1.1 About DUH
The Dad-joke University of Humour (DUH) is the first University in the world to offer an accredited course in Dad jokes.
Definition 1.1 (DUH) DUH refers to the
“Dad-Joke University of Humour”.
DUH was established in September 2020, with the goal of ensuring the art and science of Dad jokes never dies.
We use only the best teacher2, contemporary teaching methods, and rigorous assessment technique. Our campus is vibrant (Fig. 1.1).
With DUH, you can be assured you are getting the best possible training in Dad jokes… in the world3.
DUH has won many national and international awards:
- DUH’s Vice Chancellor has been ranked as the Second Loudest Snorer in Australia Universities in 2020.
- DUH has been ranked in the Top 10 University in the World University Fluffy Toy Mascot Rankings in 2020.
- DUH has been ranked as the Top Australian University for its Chickpea Curry.
Dogs can’t operate MRI machines. But cats-can.

Figure 1.1: Students at DUH (image from https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/mcraft-escher)