2.4 Benefits
Although some people are cynical when it comes to Dad jokes (Jinsook 2018), Dad jokes have many demonstrable benefits. For example, Dad jokes are helpful for children:
Dad’s jokes are essential for child development.
—Stafford (2020) (23 August 2020)
While children are traditionally seen as the beneficiaries of Dad jokes, this view is far too restrictive:
Dad jokes are not meant to be told on stage of a high-profile comedy show; they are meant to bring a lite (sic) laughter to any room in any situation. They bring smiles when a smile seems impossible, they bring joy in the darkest of times and they can bring a group together when nothing else can.
— Nolen (2017), p. 4
Jinsook, Choi. 2018. “A Linguistic Anthropological Study of the Typification of Middle-Aged Men in Korea: An Examination of Ajae Joke Data.” Korean Anthropology Review 2: 109–39. https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/56458066/KAR_2_4_Choi_Jinsook.pdf?1525110770=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DA_Linguistic_Anthropological_Study_of_th.pdf&Expires=1598166801&Signature=Ug6ZRFYKNfhUAlmlSSu3oGZ5MdqiUDgO8JX3lTXtCztS6bB2EXT12AOOKSIKC23OjEV51zPulreUp1KklI4kBQQd0aJMasukssm-Gf4CZPhPytpyl5IYivSP2CvvRgwcDVyFifZ-~NE0iKpqeNzhkEC7S6zZ9c0LEpkftgP6W-dBfUN10pPNJnLnebcxiecBPUzfpenadmTVEZOx7jN9aaF4WBR~T4LeY8MohP2bOZzryVZqTePY7z1~GaluICPL9hOrgVt0gI90tRwqKw2SF5Pmu4lod9Fjhp1rkD0es2MUAYY9bcwfK3ZZ-4AIxsOEhYC9zGsJS6T83Fofoyfr-w__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA.
Nolen, Kennedy. 2017. “Documentary Shares Immigration Stories.” https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/154553355.pdf.
Stafford, Gnat. 2020. “Post on the (Private) Kawanalife Facebook Page, 23 August.”