9.1 Side-by-side bar charts

For this section, the data introduced in Sect. 7.1 are used.

  1. Use the SPSS menu: select Graphs: Chart Builder…

  2. Select the type of plot. Select Bar from the Gallery, then select the second template from the top row, and drag it to the canvas.

Selecting a side-by-side bar chart

FIGURE 9.4: Selecting a side-by-side bar chart

  1. Add the variables. Drag one qualitative variable to the bottom (left-to-right) axis; this can often be seen as the explanatory variable. Drag the other to the top right (where it says, cryptically, Cluster on X: set color); see Fig. 9.5).
  2. Press OK. You will have your graph in the SPSS Output window.
Adding the variables to create a side-by-side bar chart

FIGURE 9.5: Adding the variables to create a side-by-side bar chart