3.2 Data entry

In jamovi, we will have two columns:

  • Diet: we can set this up so that 1 means ‘Vegetarian’ (i.e. in row 1), and 2 means ‘Non-vegetarian’ (i.e. in row 2).
  • B12: we can set this up so that 1 means ‘B12 deficient’ (i.e. in column 1), and 2 means ‘Not B12 deficient’ (i.e. in column 2).

See Fig. 3.1.

The data needs to be set up so that each row represents one unit of analysis. That means there will be 124 rows of data: one for each person (unit of analysis).

In jamovi, the data would be entered as shown in Fig. 3.1; there would be 124 rows, but we only show some of these rows to save space.

Each row in the jamovi data represents one unit of analysis.

Each column in the jamovi data represents one variable.
The B12 data entered into jamovi

FIGURE 3.1: The B12 data entered into jamovi

Note that I entered 1 and 2 into the jamovi worksheet: jamovi just shows what these mean in the worksheet, because I have told jamovi what the 1 and the 2 mean.

Your data is now set up and ready to use.