12.1 The user inputs

 Google Trend Sidebar - Interface UI

Figure 12.1: Google Trend Sidebar - Interface UI

Let’s start with the UI/frontend design, we have the user inputs i.e. add search term, Google product and period.

12.1.1 Add a search term

We already discussed the ShinyDashboard structure in the 8.1 session. So let’s move on to user input. Let’s start with Add search term, I used pickerInput(inputId = "stickers",choices = sticker$symbol) which put the Sticker data into global.R. You can see the following codes, choicesOpt = list(content = stringr::str_trunc(sticker$choices, width=30)), I wanted to cut the string of sticker$choices with the width=30

12.1.2 Google product Input with selectInput()

Google provided 5 different product choices for search, they are “Web”, “News”, “Images”, “Froogle”, “YouTube”. I used “web” by default

 Google Products Input - Interface UI

Figure 12.2: Google Products Input - Interface UI

12.1.3 Time Period Inputs

There are many options for the time period that users choose. I used the default library and two specific dates. If users select the second option, another input parameter entered for duration will appear in the Specific two dates section. Default Time Period from the Library

I have provided 10 different choices for the time period, namely Last 12 months, Last hour, Last four hours, Last day, Last seven days and so on. By the way, you will see the line break between 2004 and the present and two specific dates. I just want to separate the default and manual date.

 Time Period Input - Interface UI

Figure 12.3: Time Period Input - Interface UI Select Specific Dates Input

When the user selects Two specific dates from Period, the Dates window is displayed. I used the dateRangeInput () function. This specified two dates for the window, a start date and an end date. Better than using dateInput()

 Google Specific Date - Interface UI

Figure 12.4: Google Specific Date - Interface UI