥwty hr(.w) rš(.w)
n ptr=t

nṯr.w štȝ.w
(ḥr) ʿḏʿḏ n mȝȝ=t
ỉmỉ.w s.t-[ʿȝ.].t
Wsỉr-nḫt Inp Imy-P
ḥr.t zȝ.t-Rʿ ỉwt.t-ww Nb.t-ww
ḥr nhm n rn=t

Afterwards, she set out
towards Per-netjer,
north476 of Esna
(it is a sacred mound,
without its equal),477
to deposit funerary offerings
for Osiris, Lord of Aba,
and the blessed dead in his following.
Those standing up lie down for her,
and vice versa;478
the suffering ones rise up early
in adoration of her.

The august Ished-tree is verdant with life,
never drying up;
Atum and his children are ecstatic,
The Guardian of Day 9(?)479
makes hy singing for your Ka;
The Guardian of Day 6
performs hȝ-snḏ cheers for your Majesty;
Thoth is happy and rejoices,480
from beholding you.

The mysterious gods
cheer loudly from seeing you;
those within the [Great] Place
(Osiris-Nakht, Anubis, Imy-P,
Horit, Daughter of Re, Iutu(?), Nebtu)481
make music for your name.

pr-ẖnmw n sḫ.t
28m hy zȝ-tȝ
sbỉ ḥ r ḥw.t-bȝ.w
hmhmty m zbỉ-n-sḏ.t
ʿȝpp bns(.w)
ỉz.t-Rʿ m ḥb

ỉmỉ.w tȝ-sn.t m ṯḥḥ
ḥw.t-ṯȝ.wy m ȝw(.t)-ỉb

wḏȝ ỉb=t
tmȝ.t ỉr ḏ.t(=f)
zbỉ nḥḥ
ḏ.t m-ḥr[=t]
dgȝ.n[=t] ḥḥ m rnp.wt
n ḥn.ty

Per-Khnum of the Field
28 makes hy and zȝ-tȝ cheers!
The rebel is far from Temple of the Bas,
‘Loud-mouth’ is now a burnt offering,
Apophis is hacked to pieces,
and the Crew of Re celebrates in victory:

Those within Esna exclaim in joy,
Temple of the chicks is delighted.

May your heart be sound!482
Mother who creates the morning sun,483
who passes through cyclical eternity, linear eternity is in [your] face,484 since [you] have seen millions of years
into the future.

Esna 164

  • Location: Column B, Lower Bandeau
  • Date: Domitian
  • Hieroglyphic Text
  • Bibliography: None.

Esna 164 A

Aʿnḫ nṯr nfr
wbn tȝ-sn.t
sḥḏ ḥw.t-bȝ.w
mk ỉȝ.t-ṯȝ.wy
mỉ Rʿ ḏ.t nḥḥ

A Live the good god,
who shines485 (over) Esna,486
who illumines487 the Temple of the Bas,
who protects the Nome of the Chicks,
like Re, for all eternity.

Esna 164 B

nfr […]
[…] m ms.w
wȝḏ zȝṯ
m pr=f
[…] tȝ.wy nb
m nfrw=f

B King of Upper and Lower Egypt,
good […]
[…] in products,
the earth becomes green
when he comes forth,488
all lands […]
through his perfection.

nb bỉȝy.t
sr ỉỉ
ỉty wr m-m nṯr.w nb
ḥʿʿ ḥʿʿ.tw n mȝȝ=f
ḥqȝ m Bȝq.t

Lord of wonders,
who foretells489 what will come,
great sovereign among the gods,
lord of rejoicing,
one rejoices to see him:
ruler in Egypt.

Esna 165

Minor inscriptions.