8.1 ShinyDashboard Structure

A “shinydashboard” (https://rstudio.github.io/shinydashboard/) consists of three parts: a header, a sidebar and a body.

Let’s take a look at a simple dashboard, you can see that dashboardHeader () contains the title, dashboardSidebar () contains a sidebarMenu () and dashboardBody () contains output.

But let’s focus on shinydashboardPlus, we are using this package for this application. “shinydashboardPlus” is an extension of “shinydashboard” with “AdminLTE2” components. “AdminLTE2” is a free “Bootstrap 3” dashboard template available at (https://adminlte.io). Customize boxes, add timelines and much more. You can learn more here (https://rinterface.com/shiny/shinydashboardPlus/)

There are six main elements in the dashboardPage () function

 Stock Market Forcasting Application - Interface UI

Figure 8.1: Stock Market Forcasting Application - Interface UI