7.9 Trading Size

Wealth: 1 million

Trade unit: 1000 stocks per trade

Test the following strategy based on 14-day RSI :

  • Buy one more unit if RSI <30.

  • Keep buying the same if 30 < RSI < 50

  • Stop trading if RSI >= 50

Evaluate based on day trading

To take trade size into account, we need to keep track of wealth:

qty <-1000
day <-14

signal <- c()    #trade signal with size
signal[1:(day+1)] <- 0 

price <- Cl(MSFT)

wealth <-c()
wealth[1:(day+1)] <- 1000000  

return[1:(day+1)] <- 0

profit <-c()
profit[1:(day+1)] <- 0

We now generate trading signal with size:

rsi <- RSI(price, day)  #rsi is the lag of RSI
for (i in (day+1): length(price)){
  if (rsi[i] < 30){  #buy one more unit if rsi < 30
    signal[i] <- signal[i-1]+1
  } else if (rsi[i] < 50){  #no change if rsi < 50
    signal[i] <- signal[i-1] 
  } else {         #sell  if rsi > 50
    signal[i] <- 0

Now we are ready to apply Trade Rule

Close <- Cl(MSFT)
Open <- Op(MSFT)
trade <- Lag(signal)
for (i in (day+1):length(price)){
  profit[i] <- qty * trade[i] * (Close[i] - Open[i])  
  wealth[i] <- wealth[i-1] + profit[i]
  return[i] <- (wealth[i] / wealth[i-1]) -1  

charts.PerformanceSummary(ret3, main="Trade Size")